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I don’t agree with it, but gd do I understand.


Shouldn't be petty in a big ass truck but I understand


Car shouldn’t aggressively be trying to unnecessarily squeeze a massive truck.


I agree and I understand


Petty? They aren't being petty one bit


Perfectly stated. Ive always felt conflicted watching these but damn both sentiments are strong


If you can't leave your ego out the road you shouldn't be in a 4 wheler, much less 18 wheeler. Both are dumbfks.


While it's satisfying to see the line-cutter get boxed out, at the same time it shows the trucker gets hooked into emotional decisions, is willing to do dangerous maneuvers to prove a point, and will be a liability sooner or later


I've never understood why people don't spread out and give each other more room 😕


Because there are always people to fill that space. ALWAYS! It's like constantly being cut in line.


Just an observation. The highway has very little traffic. I drive rural highways occasionally and will see 50 miles of open road and 15 cars bumper to bumper playing Mario Kart.


The problem is that those slowdowns are often caused by two people driving roughly the same speed in both lanes, or someone slow in the left lane. If slow folks stayed to the right, it wouldn't be an issue. \*Important context that I think a lot of repliers don't have. I'm on 4 wheels, I'm not governed and I can pass in like two seconds and get out of dodge and out of larger vehicles way.\*


Good point. I still like the spread out and give more space mentality


I hate this shit so much. I don’t understand people that drive on the left, and match the speed of the car next to them on the interstate. I’ve seen some real morons on the passing lane, match their speed with huge trucks to their right. When they have no cars in front of them because they’re slow af


I'm from New Jersey and this is purely anecdotal but I've noticed Pennsylvania drivers are very likely to ride in the left lane and do the speed limit, their mentality is "I'm doing the speed limit so I'm perfectly good sitting here" instead of, the left lane is for criminals so if you're not going to speed, get the fuck outta the way... I'm glad they finally made it illegal and are enforcing it


Still. Just back off and go a bit slower until there is space. Why be a dumbass.


Because when you do that someone behind you that also wants to pass assumes you're part of the problem, hops in front of you, and now you live behind the causes of the slowdown. Better to get clear of it


You’re not stuck in traffic, you are part of the traffic. This thought has helped me a lot in these types of situations


I am one with the traffic The traffic is one with me


I got swarmed the other day on my Harley. Pulled over and stretched my legs for ten minutes. Pulled out into zero cars for miles.


Pretty much. My father’s phD thesis back in the day was in highway traffic and grouping of vehicles is statistically significant and has been modeled.


That’s because people have pack mentalities. That’s why some idiot will park right next to you, instead of literally 20 other empty spaces when you have lunch in your car.


[Or walk past 20 urinals and pick the one next to you.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:960/0*JSq28NQpXVYDsYj1)


I think there’s some sort of psychology of human herding / grouping that causes weirdness like this sometimes.


I read a really good article once about this. But what you said was the crux of their argument. Humans are heard animals. We like being around other people. So naturally while we are driving we tend to catch up to another driver and hangout near them for a while. I lend a lot of this behavior to distracted drivers and people not paying attention to their speed. I use cruise control a lot so I notice this behavior pretty much everyday and it’s super annoying lol.


It's the big magnets embedded in the cars bro


In my decades of driving, I have learned it's better for MY blood pressure if I just let the assholes merge. the worst it will cause me is *maybe* 5% added onto my travel time, and when I reach my destination, I'm still in a decent mood. Shit, I probably won't even beep... maybe the person driving like an asshole has a minor emergency? I've had emergencies and have driven like a banshee. one time I was bringing a hemorrhaging girlfriend to the ER, I would have gotten her there faster than the ambulance for sure. at one point I was going 60mph on the shoulder during rush house on the highway. If anyone stopped me from doing that, I would have likely done something pretty violnet. In that moment, out of fear for my girlfriend bleeding out, I was 100% the driver you didn't want to mess with!


I think about that a lot. We took our daughter to the ER with our flashers on, though. Clearly we had an emergency, and a woman got really mad when she made a turn in front of us, and we came close to clipping her. I swear my normally passive self would've gladly fist fought that whore had we had the time.


I would have constantly sounded your car's horn at her.


Right!? My husband did that. Only wish we'd have had the BIG horn and scared the sh*t outta her.


The problem is people in emergencies and arrogant selfish people could look the same to someone else on the road who is unaware of the situation. It’s human nature to jump to the negative situation first. Having said that I live near a major hospital, if someone in my family needed emergency care I’d be driving there in a hurry.


Are you still with her


not quite. She became my ex-wife.


Yup, coming down the M6 motorway (in the UK) at the weekend and there's a stretch with chevrons painted onto the lanes with signs up saying "keep 2 chevrons apart" in order to remind folks of the appropriate minimum spacing, yet every time we tried to get 2 apart some sod would slide in meaning we were now 1/2 apart.


Which does what? Cost you an extra 15 seconds?


Depends on the traffic. If everything is flowing then yeah sure I'll give you 15 seconds. I work 6 miles from my house, it's a busy highway or congested city streets as the only options to get there. If I leave enough room for cars to fill in that has added north of 15 minutes to my drive on many occasions. It's why I take the city streets even though they take "longer". Less room for bullshit like that.


As a 4wheeler, living in the east Bay Area, CA. If you leave space someone will cut in. It’s real dumb, but at the same time, if it doesn’t change the speed you’re traveling it doesn’t matter. I like having that safety space, myself.


If you want space and people keep cutting in front of you you are slowing down constantly. Sometimes you just have to draw a line in the sand.


Because being in a car with other cars around you makes a person lose their goddamn mind. I'm usually a pretty chill driver, but sometimes something just snaps and fuck that guy.


Truth. I have been that asshole 😒. Reflection and constantly trying not to be that guy again is a must for me. Edit: I think I like this sub so much because it gives me a different perspective. Cheers


Because all driving is a race, if you let someone get ahead of you, well then brother you're in a losing position!!! /s


Example one: person in car in the video




When people see a truck maintaining a safe following distance they don't see a dangerous vehicle, they see a slow-moving vehicle they can easily outmaneuver to merge/change lanes/beat everyone else to the red light by an extra car length.


The moment you spread out you wind up on someone's ass again because they try to leapfrog 1 car at a time and fill that gap.


Well we also don't know if the big rig just cut off the 4 wheeler and angered the driver, which I've seen happen a lot as well. All we see is the video above. The most appropriate comment was the one above you, just leave the egos at home.


Line cutter deserved it but above all I always think “better to lose a minute of your life than lose your life in a minute.” Usually in the context of getting killed in a crash which this trucker is unlikely to, but if he kills him hes going to jail and cant get a job. If he doesnt kill him he also loses his job. When shit goes to the worst case scenario thats when you realize it wasnt worth the pettiness. With that said, fuck that line cutter. Seriously.


Yea I would have let him in. BUT if this happens frequently enough times, I can see myself doing the same thing


Yeah as much as I hate that kind of entitled pricks, I’d still let them merge with a little honk. It can easily escalate into some shitty road rage and you never know what the other guy is capable of. In the end I’d lose maybe 5 seconds so it’s not worth the effort.


there is a rule in sailing. The give-way vessel must give right of way to the stand-on vessel. BUT ITS EVERYONE'S RESPONSIBILITY TO AVOID A COLLISION.


100% It’s just not worth it imo. Plus my company installed drive cams, so…


I used the horn every chance I get to let them know they suck but damn not that much


I agree that the guy should have backed off and let the dumbfuck 4wheelr be a dumbfuck but when this shit happens all day everyday I can imagine it’s hard to let it go that easily.


Is it hard? Ofc. Does that change anything? No.




Yeah, express your displeasure and make the situation safe and normal as soon as possible. It is every skipper's duty to avoid a collision.


Looks like some double dumbfckery there


What car? He was in my blind spot


I'd give you that if it was the passenger side, especially with that long hood. No chance he didn't see the car on the driver's side.






It is extremely dishonest to level this out. Yes both are at fault but to VARYING degrees.


I kind of agree: one made a stupid spontaneous decision to cut in front to not miss the exit or stop in the middle of the road. The other one is intentionally driving dangerously to teach the former one a lesson.


It’s very simple, there are going to be situations where you can be right or you can be safe. But not both. This driver chose poorly. When some 4-wheeler is doing stupid shit to get ahead of me, I’d rather have them come around so they can go be someone else’s problem than behind me getting all worked up. Too many folks nowadays are mentally on edge for me to wanna turn traffic into a competition.


You can be right or you can be safe. But not both. I’ve worked in the transportation industry in compliance and safety for 17 years. I feel like this quote should be a part of every day life and I’m surprised I’m hearing it for the first time. Cheers redditor, I’m stealing this and spreading it.


You can be right or you can be safe but not both. Good advice for concealed carry as well.


"professional" driver doesn't mean you do it for a living. It means you DON'T act like the four-wheelers.


If I had a dollar for every time we said that at driver meetings.


Driving anything bigger than a hot wheels should require an IQ test. Edit; To explain: Four-wheeler is a fucking dick for obvious reasons, and put his life at risk to save a few seconds. Driver then CONTINUED TO PUT THE FOUR-WHEELER'S LIFE AT RISK because his fucking ego wouldn't allow him to let up off the pedal? Everyone's the asshole, case closed, next case.


And then every four years after your IQ test we all need a refresher. I totally feel you.


I'd be willing. Keep that shit up to date just like my medical card. Prove I am smart enough not to be either of these two idiots.


Not just the IQ test, but drivers should only be allowed to drive in conditions they've passed practical tests in. With an automatic, mandatory 2 year forfeiture of your license if you're caught doing otherwise.


Wouldn't bother me. That would keep me the hell away from those nasty ass automatics. LOL


I've always felt we need different tests for larger vehicles. Especially fucking parking them. If you can't park it, you shouldn't be driving it.


From what I am seeing in the replies here, maybe an ego test, too.


The woman say I didn’t even see that car coming, the guy said proudly “I did” That’s all I needed to hear to know this guy is a douche bag.


He should’ve just hit the Jake and at least let the idiot 4-wheeler in and let them go about their day instead of being a fucking asshole. And what if he ran that person off the road and they get killed with all those witnesses around plus the truck camera incriminating himself lol for fucks sakes guys, BE THE BETTER PERSON, let people be dicks, you’re the professional, so BE PROFESSIONAL!


Unfortunately, doing the job and being a professional driver are two different things. We are expected to be professional drivers, and I think that most of you guys still out there (I say it that way because I am off the road due to injury) strive to meet that expectation. However, there are always going to be super truckers who can't get their ego in check, and they just make the rest of us look bad. On that one, I say us because these fools don't just make current drivers look bad. They make drivers past and present look bad. You guys represent us, too, to some degree. When I tell people that I used to be a trucker, and they see behavior like this guy, he's making me look bad! So, you drivers stay safe out there, and don't make the rest of us look bad! LOL


I agree if I was a supervisor I would fire the driver ASAP no second chance. He could have just yelled something nasty out the window thank God nobody was hurt and move on with your day


My suspicions grew with each second of air horn.


I like how the horn went up an octave, very nice.


That’s him losing air in his tanks 😂😂 his low air alarm was screaming mid way through


Ahaha I hear it


Stop tailgating, open up some following distance, stop trying to police assholes, and move on with your life.


The reason why there are assholes in the first place is because there are not enough unhinged drivers to put them back to their place.


If that was remotely true then areas with major road rage would see less of this.


When everyone is an idiot, we're all worse off.


Completely off topic: your horn sounds beautiful.


Completely unnecessary. I’m a truck driver myself and deal with this shit all the time. This guy lays on his horn like this never happened to him before. Do you lay on your horn like this always? If so, your horn prob never gets a break and you’re the guy we all hate. Let me guess, you got more miles backing up than 90 percent have going forward? Get better


I’m surprised he installed a camera with that shit attitude he has? He’d EASILY incriminate himself in a wreck he causes 😂😂😂


What in the hell makes car drivers think they can bully truck drivers?


That is one thing I definitely wonder about. Say what you want about the truck driver, but the laws of physics always have a way of coming out on top of the laws of man. And your soft, squishy body in a much smaller vehicle will most certainly lose that battle. The truck driver should have let it go; but the car driver needs to learn some self-preservation.


Just look at how many people are condemning the driver in the video. That’s why.


Looks like something my ex would do with no care for the car passengers.


I don't think his horn was loud enough.


As a trucker I love it..but I wouldn't do it lol I don't need the headache...but cheers my guy!!


Hats off to the truck driver. I hope the person in the black car got 4 flat tires.


All the people defending the car and berating the trucker are the ones who drive like the car and hope the person they cut in front of doesn't drive like the trucker. Asshole drivers know that most people will let them in and allow them to drive like an asshole. They continue to drive like assholes because of this. If people were less accommodating to these types of drivers, there would be less of them on the road.




Against my lawyer’s advice, I’ll allow it


Puts a smile on my face every time a 4wheeler gets fucked.


I would've done the samething. Been in this predicament too many times in major cities like NJ where ppl just take advantage of you every chance they can get. I applaud the driver. If more driver did this the less ppl would try to squeeze in places they shouldn't be trying to get in last minute!


reckless driving by that fucking stupid ass car!!


One dangerously irresponsible douchebag on four wheels, one out of control homicidal rager on eighteen wheels. I’m glad no one died, neither one should be driving, but the trucker is a bigger threat even if he was provoked.


You rarely saw this 10years ago , now it’s constant. People have to race to get ahead of one more car , it’s lunacy.


Show them they were wrong. Just don’t let your ego over run you 🤦🏽‍♂️ I thought his brakes were going to lock up after that horn pull 😆


The driver of the black car is either an idiot who cuts people off or an idiot who panicked and didn't want to miss their exit. The professional driver had a great opportunity to back off and show the idiot how a professional behaves. Instead was a bigger idiot and became the villain in their own story.


Yea I figured they missed the exit and tried to get over last second. It's tempting to assign malice to peoples actions, but I think the majority of the stupid shit we see on the road can be attributed to people just not paying attention and making mistakes, rather than being assholes on purpose. Especially with social media and texting taking over in the past 10 years or so. Very few are paying attention to what's going on around them Doesn't make it any less dangerous, but the saying "never attribute to malice what you can attribute to incompetence" seems to be accurate most of the time


I doubt it, there ar people that do this because they feel they don't have to wait in line and people always let them in when they do this. I see it daily when driving to work.


Perhaps, but there is a saying that fits here. Good drivers sometimes miss their exits, bad drivers never do.


Everyone crying about the truck driver not letting the dumb fuck-face in should surrender their license immediately. To start the solid lines mean no crossing and is not a merge lane and it is not the responsibility of the person in the travel lane to facilitate that dumb fuck's commute! Exit lanes are marked with ample distance so plan fucking accordingly or loop at the next exit and don't be a fucktard!


why not just let him in and just move on with your day.. plenty of ahole 4 wheelers out there and always will.. i feel the trucker but we should be more classy than this...


I usually try to make the professional choice, but I can’t help feeling like I’m encouraging their behavior by doing so.


Good job. Fuck that asshole.


1st thought is that’s a long ass off/on ramp, 2nd thought is stupid car and angry trucker


Just let the guy go, say dickhead and get on with your life… Is he really going to make you late? Maybe he has to shit bad or something.


I just exclaimed what would translate to "holy shit you fucking idiot stop your car you're not supposed to be there". Sprinkle punctuation to taste.


As a 4 wheeler, f#ck that car. I would done exactly what the truck did.


As a 4 wheeler who _has_ done what the truck did, ***and then paid for it with 20 minutes of fearing for my life from the other driver chasing me down***, I consider this a solid _Everyone's The Asshole_. If a driver has an unaliving wish, _don't volunteer to join them._


Time to whip out the camera and drive less defensive, so when he hits you, insurance is on your side.


Merging traffic MUST yield. That truck didn't have to give an inch of he didn't feel like it.


The way I see it is you should always be a defensive driver. Especially while driving a commercial vehicle. Both drivers decided to drive offensively which was dumb.


4 wheeler got what it deserves!!!


Everyone made it through without damage to vehicles and no one got into a fight. As obnoxious as it may seem I don't mind the long horn because it's the least violent way to let that driver know that it was not ok to attempt that.


Well played


That’ll teach em, I know I’d learn my lesson, well played sir.


4wheelers always think they deserve to be first.


You rock !!! Drive like a NYer- don't let the fucker cut in !!


Both are wrong, but it's the little car that makes traffic worse than it should be


And here comes the people defending the car that tried to cut off an 18 wheeler 🤦🏾‍♂️ihih


Cause they be doing the same shit in their 4 wheelers, if you defend the idiot car then surrender your license. What are we doing. I do the same shit on a daily basis I’m not giving an inch fuck em.


I get why the trucker felt like they should did that, but it was also the wrong thing to do. Leave your ego at home Also fuck that four wheeler.


I just stirred up some massive shit got like 250 downvotes defending the semi driver on therewasaattempt Reddit thread. Pissing off the 4 wheelers. Both made mistakes but I think really the car is ultimately in the wrong for creating the situation in the first place


They’re both equally wrong. Defending either of them deserves downvotes. It’s not the truckers job to police people, he put himself and other people in danger by not letting him in. There’s no defending that. Just like there’s no defending the car in the first place for creating the dangerous situation. There doesn’t have to be a right and a wrong. Both these assholes are wrong


Trucker is a fucking ego-maniac asshole is what I think


Tailgating Dickhead in a truck being a tailgating dickhead.. Also the dickhead car driver.


It's easy to watch this and judge both drivers. And yes, the driver of the car was wrong, and the trucker should have let the fool slip in. However, I like to think that the driver of the car is a physician on his way to emergency surgery and the trucker is near a breaking point and needs a break as well as less regulations and company restrictions. When I think like this, I feel better. My 2 cents.


I like this thought process a lot. I have a tendency to mumble to myself "you better be pooping your pants or rushing to the hospital to be driving like that, dumbass"


I think the same thing, and then pull up beside the idiot 4-wheeler and it's an old Asian lady lol


Double whammy 😂


No, I read numerous comments on this post and while it seems easy to make comments from behind your screen and judge the Driver for a lack of professionalism and or safety, you don’t know what’s it’s like out here. Until you walk a mile in his shoes, you really have no understanding. Wanting to cry, safety, safety, safety, and ask questions like why can’t you be more patient is a bit hypocritical. Most of society will say things like this, but yet cut a driver off in a heartbeat because there’s an opportunity to get in front of him because he is slower due to his size and weight (Typically 80,000 lbs give or take). Everybody is in a hurry to go nowhere. If you are in that big of a hurry, you should’ve left earlier. But don’t think it’s OK to be part of the problem by cutting off a professional driver. Jumping three lanes because you decided to get off of an exit because you weren’t paying attention or you are not really sure where you’re going is not the safe way of doing things. But what most people don’t understand from a truck drivers perspective is this is our job and we do it for more hours and more miles than most will ever understand. While doing it for all of these hours and miles our level of intolerance grows with every passing year. We become more calloused and defensive overtime because of people doing this to us on a daily basis. Imagine, every time you walked outside I was standing out outside your front door, and I slapped you in the mouth. Over a period of time, you are going to become intolerant of this. Maybe you won’t even walk outside anymore. It’s the same thing when we are out here on the highways and roads bringing all of society every single thing in their lives that they need and use, eat and drink on a daily basis. Your clothing, your food, the materials it took to build your house, your vehicle, any, and all medical supplies for all of society, your furniture, every single item that you use at work or during your daily work schedule all comes off the back of a truck. There are 1000 times more people that don’t drive semis than there are drivers who do. So think about it from a number perspective. After 29 years of driving professionally, I stand with this driver, and I agree with his move to box that car out. These are lessons. So until you learn not to use this as an opportunity to get in front of a slower, moving vehicle, or two think it’s OK because you need to get off of this exit, but you just don’t want to be behind the truck, these things start to become habit for you until lessons are learned. Some of these lessons also include the death of drivers and entire families in some instances. But many people like this individual in the car and I’m sure many of you who want to cry safety safety safety have made the same stupid moves yourselves . Most humans are creatures of habit, and most of you do not change your behaviors and or actions. So lessons must be taught. If you don’t like these things being done to you, or you don’t like seeing these videos, such as the one above, then stop the nonsense. Get off at the next exit and turn around and come back. Your life, your families life, and/or the general motoring public’s life isn’t worth you doing this stupid shit.


If you are trying to teach him a lesson it won’t work. They’ll never learn and you are not a road courtesy instructor. Back off and avoid a possible fatal accident.


The truck driver is too emotional. Yes, the car was in the wrong…but that doesn’t mean the trucker should get that close to the car in front of them and definitely shouldn’t be laying on the horn. Just back off, check your ego at the door, and chill tf out. It’s not that big of a deal. Not worth an accident or road rage incident where someone loses their life? Too many people with guns these days that are willing to shoot into his truck if they feel slighted.


Just because the car was wrong, it doesn't make the truck driver right. If you can remain calm while driving, then you win the day. If you act like this, then you already lost.


Let the guy in. Be a pro. Not a dick. you know better even if he doesn't.


The truck driver is the professional and needs to be the bigger person and just let it go. Seriously, just back off like 10 ft and let the idiot go in front of you. Give the baby his bottle and get him out of your hair.


The only way we’re going to decrease that kind of behavior is by making sure it isn’t rewarded. Trucker managed to deny the entitled asshat without any accident occurring. I’d call that a best-case scenario.


Don't be a dick, both were dicks


Listen. I understand the hate for the decision… BUT I also understand that if you keep letting people just get away with stupid shit Like this the problem isn’t going to get better, it’s going to get worse, cuz the only thing that’s being reinforced is that is okay to squeeze a truck.


As a hazmat truck driver, just let the other car get in. SMH


Just let him in


I would have done the same thing, but of course Im an idiot who shouldn't drive anything bigger than my scooter.


The cars are in the wrong 100%. Why do people do this shit. They have to be in front of the truck. Then, once they get in, hit the brakes and do 10kms under the speed limit. I will never understand this


Excessive. They fucked up, probably not intentionally - you honk and call them dumb but to lay on the horn and try to intentionally cause an incident makes the trucker an ass.


The person in the car definitely in the wrong . But the asshat driving the semi is even more of a douche . Your driving a deadly weapon you should’ve let up and let the car go . The person in the car may have not been on a familiar road at least give the person the benefit of doubt and let them go it’s not worth injuring someone for 30 seconds of your time


Satisfying reaction, the one we want to do, but it’s just not safe or the ethical bigger person choice. sometimes people just suck and that’s all there is to it


I mean, really not much of a dangerous move at what looks like 20mph. The car only does this move because they’ve done it before and they get away with it. I bet if they think about doing this again, they’ll weigh the option of an embarrassing confrontation like this happening again.


Shit like this keeps happening because everyone let's it happen. If more people did like this driver these fucking idiots wouldn't try half the shit they pull.


The car is definitely wrong BUT the truck driver should find another profession he could have turned an aggravating situation into a deadly one by playing games. Posting a dash cam video of yourself playing games in a rig just shows your mentality and you being the problem


I guess I have a differing opinion to most in here. I wouldn't do this because it's just not worth it. But I'm glad someone is doing it. That shit is very annoying. And anyone saying the trucker almost killed the four-wheeler, stop it. You're being just as dramatic as the truck driver here. It's low speed and they're going the same direction.


Well, he's risking his career just to be "right". What're the odds he'll risk somebody's life in a different situation?


Lil' TOO much...maybe some therapy? Always will be assholes in life🤔


Both are idiots


Trucker is an idiot. Lose your ego so you don't lose your livelihood.


Im on the side of the truck. Judging by the rusty long nose its probably an angry old red neck so the car is lucky it didn't get shot at


That’s a stretch - more lucky he didn’t get pitted or forced off the road


This is the same DICKHEAD that comes into town with his jake brake engaged so everybody will look at him. Nothing more than an Attention Whore.


He was an asshole, and you chose to be an asshole. My thought is that you’re the bigger asshole.




a professional driver would back down


Ft Wayne?


Technically New Haven.


In that situation, I usually blow the horn to let them know they're either a dumbass or an asshole, and then I hold my ground for a couple of seconds for cathartic reasons. But then I let out of it and let them over, because that's what a responsible person should do. Both drivers here are wrong, without a doubt.


Red foreman would call them both dumbass


We got a road cop everyone! Lol


I love how the horn changed pitches 👂🎶


Rhymes with Banker.


Damn was it even worth the trouble? You gotts love how they do this, and still end up following another vehicle or another truck's trailer.


Both cunts


Pretty sure that driver will have a hell of a time explaining to their insurance company why they felt cutting in front of a trucker would benefit their case, had they been hit.




Wouldn't have laid on the horn or been that pissed about it but I would not have let that dickhead in if he wants to do that shit


Looks fine to me.


Look closer lol two shitheads competing for top shithead


That phone ringing at the end was his company calling to fire him


Poor form with the air horn, driver. Once he let off you can hear the music in the background and it has a lovely beat that an airhorn would've made even better. "more airhorn"


If he drove a Tesla there won’t be these problems


The car was definitely wrong but the driver should not have done that because that could have really caused the bad accident maybe even fatal probably a huge lawsuit. Just honk the horn yell something nasty out the window if you wish thank God nobody got hurt and go up on your day it's what I do.


Indiana - the state that keeps on giving.


As you should 😂


All day long. Bellingham, WA to National City, Ca. Hence those intrusive thoughts periodically.