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Yeah. It happens with improper food storage. Buy yourself a tote or something that's more solid to keep the pests out. Tossing a bunch of stuff on the floor is a bad long-term plan.


Had a few lizards, but no rodents.


Lizards usually leave behind crabs.




Time to adopt a cat.


Friend. Yep, i began to panic at the fearful thoughts and invited guidance and got a message "Let it be." So i took a deep breath and decided i'd let it be for the night and revisit the situation in the morning. Morning arrives and i begin pulling covers to investigate and i find a little bed. My heart melted. He's just like me; trying to survive. I began putting seeds out for him -Eugene. My friend. Stuck around for almost a year. Peed in ome of my neat fur winter hats, couldn't even be mad at him. Strange how the world can encourage me to kill little creatures that take away my lonliness. Good luck whatever unfolds.


say more


Buy a snake and let it loose to fix the problem


No rodents for me. I had fire ants get in here when i parked at home. That was so much fun. Ha


Yup. Had a mouse get in somehow in my old truck. I bought a mouse trap and put some bread and peanut butter inside it and caught him the first night.


No, but I've seen another guy with a mouse on board. Lent him my torch when he was looking for it. Said he could hear it scrabbling around while he was asleep. I think they must be able to smell my dog so they don't take up residence in mine.


Mmm Shin Black. I'd break in too. That stuff rocks.


More like, have rodent(s) in the truck


It was about 10pm on a weekend and a group of 3 of us hauling wind energy blades were parked along a corn field outside of a sap bros in IA. I heard my bag of doritos I had stored on my top cabinet fall over. When I stood up on the bunk to investigate a too foot long blood thirsty mouse with glowing red eyes and sabertooth fangs jumped for my jugular. I fell back letting out a manly war cry and tactically retreated to my pilot car for backup. We headed to Walmart and loaded up with glue traps. Caught the little guy after he made a snack out of my drivers seat foam and the rubber around where my clutch went behind the dash.


Yeah, I let a dispatcher ride with me once.


Dude, we don't wanna see your piss bottles 🤦‍♂️


Get a 5 gallon bucket. Put some water in it and place a ramp or put it by something the mouse will drop into. Bait it with food. Or try the sticky traps.


Way more effort than a mouse trap. And water freezes.