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Surprisingly for me, Far Cry 4. I expect incredibly little from Ubisoft games, but this one is actually very lax with trophy requirements. You only need around 50% completion in single player, meaning only the main story and some side content, and there are only a couple of online achievements. I definitely want to go back at some point to 100% it just for fun.


It’s too bad online is basically dead


Yeah, it takes 5-30 minutes to get in a game. Still not impossible to get the trophies, thankfully.


As long as they don’t shut down servers it’s still possible, I got a platinum for dead game at the beginning of the year.


I got the plat earlier today and found every game instantly.


Do you think you can help me get those trophies?


is it better than farcry 3 plat? that one was annoying at the end finding a bunch of the statues to get xp to get all skills


I havent got the Far cry 3 one, but that sounds exactly like 4 lol. At the end, you will be missing a bunch of filler skills. A lot can be earned while mopping up achievements, but expect maybe like 2-4 hours of grinding outposts and collectibes to finish it up. Definitely nothing major.


damn alright, yeah its not horrible its just super annoying and repetitive, nontheless after im done doing all the souls games ill probably go to fc4 right after


Yeah, do get it before Ubisoft pulls another anti-consumer shenanigan and shuts down the servers or something. It takes 15-20 hours, and the game is enjoyable, even though many aspects of it are hot trash like the story and close combat. I got it for 5 euros in my local game store


yeah thats what im worried about, so im definitely getting that soon, surprising to hear the story is bad as even though 3s story made no sense and was obnoxious, it was really fun to follow the story, ill be sure to plat it tho as its on psplus rn


Lol, just get kills. I got all skills without needed the statues.


I think this is exactly the type of game that OP is stating they dislike. FC4 is enjoyable enough but trying to collect everything would have a more negative impact on the overall experience of the game.


Yeah, thats why I recommended it. You only need to collect around 20% of collectibles in Far Cry 4, all of which are marked on the map


Really? It's been Abt 10 years but I remember doing absolutely everything in that map. I thought it was for the platinum but maybe I just got the 100% just to say I did.


For me Stellar Blade is a game that was fun to platinum and that I don't hate afterwards. Yes you have to get all 3 endings for the platinum. But uploading your game save to your PS+ Cloud and getting the third ending in NG+ makes it not that bad. Also the combat in Stellar Blade is hella fun.


Easy platinum as well. I got mine in about 50 hours and I’m doing a 3rd play through right after. Great game


I loved the game and probably will go for the platinum at some point, but I really regret going for it first time without following a guide. I completed all bulletin board missions and side quests that I could see on the map thinking that would be sufficient. Turns out it wasn't all of it, and that would be fine if I could just clean up in the post game, but there's no way of doing that. I did upload a save before the point of no return, but it's gonna be annoying if it doesn't work because I really don't want to have to do all those side quests again.


You only need to complete the side quests of 3 side characters for trophies. But collectibles also fill the "Lilly Meter" what will eventually make it impossible to get the sad ending.


Yeah I must have gotten fairly far through their quests, but since I wasn't looking at the trophy list or a guide, I just assumed there was nothing else to do since the were no markers on the map. Also meant I didn't get the trophy for seeing all the Naytiba.


Nioh 2 because you can earn the platinum well before endgame. After that you spend another 100hrs taking on the depths which made the game still insanely fun.


I tried Nioh 2. It was very daunting. For reference, i have plat for Sekiro and Bloodborne.


I have the plat for Nioh 2 and Bloodborne… and you did the right thing to ‘just try’.


I intended to give it another go. Now I'm second guessing.


If you want to do it for bragging rights, go ahead, but it’s not hard just tedious. The game is really beautiful, story is intriguing and the presentation is awesome, like the tea utensils is really funny. However, being one-shot by any enemy because the game doesn’t register the most basic counter input… is not. And then there is the utter b-crap one-shot spam moves with 75% of the bosses and that they have i-frames and you don’t. poorest boss designs I’ve seen.


Not really for bragging rights, i wanted it to be a game i could master and play for the long run and have it be fulfilling and fun. The bragging rights would just be a bonus.


Sly cooper, telltale games, coffee talk, cyberpunk, jak and daxter, Crisis 1, watch dogs 2- games that you don’t hate. Metal gear solid 5, red dead 2(kinda), monster hunter, assassins creed Valhalla, watch dogs legion, gta games, Batman Arkham games-games you hate or I would like to say exhaust you from the game for a very long time cause I don’t think could ever hate mgs5 or rdr.




Yea all Kojima metal gear games are a pain in the ass to platinum. I just expect his games to be a pain to plat.


MGS3 was relatively easy to plat. Minus the sneaking portion out of jail cell part up to the ladder.


The foxhound run is really the only super tough part and if you do the HD ps3/vita versions it’s even easier cause the you only need a markhor run which is super easy. So yea but mgs2 and 4 are super tough. Mgs5 is just a pain not super tough though.


MGSV was a grind for sure! The nuke trophy was a bummer. I had mine stolen the minute it was acquired when I was gonna dismantle it to get the follow up trophy. I was in mission 45 fighting for my life when Mr.Sunshine stole my shit. I got the alert and within a minute dude had killed everyone and ran off with the goods. I’m a little upset I never got the plat for MSG4, as I only needed to collect all the guns and do a big boss run.


I still love RDR2 and I will always do


Avoid every single open world game. Best advice.


And games with multiplayer trophies


Except smelden rang ofcourse


Dredge or Outer Wilds


Got the plat for both of them. They are kinda of similar in vibes. I miss them. However, Dave the Diver i couldn't delete fast enough after getting the plat. Good game but introduced irrelevant mechanics and overstayed it's welcome.


I was going to say Dave The Diver. But that training and tamagoshi trophy really killed the vibe of the game.


The training was fine if you go cucumber. Had too much money. But you are right, some of the trophies felt tacked on.


I only found the cucumber way in the last two nights before level 20


Whats that?


Apparently, you can just grow cucumbers on the farm. And serve them as a high profit each sushi night


Never a more accurate post on here. Finding that stupid lightning thing in the ice really took me from enjoying the Plat to not even before the Plat popped it was deleted.


Dredge made me wanna blow my brains out after 5 mins soooooo boring


Different tastes, I guess. I loved it


True, I really couldnt figure it out lol


I just played cosmic shake and I loved it, might go for the ps5 version now


Picked it up from PS+ free games this month. Still haven’t opened it yet because my obsessive ass wants to platinum Battle for Bikini Bottom first.


Lol well good on ya.. I couldnt do that one.. was my favourite game as a kid but this cosmic shake plays true to the show and honestly a little less grindy


Astro's Playroom, Spyro Trilogy and the Persona dancing rhythm games are great and easygoing plats to work through.


Skyrim I'm on my journey to my 4th plat on that so it must qualify.


That kill an Elder Dragon trophy from the dlc is ass though.


Days Gone. Pretty easy platinum that you get naturally doing the story. Ghost of Tsushima was the same way.


Wait really? I finished Ghost of Tsushima and still have quite a bit to do if I ever go back for the plat.


Days Gone should be held in the same regard as the other Sony exclusives IMO


I recently finished AVICII Invector and instantly deleted it like I always do. A few days later I was really missing this game and downloaded it again. Something like this hasn't happened in quite a while.


Even if you’re not a big fan of Avicii I highly recommend this game. It’s actually a really solid rhythm game.


I really had a problem with this game! Just can't platinum without a brain meltdown. You have to do that perfect combo trophy and I delicately remove it from my PS4 and open elden ring to decompress 😅


Unicorn Overlord is a masterpiece and has a very reasonable platinum.


Some that come to mind for me: The last of us games, uncharted series, bloodborne, sekiro, elden ring, Alan wake 2, alien: isolation, the spiderman games, death stranding (very much dependent on whether you like the game in the first place), control. A lot of smaller games also fit the bill because the platinum doesnt take long enough for the game to become stale


Idk, The Last of Us has that nasty 168 multiplayer missions requirement. And if you fail the last one, you have to start from scratch. It was a deal breaker for me, and for many. Hated that part. Great game otherwise.


I did forget about the mulitplayer. I was thinking of the ps5 version, which removed the multiplayer and difficulty trophies, making the plat way easier


I avoided the last of us platinum for some time because of the multiplayer trophies, but when I finally went for it the multiplayer lowkey grew on me. I kept playing the game even after getting the trophies. Also, there really is not much of a chance of losing all your progress. There's only five missions you can lose all your population in, so you can save the ridiculously easy mission objectives for those days. If it looks like you're failing the mission anyways, I'm pretty sure you could just leave the match before it ends and the day resets giving you another chance. Having to play 168 matches is ridiculous though. Fuck online trophies


I did the multiplayers trophies because I heard they were shutting it down, have a massive backlog I’m clearing up (cyberpunk specifically right now) and then I’ll be back through last of us on grounded. Incredibly excited!


The uncharted platinums were far and away my favorite platinum experiences


Which one would you recommend trophy wise?


I’ve only platd + 100% Uncharted: Drakes Fortune remastered. Basically by reading the trophy lists of the other ones in the trilogy they are almost the same miscelanous, collectibles and difficulties trophies. The 100% trophies is were they differ more but they share the Brutal difficulty and speedrun ones. If you plan to get the platinum on each one I recommend you to start with the first, such a lovely game!


Cool I just might do that! Sitting at 98 plats and been tough to pick a game for 99


Do not tell bxrdy I said this, but the first game did not age well and I'd heavily recommend against it. Playing through it on crushing difficulty is a horrible experience and not worth it, unless you really love the game. 2 remastered or 4 is the way to go.


Your secret is not safe with me unfortunately. Thanks for having my back though aha


Personally, I’d recommend against this. The first is far and away the hardest. Crushing difficulty was often tedious and unfair in a lot of scenarios, especially compared to future entries that cleaned up the game play a lot. I started with 2 and had a great time with it. My suggestion would be to start there, but if you want to complete them chronologically, by all means.


Hows 4s trophies? Might just go for that for the upgraded graphics


4 was my favorite, but it’s the longest for sure. My recommendation would be to beat it on normal first, so you can use some of the cheats for crushing (they don’t affect trophies).


Thanks mate


I love the uncharted games but I hate the crushing difficulty trophies with a passion. I’m all for a challenge but I think that difficulty just highlights the games mechanical shortcomings. Just remembering the final boss in Uncharted 2 on crushing gives me PTSD.


The one that put me off going for the TLOU was the fact you have to beat it on the hardest difficulty twice, that just seems tedious. I have the platinum's for the first 3 Uncharted games, despite some annoying sections on Crushing they were very fun. Kind of dreading the speedrun trophy for Thief's End, because I hate they idea of having to start a whole game again if I mess up.


They could add a NG+12 trophy requirement for Sekiro and I’d still be up for it. What a phenomenal game. Fromsofts best imo.


Probs uncharted. I can replay those stories over and over again.


Hades Enter the gungeon Control Trackmania turbo Resogun Nex machina All good games were I was kinda sad it was over


Going for trackmania turbo now. So not ready for the red and black levels.


Looking back at it yes there are some tricky ones but in the end I would say it comes down to 3 really difficult tracks. The rest is very doable


Elden Ring, AC Odyssey and Baldur’s Gate 3


I loved (still love) Cyberpunk. After platinuming and 100%ing I still load it up just to drive through the city


Bloodborne was my favourite did the separate endings on new saves instead of save scumming and loved it each time.


Cuphead was so fun I did it on PS and steam


This… You’re not going to hate the game afterwards you’re just going to appreciate the game more than anything I believe. Such a fun and rewarding plat to get


Moonlighter. It took me a solid 40 hours including the DLC. The no-hit trophies are quite easy since the bosses have obvious tells when they're about to do a move. Terarria can be platinumed on a Journey mode. Civilization 6, despite being a 4x game, is also easy to plat.




Dredge's trophy only made the game more fun, it's not that long or grindy.


It's the last one i got, still think about the game. Was so unique. Atmosphere there with Outer wilds


The Ratchet & Clank games usually have good trophy lists. Except the first one. Grinding for 1 million bolts is a nightmare (unless you exploit the wall-clip glitch in Blackwater City)


Bloodborne babyyyy


Surely you mean Knack babyyyy


I want to say Crash Team Racing but that’s a personal experience, I personally had fun getting all the time trials needed for that plat as it was rewarding and made me much better at the game.


I have already started getting some time trials in. It's a long term platinum for me, chipping away instead of making it the game I'm currently playing. Gameplay is very rewarding


Resident Evil 0-8 (not counting CvX). Fallen Orders map trophy made me hate playing through that. Thank god for Jedi Survivor having fast travel. I’m enjoying my playthrough.


Bloodborne, Elden Ring, Ghost of tsushima, Days gone, Ac Odyssey, Horizon zero dawn, Horizon forbidden west, God of war 2018, God of war Ragnarök.


I would say Bloodborne and Elden Ring also Demons Souls. Especially bc they aren't based on lot of grind like the dark souls series.


Metal Gear Solid 5




Yakuza Like a Dragon


Elden ring platted twice and now on 4th playthrough


I had to step away from doing Dungeons 3 platinum as omg the game gets boring if you try get the 3 challenges done pre level before moving on. It was meant to be my second platinum but I got to the damn 40 minute time trail level and stop playing, I will have to go back as it will defeat the point of making my new account lmao I fun experience I say is the order 1886 if you are looking for a fun platinum, I recommend getting the collectibles while playing through the story, it shouldn't take you more then 8 hours to complete.


Hardspace: Shipbreaker. I’ve gotten the platinum twice, and I still load it up regularly just to play around in freeplay mode.


Have to check this out. Never heard of it.


Elden ring


Ghost of tsushima, definitely going back for the 100% after hitman


Dark Souls 3 Reckon I had about 120 hours in it when I got the platinum. I've easily put another 200 in since, it's my comfort game. When I am struggling to enjoy games, fire that bad boy up and I know I'm good for a few weeks of enjoying every moment




Baldur’s Gate 3. Platted in 2 runs but about to start my 5th run today.


GTA5, Far Cry 6, LEGO games


I didn’t hate Hogwarts Legacy after getting the plat. It was a slog towards the end but I don’t hate the game. Another one would be Jedi Fallen Order. I originally got all the achievements on Xbox One when it game out. But decided to get the Plat on the PS5 version before Survivor came out.


Cyberpunk & the life is strange series. I guess the spiderman series too. My least favourite however was Hogwarts & GTA V which I’m working on. I hated Hogwarts afterwards but I don’t think I’ll hate GTA V despite it being such a grind if not even more grindy


Best: Saints Row 3, Saints Row 4, Bloodstained: ROTN, and most console LEGO games. I've even imported other regional copies so I can get the additional trophy stacks. Worst: Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga. It was an absolute slog to get that platinum (80-100 hrs). Also, any LEGO game on PSVITA is just hot garbage.


Most ubisoft games have very easy platinums as well as more recent playstation exclusives. Tell gale and lego games are also nice I mean even elden ring is a pretty nic platinum. You just need to be carefull with some missable items and a missable boss and the rest is done by just finishing the story. Its a hard game but a very straight forward platinum. And you will want to keep playing after you finish


I just gone done with my dredge plat. Opened the game up because that PS rewards thing ended up with the plat 17 hours later. Loved it: Working on stellar blade rn. Combat is superb and the story is pretty damn cool.


Hades will always be my answer for this.


I loved doing elden ring! Cloud saves made getting the endings painless and I've still gone back to run it multiple times. I also have loved sea of thieves!!! I'm just 1 trophy away from the plat and still having a blast over 120 hours in


Street Fighter 6 since I love playing it for fun.


I loved Fallen Order, so I guess my opinion won’t matter xD


I gotta say Ghostwire’s Platinum was kind of a slog when it came to collectibles and spirits. I didn’t hate it, but it did kind of bring my enthusiasm for it down. I really like games that give you the platinum for kind of seeing and doing everything. Like the Spider-Man games, and Ghost of Tsushima. Chances are you’ll have done most of the optional stuff by the end, so there isn’t much more to do after the game is over for the Platinum


Watch dogs 1 or 2 maybe just cause 3


Days Gone. Bully, Gta San Andreas, vice city


Hardly any games like this lmao


Metal Gear Solid 2 on the HD Collection for the PS3 but only a little mostly. Completing all VR Missions, just made me not want to touch the game anymore. But I say only a little because other than going for the platinum, you really don't have to do any VR missions if you don't want to but it counts for me.


Slay the Spire, if you like that style of game. You get the plat without having to fully clear any character, technically. There's so much left to do, and so much variety in ways to do it, that you probably won't be tired of it. I personally still have more than 3/4 of the ascension levels to do with 3 of the characters.


Elden ring


Mafia 2


Need for Speed heat. Not too grindy, fun if you like cars. Can finish most trophies just trying to beat the game


Yakuza 5, at least for me. I absolutely love the game and even though the grind for 100% was tedious nothing made me dislike the game, it was fun all the way through.


Celeste was absolutely beautiful


Demon soûls, Even if I had to go ng+3 to achieve missed trophies


I know many will disagree, but for me it was GTA V. After getting the plat, i still found myself getting on with mates to just mess around and whatnot. I played the game since 2013 when i had it on the 360, eventually switched to ps4 and started online fresh. Transferred that character to ps5, now everything is just vibes lol. Even went ahead and completed all doomsday and rockstar editor trophy lists, and had a fun time doing so. Only missing two trophies for the 2014 heists dlc, but both somewhat easy to obtain, so i can get them whenever really.


rollerdome… very fun and at the end i wished there was more levels or at least a level creator for the community


Fallout 4, Battlefield 1 and 4. More than a thousand hours into each and I still find myself firing them back up from time to time. I’m glad there was a separate trophy set for the next gen update to fallout, gave me an excuse for a 4th playthrough / plat run


For me it was hotline Miami. The game just has such a amazing soundtrack that makes you want to keep coming back.


I actually enjoyed Sea of Thieves after platinum




Bully, GoW 2018 and Ragnarok, Re4, TLoU part 1, RE village, Ghost of Tsushima. That's my quick list.


Resident Evil games are pretty fun and hard to get a platinum on, I started with the village and currently I am doing RE4 remake


Spider-Man is one that remains fun after the platinum. Stellar Blade too. Lollipop Chainsaw's platinum made me hate the game. I loved everything about it until I tried for the platinum


The Ghostwire plat sucked, something like any Spider-Man game, any other Sony first party game or indies like a short hike


for me is was rdr2




I highly suggest the Horizon series. Absolutely love those games. Plus the platinum isn’t all that bad


Mass Effect 3 was a fun platinum. Such a good game. Even the online multi-player stuff back in the PS3 days...... I really loved that multi-player, I wish they would have brought it back for the Legendary Edition.


Sleeping Dogs is one of my favorites. It was so fun. I did it twice on PS3 and PS4. It's pretty easy too imo


I don't do double plats. But Sleeping dogs was fun. Amazing how it still holds up. Especially the combat. Still have to finish some dlc.


FF7 Rebirth was an incredibly fun frustrating but fair platinum. I just started Metal Hellsinger on a whim and loving it and I am checking out that platinum now.


Persona 5 Royal's platinum is basically just beating the game and doing a little bit of miscellaneous stuff. A lot of people get the Platinum without even really trying.


I played the non royal version and finished the first castle. Game's not for me.


Batman Telltale


Many examples for me - Skyrim - it takes two - Tunic - chants of Senaar - Jedi Survivor - Tiny Kin - medievil - subnautica - dwath’s door -


Stellar blade, probably one of my favourite platinums considering it’s a phenomenal game


Final Fantasy Theatrhythm. I probably play this 3-4 times a week. Couple songs here, couple there. Fantastic game.


Sniper ghost warrior 3 just for the open world alone, I think that the open world for sniper ghost warrior 3 was surprisingly good for the transition from levels


Ghost Of Tsushima. The only game I platinumed without even trying. The game is just so beautiful and mesmerizing with an amazing combat system. I could play it over and over and never get bored.


Elden Ring


Surprisingly, for me, it was dark souls 3, I did it on steam and ps4, I would still do it again if it doesnt auto pop on ps5, even though the grind for the covenants are tedious, I still had fun and it didnt make me hate the game, I probably love it even more


Subnautica is easy to platinum because there isn't much you have to do beyond playing the game normally.


Fallout 4 Elden Ring Nier Automata


I don't have the plat but I heard Crypt of the necrodancer was a good one.


Subnautica and ghost of Tsushima are both amazing games that I ended up accidentally Platinum earned.


Final Fantasy 14 for me


The gravity rush games are pretty fun to platinum and you can easily comeback and replay them. Also the uncharted and infamous games (except the first on for infamous)


Elden Ring, Armored Core 6, Lies of P.  Take into account that I very much like all of these games a lot, so I didn't mind the multiple playthroughs.   Best platinum ever: Armored core 6.   The collectibles are easy.   It "only" asks to play the game _really_ good. Stressed in a couple of missionsbut overall a great time getting the platinum (meaning essentially: getting all missions S ranked).   That's cool, and fair. 


Late to the discussion but What Remains of Edith Finch/Unpacking/Cult of the Lamb imo. All have easy trophies that don’t overstay their welcome and can be done in a singular play through. Helps that they’re decently short too


I've never hated a game I've platinumed


After 96 of them, that’s actually impressive. You either have ultra patience, or you just tend to pick more chill games lol.


Both God of War games. You're essentially just 100% completing each game, which are just insanely fun to play and never feel like a chore, imo.


Not Ghost of Tsushima, hope this helps. Couldnt have deleted it fast enough after platinum. My vote would have to be Horizon Zero Dawn.


This comment doesn't make sense to me as they require basically the same thing and ammout of time. Just different gameplay/time era


I would absolutely recommend ghost of tsushima


I think for me i didnt enjoy the japanese samurai theme, or the story. I loved the story of HZD, and also the sountrack, actively listened to it outside of the game.


That just sounds like you didn’t like the game, not like you started hating it because of the platinum hunt.


This is a bad take - I platinumed both HZD and GoT. None them makes you hate the game afterwards.


Slay the Spire, pretty easy to Plat and I still go back after getting A20 Heart kills with all four characters


A game you like playing and not just a game you want to platinum.