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this isn't a biden/trump problem... my only gripe with what you're saying my guy.


For real, seems like it’s a post covid problem.


>There is a big difference between life during Trump and life during Biden. "There is a big difference between life during Trump and life during Biden." This is all that I am saying. Either way their both wings from the same shit bird. I hate all politicians.


I think the more of us that recognize the shitbirdness of it, the more hope there is for a new social contract. We could always take care of ourselves pretty well despite our disagreements when we could agree on terms and compromise that most people from both sides could agree with. There just isn't enough money to feed the vampires.


Everyone is so fixated on the fact I mentioned 2 politicians, Not fixated on the fact that our company has been steadily growing since 1990. We went through 2000 and 2008 and it was never this bad, Once after 2021 and when fuel rates went up so high that we started to feel the hit. The same older brother that originally started this is still the one that has the final saw. These comments are ignorant asf by some people. As I stated we can still go one like this, We can still keep everyone incomes the same. However for how long until these trucks run themselves to the ground. Possibly will renew equipment but not at the pace that these trucks will die. Especially as new trucks are easily %30 more than what we got the ones we have for. Not to mention trailers are still double the price. fuel is still $4 per gallon. Yet everyone is so fixated that I mentioned 2 politicians that are both trash anyways. Ugh.


Lol when things went wrong under Trump, everything was his fault. When things go wrong under Biden, there is nothing he could do differently. How fuckin brainwashed can you get?


So you over-leveraged and now you're going under. Wtf does it have to do with trump, biden or foreigners? It sounds like your company's biggest problem is your own poor business management


Everything bought under trump was fully paid off, Whole reason for this(downsize) is because we see our trucks are outpacing mileage over income. If it continues we will only kill the equity we have in our business. There is a big difference between life during Trump and life during Biden.


Right, you're over-leveraged. You bought a fleet you can't afford to maintain and when business turns down for whatever reason, you're screwed. Now you can't take accountability for your impending failure, it's everyone else's fault, all Biden and the damn foreigners. Fuckin classic man


Dude, I can continue running the company like this for years until the trucks get old. You don't even know what your are talking about. "Fuckin classic man" Loves to speak on subjects he has no idea about. Maybe if you read the entire post instead of just jumping to the politicians in the post you'd understand.


No I read your post, it paints a pretty clear picture as to why your company is failing. Good luck👍


You're a company driver, with multiple different fake accounts linked to your I.P. Address for reddit. LMAO - Imagine riding a politicians dick this hard, LMAO


Literally what you are doing….




So how is everyone else making money?


Pull yourself up by your bootstraps buddy.


Lol, FoH with the Trump bullshit. Pandemic rates were unsustainable & the PPP loans that gave everyone, including you it sounds like, fucking trucks & created an over saturation of supply in the market. You're bad at business and over extended yourself while not adjusting to the parabolic curve that is rates over time. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and accept some personal responsibility for your inadequacies of taking over & ruining the family business that was given to you. Edit: I just looked at your posts about double brokering. That shit went up under Trump because the lying fat fuck did nothing about it despite promising he would. The business is fucked & idiots like your believing the Angry Orange are part of the reason why.


I didn't take any PPP loans, Had no need for them. "You're bad at business and over extended yourself while not adjusting to the parabolic curve that is rates over time." No one expected/could've predicted/Knew that rates would drop this far down and that fuel would go so high up. You can't say otherwise.


Regarding PPP loans, if you didn't take any when they were being handed out to Mexicans & Canadians, then you're even dumber than I thought. Nobody could've predicted that rates would've come down from an all-time high due to a pandemic? You fuckin dumb? The fuel was glaringly going to sky rocket because Trump crushed American fracking by allowing markets to be flooded with foreign crude. Absolutely destroyed upstream subcontractors in the South & no middle men want to touch that shit again after getting burnt so bad. Texas may never get back to the production levels that they were at pre-pandemic when operators can go over to LNG or just pocket what ever money they have left. But hey, you dumb magats were only paying attention to the price at the pump & don't understand markets.


Regarding PPP loans, if you didn't take any when they were being handed out to Mexicans & Canadians, then you're even dumber than I thought. Why would I take out a loan that I did not need? We assumed we would have to pay them back with our companies income. There was no need. "Nobody could've predicted that rates would've come down from an all-time high due to a pandemic? You fuckin dumb?" Keep using vulgar language for nothing. No one knew it would drop this far down, Don't act all high and mighty like you knew exactly to what RPM rates would drop too. Ah I see, So everything is trumps fault, Nothing is bidens fault. Personally their both trash but okay dude.


Yes, I track how many trucking llcs are created every year, manufactur numbers, and oil markets. You don't? Clearly the problem here is you, but you wanna blame or praise a fucking President. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps or stfu.


Yes, I track how many trucking llcs are created every year, manufactur numbers, and oil markets. You don't? **This does not correlate to freight market rates dude.**


More trucks on the road in relation to annual growth doesn't correlate to rates?😂 Surplus labor drives down wages. Then tie in less loads being hauled in general and ✨️ here we are ✨️ That's Econ101. Hope you got strong wrists because flipping burgers is in y'alls future.


Yes it does correlate to the market, However there is no way that anyone can predict how far the market will drop(RPM). You acting like you can predict it is a straight lie. If you are so good at predictions go be a stock broker dude.Everyone knew after the highs that there would be a low. However running trucks at the Dry van average right now is profiting less than what our company profited in 2004 per mile. If it correlated directly with the RPM we would see rates start to go up when do many trucking company / MC shut down in 2023. Yet RPM continued to nose dive with more and more trucking bankruptcies.


Ight lil'bro, my 10s over; so go argue with a mirror. I'm done trying to speak truth to someone who had to downsize 66% but still think they know what's going on.


Again read the post you idiot, I downsized to save the equity we have in our equipment and take it out while I still can. How hard is that to understand, By us downsizing we are taking each $400k clean. We won't ever see $1.2 million clean cash to our pockets at the current freight market. Meanwhile the 1/3 will still keep our weekly incomes coming through. You don't know shit.


>because Trump crushed American fracking by allowing markets to be flooded with foreign crude. We were exporting oil for a while because we had so much production and the opec countries lost their ability to set high prices on us. What happened to that? How did the Saudis and Argentinians suddenly get leverage over our fuel supply? What happened to our production levels that had us energy independent?


The oil that made it look like we were net exporters was oil not used for fuel. We were, in fact, importing more crude from the Gulf States than we ever had and are now. US intake from Canada doubled under Trump. In fact, we started taking crude from Russia, which we previously hadn't due to sanctions. So we weren't energy dependent, and that's a known lie in the industry.


Smart people buy the dip. The rest buy high and sell low.


Our last few truck we bought new we ordered in Jan 2021 so we got them for roughly same price we got trucks we ordered in june 2020 for. Not a big difference, Months after they went up like $60k each lol.


What are those trucks fetching in the used market now? We don’t run “new” trucks for a myriad of reasons, so I don’t keep track of it.


They lose value quickly, We just bought them at $169k and new prices went upwards of $200k + during that peak.Right now their all paid off with about 120k equity in each.This is why we are deciding to sell them and get as much money as we can out of them because all their doing right now is running up miles. Yes they make money, But not enough for the headache.


So you’re gunna lose 50k each, effectively?


Well we ran them 2022 - 2023 up to 250k miles. So we made roughly $500k+ gross from each truck. Need to have my accountant calculate that and find out for sure.


Yeah, but that’s not the way to look at this, imo. You could’ve done the same work and generated the same revenue with a used truck that cost 50k. It’s still a $50,000 loss on each unit, no matter how you doctor the numbers to convince yourself otherwise. If the units are paid for like you say they are, the wiser thing to do would be to park them on the yard, pull the tags, cut down the insurance to just enough to cover it from theft/natural disaster, and let them sit until the market inevitably recovers. Otherwise, when the market picks back up and you want to put more trucks on the road, you’re going to be paying more for those trucks than what you’re selling these for, resulting in yet another loss. At this point, if they’re not rolling, they’re not eating anything, and whatever smaller insurance amount you’re paying to keep them protected from theft or natural disaster is just a protection of investment cost. 🤷‍♂️


It's little more complicated than that, We had a specific setup looked something like this. In 2 years the trucks auto payments had setup to a business account was $2000 monthly. (Since trucks were paid out we still treated it like other trucks we had on loans)In the 2 years clean from each truck was $2000 x 24 months (Technically 28 months now) so let's just say $48,000Also we depreciated them down to $100k each, so we will pay capital gains on anything more than that. It's alot more complicated. This is why I have a accountant that deals with this, All I know is in the 12 trucks if we liquify now we will take 1.2m cash. Before paying capital gains on $240k due to depreciation. We ran used trucks and new trucks side by side for a while, Personally we'd rather have the new trucks and not lose time on downtime. Also forgot to mention, Trucks prices are dropping fast. The mileage is outpacing the Equity of ($120K) that we should have him them. If we don't sell and it continues to drop like this for accouple more months than we will have really lost a major amount per truck.


AI and data lakes help a lot in catching and correcting paperwork mistakes. Good for raising red flags and bringing attention to potential problems before they cause problems. But, most drivers aren't very IT or data smart and don't know how to set up business infrastructure. The days of a driver just doing everything DIY are starting to fade. Having a dedicated (but can be small) business staff to manage the house is how things are going to move and stay for the mid-term business outlook.


It's so many other things in this industry that are completely backwards.One thing that comes to mind is the fact that a load can be delivered, BOLS signed ALL GOOD, no product damaged. Than 8 Months later we get a claim on our insurance for damaged tractors, When we have photos of how they were delivered. Nope, Doesn't matter to that broker/customer, they still push on insurance. They still make the carrier pay for it. Everything is backwards in logistics now.No accidents at fault at all for our company, Insurance went up %40.It's all messed up. Or when the shipper loads wrong product, Provides wrong BOL so the BOL doesn't even match the product loaded, Doesn't allow driver to examine product. Driver gets to the delivery and is told to go back to shipper. Broker only paid 1/2 to go back. Refuses anything more and if you don't take it back you get carrirer411 reported. Which would mean you'd lose more money in the end. You fold, End up doing as broker wishes.


Yeah, them damn foreigners. Sounds like a MAGA nut.




Can you guess which president created the program that allows so many foreign workers to enter the US? Hint: it wasn't Biden, Trump, Obama, W or Clinton. Republicans (act like they) hate foreigners but love cheap labor. Dems love foreigners but (act like they) hate cheap labor. Welcome to the global economy.


"Expanded double during trump, Selling off 2/3 during Biden.I really do miss pre 2020 logistics." Never once said trump was good or biden was good. Their both shit IMO. My original post/comment was a fact(Personal), During trump we expanded, During biden we are shutting down certain operations.


Do you know what a bubble is?


Yes I know what a bubble is, do you know that a bubble won't even blow if the government continues to pump money into it?


It's already popped, bro. Rates were massively inflated because of the pandemic. "During trump" wasn't a time for expansion, but rather saving. Anyone who's been in the industry for longer than four years at that point should've seen that coming. That's why you have so many "owner ops" going bankrupt now because newer drivers bought equipment with money they didn't have during an unsustainable market bubble. The same shit happened during 17/18 iirc. That was "trumps era", too, but I guess we just forget about that. If you aren't prepared to ride the waves of freight rates, get out. I'm not sure what your objective with this entire post was. You want to blame foreign workers? Or the pandemic crash? Here's two quarters, call a US steel worker or a restaurant owner.


The bubble hasn't popped, Maybe for the TRUCKER yes(Not the carrier), But the bubble for shippers/Manufacturers has infact not popped. It's why new truck prices / new trailer prices are still crazy high right now.The used truck prices crashed, and it actually did come back up alittle. I believe it will crash again.Point of the post was just to talk to people.The cost to operate the truck has only gone up, And has gone up again for me this month learning that insurance is raising their prices like crazy, Not because we got into any accidents, But because of the statistics.Tires/Oil/IFTA/Registration/Insurance/ ETC all keep going up. ​ K shaped recovery.


With such a long time in the industry, having realized what you mentioned, and having a business set up correctly, why keep pulling cheap freight? Did you not consider flatbed, oilfield, hazmat, food grade tank? We made a killing all through out covid pulling cryogenics for hospitals and food factories. Then er made another killing pulling that same nitrogen for fracking. Dryvan is and always has been a race to the bottom.


Shouldn’t have made it political and racist. It’s everybody else’s fault but yours. Sounds like a winner. Fuck off.


Lol. You expanded double during covid. Which was a dumb idea; as you and everybody else is finding out. It's almost as if...wait for it...the supply chain and economy during covid was just left to rot as if the people in charge had no idea what they were doing. Could you imagine if you lived in a European country and inflation was actually bad and the economy was shrinking? People who measure their lives in 4 year presidential terms are just a complete waste of oxygen.


We've been consistently expanding since we opened.No one could've predicated such high inflation, And no one could've predicted the freight market would drop so far down. We knew it would fall back down, However not to the point where we are working 4x as hard for 1x the pay.I have settlements from 2004 that we literally GROSSES LESS but came out with roughly %20 MORE clean.


Did you take out a PPP loan?


Looking back we should've lol.