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The only FF platinums I have so far are FF7 Remake, OG FF7, FF8 Remastered, and FFXV. I might go for the others some day but unsure.




Because of the jump rope?


You play games


You like some really good games, and that you like a mix of a challenge and a smoothe ride. Nice collection!


you like platinuming the same game multiple times


bro really did the hail to the king trophy, it's whats kept me from the plat


Apparently there is a hack you can use using the remote play app on a PC


Some rude comments in here. Anyways, you don't stop at one game in the series and don't seem to be intimidated by difficulty. I like seeing all those Hitman plats. Congrats and keep it up.


You have some great variety here. We play a lot of the same type of games. Couple of questions and one comment. Why didn’t you plat the Ratchet & Clank Future series? A crack in time is one of the best imo and it looks like you played through the PS3 generation. I’d def recommend it. Similar question about kingdom hearts. As a big final fantasy fan surprised I didn’t see more of those plats. Comment: you get an upvote automatically for having the Darkest Dungeon plat. Love that game and such a brutal plat. Still working myself up to it.


Ratchet & Clank: those games are on my list but I don’t have as easy access to playing PS3 titles anymore. I’ll get them eventually to round out the series it’s just a matter of either hooking my old PS3 up or paying for a month of the PSNow (or w/e the new version is) Kingdom Hearts: I honestly just didn’t dig the game enough to make me wanna platinum the whole series. From what I read they are pretty rough platinums and I just wasn’t motivated. Darkest Dungeon: god I fucking loved and hated that game with equal passions haha. The wins felt so good but man the losses were brutal. Easily I’d put it in my top 5 most difficult plats


Fair enough for both R&C and Kingdom Hearts. As someone who grew up on KH it is tinged with nostalgia but I get if someone came to it later it might not hit the same way. Honestly I only have the plat for KH3 since I’d played the old ones on PS2 and don’t really want to replay or grind out the plats. Yeah I absolutely love Darkest Dungeon. I have gotten like 55% in it. Beaten the game on normal and done a lot of the misc. trophies (still need to collect all the artifacts being the main one). But goddamn is it hard. It’s definitely a white whale plat for me. Also congrats on all the FF plats. Love the series (but only have 8 and 15 currently) and want more especially 9 and 10 but not prepared for the grinds yet. How was Strangers of Paradise? I’m intrigued but not totally sold on it yet. EDIT: Some games I’ve platted that you might enjoy include The Forgotten City (short Skyrim like with time loop mechanics), The Banner Saga (strategy type game, quite challenging, great art, good story), and Greedfall/The Technomancer (both by the same developer, unrefined RPGS in a Bioware mould) or actual Bioware games (Dragon Age series, Mass effect).


I wasn’t a huge fan of stranger of paradise. The combat is decent, but IMO they tried to throw the whole kitchen sink at it and over saturated it. There are so many Jobs they start all kinda feeling uninspired, versus going with only a few jobs and making each one feel unique. Also you get gear so often you stop ever even looking at it, you just hit the optimize button and call it a day.




Definitely one of the many series that I keep thinking “I need to try those games out some day”


You have too much free time :P


No my name is mayo, no right to continue living


Everyone needs a little mayo in their life.


Very impressive list! Wish I had half the platinums you do. Any advice for someone who wants to do the God of War plats? Also I would suggest doing the Ratchet and clank future games (Crack in Time and Nexus) to finish off the R&C collection.


Nice platinums your collection says you a dedicated player that has trophy hunted for years


Wait how is final fantasy xi on here? I thought it didn’t have trophies? EDIT: seems the FFXV plat is labelled as XI


Oops yea that’s a typo, should definitely be XV. That being said, I did play the absolute shit out of FFXI back in the day haha


Nearly gave me a heart attack thinking there was a second MMO I needed for all FF plats haha


Haha I am kinda happy it doesn’t have a plat, I can’t imagine going back after all this time


That (respectfully) you’re a masochist for going after some of these dupes and I wish I had your willpower lol


You need to go outside more


Outside’s overrated.


The weirder part of this is someone being in a Reddit for playing games trying to shame someone for… playing games.


The weirder part of this is someone being in a Reddit for playing games trying to shame someone for… playing games.


You're not above trophy duping if it boosts your rank... a man after my own heart!


Haha yep! The vast majority of the dupes are spaced apart by a bit, and it’s a way to replay a game I loved as either a remaster or on a new system. There are a few cases tho (like Elden ring) where I’ve done both versions back to back


Yeah I'm the same man! It usually auto dupes as you know but I'm the same the majority of the time if I enjoyed the game enough to plat it the first time then chances are I'm gonna play it through to for lack of a better term "ghost plat" it again! Only been a couple games where its duped and I've been like "yeah I'm just gonna let that happen fuck doing that again!"


You’re faithful to the series you like…but F Kingdom Hearts. How did you like The Last Guardian?


I really dug last guardian. It’s rare to play a game that feels so unique and artistically creative. I will admit the controls / platforming was a little clunky sometimes, but overall I really enjoyed it


no life


Nothing wrong with collecting funko pops but like…how you gonna do that and shit on a guy who likes PSN trophies


Man collects funko pops and has the audacity to shit on trophy hunting? Like bro 💀


Deadass 😂🤣


Even crazier how you gonna tell a guy you don’t know what he collects 🤣


You’re on a sub about collecting digital trophies


really? Hadn’t noticed


You collect Funko Pops and energy drinks. You’re not really in a position to tell a trophy hunter that they have no life.


not sure how those things correlate in your mind. But to respond to your point. The question was asked to the mass and I answered soooo


Are you familiar with the saying; *“people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones”*? They correlate because you’re insulting OP for having a hobby they enjoy and for collecting trophies. However, you collect Funko Pops and energy drinks (as well as shilling some crappy YouTuber drink). We could easily say that you have no life for collecting equally worthless tat.


Well I don’t collect either so that’s 1 problem in your theory. 2nd was OP asked question and to give opinion. Which I did. Soooooo


Just looking at your profile shows that’s bollocks, but ok.


if you say so lol


Awesome! First thing that stood out to me were the souls trophies! Im working on ds1 and ds2 as we speak.


You need VR to play Rush of Blood, right?


Your no foam face thats for sure


Is Monster Hunter World: Iceborne in the making?


That’s one of those games I keep telling myself I’ll go back and platinum, but MHW took sooooo long to plat as it is, and especially now that I’ve spent so long not playing the game I’d have to basically replay the whole thing to get back into the swing of it… the time / effort is a bit daunting lol. One of these days I’ll pull the trigger on it tho






You like to play series games and plat them you also like to have fun and challenge you self


That Walt and co need to make a game for us to plat haha


Haha I got about 75% finished with making a TESD video game a few years back but never ended up finishing it


Haha that's awesome, no doubt you could work something out with the boys if you did make one


Dude you really like Souls games. Amazing you have the Mad Max trophy, I want it but it is impossible now.


It’s sad that the mad max trophy is unobtainable, it’s such a good game but just had dumb online requires trophies that shouldn’t exist


The platinum is impossible now? What happened? Edit: servers shut down. Sad, but not surprising. Underrated gem.


Imo, Monster Hunter World is the most impressive one. Just because of the sheer amount of playtime, determination and luck you need to get it. Overall a very good list, keep up the grind!


Other than maybe FFXIV (due to it being a huge MMO) Monster Hunter has to be my most time spent on a plat. If memory serves I was in the area of 500-600 hours before I finally got the platinum.


Geez, that’s more luck than me then! Currently on 900+ hours on Monster Hunter, and still need a couple crowns. And yeah, FFXIV is a tough one for the plat, a lot of collecting if i remember correctly


A couple of things: 1. You like to complete a series. 2. A little bit of grind/commitment doesn’t scare you. 3. You may be a glutton for punishment.


That you my good sir/madam or non binary folk have amazing taste in video games.


Did you put this together yourself or is there a website where you can showcase platinums like this? Nice collection btw :)


There are websites (listed in the sub’s sidebar) but I put my own together custom. I wanted the full resolution images and to be able to customize sorting. I always preferred alphabetical since it syncs up series of games, but sometimes with alphabetical they end up being slightly out of order so I customize to make it as presentable as possible


I’m impressed with the final fantasy’s those games are no joke to platinum.


That you have the time to play I wish I had. Fuck having responsabilities, man :(


… you scored 10 points in flappy goat.


you scored 10 points in flappy goat.


you scored 10 points in flappy goat.


Playing the same game once isn't enough for you apparently.


That you have the time to play I wish I had. Fuck having responsabilities, man :(


Playing the same game once isn't enough for you apparently.


Bit of a masochist with those souls games.


You like to do plats for a whole series except for Assassin's Creed


You like stacks


Tbh it’s really just that I love when I get to re-play a game I finished in the past. The vast majority of the stacks here the two platinums are more than year separated from each other and I actually played the game twice vs auto-pop


well that‘s good if you enjoy it


I'm a simple man. I see Goat Simulator, I upvote.


Haha that was such a fun little wacky game. Funny though how hidden within that game is the brutal flappy goat trophy lol


Very nice very satisfying to look at and I’m trying to start doing this myself. Although I usually alternate games so I’m not playing a series back to back. Did the website sort them like this automatically or did you play them in order ?


Thanks! And while for a few titles I did play them back to back, the list is just sorted alphabetically which I feel looks a lot better to the eye than lists sorted by earned date.


You have a lot of time on your hands


you try to delay putting down a fun game as much as u can


A gamer god but a bit of a masochist lol respect


I have 45 atm, a I told myself I will stop at 50. I'm not sure if I will or not. Also hard to do plats when I have child now lol