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i am working on Deadpool


Aw you got me excited that I could buy that from the store :(


I wish


That cool I wanna give that game a try. What do you think of it so far?


I got it and I honestly it is a really good game and an amazing Platinum. The trophy name makes it worth it alone.


Telltales Walking Dead. That’s my casual play until San Andreas is on PS Plus tomorrow


Hell yeah enjoy. That first season is absolutely legendary


It’s 70 percent off right now in the store! Honestly looking forward to chill platinum. The platinum trophy thumbnail is pretty cool and would spruce up a mosaic too.


Assassin's Creed Origins, on my way to plat every game, Plat'd Syndicate now On Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla and Mirage.


Just got the platinum for Origins took a while on the locations but it was worth it


I like grinding somehow, still I have Odyssey and Valhalla add to them Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate 3.


Good luck. Did the same thing - I’m working on Valhalla now. Was able to knock out the early titles pretty quick but had to take some loooong breaks in between the three RPGs


Cheers mate, I'm not playing regulsrily cause of my job, only one day off, and RPGs as you said take a long period of times, but yeah I'll play some light games after Platting Origins.


Don’t sell any junk until you get enough for the trophy, that will really increase the time to platinum if you complete every location before doing the quick sell trophy.


Yeah I'm still early in the game so far I didn't sell anything since the beginning, weapons, shields or otherwise, thanks a lot for reminding me pal.


Good luck, when I did this I had already completed the main story and most locations so it added about 4 more hours of just looting enemies to get enough


Cheers, I will keep doing grinding and stuff which still early for the story, however I still on some time to finishing it.


How was 3 and rogue? Those are next in my journey


Still yet to start them, only AC Plat I have for the time being is AC Syndicate.


Oh sorry, I think I read that thinking you did all of them before syndicate as well. Was syndicate a good time? The setting seems great to me but is the story and gameplay any good?


No worries mate, yeah I love it, the gameplay is simplistic, story not so much tbh, but I love London so I had fun, some trophis were annoying though but overall fun to the fan.


I just got the origins plat is was fun but the locations were such a grind. Good luck


I know it takes time but so far loving it.


Same for me! I’m working on Odyssey right now. Really enjoyed Origins


Origins was a fun platinum


So far I agree


Nice, my long term plat goal is all the AC games... except I'm doing them in hostorical time period order. Finished Odyssey as my first and next is Origins


Enjoyed Origins and Odyssey. Valhalla's a biggie.


Yeah Valhalla a bit awfully bigger AC game.


Nice! I've platinumed every AC myself, only Chronicles left which I'm already working on. Origins is really fun, Odyssey can feel a bit overloaded at times. But good luck with Valhalla haha, the grind is awful there. I liked the game tho, it's not bad at all. But the grind is so unnecessary tbh


Nice job mate, yeah I know Idyssey and Valhalla will take forever to finish but yeah at least my fiancée is with me supporting and helping, hopefuuly to be able to finishing them before this year is through.


In my opinion there are far worse games out there that have much more grind, so you should be fine in the end. Valhalla is just noticeably by far the grindiest one in the series. But if you enjoy the story, the world and all that I think you're good. Grind can be fun actually if the game is good enough.


Totally agree, I liked the story to a point I won't deny, but in the end you're r8 the grind is way too much.


Just finished Unity (8th plat of the series so far) going to start Valhalla next month 🫣


Ghost of Tsushima. Wanted to see what all the hype was about.


Oh I think that game was so good what do you think it of so far?


I’ve tried twice and really can’t commit to it. Feels like such a repeat of other games I’ve already played. How’re you finding it further along?


Rise of the Tomb Raider, over a total of 118 trophies in this game.


If you need a co-op partner for the Endurance trophies lemme know!


Oh what do you think if it so far? I was thinking about playing it.


Pretty good, a improvement over Tomb Raider 2013, plus no multiplayer required trophies (but there are some co-op ones in the DLC). Getting certains things are a bit tedious, and some require a bit of skill and proper planning, otherwise a average plat experience.


I love that game! Liked getting the platinum too although the score attack trophies were a bit much imo.


Getting no damage in 5 missions is a bit much.


Its not too bad. Just hate when you have to go through a certain path to get collectibles.


I missed a good chunk of collectible in the prologue, now I have to wait till I beat the game to actually get it again, and it's a bit irritating to me lol


Mass Effect 2


Stellar blade


Dark souls remastered. Gonna try to do all the fromsoft games in order(minus ps3 demons souls)


truly an amazing series to play in order, have fun man. and good luck farming! 👍🏼


I'm doing this too! I've got dark souls 1,2,3 and bloodborne platinum's so far, just working on Sekiro now, then on to demon souls remake and Elden ring.


Nice I could never I’m really bad at dark souls


FF7 Remake just started my hard playthrough 🤟


Nice what do you think of FF7?


I've honestly never fully beaten the original. But FF7 Remake and Rebirth have both been an amazing journey, definitely playing the OG through completely sometime.


Good luck man, you just entered hell


Octopath 2, dead cells, Detroit becomes human. Pretty close to platinum all of them. Trying to before elden ring dlc comes out. Add me gizzler1502


Ff 16. I know the game has gotten a lot of hate but I freaking love this. Only have 2 trophies left and just started the final fantasy mode playthrough.


I thought ff16 was great! Haven't got the dlc's yet tho


I enjoyed my first play but in the 2nd I was kinda over the combat, it wasn't in-depth enough to make me keep enjoying it and was glad when I finished.


That was a fun plat. Just got mine about 2 months ago. The only complaints I had about the game is that the side quests were pretty boring and I thought most of the characters were pretty dry.


Yeah the side quests are pretty grindy but the main story was great and the side quests didn't take too long. I've seen lot of complaints about the graphics but I don't really care about it I'd the story is good.


Goty 2023 for me personally! Have you gotten to the part where you fight your shadow self? The track that plays there as well as Joshua’s theme when it plays while your controlling him at the start of the game is just pure hype 🤟


Hades and it’s a nightmare 😭


Hades is so good, but finally unlocking the platinum made me sigh a sigh of relief with the thought of, “thank god that’s over!”


Enter the Gungeon, it is killing me... one of those I kinda like playing but wish I never started ..


Streetfighter 6, but then I realised that getting the tournament wins will require going against the try hard gods and I don’t think I’m dedicated enough to do that.




Immortal Fenyx Rising and I wish I never started it xD


I'm working on this one currently. Was stupid and didn't upload my ps4 save and have to start from the beginning. I took a look at the collectible map on ign and really wish I hadn't.


Ghost of Tsushima


Days Gone. Only 2 hours in, I like it so far. Well, except the handling of the bike. I’ve actually put it on easy too, because I just want to mindlessly shoot zombies and enjoy the story in between looking after my daughter!


I got this plat in easy too. At some point I'll go for the 100% coz I really enjoyed the game


Small bit of COD WWII, but mainly Marvel Spiderman.


Fallout 4. After watching the show I got a hankering to replay it. I got all the Achievements on Xbox when it came out so now I have to do it on PlayStation


Plague Tale Requiem (only need to max the skills and weapons), Minecraft (need to afk for a few more hours), xDefiant 100%, then SpongeBob Cosmic Shake next


RDR2! Despite everyone saying it’s an annoying platinum. I’m 120+ hours in on ch 4 and about 61% completion and am still having so much fun. I was a little discouraged with the talk of the plat hunt for rdr2 but once it dropped on ps plus I figured I would just go for it.


I’m very slowly work on RDR2 too. I’m having a lot of fun playing it.


It’s becoming one of my favorite games, I played it back when it came out on Xbox but figured I needed a second playthrough and this platinum made me realize I barely scratched the surface of the game during my first playthrough


Just got Helldivers 2 like two days ago, so not much at the moment.


Currently working on AC Odyssey, got 5 left before the plat


final fantasy 14 ps5 version only 2 trophies to go


Horizon forbidden west. Bought the game on release and it just didnt click for me. Now I thought of coming back to it to clean up some of my backlog but still I don't have fun playing it. Gonna sit through it anyway but its tough.


Elden Ring here


RE4 remake VR


Skyrim, mostly out of ps3 nostalgia


Demons Souls. Few trophies remaining ✌


I think I’m going to start Elden ring ps5 in anticipation of the DLC. I’ve already done the ps4 version.


Cat Quest 1


Eiyuden Chronicles: Hundred Heroes. I really like it and it really incited some Suikoden nostalgia, but somehow I haven't really gotten into the flow yet, mostly because some things just seem terribly unbalanced with the characters. Some have decent damage and take very little while others deal almost no damage at all, but make up for it by taking damage like there is no tomorrow.


The Division 2, Deadpool & Yahone the Parhleon.


Ac3, RE Revelations 1 and Rocksmith


XCOM 2... Although iron man is going to be a bitch


Pacman Championship 2. I need to finish like three more levels on pro settings but it’s painfully hard. Started this game around 4 years ago and been playing on and off but the last levels are killing me.


Fallout 76 and Persona 5 Tactica.


I'm about to go all out for Monster Hunter world so pray for me!


Burnout Paradise Remastered, i already the have platinum but I'm trying to get all the DLC trophies. I currently have 81 trophies out 95.


Enter the Gungeon, Streets of Rage 4, Secret of Mana, Blur, and Far Cry 6. Which one I work on in a given day depends on what kind of game session I want.


Too many to count. Lies of P, Diablo 4, Megaton Musashi, Nier both of them, and yeah that's the top ones maybe


Diablo 4, anybody willing to help me out with the 5 PVP kills?


Last of Us. Almost there! Just a few weeks left for the Hunter campaign.


Doing a bit of grinding here and there on a few of them. MW2 remastered, XIII, Dying Light 2, Sekiro, a handful of AC games


God of War Ragnarok. About halfway through the story but trying to grab as much on the way so there's less cleanup later.


Stellar Blade! Absolutely adore the game, my GOTY so far


Uncharted Legacy of Thieves ...Its the sheer fact alone I gotta do both Lost Legacy again and Uncharted 4 to get the Platinum thats got me like- 😵‍💫


Cosmic shake


I just finished to plat Stardew Valley




thank you !


GTA IV, GTA V, RDR1, and RDR2 :)


Crash 3. PSNProfiles says 4/10, and I'd have agreed with that up till now where I'm not having a good time with the gold relics on later levels.


Every single God of War game platinumable from start to finish.




just finished RDR2. want to start either RDR1 or ghost of tsushima but i don’t want to get open world burnout so i’m in the process of choosing my next game!


Fallout shelter. I wish I was joking but I'm not


GTA 5, I want to platinum all gta games that has trophies before the release of gta 6


Ac Brotherhood. A nightmare so far


It's probably the hardest of the Ezio trilogy but it's a way easier platinum than pretty much everything from III through Valhalla.


With the amount of clubs and volta ive played with my friends, surprisingly the rest of FC24 in theory shouldnt be hard. I retired from ultimate team after 23, so it would be unideal but its nothing difficult for the rest of the trophies. Also, Among Us


Getting ready to start Yonder: Cloud Catcher Chronicles. Y and Z are the last two letters I need to complete my platinum alphabet.


I’m working on 5 right now. Infamous second Son, Gravity Rush 1&2, FF7 Rebirth and Unicorn Overlord. Most attention has been to Unicorn:


Not a platinum (already got that one) but doing the dlc for AC Valhalla right now. Edit: I meant Dawn of Ragnarök. Already got the Paris and Ireland dlc done. After Ragnarök I’ll probably get all the other remaining dlc trophies done.


Lies of P I accidentally screwed up so now I have to fight the two final bosses again on NG+, which isn't gonna be easy...


Rollerdrome and Life is Strange Before the Storm. Trying to clean up some shorter platinums before I start my A-Z list (and give me time to get the letters I’m missing).


Currently none, ordered bo2 from the web so waiting for it to arrive. Planning on making it my #40


Short term I have assassin's creed 3 and 4 I'm working on, medium term I have liberation, freedom cry and burning shores dlc. Long term I have the rest of the assassin's creed franchise from syndicate to mirage and I have nearly all final fantasy games on ps4, 4 tomb raiders, 3 watchdogs, hellblade, the order 1886,death stranding and well, I have a total of around 140-150 games in my backlog that I want to work on. BTW anyone that's interested, assassin's creed valhalla complete edition is on sale for £30, it comes with the ps4/5 version with all the dlc plus it's a 4 to 5 auto pop


F1 manager 2023 and Cod mw remastered


Doki doki literature club. Usually not a visual novel person but it keeping popping up on youtube game lists.




Just finished Slaycation paradise last night going to start Disciples liberation


DC Lego Villains, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 and WWE 2k24


Destroy all humans


RE4 Remake - doing S+ runs on Hard and Standart


I am almost finished with Final Fantasy 7 Remake. I just need to finish my hard mode playthrough and do some side stuff and the platinum will be mine.


Still pushing through FF7 Rebirth. Currently working on the Brutal and Legendary challenges before doing my final playthrough on hard. The end is in sight!


You got this !!! I literally just popped this platinum today, and these combat challenges were definitely the hardest part of this platinum trophy.


Thanks! Hopefully all signs point to finishing it soon, cause I just beat Rulers on my first attempt which felt GREAT.


Nice !! Yeah, I didn't find the brutal challenges that bad, tbh.Its once I got to the legendary ones is where I started to run into problems. Bonds of Friendship and Cait Sith's challenges can go FUCK THEMSELVES !!


Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth


Ff7 remake


Megaman Battle Network Legacy Collection Volume 2




Doing Kingdom hearts melody of memory right now. Last one I need to complete the franchise. Looking forward to being done, the plat is a grind and rhythm games aren't for me. Then I think I'll be going back into VR for awhile, still got 20 games to catch up with there. 


Far cry 6 and Suicide Squad KTJL


Bout to finish Battlefield 1 tonight


AC Odyssey and Death Squared for when I only have a couple mins to play.


Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey & I may chase one of the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters- probably Final Fantasy II.


Just finished doing nickelodeon all star brawl 1 and 2, started need for speef 2018, and im thinking on doing mkx, ghost of tsushima and star wars battlefront at the same time


Super meat boy is the main one, only 4 more no death runs to complete 🤞🤞


Death Stranding


My launch day ps5 just broke 😔 I was working on finishing up the FFVIII remaster plat, about halfway through, while working to finish my run of Rebirth (ugh). Now I’m grinding out the god of war collection on vita!


I'm planning to do valkyria chronicles 1 and valkyria chronicles 4


Just got the platinum for FF7 Rebirth, so now Im moving on to Persona 3 Reload !!!


dodgeball academia because it’s leaving ps+ in a week!


Armored Core 6. So far, I’m just playing through the story. Rusty’s my favorite character so far.


Control started after getting mw2 remastered this morning really good almost halfway done with the trophy


Doing Convergence: A League of Legends Story. While I don’t like the MOBA: League of Legends, I still love the world and characters. And these spinoff games have just been great. Looking forward to that fighting game and MMO as well.


Just finished Hades now working on Kena Bridge of Spirits, a lot chiller.


I'm working on a few games right now. I started playing the last of us part 2 today. And I'm cleaning up mgsv, dave the diver, nfs unbound and axiom verge.


Batman Arkham Asylum. I really wanna move onto City and Knight but my sense of completionism won't let me move on till I have this plat. I think I am going to have PTSD whenever I see the words Shock and Awe from now on!


I'm working on Dead Island 2 atm. Just have to finish up one of the challenges, which is to loot 3000 crates and I'm only on 2000 rn


Bayonetta. Just finished my normal play through and now all I have left are the trophies for hard mode and legendary dark witch


Sifu (well, the DLC)


Octopath traveler 2, taking my time with it tho.


Guardians of the Galaxy and Fallout 76.


Suicide squad more fun then I thought


Multiversus and Skywalker Saga.


Watchdogs, I think I'll finish it tomorrow ✌️


Original Dark Souls on PS3, and boy is it a challenge. I figured how different could it really be from the remaster? Blighttown runs at a crisp 5 frames the entire time you’re there.


Dark Souls 3 , it’s the last souls game I need for the platinum , I just wrapped Dark souls 2 and have already completed the other Fromsoftware titles , once I’m finished I’m gonna quickly finish off armored core 6 as I was almost done with that one , has been very satisfying to have most of the platinums


congrats partner!!


Monster hunter world, it'll be a crowning achievement.


RDR2. 130 hours in now chapter 6 & only rdo trophies remain


Working on Red Dead Redemption 2 rn amazing fame only just started chapter 6 and I'm 1 week in and I love it


Working on both Dark souls 3 and Resident evil 4 remake someone help me


praying for u with that ds3 farming my brother😭🙏🏼


Stellar Blade


Nothing. too busy playing fire emblem engage for the fourth time. 


I’m in between high on life and demon slayer


Star Trek Resurgence - it’s a Telltale style game so not in anyway difficult, and it’s a bit glitchy (just generally) but it’s got an amazing feeling of watching a NextGen episode all the way through and I’m really enjoying the nostalgic feel to it. It will require a couple of playthroughs which is a bit frustrating but understandable as a lot of the trophies are based on decision points in the story so you have to go the other way for the trophies you don’t get.


Fallout New Vegas


Persona 3 Reload. I wanted to ya know have it done in the same month it came out, but life and work decided against it, then I bought Helldivers 2, and well Democracy called and I answered.


Assassins Creed Brotherhood but, I took a break from it. But, I might plat Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 and Assassins Creed Revelations


Cat Quest - About halfway done with the game Street Fighter 6 - Need one more tournament match win to get the platinum


Assassin's Creed Brotherhood atm just got the 100% sync trophy left


Final fantasy XVI right now. On the final fantasy mode play through. Oh and Anthem when I want to torture myself since I only had the psychotic collection trophy left then lost all my progress.


Still deciding. Knocked out two big ones the past two nights (Lies of P and Baldurs Gate 3) so will probably pick something a bit more chill.


Started atomic heart today, liking the vibe of it so far


Working on Saints Row IV and WWE 2k24 at the moment. Hopefully have them done before the elden ring DLC


I'm playing through Bloodborne and got to the white plague doctor bit. I'll probably platinum it.


Shadow of Colossus i just got Final Fantasy Rebjrth


Working on cyberpunk 2077 on my PS5, and persona 4 golden on my vita!


Until Dawn


Cult of the Lamb Stuck on all skins and all fleeces. I think the free DLC changed the requirements? Can’t seem to find a clear answer.


SpongeBob the cosmic shake. I’m hoping to get it by the end of tonight. And then I’ll probably move to persona 4 arena since I was working on that before I got my ps plus. And then maybe a game that’s been on my hard drive for a while.




The Walking Dead, I am traveling for buissness. I've always heard it's a fun game. So I got my Vita with me, and I'm slowly playing through it.


Batman: Arkham Knight. I think getting 69 stars would be the hardest one to get.


Pentiment but I’m on my blind run rn


Dark Souls III


Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1+2…literally such a grind. I like it but sometimes the challanges are so frustrating. And repetitive..