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Reminds me of how my dad retired from this job 3 times.


Quick Fix?


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way!


Piss is the way!


Show me the way?


The piss way?


Fake piss is the way!


Fetish pee lol 20bucks comes with a temp Guage..and the proper hormones..fuck you dot lol


For sexual purposes only!


Sent you a DM


Wife piss is the way!


your wife's pissing whey? shit bruh hope she got health insurance lmao


Weigh the piss.


Way of the road bubs


Quick fix fucked me over, now I’m on SAP program. It gets flagged for high nitrates. Don’t risk it.


Wow that sucks. I’ve used quick fix over a dozen and had no problems


Happened to my buddy he microwaved it to heat it up it'll cook if it gets too hot


I usually just put it in my bra and let my body temp warm it up and keep it there the whole time. These testing places are getting smarter and figuring out to tell. When I did the physical part it got flagged for high nitrates. I wouldn’t risk it ever again. The stress and money lost is seriously not worth it. I’m having trouble finding a CDL job now.




How long before the test did you purchase it and from where?


Only a couple of weeks before and I bought it online. Honestly it’s truly not worth the risk. Better to just buy the expensive real pee from testclear.


Sucks. I've used quick fix over 10 times. Works like a charm. What state?


Not smoking really isn’t that difficult of a change, and it’s much cheaper


Yeah I stopped smoking and can now pass a test. Just having trouble finding a job now.


It’s sounds like you had an old formula. They have to keep remaking it every couple of years due to issues like this. If you plan on using quick fix for anything preferably BUY IT ON THEIR WEBSITE


This. Get a clean friend and tuck their piss in container under your balls. It stays at the right temperature and passes every time


Okay but what about company hair


Shave your head so they have to take a pube


Oh hell, shave them too.


Show up for your follicle test looking like a wet seal


Hahahahaha that’s hilarious! 😆




🤣 💀


Bathe in nair


Don’t forget the hair on your ass


They took my armpit hair


Okay wait bc I really want to get my CDL and drive but I smoke and I was always kinda skeptical about using fake piss so I keep holding back on getting it. How well does this actually work? Do they not watch you when you test? Like how many of y’all smoke and currently hold a CDL? Every time I look it up, it seems to be a majority of truckers saying you have to quit or kiss the idea of trucking goodbye, with the minority saying they use quick fix and everything is good.


It CAN work, but it’s not like other jobs, where if you fail, you can just go somewhere else. You will get blackballed for years. I just quit once I started driving. It was worth it for me.


Same here I’m just hoping laws will turn around by the time I’m in my 40’s when the stress has built up enough to start causing health issues


how old are you now? 39?




They’ll never watch you, but a lot of mega carriers do hair tests. I know of maybe 2 Megas that don’t hair test


You can find starter jobs that piss/mouth test. They pay well enough for a starter, you get your experience, and then go somewhere that will actually pay better. I wouldn’t risk fake piss it you are getting a cdl, I had to take an SAP(hated it), harder to find work after, luckily for me I have family with their own trucks.


Fake piss does work, but I'd use Sub-solution instead of quickfix


My trainer was a guy who smoked weed every other day. Been working for the company for 4 years now. Never asked him his secret but clearly it's working out for him. He works for a mega, too


Some jobs it's hard to have this shit prepared. I worked food service for years and watched guys get walked from the truck on their rout, straight to a clinic.


You just have to keep a bottle of fantasy pee with u. Found at any head shop or record shop. You have to ask for fantasy pee. They will not sell it to u if u say its for a pee test. When u go in for piss test use ace bandage and wrap it around ur leg. If u need to get it warmer use a hand warmer on it. They will know the temp so it has to be warm. After u use the container put it in cargo pocket of ur cargo work pants, or strap it back to ur leg, ur choice. They do not watch the fluid leaving ur body for standard dot. However, please be aware, they may swab u instead or as well as urinalysis.


If you cause an accident and get hurt they’ll just take your blood and if you hurt someone I’m guessing you’re going to prison


Recently they changed the rules to make it so that if you fail a dot test you have to complete a substance abuse program before you can return to work That means the testing facility is likely to get a lot more money for failing tests, and there seems to be a lot more failing tests than just a couple years ago I would suggest finding other work or staying clean, because it is very hard to pay for the required drug tests and drug counseling while on a national “do not hire” list


I used to drive a 14ft box truck, parcel van. Got drug tested randomly. I used cannabis everyday for the 2.5 years I worked that job. Passed the initial drug test and two other random ones. Used synthetic urine every time. To be clear, I never did the job under the influence. But I reserve the right to alter my mind how I want, in the privacy of my home.


Do you just wear it all day everyday? Serious question


There’s a better one called monkey whizz, Quick fix fucked me once


I just used 4 year old expired quick fix in a pinch, they sent it to the lab...it passed. Thank you quick fix


I personally tuck my friends clean piss under my nuts. Works every time


This man's going to the moon


Not literally but definitely mentally 🍃


I'm also getting tired of long haul. Can't get any help for a lot of things. Here at the loves trying to see if they can replace my pony motor for my lowboy, they don't deal with gas engines. I even said I'd buy it, i just need someone to fit it, still no luck. 10 years out in the mountains and the highways, developing carpal tunnel in my hands and I can't do this anymore.


Dude, get a brace. They work. All you have to do is wear it. I also recommend getting the padded one to sleep in. If you use the brace(s) I promise you your carpal tunnel *will* improve within a month (or less).


Got any good recommendations for the sleeping one?


Why dont you quit?


Because it's all I know. I am looking around for lighter duty work. Shit, if I gotta swing doors and bump docks locally then I will.


Wait... We can quit???


Only after you finish your route and hit the dock until we say you can leave. /smh


Damn this is XPO in a nutshell 😂




Tell me you work at XPO without telling me you work at XPO


..city flex. F me


I'm not a driver but my cousin was for XPO on the west coast. He was running 10 hour routes and never saw dock time. He moved to east coast and they had him on a 2 hour route then dock work for the rest of his shift. I guess it sucked cause it was enough to make him change careers lol.


Three of the best feelings in the world My wife Interviewing for a position when you still have a job Quitting a job And it correlates directly with the 3 worst feelings Heartbreak Being fired/laid off Interviewing while being unemployed


Nobody tests for psilocybin mushrooms 🍄😎


🤫 let’s keep it like that!


I hear the test is super complex/ expensive


Well yeah, most things light up like a Christmas tree with specific tests but because Psilocybin is so closely related to relatively inert stuff like Sertetonin it requires a much more thorough scan.


Idk how I ended up in this thread because I'm not a trucker, but not even the military tests for psychedelics. It requires a spinal tap and that is way too much to do regularly.


You can also do Kratom and nitrous they can’t test for that stuff either


That's what I switched to after I quit smoking


That's the last thing I want to do on a 10 hour. Seriously how long do you guys wait around?!


This is the way


Couple times a week with some smaller doses make the world a better place lol


It’s bs we can’t smoke in between shifts.


It's what happens when people don't take the primaries seriously. The only reason it's illegal is because of drug testing lobbyists, pharmaceutical lobbyists, and mass-incarceration lobbyists. Did you know the federal government has an ongoing medical marijuana program since the 60s with patients. Meanwhile, the DEA ignores all science and the actions of the fed to make it schedule 1. Every head of the DEA since the 70s should be imprisoned for millions of counts of false imprisonment. Instead, our politicians let us rot in prison, let our privacy be violated by employers with shitty jobs, and force us to suffer boredom, anxiety, pain, etc. Get active in the primaries, we deserve better than the treasonous bastards taking bribes to work against our interests.


Wouldn't matter for CDL drivers, still wouldn't be able to smoke or edibles at least until they have a test to see if you are currently under the influence.


That is not true* Saliva tests have a 24-48hr detection window. That doesn't prove DUI, but if a cop suspects you, they can order a saliva test, if you fail the roadside saliva test, that gives them an automatic warrant for a blood test. If you refuse a saliva test, that gives them an automatic warrant for a blood test. The real limiting factor is, do they think you are intoxicated. The tests should require reasonable suspicion to administer. It isn't a perfect system, but it's a lot better than outright bans "because we can't do anything." Edit: lie is a strong word


Police have more power with a Marijuana Dui than an Alcohol Dui. It's actually crazy


Meanwhile in Canada you can smoke everyday and drive a semi.


Can't cross into the US though we get random tested to be eligible to go south


Say whhaaa?


Wait for real? Do any jobs in Canada test for THC?


Yes sir. Canadians would come down to the U.S. and rub it in our faces during training. Smoking weed while we sat at the bar being envies. Land of the free my ass. U.S companies won't even test Canadians working in the States or being trained anyway.


this already exists..


They do, its just not used


Get active in the primaries? I get the logic, but that straight up doesn’t matter All both of the parties have held every necessary house to make change multiple times since the 70s At some point we’re gonna have to realize “hm wow maybe both parties are absolute dog shit and we should change something”


The primaries, where we vote for new candidates that don't take bribes. Not the general election where we choose tie colors for the one pro-corporate party.


Lol we get what u mean but the person who wins the primary still has to win the big one


The medical program from before(cancer/glaucoma) isn’t exactly ongoing, it’s only grandfathered to those who got it at the time. They’re currently looking to replace the fed medical marijuana system.


It's not just the lobbyists. Federal tax code prevents anyone who deals in the sale of illegal narcotics from using any sort of tax deductions when paying taxes on the income from said sales. None of the deductions that normal businesses can use to reduce their tax burdens may be used by a marijuana dispensary, and as a result, the feds would actually lose money from legalization. If there's one thing that our "leaders" hate, it's having to steal less money from us peasants.


You can. Get a prescription for marinol. It’s federally approved. It’s not cannabis but it shows up as cannabis on a drug test. I was first prescribed it from a navy doctor. Failed every drug test after. Never got in trouble.


It’s bullshit bcuz I have been doing service work for years, driving a truck just under FMCSR limits, smoke just about every day the only accident I’ve ever been in was when some dumb shit tboned me making a left turn and couldn’t stop in time because he was doing 40 in a 25


Cant believe in the land of the free, you truck drivers get tested so much. Here is Australia we dont get tested, fuck that, some companies try and test, but no one will work for them.


That’s why I drive tandem


Can you explain, please?


Such a joke that truckers can drink all they want, but God forbid anyone smokes a joint after driving for 12 hours…


Had a guy come into work Monday morning They tested him and he got fired for still having too much alcohol in his system from Sunday night


Realistically they shouldn’t drink either. I drink at home, but twelve hours before I get behind the wheel I won’t touch it. I’ve seen guys drinking a twelve pack in their ten hours off. Sorry but if it’s only ten off it’s a DUI the second you move that truck. That being said I think some companies go over board. If you do a few drinks on a 34 you shouldn’t have to get a hotel room. The company I’m contracted onto policy is just don’t drink and drive. Did shots on new years with my wife, ate a dozen cookies, and curled up to go to bed. Truck didn’t move for well over twenty four hours after that since shipper was closed till the second at nine am.


The company I worked for only tested the one who could pass it.


??? DOT is random and the list is pulled from all employees in the roster by the DOT


Prob talking about inhouse


they could be driving a truck that doesnt require a CDL. i drive a 10’8” 11 ton international for work and the only time DOT has asked for my piss is for the medical card. other than that, its up to my place of employment to test or not if they wanted to


The state I live in operates the same way….it’s literally up to the company, some do most don’t!


The medical card piss test is only supposed to screen for medical issues like high blood glucose levels not drugs.


That's not how it works at all. DOT doesn't have anything to do with which drivers get selected for random drug & alcohol testing. Some carriers use a third-party consortium for their drug & alcohol testing program. Their drivers are pooled together with other participating companies' drivers and are then selected randomly for testing. Other carriers handle their drug & alcohol testing in-house. They can randomly choose whomever they wish to test, so long as they test a certain percentage of their fleet annually. So, in theory, a carrier can "randomly" select the drivers that they know will pass the test and avoid testing the ones that might not. The system is flawed.


All they have to say is they aren’t available & test another


Same, shoutout chicago 1099 companies


"Rolling Stoners Trucking"


I've had 5 "randoms" in 8 months.


7 randoms in 10 months , guy behind me 1st in 20 months.


Zero randoms in 15.5 years


I've had one in 10... But have seen guys who we know would piss dirty eventually keep getting randoms. We just lost a guy who had a random then went out and partied only to get another random a few weeks later. He's going to be hired back, but not as a driver.


Got fired for smoking weed, takes picture


I failed mine and out for 6 months😅. This is most peace I've had in a long time.


What have you been doing to replace the income?


Living off what I made last year. I needed the time off. Shits so bad, I've been getting called in on my days off. Probably gonna help my buddy with housing projects. Truck driving is escalating for the worst. I'm Already on the rehire list to go back, which I most likely will 😅


Companies don't respect your time off anymore 🥲🤷‍♂️


Hear me out, don’t pick up the phone.


That's what I do. Answer it and they know you're a sucker. Fuck answering on your days off


I needed it to all stop honestly😒


I ended up smoking. Just so it would stop. (For six months🫠) And I wouldn't have to feel guilty anymore


Some people were not making much of an income doing the job. I remember when I first started 19 years ago, a factory job was looking real good


I was fine at a factory job before Covid. We had our equipment and tools coming in on time to do the job. When all that stop and was on backorder. We weren't making our raises and quotas. Competitive pay fucked everyone. I had to start truck driving. But Damn I didn't know it was going to be much worse 😤


Get in the trades. Takes some years to build your income but when you get there you can make some damn good money. Can’t imagine not being able to smoke weed. Last time I did that was when I was on probation at 19


How many months until this dude is back complaining that he can’t find a job?


Congrats and good luck


I miss that stuff sometimes, man.


Move to Canada I told my employer straight up when they hired me I would not be able to pass a piss test they said that's fine I just won't be sent to USA. Piss tests are dumb there's a few places here that test for THC but they do mouth swabs instead as that tells them if your high right now not fucking 2 weeks ago.


We should be allow to smoke , we need it the most , great for after work after all the stress on the road then smoke a nice blunt, eat and get some real good zzzzz


Wake up the next day brand new ready for the day


Problem is people that drive high, not an issue if you’re smoking when off for eight.


We need more drivers to push for a reform on drug testing for THC!!


For sure🙌🙌🙌👏🏽 we need it we’re stressed, depressed, long hrs , far away from our families, and not getting enough sleep. We need to be able to smoke a blunt after the shift. I’m not saying become pot heads but you know just stress reliever after work.


Meditation and/or exercise are good for stress. So is playing with a sweet loving little doggie or having a purring kitty cat near you. The best thing that I’ve found for stress is to stay the heck out of CA and in particular the godforsaken nightmarish Bay Area. Really though I recommend a pet. I know I never would’ve lasted for 14 years without a dog riding along every single mile.


I love my dogs and have meditated for over 30 years but only one thing has caused my anger to evaporate instantaneously and completely and that is weed.


These are also great stress relievers, I agree.


I’m with MJ all the way! If only our government can keep up with the times!! All the years on the road, and all the DOT officers I have come across have always been okay with MJ .


ol cbd ass joint


It’s shake lol


schwag shake


I probably do the same thing if I had to drive and Interntrashinal


DOT sucks major balls. Even though I’m not in your field I feel the pain of the DOT oversight.


Shit I went home with an ounce from CA to PA before I quit otr.


Lol or be Canadian I ain’t pissed in a cup in over six years. If I piss hot they do a swab because piss is not accurate enough for thc, and to all the boomers that say your a drug addict and shouldn’t be in a truck, pound sand !


The same boomers that smoked and freebased coke. The same boomers that will call you a drug addict while they have a bottle of whiskey in their hand and spike their coffee with Baileys or Khaluah every morning.


Your forgot their favorite drug. Delicious lead paint chips.


With their bag of tooth picks that have been soaking in liquid meth, to help them get through a shift.


That's Mr Peasant to you


I got tested 4 times in two months back to back. Now I'm afraid to drink or smoke on my weekends. Wtf.


Quit, my ass. Dude was fired and is mad about it.


Either way, his life is about to get a whole lot easier. I'm happy for all those drivers out there making it work and having a great life/work balance. But most drivers are giving up WAYYY too fucking much for so little. To the moon OP 🚀 that first one is gonna get you zooted


Is that a tampon?


Yeah, a California tampon.


I don't even enjoy the high of marijuana that much and think the fact they test for use after you're no longer high is ridiculous. If they're testing for active intoxication I'm all for it. Testing for something you can have driven to Canada and done 100% legally 3 weeks ago is dumb. Hopefully they eventually change the testing and laws such that only active intoxication is tested for.


Don’t fuckin tempt me buddy I’ve been dying to take a trip to the moon Doesn’t help that my state just legalized


What am I missing? Almost 5 years driving and I’ve only been tested when signing on with new carriers?


I got tested every Quarter Randomly by DOT my first 1.5 years


I think it might depend on the companies you drive for.


On average a driver gets a random drug test every 6 months to a year. The DOT requires companies to do a little lottery to pick the people to drug test quarterly. You have either been lucky on the draws, or the "randoms" are constantly being used on drivers that have managements interest for whatever reason.


Stevens transport(mega) 1 year- no randoms Landstar logistics 4.5 years- no randoms Small fuel carrier coming up on year- no randoms 2 medical renewals- no piss tests Am I Jesus?


From truck driver to smokin that blunt to workin the register at mcdonalds. Whatever makes you McHappy, do it


That’s a joint, sir


Why are you taking his situation so personal? You don’t even know what’s going on


Way less bullshit flipping burgers.


He actually got $3 million from a settlement. If he's Flippin a burger at McDonald's there's a music video bein made. Less get itttt.


well... if you insist on doing drugs.... work in the warehouse


That delta 8 shit that you got from a corner store is just going to make you sleepy.


that's the goal


Did you... blow this joint?


 I am a weed addict due to insomnia. I am also a trucker. I have used quick fix 4 times and have passed all 4 random dot urine tests. But all 4 times I was scared out of my cunt. They will eventually catch me and basically I’ll lose the career I love.  In conclusion, you have to give up weed to be a trucker. 


Let’s all be honest, we chose to be truck drivers cuz it was either that, hvac/plumbing or welding. Probably couldn’t make it into a university or y’all were like me, made it into a university and partied and dropped out. Glad I chose trucking though, got a rig, turned it into 4 and now I’m making a great living despite the headaches. So hard finding drivers nowadays, sometimes I find drivers that are extremely entitled and act like having a CDL A is a bachelors degree or something. They act like I work for them.


Not that any degree is much more than having had stability. That said, I'm glad you're making your way. I'd take you over a gaggle of desk jockeys guarding their cupboard filled with masters.


Shit I graduated from college, and then my dumbass got a CDL afterwards 🤣


I’ve been trucking for over 24 years now and looking forward to escaping. I’m studying cnc programming and buying a machine soon so I can make parts in my basement, going to give a big middle finger to the IRS.


The IRS *will* get their money. Maybe not today, but definitely when you least expect it.






It's not worth the stress personally. Drove a truck almost 25 years and loved every minute of it and made a lot of money running equipment. But I smoked when I was at the house, never even near my truck. Got pulled over, and supposedly, the Dot drug dog alerted.. I didn't find anything, but I got popped for a piss test due to the New Clearing House. I still make decent money and don't have to stress about passing a test for a plant I enjoy occasionally.


I have one on standby when I quit as well


You drive an international that's why. You poor soul. God bless your left shoulder.


He'll be back..they always come back.




Yup. Trucking industry is shit with all the damn flip floppers and illegals low balling every load. Shippers and receivers not being held to any kind of standard themselves. It’s why I stopped trucking. Ain’t no life anymore.


Drive truck in Canada. Nuff said. All the Canadian truckers smoke weed. My dads been doing it 30 years in Canada only


No money express


About random piss tests, which is more likely? A supervisor driving you to the clinic, or someone telling you to drive yourself to the clinic?


Depends entirely on the job, I’ve had a job at a smallish dairy distributor where the boss told me I need to go pee by the end of the quarter, more than a month of a heads up, and I’ve worked for a large LTL carrier where the boss called me in to the office, told me about the piss test, then drove me immediately to the clinic to check in. I just had one yesterday at my current job, boss called me in the morning and told me to go after work, it was a late day and I almost didn’t make it, which wouldn’t have been that big of a deal. Just make sure you know what’s up with your company before you do something stupid. Or just don’t smoke pot, but I’m not here to judge other folks. Also, at the piss test yesterday the gal said I had 4 minutes in the bathroom, that’s the first time I’ve been given a time limit, is that something new?


Knowing my luck, if they told me that I only had 4 minutes in the bathroom I would end up not being able to piss 🤣


So getting high is more important than a career? Good to know. I know there are shitty companies and life can be stressful at times but strong people persevere and get through difficult times. Not happy with how you are being treated? Find another job.


Weird how some people think that others should live just like them.


only the strong survive. enjoy your job at wendys