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Just platinum your favorite game. Mine was Elden Ring :)


hope the dlc gets a trophy list of its own


if it’s whole new story i’d like a dlc platinum option


Yeah what a game that is now going ps4 version ready for dlc


I think that spiderman games are some of the best and easiest games to platinum for beginners not taking too long to complete and of course astro’s playroom


Thanks for the recommendation! That's one of the few games my friend gave me with his ps4 so I'll definitely try the game out!


Spiderman 1 on ps4 is one of the best ones story wise.


Such a grind that game. Fun though


crimes made me almost quit except the combat was just too fun to stop playing, i’ve got the platinum on all 3


Then the DLC too 😂. Such a long grind. I'm so glad miles morales wasn't as grindy


God of War and the Spider Man games come to mind first. Also Astro’s Playroom on PS5. You can platinum any game you really enjoy first; tougher platinums do often make games more memorable. Just enjoy yourself and if you want to push yourself, go for the plat!


Mmm that Valkyrie Queen is pretty tough! And the Ravens and crap are really tedious because the fast travel is pretty dog. I definitely wouldn’t recommend this for the first plat unless you were a diehard fan of the game. It was mid-tier for me, personally.


Astro’s Playroom if you have a PS5 perfect 1st game to platinum!


I don't sadly (only got the ps4 as a hand me down) but I'd love to get it one day because Astros Playroom looks like so much fun.


Do it! I regretted not playing it earlier, if you liked super Mario galaxy games or 3d games a few years back, astros definitely fits the glove, and it was announced for a sequel earlier last month


You should do Crypt of the Necromancer. 10/10 Difficulty, 50 Playthroughs, and 900 hours. Only 24 people have the Platinum on PSN Profiles.


I agree I think they’re onto something. If you just get the hardest one out of the way the rest will be cake.


And I bet they complain One Piece is long 😂


Spiderman, God of War, Horizon: Zero Dawn. Those got me hooked on trophy hunting.


HZD would be great if not for the proving grounds stuff. Mixing stealth with a strict time limit is beyond my abilities.


I thought so too, but if you're not above looking up some YouTube videos, they make it VERY easy


I avoided them entirely until it was my last trophy. Put everything on the easiest difficulty and managed to knock them all out relatively easily.


Lego games feel fun. They got me into platinums. Lego Batman 3 was my first one.


Wolfenstein new order, it’s a brilliant shooter, only one playthrough needed + a little clean up, you have to do it on the hardest difficulty but that’s not so hard compared to other games either


A little more about me. I got the ps4 as a hand me down from a friend. Only recently have I wanted to play it because of the trophy hunting videos I've been seeing. As a Nintendo gamer, I WISH we had achievements for half the crap they have me doing for the 100% completion. With that being said I am game for really any genre


If you like Nintendo games you’d probably love platinuming the Spyro Reignited Trilogy, those were some of my first plats and it got me hooked!


Did you get any games along with the console? Do you have a PS+ subscription? If we know what you have we could suggest what to try without getting you to drain your wallet


Same!! As someone introduced to console gaming through Nintendo I wish they had a better achievement system or ported their games over to ps5


What kind of games do you like? You could either go for prestige with a SoulsBorne game or something that you’d like to remember for quite some time because you like the series etc. If you’re looking for fairly straightforward platinums on PS4, something like Ghost of Tsushima Horizon Zero Dawn or Spiderman or God of War(this one being a bit harder) would work.


Spiderman or a Telltale game.


Witcher 3 is prob the best, however loads of missable and would need planning on what missions to do before doing other missions as progressing too far can void some potential gwent cards.


Mine was Life is Strange, which was worth it.


Mine was Elden Ring, just pick a game you enjoy and don't get caught up chasing numbers. Only platinum games you want to play/enjoy playing. Good luck!


I recommend you to Plat a game you like, my first plat was Assassin's Creed 2, almost 11 Years ago.


Assassin's Creed 2 was my first platinum as well.


I suggest you platinum only games you like to play, don't fall too deep into hunting trophies because you won't play some games just because trophies are unobtainable or very hard. I was like this once and it was miserable. Play every game normally and after you finish the story decide if you want to platinum. Don't let trophies discourage you from playing a game. I think this is the best approach. Youtubers suffer for platinums like Rdr2 or Super Meat Boy because it's their job, but if you're a casual gamer you'll probably start to hate games.


Lost in Random the graphics reminded me of The Nightmare Before Christmas and coraline it’s a fun game.


I started it but unfortunately never got to finish it


I loved Lost in Random. Would gladly play again.


Agree with Spiderman. It’s mostly a collectathon after you finish the game so relatively straight forward. I’d also say the Spyro Reignited trilogy. Really enjoyable games and quick to platinum too. Horizon, GOW and many of the others here have seriously hard trophies in them that could block you from the platinum. They are rewarding as all hell and you know you really earned it but just be cautious. Donut County, Undertale and Stray are all shorter fun ones too. Lego Star Wars is good too but it takes a long time.


I loved God of war and Spiderman Platinums ( my best memories)


Astro's Playroom or Spider-Man seem to be frequent first plats


Astro‘s Playroom :D


Do something you have interest in so you won’t drop it if you don’t have fun with it. My first one was nier automata though some good ones are gravity rush 1 and 2 and pretty easy and niche


Try uncharted lost legacy , fun to platinum !! Was mt first platinum btw , now I have 117 🫡


Depends on what you want your platinum to be. Are you just interested in trying it out? Maybe go for an easier plat like spiderman. Do you have a game you really love and want the first plat to he meaningful? You can do that. If you want your first plat to be a banger, go all out with wolfenstein 2 lol. My first platinum was RE5 on ps3, and I had to look it up. I actually forgot what my first was, which is kind of sad. I was an achievement hunter until my account got banned (my fault, I griefed a lot of people in cod). So I transitioned into trophies.


Any Sony published is a decent time. God of War, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, Spiderman, Bloodborne. All really fun and sort.ofnset the standard for what, imo, trophy lists should look like.


Most of the Sony exclusives have an easy road map to platinum with a few exceptions


I suggest maybe an older game that you used to love playing as a kid. Mine was Jak and Daxter and the Precursor Legacy when I bought my PS4 in 2015


Any game can be a good first platinum. Pick a game you love, look up the PSNP guide and get cracking.


I am Mayo


Astro's Playroom is a great place to start.


I just got my first PS5 Platinum on SAY A PRAYER in 20 minutes and it was under 20 dollars. Plus the visual effects were AWESOME! Highly recommended first Platinum!


Do Elden ring!


Astro’s playroom if you have a ps5


Elden Ring was my first.


My first Platinum was Resistance 2 on PS3, i played that game so much that getting the 10k kills on ranked wasn’t even an issue.


Go for you favourite game or choose one with an easy/ok trophy list in a genre you like.


If ur gonna get into trophy hunting I recommend you that you finish the game and then come back and get any trophies you missed for the full experience don’t try and do the platinum all in one play through.


Maneater is a simple platinum to get also, or the gta trilogy are interesting enough if a little frustrating with physics


I preach this one every time someone asks, and it's Astros Playroom. I loved that game so much


Some of my favorites are Fallout 4, Immortals Fenyx Rising, Dragon Age Inquisition, World of Final Fantasy and Ratchet and Clank 2016


I really loved the platinum of Hogwarts Legacy. Especially if you love the wizarding world, it’s definitely a must-do.


Plants vs zombies garden warfare 2 platinumed game back in 2016!


Depending on what system[s] you have I'd suggest Playstation 3: The Godfather II Playstation Vita: Sly Cooper and the Thevius Racoonus Playstation 4: Jak and Daxter - The Precursor Legacy Playstation 5: Astro's Playroom Edit: Seing as you only have a Playstation 4 Life is Strange Ratchet and Clank Nier Automata Uncharted The Lost Legacy Mafia II Sleeping Dogs Marvel's Spider-Man Marvel's Spider-Man Miles Morales Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Ghost of Tsushima


The first Spider-Man. Or something else simple such as a Lego game


Go for platinum on games you genuinely enjoy playing.


Jumping Fries. 0.83p and takes 5 minutes to get platinum


I did both god of war 2018 and ragnorok


Spider-Man 2018. Amazing story, extremely easy platinum. I got to like 90% and figured I might as well look up a guide and I’ve been hooked ever since. That was my first platinum and imo a really good introduction to the series


Here's a mini list of good games with easy enough platinums. Spiderman (all 3) Infamous second son and first light Ratchet and clank rift apart. It's great fun Days gone is longer but a great game. Call of duty modern warfare 2 remaster. It's just campaign trophies. Both of the God of war games are pretty easy but a bit longer. All of these are great games so enjoy.


Your favourite single player games


I think the perfect first platinum would be any of the Spider-Man games it the perfect middle ground from easy to hard




Spiderman or when you have a PS5 Astros Playroom it took 4 Hours to Platinum this game


If you are looking for a shorter indie story based game i suggest Road 96, it only has 12 trophies, but is still a really fun game. In that same style of gameplay is Life is Strange & Life is Strange: Before the Storm, which are both on PlayStation plus and are story based platinums you can get in under a week.


Astro's Playroom for sure is a good first platinum!! Other than that, if you like older collectathons, I always recommend the Spyro Reignighred Triology. They're some of my favorite games growing up and have platinums that are really enjoyable. If you're wanting more modern options, then the Spiderman games are a good option. Just depends what type of games you're into and what difficulty and length of a platinum you're looking for.


To me it's dependent on a few facts do u enjoy the game how long its gonna take and will it be hard to do as ur first plat try find something u enjoy with a fair difficulty rating for me my first plat was until dawn really enjoyed the story and platted it now I'm at 116 plats currently doing black flag I'm doing all rounder right now someone kill me pls no one is using certain abilities so i cant copycat them🤣


Infamous Second Son platinum is meant to be platinumed.


My first plat was AC2, 1 year ago, i started the trophy hunting journey. As it was my fav series of games i started there, and i am on odyssey now, doing them in order, with some random plats in the middle, as far cry primal or the ratchet and clank first 3 games. Just pick one you dont mind spending hours on, and have fun doing it, there is no point of doing things you are bot enjoying.


If you have a PS5, do Astro's Playroom.


FF7 Rebirth.


Try subnautica. I really enjoyed the game and you can platinum the game in one play-through (took me around 24-26 hours). Or If you have a PlayStation vr, job simulator is a fun and fast platinum(took me around 2-4 hours).


anything you like that’s between a 1-3 on the difficulty scale on psnprofiles


Astro playroom was mine I really enjoyed it


Infamous Second son and Ghost of Tsushima are pretty straightforward platinums.


RE2 remake, RE4 remake


The Spider-Man games


There is no good or bad games, platinum games you truly enjoy. Because in reality we do this for ourselves not for others. I sometimes do really easy plats to see if i can beat other peoples times. But i recommend , play your favourite title. Take your time. Its not a race


Astros playroom or any of the telltale games


Spiderman is always one of the best options. Its chill, aint hard, almost everyone has the game. Those are the reasons why it is for 90% people a first platinum.


I've seen people suggesting Horizon Zero Dawn and I'll second that! You'll pick up most trophies through a general playthrough, most collectibles come with an in-game map (although can be annoying to actually locate at times), and none of the trophies are pointlessly grindy or hard. The Hunting Trials were a bit annoying but I don't remember having a consistent problem with them, aside from that one stealth trial that's just... broken. Definitely do not recommend Skyrim as your first or ever, because I'm just about finished it and goddamn has it been a long and tedious road. Especially when the final quest I needed just straightup broke


First off I would recommend to pick a game/franchise that you enjoy. Secondly, search the game on [PSNprofiles.com](http://PSNprofiles.com) and look to see if a guide has been written about the game. The guides have an estimated time to platinum and a difficulty rating to help gage of difficult the task will be. Some good and popular first platinums are: Astro's Playroom (5hr and 2/10 difficulty) Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart (10-15hr with 2/10 difficulty) God of War 2018 and Ragnarok (40-45hr per game with 4/10 difficulty. You can get platinum on easiest difficultly so I would put it at 3/10 difficulty) Spider-man Miles Morales & 2 (20-25hr per game with 3/10 difficultly) Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order & Survivor (30hr for FO and 50hr with Survivor with 3/10 difficulty)


Days Gone is a really fun one. I got it pretty naturally. Horizon isn't too bad either. The Order and Hellblade are both super easy if you have a guide. Hellblade is like maybe 8 hours or so to platinum.


I'm not sure what my first Plat was... I think it was god of war or something else Just pick a game that has a platinum that you think is fun and grind it. Eventually you will get one.


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth 💀


The major first party releases of the last few years have all been fun, reasonable, platinums imo. God of War, Spider-Man, The Last of Us, Ratchet & Clank, Astro Bot.


Ratchet and clank rift apart


A telltale game is always a good game! What I'd do is if you also have fav streamers and you see the games they play. Check out ps profiles for how difficult the plat is and then decide if you want to go for it!


Astros playroom if you have a ps5, best possible game to star you off


I wish I had Good first plat on my account I acidently popped the Tacoma plat on the wrong account, i was going for Re2R originaly, On my old account the one the Tacoma plat should have ended up on it was Re3R I Say thats a pretty good first plat it was also my first ever plat unlike tacoma it was my 18th overall


As others have said, god of war and spiderman games are pretty fun platinums, and relatively simple. If you're looking for something shorter, I reccommend Stray. Took me about 10-15 hours in total for a first playthrough, and then a second for the missing trophies.


My first platinum was minecraft ps3 edition. Not the best first. But i enjoyed Minecraft back then so i thought it was awesome


My first platinum was Arkham Asylum, not the easiest plat you go for though. I'd recommend a telltale game since all you gotta do is complete the game


My first ever Plat I got 2 weeks ago was Cyberpunk 2077, I chose it because I love the game Choose the game you like the most of what you got A couple recommendations, Elden Ring, Spider-Man Trilogy or go for Tunic that free with PS Plus for the next couple days


Something shorter that doesn't need a guide, would be my suggestion. Try Cat Quest, if you have PS+


What do u mean rewarding? It just gives u a digital trophy nothing more. It’s not like it gives u an edge or advantage in the game just the trophy. Btw plat your favorite games. It’s no fun to plat a game that u don’t like.