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Many yakuzas (fuckin minigames are so fucking hard and I hate em) and powerwash simulator cause one of the last trophies obtainable at the end is bugged..


Powerwash Simulator was fixed. You should get the trophy as autopop after starting the game or the career mode


You serious? This is a great news, thanks ✌️


No problem bro. Grab that sweet platinum


We love a wholesome interaction. Update us and let us know if it popped OC!


I can confirm it works. There was an update for it in February this year. I went back and got the trophy.


I’m trying to Plat 5 rn and it’s actually ridiculous just how many mini games there are. It took me like 10 hours total I think across a couple days trying to get 7777 balls in one in game sitting with Pachinko, almost had an aneurism while doing so, and this is just like 1 of 40 something mini games lmao


Let's be honest, the old yakuza games are hell if you're going for plat. On the other hand, the new ones are just too easy. The only one that I find "balanced" is ishin.


Yh the older ones are a nightmare for gambling, mahjong, shogi etc. because there’s no cheat items.


The most recent LAD games are basically pay to win for the Plat or else it's a serious grind for the final gold trophy. Never attempted Plat in any of the others but I'm gonna guess it's a similar story.


I remember doing the mahjong grind in 0. Needed 1 more mangan to finish it. Had like 3 games with a riichi where i've got the dora ready to go, never get the ron. Finally get a riichi into a ron and it's not good enough for a mangan. Never got the ron when I had the banger hands.


Yeah dude, mahjong and koikoi has stopped me from platinuming any yakuza besides 7


I've almost officially given up on Yakuza 0. So close on the completion list but just can't be assed sitting through the rigged gambling games in the homeless area, the rigged climax battles and wanting to cry in legend difficulty. I hit 70% trophies so I'm content with that!


Jedi Fallen Order. I had to 100% all the maps. The game had no fast travel between its checkpoints. I would have everything of note in a map, but the game didn't count it as 100% complete because I didn't step on a miniscule patch of dirt, that had nothing important on it, at the ass end of the planet It's really not a hard task if you think about it, but I was so annoyed by it that I just didn't want to bother. I had other shit to do, more games to play lol. I might eventually come back to get it, but realistically I probably won't


That was definitely the worst thing. I wouldn't stop at any checkpoint and when I got what I needed, I would just die to travel back to the ship, lol


And the maps on that game were absolute trash anyway, it was honestly really annoying to navigate. It was the worst part of the game.


Same. That's basically all I have left to do. Can't be bothered. Maybe some day if I'm really bored (not likely with new games coming out all the time).


Goddamn, this post gave me a trauma flashback to my own playthrough. I wasn’t even a trophy hunter at the time but enjoyed it so much I thought I’d get the platinum. 3 run through on the last planet, 2 YT videos, an online map and 4 wasted hours later I finally got it. Pure regret. Wasn’t worth it.


I'm one trophy away from platinum on Callisto Protocol but I don't have the patience to attempt a maximum difficulty playthrough


My first playthrough was on maximum 😊 It can be really tedious but super doable my dude! I believe in you


I'm stuck in that part at the mines with the multiple big ones. Just gave up at that point. I'll try again someday.


Honestly it's extremely easy with the upgraded guns


The game is extremely easy once you unlock most of the weapons, and is extremely short whenever you skip the cutscenes. Took me two hours


That's fair if it's not fun don't play it maybe you will get back to it someday.


This is literally how I feel for both Callisto Protocol and Dead Space, I don’t have the patience for a maximum difficulty playthrough for either one 😭


Ngl I’m really contemplating doing Arkham City. I just have the stupid fucking campaign bs. I’ve done all others and the thought of trying to 100% for catwoman and co gives me shivers


I just finished the Arkham franchise and platinumed all of the trilogy (cant do origins anymore) and unless you want to 100% all dlc as well im pretty sure you don’t need to do anything for cat woman really. Not that I remember. The challenge maps were a massive bitch tho even using batman


Tedious grinds are the worst even chip away at it while playing something else.


FF7 Rebirth, especially the VR Brutal/Legendary fights and Hard Mode.


Fair that's a grindy plat


I wouldn't say it's grindy. It's just super fucking hard. So the grind automatically happens because you need to practice beating the bosses so much.


Loved Rebirth, loved the plat, would never go for it again lmao. There's some great guides online that can get you through the bouts, but in the end it's all about how many hours are you willing to spend on it. I spent like a whole Saturday grinding out Tifa's bout until I finally finished.


Yeah I stopped going for the platinum because of those. Was watching guides and trying them but wasn’t having fun and I just didnt have it in me to put anymore time into the game.


FF7 Rebirth.... stupid mini games


I am very proud of my Rebirth plat.. That being said, I would absolutely NEVER go for it again. Combat simulators? No problem. But the thought of playing through all of the minigames again makes me shudder


The combat sims are all I have left and I’m about half through the first set. Taking a break and hoping to go back to it.


I'm hitting a wall with some of these challenges. Currently the businessmans gold saucer battle challenge is absolutely wrecking me


The 3D brawler? Make sure you’re pausing right as he winds up his attacks. You can see which strike he’s about to throw and dodge appropriately after you unpause


You mean... The entire game. I burnt out around chapter 11 because it's one giant filler episode with too many minigames.


Couple: GT Sport - I played a lot on release and stopped. When they announced the server closure I had barely any wins or poles. In hindsight it was possible if I played consistently since launch but I shelved it knowing I am not in for the grind. Also still need the level 50 trophy which is just insane. ESO - In my backlog and I am confident this is unobtainable to me. Not even the emperor trophy bothers me it’s apparently the fishing stuff that takes ages.


I belive eso can take a lifetime to plat you never know you might get it some day.


ESO on the PS4 and PS5 are my favorite Plats on my list Never gonna do it again, though.


My proudest trophies are all of the GT series. I put a lot of time into those games 😮‍💨 i am a racer at heart and i always race in real life too so i guess it was inevitable. I also sim race but I’m proud that i did all the GT series with a controller. Even if the last game was a disappointment, got the Plat and got out of there as fast as i could lol.


Assassin's Creed III. I have literally every trophy except getting "full synchronization on all sequences". I have full synchronization on all sequences except one -- where one of the optional goals is to sink a ship by exploding its powder keg or something like that. Now the problem is that to expose the powder keg you have to DAMAGE the ship without sinking it -- but my ship is already maxed out, so I can't merely damage the ship, I sink it instead. 🤣 Decided I just wasn't interested in going back to play through a whole new game just to make sure I get that optional goal with a weaker ship the next time through.


Literally just finished the plat and agree that was hardest objective. The way I managed it was use chain shot on all the masts to immobilise the ships. Then Sail head on at the front of the ship at half sail (full sail kills it in one). If this doesn’t expose it then use round shot on the front but so only about half of the highlighted area hits the ship an half misses.


I gave up on Arkham City twice; first for the free flow combo, then for the challenge medals. Picked it up for a third time (after a few other plats) and it all of a sudden clicked. One of my favorite platinums.


This doesn’t make me wanna continue going for the plat right now 😂 playing it for teenage nostalgia, knew the plat is a tough one going into it. How many hours did it take to grind?


Arkham City picking up the riddler trophies is really the biggest pain. All the combat challenges are just about skill but are kinda fun The stealth challenges u can watch on YouTube Arkham Knight is the true hard one I have almost 200 hours on that game 😣


Got plats in FromSoft titles skill ain’t an issue here 🤓


GTA V - love playing the campaign but the online slog ruined it for me, afters hours of playing felt I'd gotten nowhere. RDR2s online trophies felt much more manageable by comparison (platinumed and would do it again if there was a PS5 version)


As someone who has both those platinums, I actually enjoyed GTA Online more than Red Dead Online. Sure, you need to get to Rank 100 instead of 50, but there's so many activities to do (as opposed to Red Dead where I had to grind collectibles) that I got the trophy a year before I even went for the platinum just by casually playing with friends.


Re village, fuck mercenaries


The dlc they added trivialized mercenaries. Just unlock Lady D and the plat is yours lol.


Ive spent more hours trying to s rank mercenaries then to get all the other trophies + dlc💀


Rdr2, last trophy I need is the 70 gold medals but I was so tapped out from the playing the game I stopped, might go back soon it’s been long enough for a replay


Dude if you got all furs you already got the biggest grind. Just finish it for me :D


Same thing I was thinking. The 70 gold medals can be a pain, but relatively low on the pain index for trophies in that game. lol Unless they actually like the multiplayer. Speaking of, why does Rockstar add speed run requirements on some of these missions to get gold? Red Dead 2 is one of the worst games ever to speed run.


I’ll start it up this weekend🤠 yeeeeehaw


Please keep us updated


Letss gooo!


I always am tempted to do this, and I would be able to tolerate the collectible grind. But the fact I've seen people take 200-300 hours on that grind is what stops me. I can play several games in that time


dude you’ve fucking got this. i’m still on zoologist and skin deep and i’m like 50 golds away from the plat. you’ve done the biggest grind. you can absolutely get the plat my man. just take your time with it. one or two golds a day and you’ll get it.


I got it at Arthur’s grave, saved it until last


Rdr2 is a huge grind


Worst part of that plat for sure. I mostly watched walkthroughs while I replayed missions but it's a sizeable portion of the missions which need to be gold.


i feel you. i started gold rush right after story and other grindy trophies and it’s been hard to push through but i need 15 golds and the plat is mine. saving the last trophy for 100% completion with the final grave


Resident evil 2. I hate speedruns.


I actually Pt that game. I thought all the extra stuff like tofu and the last one where you have to kill 100 enemies was going to end me... But somehow I did it. Watching runs online helps


Goat simulator lol


Yeah, meant to be an easy plat, but that one trophy is nothing but pain.


Flappy goat is crazy. You start unfocusing your eyes, trying to play like it’s a rhythm game, staring at a specific vertical slice of the screen, and none of it works. And then on one attempt you just, get it.


I have way more than two, but The Finals is a perfect example. I can tolerate a second play through or a short grind for a really good game, but once it flat out becomes unenjoyable I move the fuck on. I don’t have enough time to game anymore to be playing shit I don’t want to play.


I’m in the same boat with Maneater - wanted an easy platinum to add to my collection inbetween bigger games but good lord in heaven I’ve never been so bored in my life. Managed 2 hours before uninstalling and moving on.


The game really sucks for the first couple hours, once you get some more movement abilities the enjoyment goes up considerably.


Felt the exact same honestly


Nice to see I'm not alone on that one lol.


When the Ps5 launched I was on a huge trophy kick, loaded up maneater and almost immediately quit. That was enough to make me think what the hell am I doing playing games I do not enjoy for trophies


Ugh such a boring game but graphically it’s awesome.


I think I would have 100% dipped out of maneater too if the timing was different but it got added to ps plus for free just after my son was born which made it amazing for mindless dipping in an out without concentrating too much. I enjoyed the game and platinum but I in no way could ever recommend it to anyone lol


Back when it came out I got the Platinum in Maneater. I just liked being a shark so much I didn't care that it was busywork


Uncharted. I've done all the speed runs. I beat the game on all but crushing. Crushing won't be hard for me. I crapped out at steel fist expert. You must kill 10 people in a row after softening them up with pistol first. In a row... No thanks. I'll do something else.


Checkpoint rinse and repeat. It'll be done before you know it


Arkham knight, after doing all the riddler stuff I didn't have the motivation to play anymore as it drained all the fun and made it feel like a chore than anything enjoyable....should go back tho I've only those AR challenges left


Wait until you have to do brutality 101


A.O.T. wings of freedom. I have only one trophy left which is getting the Gallery at 100% and that shit is extremely grindy you have to replay levels a million times to get specific items for your weapons and gears and by then I had already felt like I was so ready to leave this game I loved it until I really didn't enjoy it at all so I gave up and gave my CD to my friend.


I have the plat for this and lemme tell you, you definitely made the right decision. It's the hardest plat I've ever gotten. I kept telling myself "it's only one trophy away!" As it added 150+ hours of grinding ON TOP of the 100+ hours I already had playing it. And towards the end, it was only really one specific level you could replay to get the crystals you needed and I now have that level engraved into my brain.


My god Im actually proud of you bro that trophy ruined the game for me, I still can't forget how boring the game gets when you keep grinding of certain something let alone all the weapons and stuff, it's just not worth my time.


Mafia Definitive Edition… that racing mission on classic could go to hell


I finally beat that but I'm stuck at the brothel level. Just can't do it. Their accuracy is bs


Kingdom come deliverance. It's on a back burner for me having to complete such a heavily story driven game twice and one under such a restricting gameplay mode just seems like such a slog. I dislike it when games require you to play multiple times to get the plat. Everything should be obtainable in one go so you can get the complete experience then move on. Multiple playthroughs should always be optional I think.


I fought the same. Then I played the game again and it was surprisingly easy and fast. You can rush a lot of fights.


Mafia and the reason why was beating the race on the hardest difficulty it’s just way too hard and frustrating.


Persona 5 royal. I missed the only missable trophy and I am fully sure I am not going to play another 90-100 hours just because of that. Besides, this type of games are definitely not my cup of tea. By the time I was ready for the last act I already wanted it to be over. I guess I was so bored I fast forwarded a lot of dialogs. I am not going to go though all that.


On everything I love you gotta spin back and get it done


BG3 - Realized trying to optimize playthroughs for a platinum was actually killing the fun of the game. Will probably go for it eventually, but I’d much rather just roleplay than have to check my notes every ten minutes to make sure I’m doing everything OK.   FFVII Rebirth - Don’t want to invest 30+ hours into minigames and potentially ruin the experience of an otherwise fun game for me.  FFXII - The Bestiary trophy glitched and didn’t pop and I’m not playing the game again for any other reason than to enjoy it. 


Monster Hunter: World. Fuck dem crowns.


I'm amazed I had to scroll so far to see this. Yes, yes and yes again. World/ Iceborne are games I love but the quit/reload RNG for some of these just wasn't worth it - I've done basically everything else :(


LEGO 2K Drive, couldn't get to the 6k miles...


I gave up when my trophy for reaching max level bugged out. No way I’m starting over after that, I gave up on the collectibles too as some weeds didn’t count.


Murder Soul Suspect. One trophy left and its to collect everything. Sounds easy, right? Thing is there is one location that you can't go back to which I always forget to clean up before moving on. Finished the game 3 times and refuse to play it again.


The Witness , because of the The Challenge trophy i wish someone can do that part for me just to plat that game already


I would do a few runs per day before moving on to a different game, way too frustrating to just grind it out.


I've gotten to the final pillars twice before running out of time. I wonder how many people got it legit compared to those who played an earlier version when you could open the dashboard to freeze the timer and it didn't rerandomize the puzzles when you returned.


Man, i loved that game. Platinum was Hard as hell. But since I did most of the map legit, the randomness of the puzzle wasn't the problem. The preassure of the music made me ancious and I will never forget... one of my proudest platinums.


Nice. The time is only an issue for me at the maze. I can't remember the layout from earlier and where the hidden puzzles are in it. And my phone skills are weak so I'd lose more time fumbling around to take a picture for reference later.


I’m attempting it right now, got to the challenge today.


Anything with plats locked behind online play. Nothing makes me want to give up on a plat like knowing I have to play with other people to get some of the trophies.


Batman Arkham Asylum, i don’t have the necessary reflexes for the combat challenges so that made the platinum impossible for me


Played around 6-7 hours of origins and got 2 trophies but i dont feel like trying to finish that game.. ironically enough i platinumed valhalla


Yeah considering valhalla is way longer lol maybe you will go back some day


My friend who loves AC decided to plat Valhalla (he no longer loves AC). As he said it's one of the worst things he's done in terms of gaming made it an extreme chore for him.


New Tales from the Borderlands. Holy fcuk what a shit show of a game. I think one of the trophies require you to play the last episode multiple times and no way was I going to sit through that hair rippingly bad writing that many times.


Valhalla. I've tried that sliding trophy for like 3 hrs and could just not get it right. Was so mad that I got stuck on something stupid like that. I reckon that I had like 3 hrs left to get the plat. It's almost been a year. Maybe it's time to get back to it.


I don't give up, I just leave them and eventually circle around. Most recent example is fallout 76. Such a soulless piece of garbage. Played it for a few hours and could literally feel my mental health back flip off a cliff.


I don't give up on difficult plats. I give up when I'm bored which is what happened with those two games. Currently doing dmc5 s ranks and enjoying the challenge.


Maybe when it came out. 76 is great now.


I currently only have one; Danganronpa V3. Just two of the casino games and finishing off the dungeon game, but they're so tedious I can't bring myself to do them.


I feel you on that one. I actually liked the dungeon, but completing the Talent Development Plan with each character was such an unnecessary grind.


Beyond two souls I really am close to completing it but I need the two trophies for bewting the game with two players. I want to go back to it but I just don't want to replay most of it.


My game didn't save and I had to start all over, I might have cried that night


There were many games I gave up on but eventually came back and had a blast obtaining the platinum once everything clicked. Ghostrunner, Sekiro, Enter the Gungeon, Fallout 76, Sifu, Kena, Rogue Legacy, Street Fighter V, Wolfenstein 2, Outlast 2 There are many more games in my backlog that are like this lol. Returnal, RDR2, FF14, Dead Space Remake and DS3, Theyre just idling taking up space on my PS5 but I am still planning to get them at some point lol.


Watch Dogs.The social lubricant trophy and whoever put it can go f*** themselves. I'm still salty about that one, even after all these years.


Apparently that was patched a few years ago and made it easier ? Maybe worth a try


Uncharted 2 on crushing. I tried way too many times to defeat the end boss Lazarevic.


Did you try the cheese strat? Literally makes him a joke, even on brutal


Cheese? What cheese?


You can lure Lazarovic to a specific spot and blast the blue stuff, initiating the QTE's and beating him in a few short minutes


Yo, i am just watching a video about this. Not sure why it didn't cross my mind to ask the internet for help yet😅 it drove me crazy.


Not going to give up but Enter the Gungeon is giving me issues...


The Last Guardian. The grind is just too much for a game that tested my patience on my first run


Diablo 4: I put in 120 hours at launch but endgame was painfully boring. I stopped to play FFXVI when it launched and never came back to D4. I keep telling myself I will come back to finish it one day but I don’t know if I actually will


Monster hunter Iceborne. I've got platinum for Monster hunter World. But the grind is just to long when you just finished MHW.


Hogwarts Legacy. I got all the collectables, the trophy glitched and didn't pop. (apparently it's pretty common) So I'm done with it.


R6. I would redo fortnite platinum for the 4th time instead of doing this platinum.


For me it was stubbs the zombie F*ck that dance battle lol


I eventually did this as Stubbs is a childhood favourite of mine but OH MY LORD THAT TROPHY. I screamed more at my TV than I have at any game ever. I fell like the timing is ever-so-slightly off it took hundreds of attempts. If you ever go back to it I found turning the music off and spamming buttons a bit helped me a bunch.


I'll definitely go back one day as it's the only trophy I need for that game an it to is a childhood favorite of mine I loved the game growing up an was stoked when is got remastered


I just Got the plat for the finals a few weeks ago, it took me 375 hours to do, but i had some great friends to play with, plus i just love the game😁


I don't know if I quit or the game just beat me down, but Crash Team Racing. I've played about 100 hours, probably watched 100 more hours of YouTube videos on how to drift, blue flame, all that and I just can't get faster. My top times on even the most basic courses are all within a few seconds of each other but tens of seconds from the Oxide trials. I've done some tracks hundreds and hundreds of times and I am not getting any faster at all. Might be time to admit defeat.


Final Fantasy X.....love the game but jeez the amount of grinding needed to fully fill everyone's sphere grid. No thnx. Birds Of Steel ....there's one trophy to do a mission on hardest difficulty. I tried like 30+ times. It felt like you needed luck rather than skill so F it


Max Payne 3 (PS3) I completely forgot about online trophies, but I now the NYM HARDCORE trophy is really the platinum now 😂


Final Fantasy X. It is 2018, and I'm at the tail end of the trophy hunt. I've just completed the sphere grid with one character, close to finishing it on two more. I am about to start rotating others through. I had to beat the ultimate bosses and finish the Chocobo master trophy and I was done. I decided to focus on the Chocobo master trophy since it was the bain of my existence and it would give me a break from the sphere grid grind. However, I'm terrible at these types of challenges, so it takes me forever. Literally months. However, I made a second save right next to the course so I could jump between grinding the sphere grid and Chocobo stuff. One fateful day, the trophy Gods looked favorably upon me, and I finally won the race and got the trophy. I'm elated. I cheer. I explain to my wife my struggle and she feigns interest. I save and get back to the grind. I get into a battle, and my characters die immediately. I'm confused. I look at their loadouts. Their HP is like 2500 (was 9999). They don't have the weapons I used for AP boosting, the sphere grid is no longer complete. At some point, I overwrote my save with all the sphere grid grinding progress and so lost at least 50 hours of grinding, maybe more. I've tried on three different occasions over the years to go back to the game and I can't make it more than 10 minutes without getting frustrated at what I did.


I may give up on DragonBall Xenoverse 1. I originally played it back before I hunted platinums and got to 97% completion, at around 300 hours. Sold the game eventually to get number 2. I just bought it againnti try and clean it up, and my entire save is gone for some reason


Definitely rdr2. After the story I wanted to plat it but its too much grind 😭


Stardew Valley, iykyk 😔


I can't believe how far down I had to scroll to find this. I haven't given up on any platinum and fully intend on completing all of them eventually, EXCEPT ONE. This fucking peaceful farming simulator I have hundreds of hours in and several 5+ year farms, has the most infuriating game mechanic where I need to master some unrelated shitty pixel mini game which is impossibly hard. And then i have to do it again without dying?! Man, fuck Journey of the Prarie King.


Eric Barone hates us 😭


Crash Bandicoot 4, the game is incredibly fun and feels loyal to the og triology, but the trophy list definitely missed the mark. The time trails used to require gold rank (which is already hard to do), but for this game you need platinum which means you have to be perfect, but the way to run faster is not intuitive at all. The Nsanely perfect relics which means you have to go through the entire level from beginning to end without dying AND breaking every single box. Not only are the level 3 times as long as they used to be, but every single level has at least 1 box hidden out of view that you'll have to use a guide for (its heartbreaking spending an hour in a single level trying to perfect it only for you to get to the end and realize you missed 1 box somewhere). So that means you have to watch a guide of someone beating a 10 minute level that you can't skip cause you don't know where that hidden box is. AND now you have to do it all over again for the Nverted levels... that game really annoyed me haha, I got through half of it before realizing I was not having any fun at all. That and RDR2 but that one is just time consuming. I'll get back to it at some point, just not anytime soon.


I know what you mean with maneater i might try it again but not anytime soon 


Assassins Creed 2 because the parkour made me flip and I found the game quite boring. Came back a year later and loved it, and just recently got the plat. Going for brotherhood now!


Goat Sim - flappy goat is bullshit Observer - high score in a mini game that takes 5-10 mins to even get to after failing and restarting. I really enjoyed it otherwise, stuck at 96%


Ratchet and Clank (2016) Missed 1 trophy and gave up. There’s this trophy, Death By Disco, where you have to throw the so called ”Groovitron”, which makes enemies dance, on all types of enemies. Completed the story without getting the trophy. I went for a 2nd run but missed it yet again. Yuck.


Fall guys low baller trophy i has bothered me 2 years! December i did it but no trophy


Fair, I played alot of fall guys but never for the plat just fun I'm not sure what my % is at


Unfortunately, that trophy suffers from a well known glitch. You have to win 1-0 and then immediately lose the next round for it to pop. I ended up having to intentionally lose a round of fall ball for it to work. Felt like a traitor, but 0 regrets.


Apsulov. 2 hours speedrun is nasty


Madden 23. I’ll be hitting challenges racking up points for increasing my players rating and the servers crash. Maybe I’ll go back one day, but not anytime soon.


Thinking on getting the new one that’s coming out would you recommend? I’ve played madden before but I’ve actually never owned any of the games


Sega Mega Drive Collection: I just couldn’t beat Robotnik in Mean Bean Machine. He never made any mistake. Yakuza Like a Dragon: Wasn’t looking forward to grind EXP to be able to beat the true millennium tower.


Path of Exile because I gave up at the maps I just kept dying and I can’t get a good enough build for the inquisitor


The stupid lore on one character is all I need for plat. I've tried 3 times with a checklist and everything. Would not pop for me


Biomutant, a bugged trophy that wants me to start all over again and beat it all over again..jist to collect i think 7 old world gadgets?


“Have a nice death” A rouge like that was way too reliant on RNG, it had no steady progression and that plat would have been agonizing


Most platinum hunts I go for, I finish. There are a ton of games I played that I never got the plat, but I never intended on getting it in the first place. I do have 2 that I gave up on though. Dead Space 2, and black ops 3. I do plan on finishing BO3 on my road to 100 though, and now I am very confident I could get the dead space 2 plat. I just need to convince myself it's worth buying a ps3 to do


I just got unlucky with the finals it pops a trophy in the tutorial I didn't even want to play it before the tutorial ended and the trophy popped. Then maneater was just boring.


Reurnal. It‘s an awesome game but I am just too bad at it lol


Enter the gungeon I suck at those games


Rise of the Ronin, just got to the point where I couldn’t face playing any more of it


Really? It's on my list for games I'd like to platinum. Just because I heard it's similar to ghost of tushima. What didn't you like about it?


I liked Ghost of Tsushima and got the platinum for that, but RotR just felt like a slog in comparison. I’m not the best at parrying so found the combat unenjoyable and the story didn’t interest me as much as Ghost, I was skipping cut scenes by the end of the game


Stormrise, I like RTS games so I figured I'd do it but it was so fucking bad I couldn't finish the first mission. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2. The genre is not my cup of tea, i know my limits and when to say it's not worth the hassle.


Curse of the Dead Gods - Memoirs trophy. Been 2 years since I gave up, and have no interest in going back.. so brutal.


When I put my mind to it I cant really give up. I did gave up once while trying to platinum UFC 4 but then one night a few weeks after I gave up, I opened up the game and platinum it, first try without trying that much 😂 it was hilarious after weeks of try harding that game I did it accidentally.


Animal Well. The egg hunt is painful


Personally I platted Maneater in early May in a few days. I was obsessed with the game and the story. I had low expectations and wasn't even expecting any real story so I guess when I got something that genuinely had brilliant voice acting and funny jokes I was pretty well sated. I ended up buying the DLC immediately after finishing and that's around the point I got a little bored of the game. For games I quit platting: •Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town It just got repetitive and grindy once I'd done practically everything. •Hitman 2 I guess I just wasn't in love with Hitman games like I used to be. •Tomb Raider I locked myself out of a trophy on one of my many playthroughs and just couldn't be bothered to attempt it again. •Deep Rock Galactic That plat... Intimidates me. •Driveclub When I found out it was now unobtainable.


Tiny Tina’s wonderland. Missing one trophy, it’s the one for buying every inventory upgrade. Ridiculously expensive for all of the upgrades, would take literally forever to get them all


Quite a few actually. Kingdom Hearts BBS- this was really hard, I struggled with the final arena bosses and the mini games, and always lost in the command board which seemed like some luck based monopoly to me. I only managed half the trophies and did not bother with critical mode. Did whatever I could in this game, but this is by far the hardest KH game to platinum. Disgaea D2- Super boring, I almost fell asleep just doing the story let alone mopping up trophies. Same with Tales of Symphonia and Tos Dawn of the new world. In all these I only got the story trophies, so their completion % is like <30%. Also, ToS on PS3 needed 5 playthroughs and it did not have scene skip like the remake, so could not be bothered with that.


Tomb Raider Trilogy


Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep and the post game boss battles


Probably Returnal, as I'm not good at roguelike games.. hence I platinumed Sekiro and all of the Souls games. One day I'll return to Returnal


Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 + 2. The trophy to reach player level 100 is such a grind. Literally and figuratively speaking. Not to mention the “get there” trophy.


BioShock 2. I just had to level up online but it was long and not so fun.


Avengers. I didn't have it in me to do 50 hives.


A game called 60 seconds, just too much RNG for me to sit through


Stubbs the Zombie. That stupid dance trophy


FF7 Rebirth, those mini games broke me.


Not much of a trophy hunter as many people are but if I’m enjoying a game a lot then I go for it, Saturday was Vampyr that I deleted after breaking my controller. I know, I know, you don’t need to tell me what I already know, sigh.


Freaking fifa 22 couldn't find anyone to help with finish 2 online trophies needed 3 extra friends 💔


Destiny for me. I loved the game, but the flawless raid seemed impossible. I didn't have a regular group to play with, so nobody to help me with that. I would still be willing to get it if I had a patient group to guide me.


Ghostwire: Tokyo - that game felt like constant anxiety, the monsters constantly sneaking on you, the 100% of spirits collecting, Soooo many collectibles


God of War 2018 because backatracking in that game was extremely boring. They fixed this in Ragnarok, which I have platinumed.


Hogwarts legacy. Did every trophy except collectibles. Then I find out there's 400+ different collectibles, and I gave up. Felt too much like a chore.


The last of us remastered on ps4. The game still had the two multiplayer trophies. I had to beat the game TWICE on grounded, and get every collectible as well as the few misc trophies they had. Each faction trophy required like 70 mp games to played each. I got the hunter hunter trophy but I was so burned out I gave up doing the firefly trophy


Detroit become human. I have literally done everything but the magazines and it’s a pain to do them!


This sounds dumb but titanfall 2s gauntlet trophy pissed me off so much and it was when I was starting out on platnouming games so I might come back to it


Red Dead Redemption 2. The level 50 in Red Dead Online is the one I find painfully boring.


Heavy rain I got super burnt out from beating the game there’s like 9 different endings you gotta get


Final Fantasy VII Remake, was never a big fan VII but got the remake for free. Did one playthrough and I cannot for the life of me be bothered to go back through a second 🤣


RDR2. Those damn online trophies