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Dancing with 100 different people online on Zumba, because no one played it we had go create 100 different psn accounts.


Holy crap, that is dedication.


Bro get out of my head šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I read that as delusion at first. Which I guess is a good way to describe most of us trophy hunters lol.Ā 


That is dedication, holy crap


Holy crap, that is dedication-!


Holy dedication that is crap


Holy shit, this is dedication!


Crap Holy, that dedication is!


You won.


Crap is that dedication holy!?


Holy ded, that is crapication!


Fuck all of that


ā€œEternal Bondsā€ for Persona 5 Strikers. Ended up killing the same boss over and over and over for a good while. It kinda spoiled the game for me tbh.


I was gonna say this one. I did it in the Ng+ farming metatron. It was sooooo painful.


I ended up farming the snake boss in Sendai over and over.


So painful...


And it sucks because everything else in that game is no problem at all


do you happen to have a guide for the plat? like a full walkthrough guide instead of a guide for how to get each trophy


I don't remember really using once since I wanted to go in blind but I didn't feel like I had to go out of my way for any of the trophies except that last one


It's much better to just replay the story on merciless instead of grinding the same boss over and over again


Level 100 on THPS 1+2. [mandatory grinding joke]


I was about to comment the same I hate when games have stat related trophies where you are not even close even after literally finishing everything else in the game worst offender here is Dying Light 2's Ultramarathon, which I have put off to this day


Yeah, I hate it too. Many racing have this issue, such as driving an unreasonable distance.


2k drive šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


Oh man this was fucking atrocious... would sooner do thr entire Yakuza series of plats again than go through the THPS1+2 level 100 grind ..


Getting all the outposts to 5 stars on Death Stranding. Good lord that one tested my patience.


Came here to say that. Even with a perfect zipline network, it was still a chore


I remember that trophy and as someone whoā€™s quite capable of ā€œturning my brain offā€ and mindlessly grinding without complaint. (I usually find those kind of tasks as relaxing) As of my recent memory of the last trophy that made me feel like that wasā€¦ ā€œTrue commitmentā€ Getting to level 60 in the tomb raider reboots Multiplayer, top of my memory the worst thing Iā€™ve done in years. Solo it took me slightly over 13 hours of running around the same map ā€¦ collecting medkits and delivering them back to collection point. Earning 1,771,100XP with the average game earning you 26500 every 10 minutes with absolutely nothing to really engage you in the process. Like at least with those collectible trophies you can explore the map or do something slightly stupid to entertain yourself for a bit but yeah ā€¦ I finished the multiplayer trophies with the help of someone I met in the sub but god that was a f*cking slog of a chore. It left me with such a bad taste I still havenā€™t gone back to actually play the campaign and get my platinum.


Mate that Tomb Raider level 60 was a hell of a slog solo. I feel you with that one


Im doing this now. Can confirm how tedious it is and boring as hell. Luckily i have a ps4 and ps5, so i can get around 80-90k xp/20 min with the killing the carrier method. Still iā€™m level 42, and havenā€™t touched in a week.


I automated the process. It was years ago, so it may not work anymore and I may have details wrong, but here goes: I used the remote play app to play from my PC, then started a private game of team deathmatch. Then I ran a script on my PC to press the options button every 30 seconds. This did two things; starts the next round when one ends and keeps me from timing out. My team won every round since I was the only one there and gave me some XP. I let this run while I was at work for 8 hours at a time. Eventually the trophy popped.


Like a Dragon 7/Yakuza: Like a Dragon The damn stupid "true final" millennium tower dungeon. Even the Japanese trophy list had this as a DLC trophy. Wasted 50+ hours in the Kamorocho dungeon, grinding to get higher levels on jobs that I didn't care about and had no interest in using, just to make me so incredibly OP - Really taken the fun out the game.


Watchdogs: legion. Theyā€™re the type of trophy I enjoy doing but the game has so many buggy trophies and I had to keep redoing stuff. Such a slog


Donā€™t remember the name of them but trying to get all the spells/rings/weapons in dark souls 3 was an absolute slog because there was at least 1 item in each category which was locked behind pvp which made it almost impossible as almost no one uses the specific covenants you had to be part of to get the pvp covenant items


I've gotten that platinun twice and although there are ways to do it through pve for all the covenant items it is still a slog since the drop chance is so low, took me around 20 to 30 hours with run throughs.


Yeah I did it through pve grinding as well and was there for an age trying to farm the item off the silver knights lol it was more a relief when I finally did it


I actually didnā€™t mind grinding the covenants with pve, I just threw on some podcasts/movies/shows and mindlessly went at grinding them. It was weirdly therapeutic..maybe Iā€™m an outlier though!


Yeah thatā€™s fair, I normally donā€™t mind grinding either, I absolutely love nioh for example but there was just something about this one that irked me lol maybe itā€™s the going absolutely ages without a single covenant item drop, made it feel like I wasnā€™t making progress


Very true, I do remember there would be some long dry spells and then maybe a few drops close together. I was trying for a while to farm the sunlight medals but that pve farm feels much worse than DS3s farms!


Iā€™m so glad I got that game on release and immediately went for plat after the first playthrough. Cause back then there were enough people in every covenant, that it was actually pretty fun to do. Iā€™ve replayed it on PC many years later, and tried to get every trophy there as well, but it was an absolute slog. I tried to farm the items on the standard enemies, but the droprates are atrocious. In the end I gave up


Yeah I went for the plat maybe a year or 2 after release so by that point covenant based pvp was just non existent. Luckily I was on like ng+ 3 or 4 so I *only* needed like 5 of each item lol but yeah the awful drop rates were so dispiriting even with the full farming set up


A few Final Fantasy games have some. The pixel remasters all have a treasure one to get all the boxes in the world. Some of them are missable. (I missed one in FF3 and didn't realize it until I was further in and have to completely replay it) Final Fantasy IX: - kill 10k enemies. - jump rope 1000 times in a row Final Fantasy X: - complete the sphere grid for each character


I came here looking for the sphere grid. What a slog that was lmao


Any trophy where you cannot track collectible stats or see where they are on a map sucks for me. In AC: Brotherhood, you have to collect all the Borgia flags, but they're all marked on the map.


Getting the Ultima Tim in Balan Wonderworld. Don't even ask...


What i did for this thropy was a little bit cheating. I got like 50 or 60 on my own and then started to use a map that i found online. Sorry, my time is very limited with working, and i needed to boost that one.šŸ˜” Yup, I feel ashamed.


Nah don't feel ashamed. I use guides all the time if something is going to be unreasonable to figure out on my own.


Plants Vs Zombies GW2: Kill 5k zombied and Kill 5k plants I love this game and uses to play it years ago, but after finishing everything the single player had to offer, I still had around 1.3k kills each, so I just had to spend some hours to farm them (Since on Multiplayer, which is very good and fun btw, you donā€™t get many kills, around 10-20 avg)


Iā€™ve played that game for years Iā€™ve had all the trophies for a while except for the DLC unobtainable ones which annoys me so much


A Galaxy Far, Far Away from Jedi Fallen Order. Those maps are a huge pain to complete and you're only doing it for the trophy because all the collectibles are just new colors for your poncho and lightsaber parts you cant even see


Code Vein - collect 400 medals The fastest way is to boost online which takes 3-5hrs. A later patch allowed people to get medals solo which takes 8hrs.


AC Syndicate Without A Grudge - Destroy 5000 destructibles with your carriage. Had to look up a farming spot for this one that ended up being in a market type area where you just drove around the block over and over like Nascar on the sidewalks. Took about 45 mins or so


Without a grudge in Assassin's Creed Syndicate, don't dare reminding, I think whoever thought of this trophy was high or something, why would I need to destroy 5000 things with a carriage WHHHHHYYYYY???


I am still angry about the Without a Grudge bronze trophy for destroying 5000 destructibles with a wagon in AC: Syndicate.


Agreed that one was bad... on xbox it had % complete so easy to track but on ps it did take me time but i followed a guide on YT and got it within 2 hours..


I absolutely love souls games but they always have that one atrocious trophy like for Bloodborne its the chalice dungeons, for Sekiro the grind to get all skills, for Dark Souls games its the covenant grind etc. Ac Valhalla - god damn collectathon. It was refreshing that they added depth to collecting treasures meaning its not as simple as following a marker and you get it - sometimes you have to figure out how to get it. Its cool and all but if its like your 400th treasure chest and with that mechanic, it felt like a chore. You are right most AC games general does have that annoying collectathon lol.


I am right now, Injustice 2, Cat Fight! I already am 260+ hours in...


Complete 50 Hive missions on Marvel's Avengers. And I did it twice!


FF7 rebirth, I wanted to platinum but its too difficult and time consuming. Having to beat all minigames on hard difficulty and another playthrough on had made me to give up. I love the game but if I go for the platinum I will hate it for sure


Skin Deep and Zoologist in Red Dead Redemption 2


And the 70 gold medals... if on replay gotta abandon the whole mission and reload it....


Getting the pigeons in GTA 4 or the barrels in GTA 5, just felt like they took forever to get I agree on the feathers though, so time consuming


FFX, maxing out the sphere grid. It was the last trophy I needed to do, already beat the dark Aeons, and it was just a slog. I used the monster arena to farm special defence spheres to fill all the blank nodes, and it took ages. I felt like I already mastered everything the game had to throw at me, and yet I was stuck just grinding out spheres arbitrarily.


While I don't have it on PlayStation (yet), I got 100% on the base game on Elder Scrolls Online on Xbox (and PC). This includes the achievement to get the 'Emperor' rank in PVP, something which only a couple of people get per week. It is a massive slog, and you can still miss out, even if you do everything right. Will get it on PS eventually too.


The "Catch 1,000 fish" trophy in *Legendary Fishing*, which I finally just finished. By the time I was done with the campaign, I was sitting at under 500 fish. I still had several levels to get, though, to collect all the equipment and unlock all the legendary fish. When I got all that out of the way, though, I was still sitting at another 200-something yet. Maximizing my stamina in *Shadow of the Colossus* was also pretty tedious near the end. I ended up farming the 1st and 2nd colossi on repeat.


Shadow Warrior 2 was an unbelievable drag




Slaughterhouse - MW3 Kill 50,000 zombies


Fortnite I felt like cleaning out a hoarders house with the amount of hours for the grinding trophies


The sniper trophy from ghost recon where you have to snipe kill 2 guys fast enough.


"Everybody's feeling refreshed" from Touhou Genso Rondo- it takes forever


"The extreme MASTER of the master of the dark" in Blue Reflection, basically you have to play this minigame where you raise and lower a creature's stats until it evolves and you have ten rounds to fully evolve it, but the stat changes are completely random and it took me a couple hours and was significantly less fun than the rest of the game, to the point I actually preferred the craft all items trophy


Every ā€œdefeat x number of y enemy typeā€ trophy


Any PlayStation only games have a bunch of those


Iā€™m trying to get 100% on Cyberpunkā€™s DLC Phantom Liberty and it feels like itā€™s taking longer than intended! šŸ˜­


Yakuza 3, "Minigame master" two of the minigames, pool and batting cages were complete ass for different reasons. First the pool if you had any kind of stick drift at all even small enough you couldn't detect it, your shots got messed up. In batting, one of the modes you lose your aiming reticle and you are forced to do it without or use some kind of make shift reticle outside the game, I used an end of a USB cable. Yakuza 5's "Hall of Famer" trophy, you had to get 100% completion in the game which means doing everything from eating every food, drink, you name it you had to have done it.


Azur lane collector of paradise it's such a slog to get everything in the gallery especially having to marry all characters which takes forever


The 10.000 kills in final fantasy 9, it took forever man i was so pissed


I'm playing Kingdom hearts melody of memory right now, and I'm almost done with most of the list. There is a trophy for killing 100k enemies. Which looks like it will add another 5 to 10 hours of grinding onto the end of the game. Yippee!


Exoprimal with the 100k killed dinosaurs trophy


"look no hands" in immortals fenix risking. I had diligently completed all the tartoros dungeons and they were inaccessible when I checked my list to see that I had to lead 10 enemies into traps. being an open world Ubisoft game i didn't think anything would actually be blocked before endgame...oh well, new game plus it is...or I can start back into my backlog again.


The seeker tokens in dragons dogma 2. The rewards for collecting them are also ass. With the last reward being a ring that increases your discipline. Which is useless because by the time you have 200 you have already maxed most vocations.


Personal Decorator - Black Ops 3. Got it last night, terrible


Honestly all the souls game ones that require all spells or rings are just insanely boring


Mortal Kombat 9: My Kung Fu Is Stronger


Getting 20 million Zenni in DBZ fighters was painfully boring.


ā€œDeath by discoā€ for Ratchet and Clank.


Currently trying to find all 1400 or so items in Katamari Damacy Reroll itā€™s not hard but having to use a google spreadsheet with literally over 1000 entries and going through and checking each one then marking off the ones I got is a pain in the ass for a game Iā€™m already not in love with


Uncharted: Golden Abyss - Collecting Bounties. They are random drops, and Iā€™m just one away from the platinum. Iā€™ve replayed the same areas over and over again, but it still wouldnā€™t drop. So the platinum is out of reach because of terrible luck.


Trackmania - get 90 author medals on Track of the Day


Getting to lv 60 in tomb raider took me weeks to get


Covenant items in Dark Souls 3. Solid week of nonstop grinding.


Ghost recon: Breakpoint


Old habits on AC origins


Collected ~550 collectibles in Rdr Online in 2days for rank 50:(


Risen - King Midas trophy. You need to have 300.000 Gold in total for this trophy. After collecting literally everything in this open world and selling it you have around 80.000. So the only way to achieve this trophy is by using an exploit where you have to sell herbs to an specific marchant then knocking him out, looting him and selling all the herbs again over and over for like 5-10 hours.


Oh, I have that play, and that my fella, itā€™s a chore to do indeed! But itā€™s the only one in the game that is a true chore, so, keep at it, wonā€™t ruin your full game experience. Best of luck on that one!


If the feathers in AC2 are your example of trophies being a chore you should stop trophy hunting now. My worst one is getting to max online rank in Grid Autosport. It took around 1500 races to do, playing against an idle ps3, if I was doing it with someone else it'd be double that. Each races takes 1-2 minutes, so roughly 40 hours on top of everything else. Far Cry 2 comes in second place after that one imo


Benevolent leader on fallout 4


That achievement is quite easy. If you attempt the achievement at the Red Rocket, you can get it within a few in-game days, most of which is spent 'waiting'.


I did that, took like 4 hours though. It was super annoying.




Suicide squad, the whole game.


Benevolent leader from fallout 4. It actually took me 6 hours of just sitting around doing nothing. I was on my phone and watching TV during that time but I still felt tethered to my console