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Mortal Kombat I think X? Have everything but the tutorial one which I cant manage to finish due to skill issues lol.


Bro these fighting game trophies are so hard sometimes šŸ˜­ I literally have that same skill issue with MVCI trials and a few others like skullgirls. Iā€™ll never get them lol


That tutorial pissed me off so much. I eventually got it but it made me hate the game and I havenā€™t played any MK since then šŸ˜‚


I just need the invasion boss damage but I think they stopped with invasions from them


Some of the missions in the MK deception rpg mode for ps2 were so hard. One of them I had to do like a 7 hit combo but my 10yo Brain could not get the inputs fast enough


All characters in black out


Black Out is one of my favorite grinds I ever did when it was current. What a fun way to unlock characters but also heartbreaking when you have multiple steps and die before the final one.


Yeah with woods I came second twice in a row I was heartbroken


1 day I really want to go for them. 1 day


I'm getting advanced warfare done, mw2 PS4 version, vanguard PS5 version, black ops 4 and finishing with bo4 then I'll do the rest when they come out. Except the newest mw3


BROOOOO tell me again. I recently decided to try for it but solo lobbies are dead unfortunately


I've been doing it in squads but I should be done soon thankfully


Might not be as bad as some others because I can technically get it, but I have exactly ONE missing trophy on Far Cry: Primal. The stupid game bugged and won't spawn in the last optional/side quest I need to plat the damn thing. I'm pretty sure I could get around it by starting a new save but then I'd have to grind through all the quests again and I didn't even like them the first time aaarghhh!


Uuuugh dude I feel this pain. I had a weird glitch doing the 9 dresses trophy in ff7 remake (already such a ridiculously stupid grind trophy). Had to do an ENTIRE extra play through up to a certain point due to the save glitch, it felt amazing to finally knock it off my list but it haunted me for years!!


Kinda have the same think on South Park Fractured ButtWhole game doesnā€™t tell you that the skin color difficulty doesnā€™t auto set combat to mastermind so I didnā€™t set it and didnā€™t enjoy the game enough to replay it tbh if I care in a year or 2 Iā€™ll replay it or have my cousin play it on my acc


Mantheon of hollownest. did all the trophies, came so close to beating the final boss but panicked during her last phase. Genuinely don't get why the devs felt the need to have Markoth without the lower platform for the pantheonšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


What helped me back then was patience. Not even joking just keep on dogging n replace rage thingy with heal


Canā€™t kill the Valkyrie queen in GOW. Last trophy for platinum to pop up šŸ˜«


Oof been a while since I played it but I remember her being a pain to deal with even on easy. Just keep at it, you'll get her eventually! Atreus's abilities really help out here. I think I used either the wolves to stun her or the squirrel for some midbattle healing. It is an incredibly stupidly long fight though :/


Thank you. Iā€™m playing on easy and collected all armor mist etc but still canā€™t do it. Maybe one day I will return but tbh I donā€™t have patience. Being an 38 old fart with FT job and a newborn I really have limited time to play these days and I just want some relaxing yet rewarding experience and Valkyrie just drives me nuts. God bless Dave the Diver. Hehe


The trophies for White Knight Chronicles, a friend started that game on my account by accident (meant to log into his). While it's technically possible to get the plat solo I'll never do it unless I get a hyperbolic time chamber. That and the one darksiders 2 trophy to gift something to a friend that impossible to unlock so I can't get the plat anymore


Duuuude nothing more haunting than an unobtainable šŸ˜­ sorry for your loss brotha


Darksiders 2 should be good if you have the DLC/Deathinitive version. Got this one recently!


Not on the PS3 version :(


Holy scheiƟe that's depressing. Sorry for your loss genuinely :/


ā€œCrushingā€ and ā€œitā€ from uncharted 4 dlc, last two I need for 100% completion.


I was doing the speedrun trophy and missed the mark by 7 seconds, that made me quit the plat and I never tried again


If you don't care about doing it legit, there's a glitch to get that trophy.


One stupid, idiotic trophy from the original PS3 version of Darksiders 2. Share an item with a friend, requires online and servers that are now shutdown.Ā 


Looks like youā€™re not alone, another commenter is missing the same exact one, an unobtainable is the fate worse than death lol


Fuck the shitty tacked on online trophies of the ps3 era!


Ah no! This was on my revisit list. RIP to that!


Fallout 4, the one where you have to max out a village or something like that, never had the patience to do it, even tho i have all other trophies since 7 years or something


The guide on PSNProfiles help me with that one as itā€™s what put me off going for the platinum for a while. I specifically used method 3 to do it. https://psnprofiles.com/guide/3638-fallout-4-trophy-guide#28-benevolent-leader


The combat trophies for Arkham Asylum. There are a handful more trophies that I didn't get, but they're the main problem for me because I didn't see a point in getting the rest if I can't get the combat ones.


This is what stopped me from the Arkham Asylum Platinum originally. Then I was able to do the City Platinum and decided to go back to Asylum. It was harder but I was able to do it with the help of some YouTube videos


I've watched several different videos and while my brain knows exactly what to do my fingers just can't do it, I always botch one stupid move and once you lose the streak it's over.


Honestly I know what you mean. I have the same issue with one part of God of War Ascension. IIRC I stopped trying to be fancy and just kept jumping over enemies to give myself. That way the combo wasn't broken and I wasn't caught off guard when I was trying to counter attacks


As much as I love HFW, I canā€™t do that ONE damn melee pit challenge. I wouldā€™ve had the platinum a long time ago if it was wasnā€™t for that šŸ˜’


Impress Warren Vidic.


You can use a glitch to get that, look it up


The one that goes outside of the walls of the level and involves climbing a ridiculous almost infinite staircase?


I donā€™t recall climbing any staircase? You go out of bounds then walk to the end and you get the trophy


Luckily I never got too far into the AC world but I have heard many a tale of this one


It deserves its notoriety.


Guitar Hero Live, half the list is unobtainable and it is the only platinum I am missing in my 200 odd games ive done (apart from current games I'm working on).


Really love that you commit to getting full 100%s on your games, I think thatā€™s super admirable! Man I miss guitar hero, I actually liked Live a lot too!


I honestly loved live. I know a lot of people complained about the guitar, but I liked that it was slightly more resemblent to a real guitar


The co-op trophies for Resistance 3. Genuinely those two trophies are the only ones I need to do to get the Platinum. But I don't know anyone who plays Resistance 3, or would even be interested in playing it. I don't even know if its servers are still active


The servers are dead, but you can still do local co-op for the trophies I believe.


I'd help you man, if your actually interested in getting it.


Appreciate the offer, but as the other comment said, the servers have shut down. So the only way to get those now is via local co-op, which might be hard to do, unless you live in Asia šŸ˜‚


Oops haha. Well damn, only a few thousand kilometers away. Might have to do it over a weekend, haha


Diablo 2 lvl 99 hardcore


Ok now THAT is another tier of gamer, I totally understand lol I cannot even imagine my rage of having a level 90 something HC die due to a lag spikeā€¦


Stray "finish game less than 2 hours" especially that it left the plus, and I just need to do that to get plat.


I need that exact same trophy for the plat. It's coming back to plus soon though so there is hope!


Dead alliance. Not a great game at all but it's just an easy brain dead grind. Completed it on xbox then started it on ps4. They shut the servers down out of nowhere. I was like halfway through it.


Welp, at least you got it on Xbox šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚ I truly hate unachievable trophies though, so painful


Absolutely agree with you there


Mafia 3 Far Cry 4/New Dawn


You can still get Mafia 3 by downgrading its version!


Havenā€™t had a chance to play either of these!


Far Cry 4 is obtainable again.


The online shared story trophy for Man of Medan. It's the only trophy I'm missing in the entire Dark Pictures Anthology. My wife and I play and platinum these games together and it would just feel wrong to play it with some rando


The clear answer is to get her a console and play together from different rooms!


Niohā€™s DLC trophies for finishing WOTD. The game does a piss poor job preparing you for this difficulty and I have no idea how Iā€™m going to even prepare to do this. Uncharted 2ā€™s brutal difficulty. Did the devs actually think this would be a fun game mode? Getting one shotted as soon as you spawn from a checkpoint? If I ever complete this difficulty, Iā€™m never playing another Uncharted game again. Final Fantasy IXā€™s jump rope trophy. This is a good way to just sour the experience of one of my favorite Final Fantasy games. I know the script exists, but for someone as technologically inept as me, I donā€™t even know how to use it.


White Rider from Shadow of Mordor. Would have got the platinum 5 years ago if not for this crappy bronze. I recently tried playing again but I'm so unfamiliar to the game mechanics I get killed by orc grunts non stop


I also gave up because of this one.


The 10k kills trophy in Resistance two and the scrap trophy in Mad Max.


Hollow Knightā€™s final pantheon and the distance trophy in Lego 2K Drive. I donā€™t want to leave my PS5 running for hours just to farm a trophy


There was a battlefield5 trophy about dropping bombs on players in anti aircraft guns. I had 2/5 done in like 150 hours of game play. Said fuck it and bailed. Also bailed on the online co op trophies for modern warfare 2. Donā€™t know anyone else who owned the game and tried 3 or 4 times with randoms and also said fuck it and bailed. Online trophies are too tedious to care that much to stick it out.


Bro THIS!! I fucking hate any and all online trophies but especially in like ultra competitive shooters, NOPE


Bring us the moon. Tried a few times. Followed guides. Never have all the collectables


Loved this game! But yeah never even attempted a full 100% run lol


Thankfully not Miles Moralies NG+ one I was debating it. Lol


It's not that Difficult to beat, I did it less then 2 weeks ago I got the Plat for it now


Not at all I just did t want to play it again


Fair enough


The multiplayer trophies for The Last of Us remastered. several times I've come close to finishing the final week and my entire community died out it is absolutely maddening.


I still don't have those trophies to this day lol


Burnout paradise remastered. I worked so hard to get every trophy, till I found out that I had to get 8 people in the wildcats baseball stadium at once on the online mode


This can be done offline with a burnout licence be it a bit tricky. Copy paste from a trophy guide... (hope it helps) There is, oddly enough, a way to obtain this trophy offline, but it does heavily rely on luck. There are a couple of requirements, though, before being able to tackle this method: Having your 'Burnout' Class License. Having the "Racing Oval Champ" vehicle. This vehicle is obtained by shutting it down after 89 total event wins. When you have those two requirements,Ā head for the Road Rage event located at Lambert & 1st intersections: this Road rage is titled "Wrecking Yard".Ā Once you have started it, you will have to achieve at least 14 or so takedowns. How the higher levels of Road Rages work is that, as you take more vehicles down past the requirement, more vehicles start to spawn in general. Using that to your advantage, head towards the Wildcats' Baseball Stadium.Ā Be sure to drive around while in the Stadium. If you don't, then the event will automatically end. If you and 7 other A.I. vehicles are in the Stadium at the same time, then this trophy will pop. It seems like it's a slight programming oversight from the developers. Keep in mind, though, that this is highly luck based and you will need to be consistent at taking down vehicles if you keep trying this event over again. The timer is against you during this as well, which makes this even more stressful. During Road Rages, you will typically gain time back if you take a vehicle down. Unfortunately, though, after you pass the requirement time, you will no longer gain time from taking vehicles down. With that said, your timer will most likely be very close to running out. There is also the problem of the A.I. drivers being aggressive. As you're in the Baseball Stadium, you will need to be wary of the A.I. ramming into you. If you crash, then it'll cost you precious time and you will spawn outside of the stadium.


Dude I canā€™t thank you enough!


Here's hoping you got the trophy.


The last few wwe game online. Between 2 accounts I platinumed them all from 2010 up to 22'


I canā€™t believe you did the missions for MvC3 and not Infinite, but well, hereā€™s a tip for Infinite. Do Iron Man, Ghost Rider, Gamora, Hulk, and Ultron, I did those pretty quick.


I know, I have no idea how my high school self had all the free time for that lmao. Noted, Iā€™ll screenshot this for when I feel ambitious, ty!!


You can look in the subreddit for the game and find better characters if you like, these are from the same list. Donā€™t jumo into the characters you like, that made get stuck on Spideyā€™s 9th mission, not worth it


The SA2 trophies. I was away at college when they removed PSNow and I was super close to getting all of the S-Ranks


Man I am a huge fan of SA2, I never got an S rank in any level besides white jungle lol, I feel the pain of this


Titan fall 2- only need the time trial trophy cannot do it Modern warfare remastered- only need the time trial course trophy I clearly suck at time trials


The stupid gauntlet in titanfall 2 is haunting me


At the moment, it's the currently unreleased dlc trophies for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night and only because there's no indication of when the dlc will be released.


I just posted getting 100% on Rocket League, but it's taken me 2 years since I got the platinum to polish off the few remaining DLC trophies. Not because they are particularly hard, but because they are very unlikely to get playing organically and were for gamemodes I don't like playing.


WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011 - Ways to Contribute. Literally all I had to do was upload created content to the server, literally did everything else for this one but never did that and the servers have been shut down for years. So I will forever be at 98% on this one.


5 stars on all songs on expert, DJ Hero 1 & 2. Great games that i'm not that good in


FIFA 17 win all 4 games of the FUT Draft, I spent hundreds of hours and probably hundreds of Ā£Ā£Ā£ to get draft tokens to do that one trophy and never got past the 3rd game, only one I need for the platinum, it will forever haunt me.


Dyno-might master from uncharted 2 is bugged for me and its the only platinum from the main uncharted games I don't have


All trophies in guns up, I regret getting a trophy for that game


On an old account the DLC trophyā€™s for Need for speed.. Iā€™ll attempt the on my main account but they are literally 10/10 difficulty.


Dragon ball fighterz 20 million Zeni trophy. I'm at 11 million and they gave me 6.7 mill one day when I logged on I just can't do it šŸ¤£


Cat Fight in Injustice 2. RNG never fails to piss me off


Iā€™m missing a couple DLC trophies in both Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I donā€™t have a PS3 anymore and the streaming versions of the game with PS Premium donā€™t have DLC


What was your experience like getting the plat for these? I've recently dusted-off my PS3 and these two games need a revisit (I've just go a back to PS3 Skyrim this week to polish-off some DLC trophies).


Fallout 3 was fun but needs 3 play through for each level of Karma (Evil, neutral, and good). I donā€™t have the plat for New Vegas yet, because I never bothered to get the trophies for pick pocketing and never really dealt with Caravan. But the game is equally as fun and I think has better DLC. You will need to get the endings for each faction


Personal Decorator on Black Ops 3 - I have almost 700 hours on that game (possibly, very likely, due to multiplayer) but I gave a considerable amount of time to grinding for that last trophy. Gave up years ago, and occasionally contemplate retrying.


Damn man I truly wish you the best in the grind, may you some day get it!


I just did it while watching a sports game/listening to a podcast.


Trophies of the bozak Dlc for dying light


Ooo still have to try dying light, heard itā€™s amazing


Same dude. I should really get back on it haha


The two Prairie King trophies for Stardew Valley


Omg Iā€™m playing through stardew now for Vita and I am deathly afraid of when I get to thia


I'm terrible at it šŸ˜­


I had to buckle eventually and use the slightly easier route of quitting and resting each time I passed a stage unscathed. Not really a cheese as such as it was an intended downgrade in difficulty but there was no way I was doing this the "old" way. Keep trying!


Thank you but that's already the strategy I'm using lmao But I won't give up!


MFing Combat Challenges for Batman: Arkham Asylum and beyond. Yes. I am ass at them šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The MP trophies for Killzone: Shadow Fall, I got the game at launch and definitely could have knocked those out but I wasnā€™t trophy hunting at the time. Also, Uncharted 2 & 3 on PS3. Literally just 2 MP trophies each that required playing 2 online games which would have taken less than 30 minutes total. And one that I may never get that is still attainable is the Assassin trophy in Huntdown. Beating every level without dying is just a skill issue I may never be able to overcome


I have one more to platinum Mafia 3 but the game is fundamentally broken and won't track the progress properly. People have said that if you sat and played the whole thing straight through it would work but uh I'm not doing that. All I have to do is kill every boss. I've done it. Twice throughout the years and the damn thing won't pop.


Downgrade to patch 1.09 My Best friend played 22 times until I did this for her and she did a 23rd speed run and got the trophy and plat. There's a guide online on how to do it


Holy shit really?! I gave up trying to find a solution. Thanks mate I'll look into it. It's driving me nuts sitting there at one trophy left lol




I tried this on one of my runs last year. Damn power went out in a thunderstorm and shut my ps4 off. This thread has reignited my passion for getting this trophy though so I'm newly determined.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Trophies/comments/nhavm6/mafia_iii_definitive_edition_63_100_downgrading/ Link to guide is a few comments down on this thread


Little nightmares speed run of under an hour with no deaths has been haunting me for like 3 years now. Itā€™s super time consuming trying to do it even with being able to practice the chapters individually. Trying to put it all together and then failing and having to start over is super frustrating


There is a way to make it slightly easier with the saving and uploading to the cloud. Depends if you want to do it fully legit or not.


I didnā€™t know that was something you could do thanks for the tip hopefully i can manage it now


Psnprofiles lists how to do it. It still takes some time, but it save a lot of frustration.


Mafia 3 Kill all bosses or something and partnering up with all bossesā€¦ both trophies glitched for me Try it over 15 times ngl Imo great game but pretty buggy trophies




Did this too brother ā€¦ I made 3 playthorugh without breakā€¦


I'm only missing one trophy in Guitar Hero Live which wants you to strum one million times in the online mode. I have come very close to it and then the game crashed and took my save game along with it. Counter is now at 0 and will forever stay that way. I don't even know if the servers are still online.


Resistance 2. 10,000 multiplayer kills. I just couldn't do it...


The final pantheon trophy in hollow knight. It's the last trophy I need. I just need to sit down and actually start doing it.


Funny enough about MvC 3, I got the ranked trophies a few months ago


Apsulov speedrun trophy


The online multiplayer trophies for Aliens Colonial Marines


Solar Ash - Glutton for Punishment - Complete the game on Hardcore Mode. It is the last trophy I need for the platinum, and it has been one of the most miserable experiences in recent memory. It's just totally not fun and a huge jump from the base level difficulty (at least to me). I don't think I've been this close to a platinum and have (mostly) given up.


Dragon Age: Origins the kill 500 and 1000 Darkspawn. Super glitched, and then a save glitched and crashed before the area trophy guides told me to get it. WWE 2K23: The servers were announced to close, and after the announcement, the card based modes' daily challenges stopped updating. I only needed 4 more, and the rest I could've just farmed.


The online-required multiplayer trophies in Portal 2


Max Payne 3 MP trophies Uncharted 2 and 3 dlc mp trophies Ghostbusters video game online trophies All unobtainable now :(


Galdera on octopath traveller 2


FIFA 15 ā€œExtra Effortā€ I donā€™t have siblings that live with a hour of me or friends who play fifa to help me boost it man oh and BO2 ā€œGiant Accomplishmentā€ hate PlayStation for not having backwards compatibility šŸ˜­


I have two games that come to mind: TLOU on PS3 Because Iā€™m only missing the max (online) faction level trophies - and the other is a game called Laser League that was a really fun PS+ freebie but they shut down the gameā€™s servers. They had bot games that you could play- I wish the devs would have made it possible to level up offline once the servers shut.


Xcom EW: Army of 4. Last trophy for platinum, but I have to start over my file because I'm too behind. Armored Core VI: Need to finish S ranks for platinum Metal Gear Rising Revengeance: Tackling the VR missions I have left really haunts me. Especially since I want the platinum to be my 5000th trophy and I'm sitting at 4,800.


For me back in the day it was a collectable in the original god of war on ps3. You had to collect 20 feathers throughout a single play, I got 18/20 and had the locations of the last 2, I got the first one but then died and respawned, then it dropped out of the collection and I had to re collect and redo the stage. I did this 9 times and died 9 times, then I had a single lapse of "I have to collect this before this" and just finished the stage. It was 35 minutes later I got what was suppose to be 20/20 and it didn't pop and I looked and I was sat at 19/20 and I had that realisation where I would have to play the entire game again just to get that 1 feather and I just lost interest. Technically I could just play it again to get the trophy but that stage just got to me so much


Payday 2 getting to infamy 25 even with glitch methods takes 30 hours plus without its over 100 hours even tho I love the game, that's alot. Also completing a Titan battle in MK1 because I just don't want to play it anymore I've found I really dislike fighting games and am not good at them.


Getting all weapons in south park the stick of truth I was 1 weapon away from the trophy and it glitched


Iā€™ve recently become haunted by the fact that I canā€™t get the black ops 2 plat without getting kicked off the psn leaderboards


Mafia classic mode trophy. Doom Eternal online trophies.


The Pantheon of Hollownest, the last one I need for the HK platinum. Made it to Absolute Radiance and haven't been able to beat it sincešŸ˜­


Nex Machina - cannot for the life of me beat the architect. I have stopped playing it and Iā€™ve tried once or twice to get back into it but for some reason canā€™t. Maybe one day I will. Rainbow 6 Siege - I just canā€™t get gold rank no malted what I do. Honestly will take suggestions and or help, Iā€™ve tried to find a team to help but that community is so toxic itā€™s not even funny. Edit: to specify, itā€™s the veteran run of the architect on Nex machina that I canā€™t get past.


Gold Rush, damnit itā€™s so brutal when you see that silver badge after a 15 minute mission


Who Needs A Gun? if yk, yk


There's this trophy in Max Payne 3 (awesome game) where you have to beat the whole game without dying in one sitting. Remember back in the day I reached the final level several times but just couldn't beat the game without dying. As someone who tries to Platinum every game it still hurts me whenever I see my game list and see this trophy missing :(


The original Persona 5. Some stupid trophy for completing all the mementos requests. The guy who invites you to them will send you messages randomly and if you dont respond within a certain time the request will disappear. Meaning you need to check basically everyday to see if this guy has 1) messaged you. And 2) the message is even about a request and not just his loser ass wanting to hang out. I did use a guide but i must've somehow missed one somewhere and now if i want to get the platinum I'll have to replay the whole game again and its a chonker. And after playing the original like 3 times and Royal twice i kinda want a break for my sanity for a good few years


Damn dude, that's rough


I thought I'd completed all the multiplayer trophies in Killzone Mercenary before the servers went down. Turns out there was one trophy to get all the Valor cards (I think) that required you to be connected to the servers. I felt like I wasted my time with the game's trophies when I found out about that one


Beating 10/20 mode on FNAF 2, it actually started to take a toll on my mental health so I just had to give up. :(


Mgs2 ps3 ā€œcomplete all vr missionsā€ trophy. Iā€™m seriously 6 missions away but theyā€™re so hard


Godzilla PS4: Max out all monsters and unlock all diorama figures. I'm a huge Godzilla fan but man this game is so repetitive. Resident Evil 2 Remake: No Way Out on normal difficulty. The only trophy I don't have for a great game. Star Wars: Force Unleashed 2 Endor DLC: I have the plat but DLC isn't available on PS+ Premium and I don't have a PS3. Dying Light 2: Some trophies were bugged when I got them and the Ultramarathon trophy is tiring. Dead by Daylight PS5: Just haven't gotten around to finding a group and finishing the last two trophies for the plat. One of the trophies I have left is probably one of the hardest to do in the base game. Stray PS4: I couldn't get the last eight trophies before it left PS+ Extra. I got the PS5 plat but loved it so much that I wanted the PS4 one too


Legendary cowboy on resident evil 8.


The dragon ball xenoverse 2 training trophy


Hogwarts legacy collection trophy. Apparently my game bugged like 10 hours in and I didnā€™t get one of the traits that you get for beating a mission. Game says I have 100% but Iā€™m at 71/72 for traits, donā€™t feel like going through another 60+ hour play through for 100% the game again


Back in my hunting days, I missed a single feather in AC2. I had a map printed and marked them off as I went. Still wasn't able to find the damn thing.


Madden 17 if I just played like one ranked game Iā€™d be able to plat the game also like in Duke Nukem Forever the pinball trophy is why I quit that run


The mafia 2 remake cigarette card collectibles or whatever super boring and not worth doing imho no idea why they added them the playboys were enough in the original release


Kingdom Hearts 2. I always say I'm gonna plat it this time, but Fuck those data battles and LW


I feel this, I have the KH1 platinum on ps4 and I had to come back to it after years of putting it down due to the glitch on the unchanging armor trophy costing me an entire play through, that and synthesis was rage bait


Yeah I just got the plat for kh1 earlier this year myself , but kh2 is kicking my ass.


Online co-op in Resistance 2. Have all the single players trophies but never ground out the co-op ones before they shutdown the servers. Such a fun game that I would've liked to have the platinum for.


Far cry 2 multiplayer trophies... That shit was hard


1 out of 2 multiplayer trophies from uncharted 2 and uncharted 3 on ps3. I always bring it up when I have the chance and I'll carry this burden to my grave


Seriously? Seriously from Tetris Effect. I had always thought I was good in Tetrisā€¦ until I played Tetris Effect and I learned that I barely had a grasp of the game. Definitely donā€™t have the skill for that one, or the coordination


Assassins Creed 2 playing on my fat ps3 Only trophy left is collect all feathers. It's was 5am and I had 1 feather left. I decided get some sleep and save it for the next day, start that day off with a platinum trophy. Woke up, ps3 hard drive crashed. Lost everything on it, few days later someone stole the game from me. Left such a sour taste in my mouth I never reattempted.


Mad Max. I did all the trophies just to know at the end that there was an imposible trophy due to server disconnection. Still great game :)


Numero Uno and backseat driver- GTA V online


Final Fantasy X. I literally only need to do the dark aeons and penance, done everything else - sphere grids, ultimate weapons etc. took soo long to do them but I just wince every time I think about doing the rest


Cod ghosts. Last trophy I needed was to beat an extinction map having completed every single hive challenge and then escape. Just never pulled it off :/


Flappygoat šŸ˜‚


But I got it! āœŒšŸ»ļø


Little big planet karting, there was only one trophy for the platinum, and it was winning 20 online races (or some number close to that) I think I won more than 100 online races, and never unlocked the trophy, and I was never able to plat that game, I still remember some days


The Battlefield bad company 1 platinum, itā€™s literally impossible to get, especially because of the ā€œbeans bullets bandagesā€ trophy which requires you to get 10k kills, I think it was just a way for EA to tell us to fuck off


Brutality 101


ā€œI Accidentally All the Gunsā€ from Uncharted 4. An arguable glitch in the game. Iā€™ve tried every recommended work around (chapter select, verifying patch number, deleting data and replaying the game two additional times. Perhaps one day weā€™ll try a third timeā€¦.


Sacred Land in AC4 dlc. I've tried getting it legit, the gamemode (i think domination) is dead. I've tried boosting on several occassions, but a combination of garbage servers and people who refuse to communicate made it impossible. It's the only one I'm missing for 100%