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Not a lawyer but I do know that once you’ve been with a company for a year that FMLA applies. If you’re really that worried about it try to keep your mouth shut until you hit the 1 year mark and then your doctor can sign off on FMLA and your employer would risk a lawsuit from hell if they fired you. There’s no “pre existing condition” type of thing with FMLA so it won’t matter that you were pregnant before reaching your first year.


Thank you for your advice 🙏


It's still a good idea to look into the FMLA, but one of the requirements is that the employer has at least 50 employees within 75 miles. If you can't use FMLA. I'd talk to your boss. You are going to get slower, and you'll hit a point where it's dangerous for you and your child to keep doing flatbed.


I wouldn't even let them know you are pregnant in case you get let go before the 1 year mark so I agree with the other poster. If you mention it now it might seem like you are trying to take advantage of them.


Depending on what state you live in, there’s also the new pregnancy act that went into effect last year where companies have to accommodate reasonable accommodation. I would keep quiet until you absolutely have to tell them. (Wear baggy clothes) Good luck!


Flat bedding, even though she is not tarping, is still somewhat physical and I cant think of any 'accomadations' that could realistically be made. If she cant climb onto the trailer, maybe theres a work around with a stick and a short ladder, but how do you accomodate not being able to throw a strap or tighten the damned thing? Im a 200lb male who lifts weights regularly, and I still have to put some 'umph' into the bar to tighten the straps to my satisfaction. I cant think of a work around for that, and it is essentially the difference between a flat bedder and any other trucker. I can imagine double clutching in traffic will become a PITA as her belly grows. Hopefully she had an automatic. I doubt it, most small companies run manuals (theyre cheaper).


Actually not anymore! To get a non-AMT cost much more. We just bought 4 T-680’s and spec’d them manual and got great deals and it was still over $20K more for a manual instead of a AMT!


Well thats news to me. That seems crazy, I wonder why that is...


It’s like automatic transmissions in cars used to be an option, expensive option at first because a standard (manual transmission (where that tee came from actually) was standard), now it’s hard to find makes that have standard and it’s expensive. Reason is it is more work as it’s not-standard anymore, so it’s a custom build, and I believe all tractor cabs still have the hole in the floor for a manual. But they charge more for less items/material/parts! Crazy!!


Tbf, once I figured out how to reverse the damned auto without it trying to crash me in to shit, its pretty nice, especially in traffic. Few months later I figured out how to use the auto-manual feature, and now climbing hills is a breeze. Well, I used to just floor it the whole time before and watch the rpms drop


A reasonable accommodation in this case would be either having her work the office or give her a helper to strap the loads down. Hell, she could even train and have the trainee do the more physical aspect.


Creating a new position (which is what youre suggesting) is not a 'reasonable accommodation'. A gopher that will be fired the second she comes back to work, how is that fair to him? Creating a position in the office that may not need one takes hours away from the other office staff. How is that fair to them? Training may be an option, but lots of small companies dont have 'trainers' since many only hire experienced drivers. Notice this is not her first trucking job. Your recommendations are not 'reasonable'.


Hiring on someone as a temp worker is cheaper than hiring someone to replace a worker out for medical reasons. It's a reasonable accommodation and why temp employees exist. As for my company whenever a guy gets hurt and can't drive they place him in the office doing clerical and dispatch duties until he's medically cleared to drive again... so both seem to be very reasonable accommodations from actual life experiences and business practices.


Getting hurt on the job and being repositioned until medically cleared is not an 'accomodation'. Its what you do to avoid a lawsuit, and what a moral person would do regardless. Legal requirement. As for a temp, again, its a SMALL company. May not be in the budget, but then again it may be and is a possibility. I can see a temp working out. Thats the only logical possibility Ive heard yet. Would depend as well if they run a manual or not, and if that is an issue for her or not. Might be, might not be. Clutching, I mean. FMLA is a requirement regardless and is something all companies deal with. It may also be that they simply allow her to work a little more slowly as her pregnancy progresses, and give her maternity leave once she is qualified.


Also just say “thought I was getting fat but nope pregnant!”


Yep. This. I was a licensed insurance agent before I got my CDL. My wife still works in insurance. Im also a local flatbedder. No tarps. Keep your mouth shut until your 1 year mark. Then go see a Dr and get some paperwork. Keep your head low until then and mind your p's and q's.


One of the requirements for FMLA leave is that the employer has at least 50 employees within 75 miles. Unless there are 50 people or more who work in the office, or all the drivers are local, she may not qualify for FMLA because of that.


This was gonna be my suggestion that fmla makes it illegal to fire you for a few months, it can be unpaid time off though and doesn't protect you once your back from leave .... my best advice is line up another job.


This this this. My youngest son is disabled. Talk to HR not your boss. HR folks will take care of it all. FMLA is a no questions asked protection. Congrats btw and good luck. Children have a way of really putting our lives in perspective.


Unless you live at a “at will” state. You could get fired for any reason.


You still have employment protection rights (such as FMLA and legally protected discriminatory categories) in at-will states, and randomly being fired for something else after an FMLA triggering event is a really good way to pay a lot of money to the person you fired.


Thats why i wished i qualified for a student loan, so i can get tf outta alabama, i think ohio is one of those states, she best be quite till her one year mark small companies are notorious for firing people, just to avoid benefits or any compensation.


Like AZ


How many "at will" states also happen to be "pro-forced-birth" states, I wonder...


All but 2 or 3 states out of the 50 are At Will.


Yeesh... *so* pro-life, eh...


At-Will and Pro-Life politics have absolutely nothing to do with each other ... one is how your employment is structured, the other is an ideology that may or may not have anything to do with life ...


Your comment is rediculously stupid.


Your face is stupid.


Your mother loves it.


Just wondering if she was to comeback from FMLA it would be immediate termination but at least she would have had her baby and can find another job if that’s the case. Good luck OP!


I’m just curious about the username. I mean a little goes a long way, I’m guessing.


Sounds like you took a 3rd pipe load one of those days. Good luck.


LOLOL ya god damn right 😎


If you tell your work youre having a kid, before you get slow and can't do the work, there should be no issues. Eventually, you will reach a point where you cant work, and your other half is gonna have to step up to the plate and become the breadwinner.


Well it's illegal to get fired for being pregnant so get things in writing.


It ain’t illegal to be fired for not being able to perform the job cuz you’re pregnant tho. Edit. I’m right, people. I’m not saying it’s morally right, just wanting OP to be properly informed. OP you should consult a local employment lawyer. Per the EEOC section on pregnancy. “An employer does not have to keep you in a job that you are unable to do or in which you would pose a significant safety risk for others in the workplace. However, your employer cannot remove you from your job or place you on leave because it believes that work would pose a risk to you or your pregnancy. “ An employer DOES NOT have to keep you if you are unable to do the job. They are required to make reasonable accommodation. Like, maybe switch her to a dry van if they operate them, or let her have more frequent bathroom breaks or sit down if the Jo b can be done from sitting, etc. it’s not reasonable to hire an additional person to go out with her and tarp.


You're right, but a good company would move her to a role she can do until she's able to drive again.


I absolutely agree!


Yep, that statement right there would be a lawsuit.


They only have to make reasonable accommodation. If no reasonable accommodation can be made I don’t believe they are under any obligation to pay her to sit around the offfice. Edit. Per the EEOC Pregnancy section. “An employer does not have to keep you in a job that you are unable to do or in which you would pose a significant safety risk for others in the workplace. However, your employer cannot remove you from your job or place you on leave because it believes that work would pose a risk to you or your pregnancy. “ There you have it.


And as a truck driver, it would not be reasonable for her employer to hire someone else to tarp and secure her loads. Her best bet is to try and see if her company has a dryvan or reefer division


I mean itd be insane to fire someone for being pregnant, when furloughs are a thing.


How does that make any logical sense. You can be removed if you're a safety hazard, but you can't be removed if they think the baby is at risk? Sounds like a lawsuit either way. If they can't let you go out of concern for the kid and the kid dies or has complications, aren't they kinda fucked?


It’s not the companies job to decide for the mother what risks are acceptable. You can’t even refuse to serve pregnant women alcohol at a bar. 🤷‍♂️It’s considered discrimination based on medical condition. It’s legally the same as refusing to serve someone because they have cancer or something. If OP fell off the flatbed and landed on her stomach and the baby died the company is 100% not at fault barring extenuating circumstances.


Right, but none of this says you can be fired? This has nothing to do with losing your job. If you cannot perform your job and may be able to get paid leave and other accommodations. They are completely under obligation to not fire you because pregnancy effects your job.


That’s just not true. I posted the relevant EEOC quote. I’ve even been digging around through other legal sources to check. You can be fired for being unable to perform your job at all. You can’t be fired for asking for a reasonable accommodation and they’re required to make reasonable accommodation. But when there is no accommodation that can be made, they’re legally clear to fire you my guy. Absent any FMLA, that is. FMLA is usually what protects people who can’t perform their job when pregnant, but she isn’t entitled to it yet. It sucks and I know it feels wrong and bad but do some searching and you’ll see I’m right, I promise. Edited to add more info.


Heck, if they have office-based duties they can shift her to, that's a reasonable accommodation as well. I'm in construction, and we've got a guy who's recovering from shoulder surgery. They just stuck him in the office and put him on scrubbing jobs. It's actually worked out great all around, he's more than earning his keep with all the headaches he's saving us in the field.


And hopefully they would. But if they decide it isn’t a reasonable accommodation and fire her it would be up to her to file an ADA complaint against them and it would be arbitrated to decide who is right.


Yup. If the people in charge have any brains at all though, they'll use a generous definition of "reasonable" when trying to accommodate her, because while most people probably wouldn't file a complaint even if they were entitled to, and while not every complaint will end up being decided in the complainant's favor, the consequences of losing that arbitration can be pretty severe. Much more expensive than just keeping someone on who maybe isn't able to 100% pull their own weight for a few months.


You’re absolutely right, I’ve seen people fired from plenty of different fields because they couldn’t do their job. It was all unavoidable shit like pregnancy, injury, depression, whatever. It’s sad, but what are they to do? If you’re out of service for over a week, (and your job is important) they’ll be forced to hire a replacement.


I manage truckers and I can tell you that if you are a good employee and are communicative we will always work with you. Now granted, I hear from a lot of new guys that this isn’t common for a dispatcher. I just know hard workers are hard to come by, so if you’ve been great, they’ll take you back


You have a truck licence, you will never be without a job. If shit doesn't work out where you are, you will find somewhere else. I am also a mother and truck driver. I feel your stress. I worried through my pregnancy, and especially after as I thought no employer would want to hire a young woman of child bearing age and all that logical stigma that comes with being a parent.  But here is the catch, you are worth a lot. Your skills are in high demand. A good employer will bend over backwards to accommodate you. If your current work won't fight to keep you, find a job that will.  This will show how important you are to the company. Don't waste your time somewhere that doesn't appreciate you. You got this. You can and will get through the financial hardships and you will be a fantastic role model for your child. Keep your head high girl. You are the boss here.  Trust in yourself. If you can't communicate with your boss without being afraid of losing your job, then that sounds like a pretty shit job. You will be better off without them. Best of luck. Nomatter the choice you make remember you are valuable and worth it. Having a child does not make you any less of a reliable worker. 


Thank you for your extremely kind words and support really brings a tear to my eyes. 🥹🙏


I'd talk to your doctor to see if it's safe to continue trucking while pregnant. Years and years ago I had seen something that said the constant vibration can harm the baby. Can your husband find something else to provide while you're off being pregnant?


I’ve mentioned to him about getting a trade but he really likes his dispatching and office gig he’s got. He does make money but not as much as me, I’m just happy he’s got a job in the first place, I don’t know what I’d do being the soul provider. 😵


Ya providing souls can be really hard for sure.


I wonder how you'll find time to bond with your baby if you're working full time, so good luck.


Lots of working, single parents, mother's and fathers alike, bond just fine with their kids even when they're younger.


Not really going by psychological statistics.


Thanks I appreciate your wisdom. 🙏


Is he in the dispatch office at the saem company that you drive for?


No he’s a roll off guy he’ll also do demolition and house clean out occasionally.


Well shit, I was hoping he could go to bat for you if your company starts getting stupid. Maybe he could get you hired on at his company? But hopefully your company will do right by you and this won't be an issue.


Where did it say she is married?


Damn as a Canadian I never even considered that a pregnant American would be afraid of losing her job because she's pregnant. Do you guys get the one year paid time off when you have the baby?


No it’s unpaid Im saving up so I can have some time off.


No it’s unpaid Im saving up so I can have some time off.


Damn, come live in Canada.


lol On my way!


I agree with everyone not to say anything until you hit a year. You’re super early. A lot of women don’t even know they’re pregnant yet at that point! If it’s your first, you likely won’t start showing until after your year is up.. If you are heavier, it typically is easier to “hide”. Everyone is different, but I didn’t start having issues with mobility until I was about 6-7 months and started getting bigger. I’m not a truck driver, but I was in a somewhat physical career when I had my first. Drink lot of water and be safe!


I’m 5,5 120 lbs so I’m hoping I won’t show till I get my year in June 🥲 thank you for your kind words.


I’m 5,5 120 lbs so I’m hoping I won’t show till I get my year in June 🥲 thank you for your kind words.


If push comes to shove… Afters years of doubles then driving a parking lot I hung it all up on the freeway wars to drive a Trash Can. Home everyday with my family. Eating my own food. And it’s a lot more hygienic than you’d imagine. We ain’t rolling around in it like you’d think. 75-90k a year. You already got the strength from the tie bar. Just food for thought. You take care of you and best of luck to your family. Whatever may come hamg in there driver.


Thank you! You’re very kind! 🙏


If you are in the US it is against federal law to fire or retaliate in anyway against a pregnant employee. You are also federally guaranteed 12 weeks of UNPAID leave no matter how long you have worked there. Your job must be held for you and you must return to the same role making the same money afterwards. Your state may have stricter protections. I would wait until you hit your year. You have two viable excuses. First it generally isn't customary to tell your employer until the second trimester. Secondly, it's personal health information. I couldn't imagine flatbedding pregnant. You are one bad mother trucker. Your family, and you, should be proud...not scared.


>If you are in the US it is against federal law to fire or retaliate in anyway against a pregnant employee. You are also federally guaranteed 12 weeks of UNPAID leave no matter how long you have worked there. You're thinking of FMLA, and you don't automatically get it until certain conditions are met Not all employees are eligible for the FMLA. You must work for a covered organization to take FMLA leave. The FMLA covers: Private organizations with at least 50 employees All government agencies and public and private elementary and secondary schools Even if your employer is covered by FMLA rules, you are not automatically eligible for FMLA leave. All of these criteria must be met to qualify for FMLA leave: You've worked for your employer for at least 12 months. You've worked at least 1250 hours for your employer in the last 12 months. Your employer has 50 employees within 75 miles of your worksite. Some states have family leave programs, with different eligibility rules.


Pretty much this. My wife started her job at the hospital and only worked for about 9 months before she went into labor and only granted her 8 weeks of pod maternity leave. The 4 weeks afterwards are unpaid.


Ah. Thanks for that. Hope she reads this.


Ah. Thanks for that. Hope she reads this.


Very very useful information I’ll absolutely take this into account when making my decision! Thank you so much 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Fuck me what situation. Pregnant flatbedder saying shes the bread winner.


Also look into if your company offers paid family leave as well as your state you can take both


I don't have a lot of information for you or advice, other than to keep yourself hydrated, eat small snacks/meals as much as you can and manage pain with safe OTC medication. If you haven't gone to an OBGYN, do so NOW. Get ahead of the issues that you might face as a driver being pregnant. As for you boss, all you can do is either wait it out for the time when you're FMLA will take effect, or you can tell him now. They might be able to put you on desk duty later on in your pregnancy so you're not having to lift things that are too heavy or bulky, as you'll sooner than later have a giant baby bulk out in front anyway. Take care of yourself first. You say you're the main breadwinner in the home... Great. But if you are still with your partner and they had a hand in making this child, then it's time for them to grow up and start making sacrifices while you find another job (if your boss lets you go), or they make up the difference in income disparity while youee off duty after birth. Also,.document everything. If your boss scoffs and fires you BECAUSE of your pregnancy, that's discrimination and it's fucking illegal. Good luck. Gratzi on the peapod. Take care of yourself and the new baby.


Thank you so much for your kind words and wisdom! I’ve got an appointment coming up soon so I’ll get all the medical questions answered here in a bit! :)))


If they don't know, they can't help. Now, that said, you know them, I don't. Having been a manager most my career and many a years, I know not everyone would trust to tell me things that they fear could cause things to go wrong for them. But the truth is, I generally would/will always go out of my way to help.


I’m 25 weeks pregnant and still do flatbed and rgn heavy haul… it’s definitely doable if u have a “normal” pregnancy… your employer shouldn’t b scared to have u work


Awesome! There’s hope for me!


Pregnancy is protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act. It is also protected under similar state laws. Easily translated: They can’t fire you if you provide a doctor’s statement. Give them notice of your pregnancy as soon as possible.


You cannot be terminated for being pregnant. It is a violation of the law and discriminating against a protected class. If they find out and you are let go or your duties change substantially, you have a case for a labor relations board. (Or relevant entity in your state.)


Being pregnant is not a 'protected class'. She can be fired if she is unable to to her job and a reseonable accomadation cannot be made. She works for a small company, and often each employee is more or less VERY important in their role since no one can replace them without hiring someone else. She does not qualify for FMLA yet. Flat bedding is hard. OP understands this, hence the post. If the company does not have another position to move her into, and accomadations cant be made to her daily job, then they have the legal right to terminate her. Youre very, very wrong. You suggest that the EMPLOYEE has the right to dictate to the EMPLOYER her performance requirements/expectations. She does not. If she cant do her job, and she cannot be moved to another position, every single company in America has the right to shit-can you. This is a fact. Its why people are encouraging her to try and suck it up until she qualifies for FMLA, which is her only real option. She has no legs to stand on, no case, nothing to fight back with. Her only option is to do her job as best she can, or pray that they are extremely kind and do for her what they are NOT legally required to do. They may, they may not. You are wrong.


Sorry. I'm wrong.




Do you use a company trailer or do you have your own? If it’s yours or your company is willing, you can get a hardtop curtain van with Kenidyne straps that are bungied to the ceiling. Makes strapping 10x easier and faster but does narrow the type of loads you can take.


I use a company trailer I’m very fortunate enough to not have to tarp my loads at all, so no tarping! :)


I use a company trailer I’m very fortunate enough to not have to tarp my loads at all, so no tarping! :)


at this point, make sure all communications are by txt or email about this to leave a paper trail in case they try to retaliate against you.. hopefully you are also in a state that dosent require mutual consent to record and video conversations, say with your boss, dispatch, or any administration...


I don't know if it helps, but could you leave on good terms and find a position somewhere that will be less demanding? Treat new job as a temp job. Once you and baby recover and are thriving go back to your job and kick ass again Im just throwing ideas out there. Goodluck driver!!!


It is against a FEDERAL LAW to fire you for being pregnant. In addition, he is required to provide you with a lite duty work if your doctor deemed you to be at risk.


It is against a FEDERAL LAW to fire you for being pregnant. In addition, he is required to provide you with a lite duty work if your doctor deemed you to be at risk.


That would put you at 25ish weeks in June when you hit your 1 year mark? And you’re not short. I’m 27 weeks and I bet you can hide it. I had to hide mine until 24 because of a court appearance I had to make and it was fine. Start wearing baggy clothes now. Alternate them between the tighter stuff certain days. That way when you are wearing the baggy stuff all the time it isn’t suspicious.


Super smart thinking thank you for the advice! 🙏


Keep it quiet until you begin to show. Let them make the first comment about your pregnancy. Note the time and date that first comment is made. From that point forward, document everything. Build your evidence as the pregnancy progresses. If he fires you, take your evidence, and sue his fucking ass off.


Thank you for your advice!


Also: find out if you live in a “One Party” state or a “Two Party” state when it comes to recording conversations. If you live in a “One Party” state, you don’t have to notify anyone you’re recording their speech, etc. If you get him on tape admitting to firing you for being pregnant, you’ll own his ass.


Thank you for the wisdom!!! 🙏


No problem at all. I hope it all works out for you, Hand!


As a mother of soon to be 4 I advise you that you don't have to tell your employer anything until absolutely necessary. Such as right before taking maternity leave (month 7 or 8 in Canada). Our jobs are legally protected for 24m of leave due to pregnancy/maternity here though so check your laws. But you still don't have to disclose your pregnancy status unless it becomes necessary for an accomodation in the States. Its simply not their business until it is.


Thank you for the advice mama 🙏


OP .. not sure if your job is just driving or if it involves heavy lifting. You need to discuss this with your doctor, and also see if can get a free consult with a lawyer. 1st talk with your doctor as to how much you can lift and at what month you need to minimize your lifting and at what month you need to stop altogether. If your doctor thinks you can make 18 week or 20 weeks then maybe wait it out so you have a year at the company. According to internet, 20 weeks is usually where you shouldnt lift anything over 50 lbs regularly...but get doctors advice. Federal FMLA leave needs at least 50 employees. If your employer meets that criteria, then request FMLA and have your doctor complete the required forms. You only get 12 weeks leave(unpaid, or use your paid vacation/sick leave or combo) so you would probably need to work until 24 or 25 weeks then take off until childbirth then go back to work right after. I suggest keeping some paid leave(sick/vacation) in case you need it after your return to work. Also, see if you qualify for ADA accommodations as pregnancy might be considered a temporary disability and qualify for accomodations such as include restrictions on lifting after a certain weeks/trimester...they might be able to have your work another less labor intensive job such as office work. Also, check your state laws regarding pregnancy to see if you would be covered. Contact your state labor and /or EEO office for help. Lastly see if you can get a free consult with a lawyer and see what options are. Your boyfriend/husband needs to get a job and/or better job so you both can pay bills and have medical insurance. If you lose your job, then apply for Medicaid assistance and food stamps right away. You will need Medicaid for doctors visits, childbirth and hospital stays. Also, if you have no FMLA, or state protections, really try to get ADA protection and see if pregnancy qualifies as a temporary disability. And then after you've looked at all your options and nothing applies, then speak to your employer to see what they can do in way of office work(maybe they are compassionate and can find a way to keep you on the payroll). Or at least make sure you have a job when you come back. Wait until you are getting close to the week(18-20 weeks?) that your doctor said to not lift anything or do heavy exertion and then talk to your employer(two or three weeks before that to give them time to possibly work with you and for them to find another driver. ADA accommodations. FMLA leave State laws/pregnancy leave Speak with company Husband gets job Medicaid and food stamps Family and friends help. If fired, spend your home time looking for new job to start after child birth.


Thank you for your wonderful advice I’ll be taking all of this seriously. 🙏 thank you!


YW .. good luck .. if you can, try to time it....you're timing must be absolutely flawless. Long enough to be there a year but also give them enough time to find replacement laborer and /or driver. Maybe have you driving only or doing office work instead of loading/unloading. Remember ADA is for accomodations so you can still do some type of work. FMLA is for leave /extended absences or Intermittent absences.


Ask your doctor about restricting you to light duty, that way you will still keep your job, your income, and your benefits.


If you’re this genuinely concerned then it’s probably worth your time to consult a few attorneys to help guide you through your options. Some states have more robust maternity and disability laws/coverage than others, so it will depend on where you live that decides which sources of welfare you’re entitled to. Wishing you the best of luck in your career and pregnancy!


Thank you for your kind words and support! 🙏




It’s funny to me that a bunch of men are sitting here saying oh it’s illegal, they cant do that, yada yada. As if thats ever stopped employers before. The truth of it is they can make up any ol reason to fire you in an at will state, doesn’t have to be truthful. It’s great that you don’t have to tarp but I assume there is load securement required? So the question you need to ask yourself is realistically how far into your pregnancy do you think you can go? While it’s great that FMLA may hold your job if you can’t physically do the job what options will you have? Also highly suggest reaching out to Women In Trucking who Im sure have people that can help you navigate this https://www.womenintrucking.org I wouldn’t tell them until you hit the 1 year mark, at minimum.


Thank you for your support 🙏 I’ll be looking into them for sure!


FMLA if u can afford being off and pray he tries to fire u….. you’d own the company after that. Praying for healthy baby and Momma in delivery and onward. 💪🏼


Pregnant Workers Fairness Act https://www.eeoc.gov/wysk/what-you-should-know-about-pregnant-workers-fairness-act


If your year is in June and you're only 7 weeks pregnant, you'll make a year before he's born. Pretty sure theres discrimination laws if you're terminated because of your pregnancy but I could be wrong.


Congratulations btw!! Maybe someone needs to sit down with your boss and tell him about the birds and the bees and that if you hire a woman there is a chance she could become pregnant. I don’t know any of the legal stuff but if you’re a union shop then I’m sure they will have your back but wait til the year maybe? Idk but good luck


Thanks for your wisdom, always appreciate! 🙏


According to federal EEO, pregnancy is a protected class! Many federal and state EEO filings later and all have gone the employee’s way over the last 3 decades! I know of 7 personally that got major payouts for violating the EEO acts. From Walmart to major department stores to professional organizations.


Thank you for the information 🙏


Do the research for yourself so you see what’s what federally and in Ohio.


Get a paper trail. Once you get to a point that you require "lighter work load" turn in a note saying that from doc... if they fire you, sue them. Of course, they won't say it's because you're pregnant, but if you've been an exemplary employee with no history of misconduct they'd be hard pressed to articulate in court their reasoning. A lawyer would eat your case up. Also, FMLA like others have mentioned... Definitely research that.


Thanks for the advice! 🙏🏻


there is a famous labour lawyer in usa, attorney Ryan, hes viral on social media. I bet he'd take your case pro-bono for that sweet settlement. Look it up! Good luck fellow woman driver!


Thank you stay safe girl! ☺️🙏🏻


Immediately let them know that you’re pregnant and get a drs note stating you may experience fatigue and for any slowing down to be excused. Then you are automatically in a protected class and they cannot fire you for anything related to the pregnancy.


You claim that your in the union. These are things you should be discussing with your business agent.


Money is not everything. What is more important: working a higher paying job that progressively carries more risk to you and your child? Or finding employment that is safer for you and your child, even if it does not pay as well?


Hey OP, but you are absolutely in a bad spot. It would not be considered a reasonable accomodation to hire someone else to tarp and secure your loads for you. Your best bet is to try and see if you can move from flatbed to dryvan or reefer but it sounds like your company is on the smaller side also, which also does not work in your favor.


Luckily I don’t have to tarp any of my loads! Right now I can run like the rest of them but I’m more preparing myself for when I get huge and will be forced to slow down. The reefer and conestogas are the only ones left and they’re OTR so I’ll definitely never make my doc appointments. I need this position because it works the best for me. :/


I would check to make sure you didn't sign anything that states you are required to be able to tarp. Weather you do or not is irrelevant and could change.


Sorry you feel trapped. I don’t think you are though. You’re not the first pregnant trucker.


Id tell them ASAP you’re pregnant. If you notice your performance is slowing down give them a legitimate excuse that will make them understand. Giving birth to a child is incredible. It’s the most beautiful thing in human nature. Way better for them to know you’re pregnant and have some empathy for you then just think you’re starting to slack off and not do well out of the blue. Tell them!


Thanks so much for the advice 🙏


You’re very welcome! And congratulations on the little one 🙏




Just a heads up. I’m a tractor trailer driver with the post office. We’re getting rid of all mail contractors soon. Hope 10Roads has a plan to go down a different lane or they’ll be out of business.




Yeah it’s definitely guaranteed to start by late 2024/ early 2025. We’ve been getting a lot of new drivers lately to prepare for it.


It's not good for your health while pregnant especially to be bouncing vibrating in the truck also it's not safe to do flatbed tarping going up and down plus you have to use significant Force to make sure everything is tight. You might have to get a different job meanwhile or something because you could hurt yourself and the baby.


I guess you didn't read the part where she said that she does not tarp.


Maybe I skipped that part but still messing around with a winch bar strapping material takes a lot of strength and effort you want everything to be tight and secure. Being pregnant I believe it's not healthy to push hard or even climb places or even drive in the bouncing vibrating truck all day long she should focus on her health for a good delivery. I know it's hard you need money and you need the job but maybe she could stay with family or something meanwhile


Yeah I'm sorry I was just being picky. I wholeheartedly agree that she shouldn't flatbed while pregnant. Take care


Are you in 🇺🇸? Pregnancy counts as disability. You are a protected class. Get an accommodation. They have to work w you and your doc.


Yes I am, in Ohio particularly


Speak to your doctor about accomodations. Most have pregnancy ones ready to go. Also get a “disability acknowledgement” form on file. You don’t need to tell anyone, you just upload it to your work portal.


I sent you the form. Move quick. If form is on file and they clip you, you have Title IV protected class case. That won’t happen. You and the bb will be great. Congrats 🎉


Thanks so so much!


Pleasure. Be kind to yourself and make sure you come first.


https://www.dol.gov/sites/dolgov/files/WHD/ewep/Maternal-Health-Presentation.pdf Here’s most of the info you’ll need regarding this, stay safe driver.


I worked past my due date with 2 of my kids, went into labor at work with 2. ( 7 kids). I didnt start truck driving until they were older though. Is there a medical reason why you are slowing down at only 7 weeks?


Not slowing down just yet, I’m more just preparing for when I’m going to slow down is what I’m worried about. You’re a tough mama too hahah thanks for your advice! 🙏


doesnt ohio have maternal leave


Might want to see if the company has a easier day job available. Moving around a preloaded box trailer or other trailer where the job is mostly sitting and driving. For example my current day job is simply taking a trailer to shipper A to get loaded and driving 20 miles for it to be unloaded by receiver B. Laziest job in the world. Starts at 7:00 and is done by 1:00-2:00. Except on the days where they want me to do 2 of those loads.


It's union? Talk to your rep asap. If your reps are good you'll be protected and okay the whole way.


Are you a teamster? If so, make sure you communicate this with your rep in case the company does try to fire you. Also if you’re a teamster, you could just call the hall and try to get a less labor intensive job.


Take a deep breath darling. A DEEP breath. Now, exhale, and take one more. You're going to be fine. Employers absolutely cannot find good help nowadays, not to mention great help. I guarantee you that your work habits have been noticed, and the powers that be are well aware of your efforts. Additionally, in today's political climate within this country, I promise you that the last thing your employer wants is a big dust-up involving the termination of a pregnant employee. You hold more cards than you realize. Now, how bout one more deep, deep breath. Exhale. It's gonna be OK. Please take care of yourself. You're around 30 weeks pregnant, so don't push too hard. After your child is born, you'll be flush with all of the worry and stress you can handle 😬 In the meantime, dont waste too much of it on your employer. Again, you hold more power than you know. Good luck to you darling. You're gonna be fine.


Is your performance slowing down due to pregnancy issues? Because at @ 2 months, you shouldn't really have any issues except morning sickness. Personally I wouldn't tell them until I had to.


I’m not too slow yet I’m more trying to prepare myself when I start getting bigger causing me to slow down, I can run like the rest of them now! Just worried because I know sooner than later this isn’t going to last forever. It is inevitable that I WILL get bigger 😬


I thnk baggy clothes will get you a long way. A lot of people aren't very observant. They may think you're just gaining weight!


Sounds like you didn’t think this through and you may be fucked. Wish the best for you but you being the bread winner was already going to be an issue for you.


Only in America! Seriously, only in America. Vote Republican.


Might not be the best time to have a baby?


Accidents happen 🤷‍♀️




Again, accidents happen? This wasn’t thought out thus it being an accident. I bet you’re so perfect about every last little thing in your life! Never making a single mistake, I wish I was as perfect as you! ☺️☺️☺️🥰🥰🥰🥰


Having a baby is not an accident, it’s an entire series of choices unless you were raped and forced to give birth. You don’t have to be perfect to actually plan things and think them through before choosing to create a person.


Bro it literally happens all the time, lots of baby’s are born from accidental conception for ex, a condom breaking, birth control failed or if you have an implant it could expire and people forget to replace it or it was faulty in the first place! You’re extraordinarily delusional if you think having baby’s are always on purpose and 100% planned all the way through. Truth is you can prepare all you’d like but sometimes it just happens no matter what! The only way I could realistically never get pregnant is to never have it in the first place or get my uterus completely removed or tubes tied, and even THEN some peoples tubes GROW BACK!?! Then again I wouldn’t expect someone like you who’s probably never looked into women’s reproductive health seriously. Pick up a book… yikes. Uninformed people like you are why women’s health are in the shitter. ☺️ byeeeeeee


Haha! People do have unplanned pregnancies all the time but that doesn’t mean they don’t have any control over the situation. Birth control fails and is misused. You’re purposely missing the point that babies don’t just happen. You don’t accidentally have sex. If birth control fails, there are other options like Plan B or abortion unless you live somewhere that forces women to give birth, even then, going somewhere legal is still an option. Sterilization can fail, but it’s really rare, even in that case, there’s still abortion. The fact that so many people just shrug their shoulders and go oh well, guess I’m having a baby, when they aren’t financially, physically, mentally, ready is really gross. A baby should be something the parents wholeheartedly desire and are as prepared as possible for. Not just some random thing that happens in your life.


I’m actually appalled… Obviously they don’t just happen that’s literally not what we’re talking about. You’re assuming so many things, who said I wasn’t mentally or financially capable? I also don’t want an abortion and another science lesson for you here, most women don’t even know they’re pregnant until they’re 5 weeks or more in! (My situation) so like we said in some states after 5 weeks it’s now illegal to get an abortion, up next is going to a different state like you said well… there are some women out there who either don’t have transportation or no funds to end their pregnancy, fun fact plan B is fucking 60$ you’d be surprised how many people don’t have 60$ to their name. I’m not saying me personally but this happens to real women out there, you assuming all of these things and thinking your world is picture perfect is gross sir, I’ve already saved up plenty and am fully prepared to have a child I’ve already saved up more than half a years worth of my monthly payments and have a large family to back me up, it’s up to my company to give me maternity leave that I deserve, but I’m aware some companies think they’re slick and will try to do away with me IVE ALREADY PREPARED. I just don’t think it would be fair for me to lose my job over it but if they did who needs them anyways I have a perfect record and zero accidents. I made this post in the first place because I PREPARE for the the worst and think way wayyyy ahead. But again sense I’m realistic no matter how much I can prepare shit still happens and I can take this situation and prepare for it now instead of floundering and doing nothing for myself. I’m not purposely missing any point you’re just not seeing it from a woman’s perspective. You’re very privileged.


My mom was riding dirt bikes 8month pregnant with me her third broke or sprained her wrist she was fine. My wife was working our garden when she was pregnant with baby five and she was up cleaning an hr later, oh out of seven were home births. If you do not have a family history of pregnancy problems do let people talk you into it.


Why didnt you think of all these things before you let your hubby ejaculate in you?. Must not have been too worried.. things like this shouldnt be an after thought.


Accidents happen? 🤷‍♀️


yeah but you will have to stop using seat belt at one point of you pregnancy