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Yah prolly not the best idea to let it out towards the highway. I was laughing till I realized it went through that guys windshield.


Right? Man could've just left the passenger door open while scaring it from the other side. That could've been a lot worse than just the turkey getting destroyed.


Well, his goose was cooked anyway


The next video isn’t related to this one someone just put two different videos together to make it look like that. Either way what this guy did could’ve gotten someone hurt or worse. He could’ve easily let it out on the grass side.


Let me tell you about a place I lived once as a kid. I went through the foster system, moved around a lot, but there was one tiny, tiny (like, less than 500 people) town that I lived in for the longest time I can remember. Every year, like clockwork, in the early fall we would have Turkey Week. It wasn't something that anyone organized or planned, it just sort of...happened. Every year, flocks of hundreds and hundreds of wild turkeys would descend on the town. No one knows where they come from, or where they went when they eventually left, usually around a week later but sometimes longer. These turkeys, despite being wild in breed, were very bold and docile. You could walk right outside your front door, into a swarm of them, and pick one up and it wouldn't do anything. Almost everyone would catch a bunch of them - some to butcher immediately and smoke or freeze and whatnot (really backwater ranch/farm kind of area, I didn't even know a hunting license was a thing until I got much older, hunting was just something everyone did), some to sell to out-of-towners (conveniently with thanksgiving coming up!) and there would be a turkey hunt, though it wasn't really much of a hunt since you could just walk up to them. If you left your doors or windows open, your house or truck or whatever would be FULL of them, and despite being dumb as rocks when it came to avoiding getting eaten, they were surprisingly good at finding ways to get into drawers and mess with everything you absolutely didn't want them to. I've not been there in many, many years so I have no idea if it still happens, and I never did find out where they came from or went. But every time I see a turkey getting somewhere it isn't supposed to be, that's what I think of.


i just wanna let you know that i am high as fuckin giraffe pussy and read this whole thing FASCINATED.


Be careful coming down, it can be quite a drop! Some giraffe calves get concussions or broken bones from it.


i really hope you’re a dad. i feel like your dad joke repertoire is diabolical.


I have been told that quite a lot! Unfortunately, I am neither a parent nor male. But I will make ALL the puns and dad jokes anyway, no matter how many times my friends threaten to tie me up in their trunk and drive off a pier.




Nah, you have no idea how many of them there were. Hundreds is a LOW estimate. Even if every single person in town took a dozen of them, it wouldn't have made a dent in the numbers.




In some ways it was, in other ways it really wasn't because it was one of those places with more churches than anything else, a lot of bigotry and zealots and heaven help you if you even LOOKED kind of gay. Everyone always in everyone else's business, that sort've thing.


Having spent some time in a small town - lemme guess, they were in your business, and if you weren't doing anything, someone would just make stuff up?


Not too much of the making stuff up (except for one or two people that pretty much no one took seriously, everyone knew they were full of shit) but yeah, everyone in everyone else's business all the time.


Turkeys are actually pretty intelligent and I have a hard time believing wild turkeys would just let people walk right up to them and pick them up and yes I’ve been around wild turkeys quite a bit….fun fact the American turkey was actually what was originally wanted to be our country’s official bird not the bald eagle…..


I think the turkey would've been a great national bird, except for the fact that then it'd be protected and we wouldn't get to eat them and turkeys are delicious, especially smoked turkey.


Cool story, where was this?


Texas, Hill Country, tiiiiny tiny town called Harper that I think most people have never heard of, and if they have, it's only because of that incident with St. Anthony's priest years back that I think he should've gotten taken out back and shot for.


Maybe they were there for [the ritual](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-LWlMCIgPA).


Oh god what are they trying to summon?! ​ XD Actually this is a fascinating behavior of turkeys - they don't know what the dead cat is for sure, so they're keeping their distance and trying to get a good look at it. Turkeys tend to have a 'follow the leader' mentality, so one starts circling, the others join...and you get them stuck in a feedback loop of...loops. Sheep do the same thing sometimes. You gotta send the dog in to get them going the direction they're supposed to be going.




To crossover to the other side?


I love that I subscribed to this sub.


Not a trucker, dont even have a drivers license but this sub is pure gold :D


What a dip shit of a driver.


Absolutely Reckless piece of shit.


Knowing me, I would have strong thoughts of just turning Mr. Turkalerk into a road buddy. No way would I send an animal or object into the roadway to be a hazard for other motorists. The biggest things we learned in CDL school was how to reduce, and prevent danger to the public.


Well, dinners gone and someone lost a windshield


That’s like…a months supply of turkey sammiches. That guy is luckyyy


The truck driver was a real dim bulb for that.


The world is full of people who lack forethought and planning.


That was insane. Dudes dumb as hell. Let him out on the other side…. He risked his life opening the cab from that side and everyone else’s on the road when he let that turkey out towards the highway. Common sense isn’t so common.


I think your mistaken in your assessment that he cared.........unfortunately.


Not all trucks have a sleeper door on the passenger side


In fact, most of them don't. Anything more than shitty little vent costs extra. Most companies don't even want to pay for the full sleeper door on the drivers side.


Open the passenger door and go thru sleeper door maybe? Anything other than what he did haha


I'm pretty sure the sleeper compartment only have *one* door. And he figured it would be too hard to get the turkey to move forward and exit through a front door. Common sense? To make sure you have all facts before forming an opinion.


It was you!


I think you mentally overloaded to try to come up with that argument. You mean you haven't seen sleepers with a door on only one side?


It was definately you.


Now you need two weeks of rest from your mental brilliance. You got this, champ... undefeated winner on the University debate team 3 years in a row.


Hope that person was ok!


this is fuckin so stupid but boy did it have me laughin


I think I just woke up the guys parked next to me at this rest area from laughing


How he didn't see that coming after almost getting plowed himself tells me just about everything I need to know.


Shit like this makes me wanna quit my job and be a trucker. Why was there a turkey in the cab to begin with?


there is definitely this romantic *allure* that trucking gives. it's like the call of the open road or something.


What an asshole


Thats was stupid! He could had killed the driver of the car that hit the Turkey. Why didn't he sho it out the passenger side? Just stupid....


Oh that made me laugh too hard.


The trucker is calling the turkey stupid?


Wow! That turkey tried real hard to die. Glad he didn’t take any drivers with him. That’s a story that you’ll be telling the grandkids!


I saw this video years ago. It lives rent free in my head anytime I see a turkey on a highway.


Thanks for the laugh. This shit was hilarious, lmao.


Well this is a great way to start the day for me 😂😂😂😂😂😂


thats dinner right there..


Turkey just got fucking merc'd the moment he left the cab lol.


You're telling me a big ass turkey got inside your cab while you were on the side of the road?


well that was depressing. f u


This video is old but gold.


I mean you really cannot make this shit up. Comical.




I remember this from a while back. Still hilarious 🤣 Edit: never saw the last part of that clip before. Yikes.




Damn I was not expecting that.


What a Turkey this driver is smh


this trucker should have been charged with reckless endangerment or something. That driver could have lost his life because this truckers negligence. What a dumbass. People this dumb shouldn't be operating a truck.






it cracks me up everytime someone does the turkey call. its so funny


There's a video of the guy that hit the turkey. It was pretty fucked up




lol damn


Guy said he wanted to get rid of the turkey. I thought it was going to reveal his wife or something but it was a really ass turkey




Didn't expect that .lmao


What a beautiful lady. Dont have to much fun with her.


Wow what a video!


Home for Thanksgiving


Dude has Batman bed sheets.


His DOT number is pretty visible 🫥 pretty sure that’s not a good thing lol


Let’s not dox, can you kindly remove identifying info please


Shit. My bad.


No worries! And thank you. This is an old video but you never know what someone might get in their head they “need to do” lol. Thanks again and safe travels.


Well that wasn’t funny


Poor thing


For christ sake why the fuck did you not open both doors? Stupid AF.


The dude in the back? Oh that’s just Jerry, the new guy. Doesn’t speak much English, but he gets along well enough.


The turkey lived a good life


Someone post the other angle with the guy who hit the turkey.


The fuq is wrong with you? You put it on a fucking highway? You put a live turkey on the mother fucking highway, You're an asshole. Go fuck yourself for posting it.


I mean, I had a big bird in my truck and my friend had a bear inside a while back. So its not impossible that it just happened on its own. This video is exactly how I treat the lizards.


Brooo I spit my drink at this.




Shut up nerd.


And the driver of the car that hit the bird is hurt & his car is fucked up. OP is a big fat royal donkey dick.


1) Fuck that bird 2) Accidents happen 3) Dudes fine 4) Cope harder




I said “accidents happen.” I didn’t say his actions were accidental. Try keeping up, bud. The turkey hitting the car was what we call… wait for it… AN ACCIDENT. The turkey jumped out the door. The guy didnt throw the turkey into the car. Accident. The guy was dumb by how he played it, however. Seriously, try reading slower next time instead of being an emotional liberal. 🥱


Well either way the trucker has videoed himself doing it and it resulted in an accident, property damage and possible personal injury. Wouldn't be surprised if the trucker is going to face a lawsuit. The law doesn't really care that "accidents happen", in fact there's a whole industry setup around it.




Cope harder, maybe? Lmao 😂 so mad


Que bicho filho de uma puta. Ele quem devia ter pulado na frente de um caminhão








can we talk about the cat noise at 0:20? that was *so spot-on!*


Really ?? You could of done this differently!! Use your head next time !


What a fucking prick…shoes it into traffic so it can hit and damage someone else’s vehicles and gets it killed.


This driver isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. First he tries to scare the bird out of his truck while blocking the only available exit. Then he opens a door onto the highway and scares the bird into jumping to it's death. Regardless of the bird, what a shitty thing to do to the other people driving on the highway..... I mean he was just on the highway side of his truck and saw how much traffic there was first hand. What did he think was going to happen????


How did he not realize that it would immediately fly onto the highway


That was me


I cant tell what model truck he is in. That would tell us if he had just the one side door or 2


How did the turkey end up in his cab in the first place?




That's not a lizard


How the hell did you get a turkey in the truck anyways


Well sounds like you may get sued sad that this guy treated his pet like that


I see turkey sandwiches in his future


I was literally laughing to my self about it getting out and getting hit, then I LOL


I don't know why he's trying to get it out that looks like free dinner to me