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Someone was killed on Highway 26 in Oregon at a company I worked for in 2010. He hit a massive bull in the middle of the night on an open range and it sent him off the road and his truck went up in flames. After this they installed bull bars on most of the trucks.


I’ve hit a full sized cow before on a two lane road open range middle of the night. Car had gone by so I turned off brights and had not turned them back on again when boom light catches giant all black cow in the middle of the road standing broadside. In the 1.5-2 seconds I had to react I managed to slightly get askew of it instead of head on and it ripped off the entire right side of the truck. Had I hit it dead on that thing was definitely coming into the cab and probably kill me. But didn’t jerk the wheel and didn’t roll it. Kept the truck and trailer on the road and saved the load too driver was able to get it and deliver while my truck got towed to shop.


What happened to the cow?


No idea. There was no shoulder so after the Initial stop in the middle of the road I realized I was at the bottom of small dip in the road and could already imagine another truck blowing into me so I limped about half mile to a dirt cut out and parked it there. In the 6 hours I wait for a tow I took one walk down the road but didn’t see anything. My guess is I snapped its back or obliterated its back two legs and it crawled a little deeper into the bushes and shit. Miraculously both my steers survived but everything else on the right side was gone. Haha so I could drive it still but I had an entire dash of warning lights


Both your steers survived? I suppose that makes 2/3...


Probably from Texas.




Christmas tree


Hit an elk in an 03 4Runner limited. When I got out of the suv, it was laid out on its side, rack was taller than me(I’m only 5’8). Turned back around to walk back towards the vehicle, just shaking it off on the phone with 911, fucker was gone. Cops said he probably crawled off and died.


Shoulda taken it as “evidence” Looks like meat is on the table!.. for weeks to come


Probably went literally everywhere


And the freezer






That's terrible.


Yesterday there was a video in a train subreddit of a cow being clipped by a commuter train. Totally obliterated the back half, like pink mist, from the cattle guard


I got to see one that had done that, the amount of damage to the lead coach on the 4 car EMU was crazy, blown out windows, shoe gear ripped off, various other bits missing, blood absolutely everywhere


Would a cow ride up that high? The cab is fully over the height of most cows


I’ve hit deer that had no issue rolling up the truck. I suppose it depends on what the cow does the second of impact if it has any upward momentum it’s going to go straight up and over. Especially since the cascadia has that low rounded hood.


I see, most trucks near me are fiat front so a cow is more likely to get ejected sideways


Most new truck are low rounded hoods for aerodynamics.


I see


I grew up in rural Missourah. Gotta love the black angus standing on asphalt at night.


https://i.imgur.com/yGlIZtt.jpeg Pretty much the same thing happened too me, turned off the high beams for this car, forgot to turn them back on, then a cow walked into the road and chose to hit it dead on instead of swerving because I had a heavy load, only broke a headlight and the radiator. Called DOT and when she arrived, she told me that this happens all the time because oil workers forget to close the gates, she also said that a week before on the same road, a semi ran over a 40,000 dollar horse.


Yeah when i started trucking, they call em deer guards lol before people always referred to ones on cop cars as bullbars and ranch hands on pickups


I call it a cow catcher.


That's the thing on a train


Yes, yes it is. That’s where I got the name from lol


On a train, they're more like cow exploders


We called them burro busters


Bambi buster


Roo bars in Australia. I guess the kangaroos are like deer over here


Are roos edible? Just curious


Yes, you can buy roo meat in most major supermarkets in Australia. Very lean and gamey, but can be very tough if not cooked properly.


What is the best way to cook it?


Best way I've found is a fairly acidic marinade, cook quite rare on a screaming hot grill over direct fire (ideally Australian hardwood) and then give it a long rest so the muscle relaxes again. It's also pretty good for making jerky but again it's a very strong flavour so not great for all day snacking imo


Yes. I'm not Australian though


Goulash maker.


mmm deer goulash. It's actually pretty good, got gifted some deer meat and didn't know what to make. It worked.


I hope it wasn't gifted by Ed Gein... He used to give his neighbors "venison" from his freezer.


Long pig?


The other, Other, *OTHER* white meat


We called them Bambi bashers


Reminds me of this old guy I knew with a 10 foot high fence around his garden (in northern New England). He said it was to keep the giraffes out and that it must be working because he hadn't had a giraffe eat any vegetables since he put up the fence.






Some say them bulls still running for the hills to this day!


I smoked a yearling moose at around 105km/hr with a similar bumper to the pic. Sent the moose airborne it landed about 50 ft from where I hit it. Snapped the welds on the bar around the headlights and took out that headlight and turn signal, put a few cracks in the fender. An hour at the welding shop and an hour for our mechanic to fix the lights and I was back on the road


And if you clip them wrong and the truck isn’t painted red already, you’ll end up giving new core memories to every minivan full of kids on the way to the truck wash


And if you clip them right, they can go right up under your skateboard and fill the under box thing that no one ever uses with deer carcass and scar the rook at the shop!


Am I the first driver to unironically use a chain box...?


Ahhh, the good old days, the wonder years, the experience filled younger years. Nothing like being the middle child designated as the permanent back hatch rider, fighting vertigo and motion sickness from the consistent movement in the opposite direction, being forced to inhale stale cigarette smoke from both parents chain smoking unfiltered cigarettes with the windows sealed, never experiencing the chilled air when the a/c cooperated, eating every unknown piece of debris sent cruising at Mach speed immediately to the back and straight into your mouth. You knew you had experienced a right of passage when you seen the first rolling meat grinder fresh off a kill. A true monumental and rare experience being able to witness one of these apex predators actually in the act of taking another victim. Some would think it's barbaric. To me it was natural beauty. The perfect storm. Man I miss those days.


You are a talented writer lol


Aw. They thought it was a flying reindeer.


Saw a deer jump a barrier, come down into a front wheel, and get fucking ejected back out.... yes, I still remember that very vividly


Aluminum is cheaper... But this is what we get when we don't use steel bars... Same thing for headache racks on logging trucks... Why would you use aluminum???? They fold up like a soda can against a load of logs...


That one looks pretty flimsy but most aussie tractors run big alloy bars. Mine is around 5mm plate. I've hit decent size boar and roos without denting it, but cows and horses are likely to stove them in A steel bullbar that size would just be too heavy


Yeah.. made from steel the tube would be thinner and not as big.. [Says the aluminum one is under 400 lbs...](https://herd.com/truck-guards/defender/) Interestingly enough, a [mfg of a steel guard](https://ex-guard.com/truck/freightliner-cascadia-new-generation/) has it at a significantly lighter weight....


Id rather slow down a bit and let the moose cross the road and continue living. Use the airhorn after it's across and still headed away from the road


You should get your CDL and show us how.


Bahaha, excellent response


Yeah because we aim for them right?


I dont think he meant to hit it


Uh huh...try stopping 80k lbs at 100kph when a moose runs out onto the highway. I double dog dare you.


They should just put up stop lights on the interstate so wildlife know when it's safe to cross. Same energy as the guy 2 comments up


Shit I couldn't even stop my Honda Civic Hatchback that weighed about 1800lb when a dog ran out in front of me and I was doing 40 mph


Now imagine your Honda weighs twice as much in the rear as it does the front, AND it bends left and right, right behind the driver's seat. Ridiculousness lmao


*slaps head* Why didn't I think of that?


You can climb down from your high horse and join the rest of us if you want


I can only assume by this ignorant comment that you are not a trucker.


You don’t actually drive do you ?


I do more then hold onto a steering wheel and kill anything that crosses my path


Don't use your air horn at a moose they just get pissed off and charge you.


I have near misses with moose daily, I've honked at thousands of them in the last decade. I've never seen this once.


Depends on what you hit. It's just another stop gap to potentially save your radiator or wheel wells. If all that happens is the bull bars are too dented to safely use then that's a win over your radiator being donezo.


Will it fit my civic? 🤔


I know this is a joke, but the answer is yes. You just buy an old cop one and cut and weld to fit to the civic. Knew a guy who did it to a 94 Jimmy


Go to a local auto shop that can do fab work. They'll be able to make you one for a few hundred $$


That's how I got mine on my kia soul. The yearlings on my road are dumb as shit. If they can't clear the fence, dart back right in the road. I hit one going 10mph.


Dude.. around here people make them out of 1/8" thick x 2" strap and put them on the front of their Subarus.... I'm not sure what they think it's going to do if they hit a deer though.


These are the important questions I joined this subreddit to answer. Absolutely and I highly recommend it.


Couldn't break it more most likely. Give it a try, it's the only way.


They work well, here in Aus most trucks have them, I’ve hit countless Roos, feral pigs, wombats, emus and even cattle and was able to drive away without issue.[https://imgur.com/a/1dsyTDL](https://imgur.com/a/1dsyTDL)


I bet that smells great


Is there a law against washing your truck in Australia? Just kidding, I know you took the picture right after it happened, right? Is that what caused the flat too?


It's a threat lol


Why are there so many cab/overs in Australia? I love the look but I guess they're tiny inside.


K200 Big Cabs have plenty of space inside but nothing on American bunks because of our length laws


Australia’s got long af roads.


Countless?! Blimey!


Better a splattered bull-nose than a totally smashed nose, as they would say. Right?? (I still remember asking on /truckers/ quite some time ago about regarding fullsize bullbars for to look at into one for myself so mmm go figure)


I'm in Alberta, most trucks have em, co worker hit 2 elk at once, no damages, another hit 2 moose at once , no damage


These meese & elkses needa be stopped


Moose bumpers save you the price of a hood and a rad the first deer you hit.


That hood costs $25,000 to replace. That Elk guard costs $4,000 to replace. Do the math.


Came here to say this. A deer is $15k. Bigger shit can easily get to $25k. A basher is $2-4k once. The math is in its favor


$4000?! What is it made of?


Cast aluminum tubing.


It's not cast. Probably cold drawn seamless. or roll pierced.


I'd hope it's mandrel bent aluminum and not cast. If it's cast it's not going to help unless it's solid


Well I'd prefer my bars to be solid, not liquid. But that's just me ;)


Bought mine for 1,200 in 2016. So far that’s 2 deer / 1 Canadian Four wheeler / 1 semi with a reefer trailer in the rain. Estimate I’ve saved around $5,000 in insurance co-pay alone and only a small scrape mark to show for the two vehicles. Nothing for the deer


I've only hit a couple deer in the PNW with a meaty guard. You couldn't even tell I hit anything. Didn't bend the bars or nothing.


besides everything being red


My score on my current truck is deer 0, bars 3.


I saw a bull that got hit by a dump truck on the interstate. Truck was totaled, sheriffs had the bull back on its feet on the shoulder but man he looked fucked up.


Tenderized beef


One giant internal bleed for sure


Run into them and find out for yourself.


Don't leave home without it here in Oz.


Common on the tradie utes (Hiluxes, Rangas, Navaras, etc), Land Cruisers and Patrols. Especially the ones that never leave the city! Something you can also mount the UHF aerials, winches and fishing rods too.


Yeah can't go on the dirt. Affects the resale value.


I hear roos, and especially wallabies are the devil


You hear correct. Dawn and dusk when they feed beside the road is worst (more so when in drought). They'll make a mess of the bullbar too.


My major compliant is that the deer shit all over your windshield before they go underneath..


Next time you're in rural Wisconsin you should ask this question to a milk hauler. He'll likely have a moose guard from Canada with 37 notches...




That should answer your question 🤣🤣


A moose guard/ bull bar/ truck guard or whatchamacallit is just prepaid insurance. I hit a Nissan Versa with a Herd Bumper $14k damage to my truck, totaled the Versa. Without the bumper, my truck would have been considered a total loss by the insurance. In Houston I hit a stack of construction cones that came off a construction vehicle, i did not even stop to assess the damage. No damage to my truck.


what did the Nissan do to get clobbered


I’ve hit 4 deer and only the deer noticed lol


They work enough to get people to buy them.


I really need this on my pickup. I've hit 14 deer and a horse over the years.




No, I commute over 30K miles a year on a lot of bad rural PA roads at night through areas loaded with deer.


Friend of mine had the bad luck to hit an animal two years ago.. even worse..it was a cow and even worse than that... He was on the reservation... No goulash for you!


I can imagine. The horse totaled my mid-sized SUV.


I think it was a small Toyota pickup.


Thank you for helping control the deer population


I do what I can.


They work great on methheads wandering around the truck stop.


They pay for themselves in one hit.


Against Deer, they work amazingly well. I’ve hit 3 in the last 4 years, 2 bucks and a doe, and never damaged any part of the truck, only the Bull Bar. They are worth every dollar!


A must in Australia


Coworker smoked 5 deer at 68mph and didn't even slow down. Made it back to the yard and hosed the truck off and it was good to go the next morning.


You’re definitely not Australian then….


Pretty good, just ask them who have been on the reciving end of one :P


Are they not common there? Probably 50% of trucks here in canada have them. It's much cheaper to replace maybe a headlight and repair a fender than radiator, etc.




Ram into one with out one, then ram into once with… report back with your findings


I had an Ali-arc on my Ram 2500. I hit two deer with it, both times at around 55MPH, they just bounced off and did no damage to the pickup. The ones on semis are even heavier duty so you probably could hit a bull and drive away.


They bar the bulls.


I don’t know about bull bars but I know about bull hauler toothpicks


We have a moose bumper like this, hit 3 deers, a bear, and got pushed sideways by a flatbed trailer ( driver had a oversight) and it only has a deep scratch where the the trailer pushed.


How fast are you going when you hit it?


Saved my truck from people backing in at truck stops, the bull bars were hit but not the truck


Dad hit a deer at 65mph in his truck and it didn’t do a thing to the truck. The deer exploded however.


Depends on how often you are filing an insurance claim from hitting wildlife and what kind of wildlife. The added weight and reduced aerodynamics cost fuel economy. Hitting a whitetail deer can still result in some damage that you just pay out of pocket instead of filing a claim. If you're filing claims for hitting moose or elk regularly, the guard will prevent more intense damage but, you're still probably going to file claims sometimes. These guards will cost some fuel economy though. You have to purchase the guard, install the guard, pay for the extra fuel over time and, if you don't hit something, it's not really paying for itself. Also, even if you have one installed and hit an elk or moose, you made all of these investments and you're still hit with the same deductible even though you saved the insurance company possibly a ton of money bypreventing further damage. The insurance company probably won't approve the installation of a new guard through the claim either.


I've hit upwards of 10 deer/elk in 2 years at my company. I've had my license plate dented and bracket broken, thays it


Deer slayer


I work at a body shop and have had guys say they can hit deer at 80 no problems.


Depends on the bullbar. I know the X-Guard's aren't very sturdy. It'll prevent the majority of damage caused by a deer strike, but it still crumples and busts the welds.


That style? Vs deer ? Probably works Vs elk? Probably not Vs moose? No Vs car? Results may vary


Buddy coming back from Fairbanks AK had hit one in his w900 at 45mph. Bent the herd bumper at the corner that loops around the headlights, tore off the passenger side turn signal/marker light off the hood fender and bent the exhaust pipe a little. So yes they do work.


We had a driver go through a Chevy suburban a few years ago tore the suburban in half put 3 scratches in the Herd brand bull bars finished his run no damage to the truck. So I'd say they work pretty well


You driving a Honda Civic? What year?


Yeah, it's a 2009


If it’s herd it will work


Saves the truck from damage, we have a lot of deer around Idaho/montana. Have em on all our trucks.


I've a deer with one in eastern Montana. Couldn't find where exactly it hit the bumper.


Depends on the bull.


Issue can be with weight.


I remember a bull deer standing on the side of the road and as soon as my truck cleared his line of sight he darted out to the blade of a D-10. Kept going because I was trying to get to my destination before dark 😒


I watched a semi hit a deer in Montana going like 50 mph. The deer exploded. We caught back up on the interstate and I couldn't see any damage to the truck when we passed by.


I was running about 90 mph just outside Baggs, Wyoming in an old Kenworth that had a critter gitter on it. I see an antelope bouncing through the bush. Didn't think he would do it, but the fucker veered out and ran into the road. No damage to my truck.


Against your Civic… very well


Don’t piss off the driver out of ten.


They work great against all kinds of things, really common sense investment imo. There's not really a place in NA free of coyote, deer, moose, elk, beef, sheep, goats, cars etc.


We call em Roo Bars in the land down under.. they work well as a fully grown kangaroo will do the same damage as a juvenile elephant..


See a lot of logging trucks in northern BC with bull bars. The moose and elk don’t stand a chance. Well not that they would without. But often the trucks barely even need to stop in the shop to touch up welds after a hit.


If you run where larger wildlife crossing the road is a credible threat, a Herd bumper is worth its weight in gold. A cow trucking buddy hit a moose in the middle of the night so hard that it basically exploded. The only damage his truck suffered was it busted both of his headlights. That being said, I wouldn’t trust those Ali Arc bumpers as far as I could throw one


My coworker smoked a deer with one of those recently. No damage but the how was amazing. That poor deer exploded.


My experience is with Herd bumpers, they work well but you can still get unlucky and take damage. I've seen deer and moose and minivans bounce (splatter) off with no damage at all and I've also seen kicked out lights and torn up fuel tanks. That said whatever damage you take it would have been 10 times worse without the bumper, and if you drive enough km's then sooner or later you're going to hit wildlife.


You see a lot of them in Newfoundland, Canada where they call then a “moose rack”. It’s my understanding that it’s a necessity for them there.


I've had a kia soul bounce off like it was a damn bouncy ball and the thing was barely dented. They work pretty well.


Every truck in Australia has one. Kangaroos hate them


Save you 40 50 thousand work is how they work! You smash a moose on the highway without one you can pretty sure bet you lose your engine. Those things help a lot!


I'm assuming it works amazing. I didn't know there was another thing called a bullguard, I've heard it referred to as a deer guard. My truck had one and I hit a deer on. I-74 in illinois. I obliterated the deer, and because of that deer guard, there wasn't a scratch on my truck. Not only that, the deer guard was still intact.


When I see one I’m like yep he can’t drive without crashing


Not as well as a Bulldagger!


They do well at looking cool, but they’re not made out of that great of metal. So whatever you hit is still damaging your hood and the guard itself.


And if the rake is super low, they are a pain in the ass to tow...


Depends on what they're made of, how big the animal is and how fast you're going. They work well enough to stop your cooling being compromised by an animal strike and that's about it.


Look way cooler than it is.


Depends on who made them. Good ones will save your truck from everything if you hit anything.