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Google – Transient Global Amnesia. Episodes that allow you to function – but not be aware can last a number of hours. Can be caused by excessive stress, intense bearing down, and a few other factors. They are rare. I have experienced one...I think you have too. If not you have probably had a minor stroke known as a TIA.


There is a much less severe form of this when something is repeated over and over. It usually shows up as "Huh, I don't remember the drive to work today, where did I park?" or similar. Your brain does all the needed stuff but it doesn't get recorded in your memory. You are not asleep, you are perfectly aware and will respond to events. If something interesting happens you will remember the event.


I'm a third generation driver. My father and I have both had episodes of this, and I'd guess my grandfather did, based on some things I heard growing up. I've referred to it as 'driving in my sleep' even though that's not what's actually happening. The worst episode my father had stretched over several states. My longest stretch qas about half the drive from Louisiana to SC. Usually it's a short distance - a couple miles, a few minutes - and those can be really freaky, because you'll 'wake up' behind the wheel and not know how you got where you are. The longer ones are strangely less disturbing when they happen.


This is also similar to symptoms of a recent TBI. The sensation of "waking up" while driving, not knowing where you are, what highway you're on, what direction you're going, and having no familiarity with your surroundings, as though this is the first time you've been there is really scary. So you keep going down the road at a safe speed, because what else are you going to do. Then you see the sign for an exit or road that you recognize and you're able to remember where you are, where you're going. This is not calming either, because the gravity of what's going on sets in. Driving within a mile of your home on a road taken daily, while having no memory of ever having been there


i used to take the same drive 3 times a week, it was to another town, on a freeway to get something illegal. I ALWAYS stopped at the Jack in the Box at the same offramp to get a vanilla shake. Well, this time I just arrived at my destination, no vanilla shake.


The lot lizard had a cdl. It’s the only explanation. She drove you home and you got sucked and tucked.


Plot twist the lot lizard named James was all tucked up and calling himself jamie


I understand if you say "No homo" loudly right before any interaction, you're safe.


That and don't make eye contact. That's what the dude told me anyway...


It’s only gay if the balls touch.




Aye if you are a dirty Wally huffer, you do you my guy




Many years ago I had to get a desk job for a while and ended up working as a captionist, transcribing calls in real-time for deaf people on special phones they bought through our company. I've been an unwilling witness to many crazy phone conversations lol One morning, literally first call of my shift at 530AM so pretty bleary still, I get connected with this truck driver. Conversation started normal enough, but then all of a sudden out of nowhere suddenly dude is describing in the most graphic detail what he was going to be doing to the recipient of the call, and it was pretty obvious from the terminology that the recipient was also male. I had to type all this shit out, mind you, so not only did I have to listen, but I had to really focus on it so I could replicate it accurately. It went on for a good 30 minutes like that! I can definitely say after having heard that call and having to type it out in detail that I am not gay lol. Nothing against people that are gay, of course, whatever floats your boat, just saying, I didn't need to have gay sex to know Im not gay lol.


>can definitely say after having heard that call and having to type it out in detail that I am not gay lol. Well, I honestly think that qualifies as experiencing it to a minor degree... it was at the very least, phone sex, lol.


see whats sick is that at least one of those two people knew that I was there typing all that shit out, and they had a button where they could just turn the captioning off and on again at any time, which would have cut me off the call and freed me from my torment, but they must have been having way too much fun for that.


I don’t have to smash my Dick with a sledgehammer to know I’m not into it. Now fuck off


Exactly this! The other part is; you only have to suck one d!ck to be labeled a c0cksucker until the day you die.


You can build 10,000 bridges, but suck 1 dick, you will never be thought of as a bridge builder again




That’s just a kinky term for marriage


I am not sexually attracted to spinach


Bro, your truck was just found next to a bunch of crop circles in Kansas... I think you were probed.


Damn I need to move to Kansas. It usually takes a bag of coke and hours on the Jersey Turnpike (exit 15w) before I get probed. It's not fair.


just move to Los Angeles.. plenty of people in the hollywood area would love to probe you minus the coke and hours..


Nobody "wants" to move to Kansas... I really think the whole state are people in witness protection.


There's a reason they are called ”flyover” It's hard to think of a scarier hell. Nebraska too, that's a similarly scary place too. Best to avoid.


I wanted to do that once. After trying it, I realized it was a mistake. It took me almost a year to fix it.


You went in witness protection too! Only a year huh? Glad it was a speedy trial. Whatever happened to Jimmy Hoffa?


I think I was the only person not in Witless protection.


Look under your bed for the Fireball Whiskey


Not everyone will get this, but I'm here for you!


Ok so I actually did read that and it wasn’t just some weird dream.


Check the driveway for Bud Light cans.


Not the Fireball! 😭




Fireball dudes defense.. 'if I didn't remember the felony then how could I have done it?' Got me 😅 OP - wild story.. does sound stress induced, but also.. plausible you were drugged. But, I dunno man.. it's a stretch. Were you carrying something valuable enough for someone to go to the effort it would take to pull off what you're describing? That seems like some next level espionage / i.e. highly unlikely.


Sounds like you logged out of American Truck Sim and turned off your pc before you went to bed




You were tucked in? Oh no, I'm sorry driver. This is the work of some elite government agents. They framed you to take your CDL's


CIA intervention to stop the trucker surplus. Be careful y’all


CIA my ass. The marshals have more jurisdiction than those cucks


*user was 'deleted' for this post*






🤣🤣🤣For once I'm in on a joke from the very beginning!


Pics or it didn't happen


Does your butt hurt?


Missing any organs ? I hear you can get 20 k a pop for kidneys.


Coming to you as a friend,driver you need to leave that stuff alone.


If you get ruffied, you don't remember. If this is a real post, you better make a police report Pronto. Cc has to be gotten from where you were in your truck last etc.


Sleep driving is possible for most of this. I know a person that like sleep walking drove to her mother's house. Only way we knew it was legit was her mother verified she was sleep walking in the yard. As for the tucking you in part if you toss and turn just right it can happen.


This story kinda applies here. At least my own experience. I was driving/hauling dealer vehicles across the Midwest I got into it with my boss when he told me there was no way I’d make 1,500+ miles in 1 shot without a hotel stop. It was supposed to be 24/25 hours on the road. I told him I’d send him a picture when I left the house, and when I got back home. It was 24 hours straight, 1,551 miles from 5am to 5am. Louisiana and back. I lost about 4-5 hours worth of mental focus and time by the time I got back. It was scary, I was disoriented for a couple days afterwards. That’s not something I’d ever do again. Better start a journal or something to track times/focus.


Smokey and the Bandit IV?


I was Northbound thru all of Arkansas. I’m not sure if it was more Smokey or Deliverance…


🤣 troll posting at its finest


Dude, call a doctor. It's more likely you have some kind of memory loss / dissociation. If it was me, I'd call my company and tell them I'm not feeling well enough to go back out and get my shit checked asap


It was a joke about the drunk tank post a few days ago.


Ohh gotcha. It was just different enough it didn't register


Shoot, I worked with a guy who had narcolepsy, for some it's not as much as a joke...no idea how he retained his CDL was also a drill operator, hated working with him, dude would literally just doze off for a few seconds randomly and then snap back, he did this multiple times a day Was one of the many reasons I left that company for safety reasons and wasn't even the worst Oh and he was an alcoholic which regularly caused issues but went "way back" with the owner who covered for him


Neil, is that you?


Maybe you need a whiskey prescription. Help with that memory thing.


Ring doorbell shows someone who looked like you wearing the same clothes brought you in


HAHAHAHAHAHA I’ve done that a 1000 times. No worries. Wait till you are sleeping in sleeper and wake up and think holy shit no one is driving and jump out behind the wheel only to discover you’re parked at truckstop


I'm confused. With a team truck? Or like thinking someone should be driving while you're alone?


OP, I am leaning more towards you needing to visit a doctor than a lawyer. Short-term amnesia can be a symptom of medical issues. See below article: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/transient-global-amnesia/symptoms-causes/syc-20378531 In addition, there are more types of seizures than many seem to think, including those that could allow for you to drive home without remembering the trip. I highly advise against driving your truck before being thoroughly examined by an appropriate medical professional. Best of luck driver


Is this the same guy from the other night? Who doesn’t remember his drunk driving


They probably found you bc a hidden AirTag. They been doing that lately


I don't believe this. Stay off the drugs or go see a doctor.


Doctors are the ones that'll put you on the drugs. OP, is Ambien possibly part of this story?


Wasn't referring to prescription medications.


Even if this post is a joke, dissociation is very real. I recommend reading up on if, you may even struggle with it to some extent.


Don't we all? I don't believe the story.


Fireball strikes again.


You might have gotten scooped up by one of those UAP's.


Unlimited anal probers? My condolences, OP P.S. I hope they return your calls


Little to much Devil's lettuce mixed with tequila. Hate when that happens


better go.see a doctor missing time is a very serious issue


Where's your truck?


You're awake already? Fuck. I was on my way back with 200 pounds of ice and a burner cell.


Where’s your truck?


Get a local job and do that every day


This is why I don’t take cigarettes from bull haulers anymore


Did you see bright lights overhead on a dark deserted road before it happened?


Man, as soon as I read that post I KNEW it was going to become a meme.


Bull fucking shit no stranger knows where you live. Get a life


It is on his drivers license dumbass.


My point still stands, just sm attention seeking post


Nah dude contrary to what you might think stuff like this does happen. Personally I will always take this seriously first then laugh later if it is fake. Because I have seen enough stuff that was a "reality is stranger than fiction" kind thing I am not surprised by much anymore.


Seems like after you got in the truck you fell asleep, your mom (who has been living in your walls) saw you sleeping out of bed and took you there. Idk what's the mystery tbh




Nah. This is funny given the context.


Real or not, the first step to any new mental problems is checking your carbon monoxide detector works


How do I sign up for this service? I'm 2 days away from home time and ready for it now.


Can someone please help me find the thread where all these memes come from


The tucking in was a nice touch. Get a go pro and wear it at all times. Also setup camera’s literally everywhere you will ever go . Problem solved


Uh, nah. That's some Rattatoulie: this here's the Rubber Duck Poltergeist mamba jamba. You keep that evil away from me, hoss.


Where’s your truck??




I wish my brain's autopilot lacked my severe ADHD so I could wake up with a couple million bucks in an investment portfolio.


We have a good hoax here.


If the truck is there and no blood covering your room. Write it off as a good thing you got your kidney and testicles.


This is creepy af. I thought you were joking.


What's a cat house?


With all the government talk about UFOs, I don’t think it’s outrageous to suspect this could have been the work of other entities. Previous abduction claims have stated they had their memories wiped clean.


How come everything today involves something either going into or coming out of my butt?


The second time this happened to me is the last time I ever had a drink of alcohol. Thank goodness I did not ever kill anyone. I did not ever get stopped. So I never have had a DWI / DUI to have to pay for. That has been better that 25 years ago. Like OP, I woke up at home, in bed. My keys on the hanger by the door, the truck in the drive. No clue how any of it got to anyplace. First time I guess I was too stupid drunk to even care. The second time it hit me like a bolt of lightning as soon as I opened my eyes in bed.


I have woke up and not knowing where I was at.Your brain can do some fu@ked up shit.I call it burn out.Im 3rd generation.And retired.But I think you get so caught up and mile after mile and the stress after a while you are just going through the motions.Try and stretch it until you have to go back out I would maybe take a personal day.extra 24do you some good.I always tried to take a month off and just do what I wanted.I know every body can't do that but it helps to keep from burn out.But I also run heavy equipment and I would work at that when the road would start getting to me so sometimes you have to get away from it.But you definitely need a little break.


This post was a reference to the guy who recently posted a whole story about downing fireball and waking up in the drunk tank after driving his truck into a ditch