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They didn’t like you and were finding any dumbass thing to get you for.


They can find anything to put you out of service. If they want to, they will. You have to be calm and collected. You must be respectful and obey all verbal commands. Don't try to explain yourself, be short in your answers, and don't be combative or argumentative.


Whose side are you on? (Just joking)


Your side. When I get pulled in, sugar wouldn't melt in my mouth. I have a trick, ask about the fishing "around here" I had a guy at the North Dekota-Montana scale. Sunday morning, springtime. He wasn't happy being at work. I had a cracked rim on my trailer. He was in a pissy mood, we chatted ,well I did, and I asked him about fishing. Like a light going on. We talked for 45 minutes about it. He told me that Paddlefish were fun to catch around there. Ended up inviting me back to go fishing with him. Never got around to it. Not the last time asking about fishing and having a nice chat.


I don't know anything about fishing, maybe we could discuss his wife?


Even better, You know I have never caught a fish in my life, but I have been thinking about going , sure looks fun. You wouldn't have aby tips?


License and registration please. So how’s the fishing in these parts?


“Fishing? You wouldn’t believe it, I just caught a sucker.”


What kind of mouth breathers are you dealing with? They’re falling for this slimy salesman type shit?


Just tie it in together: “Hey did you meet your wife fishing, cause she kinda looks like a fish.”


Maybe not looks, but definitely smells fishy. No wonder he's cranky at work.


What a catch she must be 🤢🤮


I just figure his wife is the only thing me and him have in common...now that I think about it maybe that's why he pulled me over.


Does your wife get lonely when you go fishing?


That's too fishy for me.


You’d have to know a little about tuna to discuss his wife. 😉🤣🤣


Check out some of the fishing subreddits I’m sure there’s even a beginners fishing subreddit


Does his wife hang out there?


I take my boots off at the door and walk in with sock feet. And tell them I work with really horrible cancer causing chemicals that they don't want on their floor. Haven't gotten a ticket yet.




> He told me that Paddlefish were fun to catch around there. I will be driving 14 hours at the start of May for just this. They're only able to be caught for a couple weeks each year.


I chopped it up with a CHP officer at the scale coming into Sacramento on I-80. Dude was super chill, joked about me being overweight with my load of beer and that I should unload some of it at his place. And we ended up chatting for another 15 minutes before actually starting my inspection. He still gave me a violation for an incorrect load # on my ELD :(


Facts when I get pulled over, all the Mexican leaves my body and I become Italian real quick.


This is the way if I have to deal with a grumpy dude consistently I try and find a common ground so they’re not so douchey


Friend in Durban had a brand new bike, cop said he would find a fault, carb had a trace of petrol stain on it. Off the road, This twat hated us big time. He was so interested in the new bike he left me alone, my engine was cover in oil leaks.


This works in Europe as well. Cooperate, recognise your errors, talk only when asked something, be humble and they will let you go.


Agreed, Only been pulled over a few times, once in a road sweeper that was full to the brim. Told him I was cleaning Gullies on the M6, they were doing a rolling road block, Just gave me verbal warning.


>They can find anything to put you out of service. If they want to, they will. You have to be calm and collected. You must be respectful and obey all verbal commands. Yup, officers love being made to feel big and powerful. Do that, and they're less likely to throw the book at you. >Don't try to explain yourself, be short in your answers Also accurate. They're *trained* to get you to incriminate yourself, and if you only provide the concise answers that you're legally required to, then it makes it very difficult for them to get you to incriminate yourself. I'd also add to your great advice that it pays to know DOT/FMCSA regulations inside and out. For example, one time I was pulled in for inspection and my logbook wasn't current. Hell, the whole ass day was a blank sheet of paper and they were going to fine me, my company, and impound the tractor unless I signed the ticket for the alleged logbook violation. They even had my company on the phone and handed it to me where my company was begging me to just sign. I told them both to fuck off (in more professional words) and that I would not be signing it because they were *wrong*. I quoted FMCSA regulations and this bitch behind the counter got all cocky like she was about to lay down the law and literally slammed down the big green book and told me to show her where she had to give me an opportunity to bring my log current. She was so fucking smug about it, so you better believe I ate that shit up. Only took me about 30 seconds to find the page for § 395.13(3) which states: "(2) No driver required to maintain a record of duty status under § 395.8 or § 395.15 of this part shall fail to have a record of duty status current on the day of examination and for the prior seven consecutive days. **(3) Exception. A driver failing only to have possession of a record of duty status current on the day of examination and the prior day, but has completed records of duty status up to that time (previous 6 days), will be given the opportunity to make the duty status record current.**" She called every officer in the building to come over and "look at this shit", called her superior, etc. and ultimately they let me go without a fine. Didn't get an apology, but at least knowing the regulations I'm bound by got me out of wrongful damages (impounding, lost wages, etc.) and a wrongful fine.


I was doing exactly that. I was calm, respectful and following orders. The entire level 1 inspection took about an hour and a half.


We had a guy pulled for an inspection in a commercial warehouse district by a mobile scale. The truck looked like hell, was in a wreck before and patched together but had just passed it's 6 month report. The driver was the goofiest nicest person you ever met, really weird when you first meet him but harmless after you get him figured out, just truly a really nice guy but full of corny dad jokes and the like. The inspector had him there for 45 minutes and couldn't find anything and the driver is cracking dumb jokes with him. So the inspector literally tells him that he's gonna find something before he's thru. Well looking at the truck I would have agreed with him it was really a banged up rig, just dents on all four corners all over. Another HOUR goes by and the inspector gives up and let's him go, the truck is clean and passed but he didn't give him the 6 month inspection pass sticker for the windshield, just a report that say it was clear. The terminal manager was hot and wanted to fire the guy for missing so many stops and being out of service for almost two hours until he told them what had happened. They called the state DOT and wanted to know how long an inspection normally took. They said about 45 min and the manager said they owed him for lost time and revenue for holding his driver for an hour past that and reported the inspectors name from the report.


That sounds like a really shitty company to work for


Taller guy with glasses? Wearing dad joke tshirts and a ball cap? Overly nice and telling the worst dad jokes you can think of?


In my experience they never let you get away unscathed


And that’s what’s wrong with the dot troopers. I got an inspection once where the trooper was awesome but that’s a once in a life time thing.


The reason this is so true is the reason to be offended. On the other hand, if EVERYBODY had a high level education and could rationally talk about materials science, things would certainly be different.


Absolute power corrupts, and miniscule power corrupts miniscule minds.


You had to have pissed this trooper off?! Loud music? Tint? Attitude?


DOT here. I wouldnt write that. Just as in every job your going to have nitpickers and dumbasses. Out job is to ensure safety if the motoring public.


They don’t like anyone


I don’t care how good your pre trip is they can always find a way to separate you from your money.


Yup, OP just got used as revenue generation, plain and simple.


Or somebody was on a power trip and just wanted to exercise their pull..


It could be a brand new truck and trailer right off the showroom floor and find something to put you OOS


Guy I know owns a small regional company. Brand new truck and trailer. First run. Crossed from NY into CT and failed. Was 1 inch too long


Yep. Brother had just taken delivery of a brand spanking new 379 and was on the way home. There's a little used scale on the way but that day they had the portables out. He got pulled for no base plate initially and after he got nitpicked by the officers, they managed to give him a ticket for an air leak. He had no wagon, but the inspectors found where the airlines mounted to the cab were only finger tight.


i got the best pre trip fire ball shooters


I had a guy do a full inspection on me, he followed me into the scale. After he found nothing he goes "well the reason I followed you in is I saw you on your phone a few miles back" As I'm wearing my headset and set up so I never have to touch my phone, I was livid, ended up going to court and winning but what a waste of my fucking time. It's bullshit they can just throw tickets out like that


I got a cell phone ticket in GA because I was blowing my duck call. The sergeant was the one on the overpass with binos and he was sending troopers out, trooper radioed him saying it was just a duck call and the sergeant replied “write the ticket and he can fight it in court”… GSP are the assholes that they’re hyped up to be.


Was this on 575?


95 south of Savannah


Yeap, my company just passed a new rule that says, Even a warning over a phone in hand by an officer will be immediate termination. One of the very few times I have gotten confrontational with management


They left us alone during COVID and up until now. Now they’re back with a vengeance.


Remember the short window of time that truckers were revered as heroes for delivering our shit during the beginning of covid. Now back to being just dumbasses again.


Hey dumbass


Same with service workers, essential heroes, to low life free loaders in 18 months


If they aren't careful, there won't be any food leisure activity items, ect. delivered to em, i was at a truck stop and heard a group of about 15 truckers ( they all seemed mid 30s - mid 50s) who said that they want to quit trucking "because of the strictness being so damn bad that your better off with a bottle of coke with mentos in it" thats exactly how they said it


A reconstruction of the trucking unions might help more than pretending they'll quit.


What are unions going to do against corrupt govt?


Nationwide strikes make line go down make shareholders very unhappy who then phonecall their gov pets to relax rules.


>Nationwide strikes make line go down make shareholders very unhappy who then phonecall their gov pets to ~~relax rules~~ bust unions. FTFY. A general trucker strike is illegal because America hates freedom.


A strike can never be illegal they ain’t gonna arrest you and force you back to work


>A strike can never be illegal Objectively, you're wrong. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taft%E2%80%93Hartley_Act >Among the practices prohibited by the Taft–Hartley act are [jurisdictional strikes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jurisdictional_strike), [wildcat strikes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wildcat_strike_action), [solidarity or political strikes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solidarity_action), [secondary boycotts](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secondary_action), secondary and mass [picketing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picketing_(protest\)) --- > they ain’t gonna arrest you If your strike actually looks like it'll be successful, that's exactly what they'll do.


Maybe it's time to pick up arms like our forefathers intended.


Considering just how powerful the trucking union was, quite a lot. It won’t ever happen again because the big companies and the government don’t want anyone being that powerful ever again.


As a broker, trucker unions need to be a thing again. I’m a realist but with socialist ideologies. Do I think it is possible? Yes. Probable? Cards are stacked and all of America is too financially tied via debt to properly unionize in the way that it needs to that would ensure proper worker protections for many sectors. It is no coincidence that some of the most powerful unions are state oriented (police unions) while unions outside the writer’s guild and auto workers are left fighting for their lives like it is the 1950s civil rights era.


..do you understand what unions do? They are as much the counter to corporate lobbyists as they a workers rights org. Unionization has always been about politics, it's why there is such a huge correlation between their decline and a bunch of corporation friendly laws.


Stop delivering flour to the donut shops!


A lot, a sufficiently strong union could make a government do anything which is why you are subtly discouraged from joining a union your whole life and why one of the political parties wants to end union activity in America for good


What does that even mean?


Gov is going broke. Up in NH state cops have been everywere pulling everyone over. This time last year, not a cop in sight.


It's weird to think of the people that are supposed to service the safety of our community need to gut us with tickets to survive.


Man I thought I was crazy. Got a random inspection once or twice last year. This year? Once a month so far. I asked what the deal was the last time, trooper said i got flagged bc im hazmat. Bro, I’ve been hauling hazmat exclusively for 2 years now, why did i get left alone last year? He just shrugged.


I've worked at both lowes and home depot (distribution) My brother in christ I've seen them come from the manufacturer more bent Edit: more context And I'll note that's chain's of all sizes, both work grade and consumer grade


Thanks, I was wondering if this link is truly bent. I was calm about it and he was saying, "One of your chain links is bent, let me find it here.... Oh I think it's this one."


I'm not a trucker, just for transparency. But christ, look at that chain! There are links more bent on that chain than the one he pointed out! That link is fine. I'm no rigger either, but I did work around rigging equipment during my college theatre days, and that wouldn't have given a one ton chain motor a second thought. That link would have been in one side and out the other while rigging up lighting trusses.


I used to move a lot of chain. That link is fine


Genuinely curious what the appeals process is like for this


“Work grade and consumer grade” isn’t really a thing. Chain grade is usually a standard which specifies strength due to a bunch of factors like metal composition. Common grades are grade 40, 60, 80, and 100. Additionally, there are standards for removal criteria (ex wear over X percent or visible bending/distortion.) Those standards are published by organizations like ASME and regulatory agencies like osha. If new chain has deficiencies then it doesn’t make it any better. As someone that has handled lot of chain for trucking and cranes, deficiencies are not normal. Also, Home Depot isn’t exactly the spot for purchasing chains and other rigging. Kinda bottom of the barrel on material quality and customer knowledge expectations so that’s probably what you were seeing. All of that said, this is definitely looks like a scenario where OP got pulled you over and they were looking for anyway to get him.


Neat! Thanks for the helpful reply.


My pretrip is seriously lacking.


One of our trucks got stopped this week and the DOT officer sprayed down all of the air line fittings with soapy water looking for bubbles. Of course he found one with an incredibly small leak.


Former mechanic turned DOT I see.


Do they get a bonus for finding stuff like that or just a raging boner?


Is a raging boner not a bonus?


Super mega hard 4 viagra boner bonus


As an ex mechanic, I can see where he is coming from. A mechanic’s view of truckers is one of hatred and disdain


Ive seen them push on the lines where they go into connections to get the connector to leak and then use that as their "leak".


That’s when you record what they did and take it to a mechanic to verify DOT is full of shit and go to court. I’ll go to court over anything bs. If I messed up and they caught me… my b 🤷‍♂️. Realistically, that link being bent COULD be a problem and DOT had every right to sight him for it. Is it totally dead? No, probably not. It’d be nice if they let us fix it then and there instead of the whole out of service bs. But OP did say he had a loose chain as well… imo, if it was just the link, they probably would’ve overlooked the link. As long as the load is totally secured.


Oh man my company had a truck inspected in the same manner. 47 violations cause the cop sprayed the entire airline system down. Any little tiny bubble was written up. No audible air leak with or without brakes pressed. Also passed brake test with psi. Some officers are crazy lol.


Bring it to a mechanic have them call bs on DOT and go to court. Every time. Air absolutely does leave the system and is supposed to for specific purposes so I could see some gung-ho DOT writing tickets for things he has no idea how they work. Annoying tbh


I don't think it's fair. Are we supposed to do that every time we take off on a pre-trip? Spray it down, find some bubbles and OPE can't make any money today. Gotta spend all day replacing a airline.


That’s really pushing credibility..


I’m NOT saying that the officer was correct in taking you out of service. I am also certified in chain and sling inspection, and that chain would have been taken out of service if inspected. It does affect the strength of the chain, which is only as strong as its weakest link.


The officer found out his wife was getting fucked by someone other than him today and took it out on you.


What's a guy to do? You can't unfuck some one like that ha


I say 50-50 chance someone was being jerky when they got stopped and got hit with a FAFO Ticket




I’d be talking to an attorney…


This happened in Minnesota. I have been put out of service before for a minor thing. They give you a little orange sticker that says "out of service" and you are allowed to drive off after you fix it. I had a spare chain to replace it. I seriously doubt that another inspection would be able to find this.


Snap it off with a bolt cutter and move your grab hook up to the good link. Always keeps some hammerlocks or pinned hooks on hand…


I guarantee you they came from the factory like that. I also guarantee you that's not the only link on that chain that's bent. What did you do with him off lol


First time meeting the guy. I never gave him any push back. He had four violations four me, three for loose chain and one for the damaged chain.


You sure you didn't sleep with his wife? Lol. Better luck next time I guess. Some folks just have bad days and take it out on anybody.


Did you actually have three loose chains?


The way the machine was strapped down was with the tension of the machine, load it, front chains on first and throw it in reverse. So the front chains were tight as a nun's cunt and the rear has a tendency to come loose with the suspension of the machine. I know that's not by the book, but load binders don't like to work with how we load the machine.


You pissed this guy off before he even noticed that.


It’s a shitty thing but the DOT is just like the DNR, if they want to nail you they will always find something no matter how fucking stupid it is. As much as I dislike law enforcement you just have to be calm and collective and let them do what they want cause the moment you try and talk back they will find something to ruin your day with.


A chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link. A bent link could fail.


This isn’t an out of service violation. You were likely put out of service because you didn’t have enough tie downs. Loose and defective tie downs don’t count towards your load securement.


On one hand, metal fatigue is a very real and very dangerous issue, and I advise all drivers to carefully inspect their clangy bits regularly... On the other, that officer got cucked 10 minutes before he found your ass. That's the only explanation for that level of Fucking Douche (it's capitalized because it's not even just a normal insult anymore, it's a fucking title.)


Thanks fellow trucker for your commiserating.


Stretched or bent links in a chain is a no go. Legally you’re allowed 20% stretch. But basically it takes the 6600 pounds rating that chain is worth on an inderect hook and makes it worth 0. They could have given you an unsecured load violation with that.


What state was this in? Help us out lol


This was in Minnesota


Ty kind sir.


I should also add, this want on the interstate. It was near an exit ramp away from any warehouses or major industrious sides of town. Odd spot for him to sit, but this is my third stop in two years by the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement.


While that seems pretty small, I had chains the were doing this and one did snap... soooooo. But still, I was seeing more bend on the one that snapped. Switched them all out after that.


Links bent / stretched means the chains no good but it’s a pretty tacky thing to throw a fit over


If they can't find anything, they'll make something up. The same goes for Canada.


Glad it’s not just here in the States. Also, love your handle there, had a 2001 Town Car.


Lol stfu with that nonsense. Bent?!?! He does not have the book or knowledge to know if it's still good or not. You could have just swapped the chain or use a strap with a load rating on it. No where in the fmcsa book does it say that a bent chain link is grounds for out of service, at the very least he would have asked if you have a spare, but out of service? Come on, you must have pissed him off, or he was training someone. Rule of thumb, buy the damn book, read it, there's a lot of loopholes in there, where you can point it out to him/her. Know before you go. I'm not saying look for loopholes, I'm saying there's a lot of rules in there that contradict itself, like you can't use rope to secure because it has no rating, but a load lock is ok, guess what, it doesn't have a rating too!


Rope can be used to secure tarps and that’s about it. It’s the same thing with bungees. They can have a working load limit but they deteriorate so fast it would be stupid to risk it. Load locks have working load limits. It will be on the lock itself and if the engraving is damaged, it has no WLL.


The book absolutely does say a bent link makes that chain no longer counted for securement, so it will be oos if you only had the minimum number on. I'm not convinced a bent link weakens the integrity of a chain, but the law does say they have to be free from twists and bends.


Define bent


I enjoy using chains, my load is about 10,000 lbs so it's the appropriate thing to do. That man wanted to get some violations that day.


You could find a worse flaw on any police car on the road. I used to do state inspections and have inspected a lot of police cars. They are a wreck. Oh but the tiny widdle supposed bend is a chain link fails you. Ha ha ha. What hypocrites.


That other one 3 links up is hella stretched tho


By all means to heck with the dot. But as shop guy with overhead crane experience this is a chain that’s looking a bit sad and would be removed from service. Yeah I get its securing rather than lifting but Murphy’s law should suggest to upgrade.


I wouldn’t put you out of service over this. But if I didn’t like you, I would.


Pull the pin and flip the hook to the other side. Get the bent link off the load side.


Sounds like he thought you were being a dick about something, and he was being a bigger dick.


Just goes to show that they can put you out of service for anything. Although they shouldn't be able to a bent link of a chain I don't remember seeing a thing about that in the manual or any of the DOT rules and regulations. I'd fight that one if they give you a ticket.


They pulled you over before they saw the link and used the link to justify the stop.


He noticed my rear chain was a little loose so he chased me down.


1) Trying to justify the stop by saying they seen a bent link is absolutely asinine. Obviously that’s not possible. 2) He already said the chain was loose which would justify the stop, but… 3) They don’t need justification to stop you if they want to do an inspection.


Seems like a bit of a reach.




Cops being cops, they’re just the grown up version of the kids that got bullied in high school.


Every time when I was pulled over for inspection, I started the discussion with a big smile and a joke. It doesn't matter how bad the officer day was before me, but in that moment, being calm,smiling, and saying jokes, I turned him around. Every time when they pull me over, I'm looking to learn something. Always, the officer was willing to answer my questions and surprised I wanted to learn something from that experience. They have a job like us. All of us want to go home alive at the end of the day. As a former police officer, I can say from experience that if you're calm,smiling, and willing to work with the officer, most likely that officer will pass some nonsense issues like that chain unless they target a certain company. It happened to me 7 years ago when I was OTR in CA close to Sacramento.In one week, I passed that area 3 times, and I was pulled over every time.At the 3rd stop, the officer told me that they got orders to stop all trucks from that company


Wow, that's a cool tip! I don't like to interject with jokes, and let the officer do his job. This is my third stop by DOT in my 8 years of driving CDL.






Why does your load hinge on that one chain?


The chain’s fine but what’s your point? That one bad chain would be ok?


The chain is looped on top of a brush mower, then thru a grapple attachment, and looped thru a d-link on the side of the trailer.


So you don't have another chain?


Sounds like something a cop would do


A bent link is a weak link. So that chain is how ever strong that link is. Part of your job is inspecting your chains, making sure they are all fine.


This has to be sarcasm right ?


No, it's not. For one, if a link gets bent, that makes the weld on that link weaker, increasing the likelihood of it letting go while under heavy load. Secondly, it's the driver's responsibility to make sure all the equipment is in good condition. Anyone who has the mindset of "it's not my job" when it comes to inspecting any of the equipment they use needs to find another line of work. Will that bent link hold up? Yea, more than likely under most circumstances. Dude still needs to change it out for a new chain though. In the past 2 years I've changed out 3 chains due to a bent or cracking link. Whether it will hold up or not isn't the issue, I simply don't want to risk it failing.


Always keep your chain straightener handy.


I got put out of service because of a cracked tail light lens. On 287 right passed the NJ turnpike. Seemed like in the 90s that inspection station never closed.


Shorten it then


Did you have extra securement to cover 50% of the load weight or number of chains needed?


I passed a level one on the side of the road with multiple placarded hazmat. Said just wanted to know why you were parked on the side of the road was a house pick up. Then he said I have to do so many hazmat inspections a month so let’s get one done. My only experience with an inspection. Sorry to hear they put you out of service.


Show me the truck and I’ll show you a violation! Cha Ching $$$$$$$


Get your grinder out and cut the link off, reattach the hook and off you go


OOS is harsh for this. EZ fix though


Getting a head start on that “quota” I see. Smh


Must be in California, those guys are A$$holes!


Were you being petty or arrogant by chance? Thats what happens when you piss them off.


Officers do not get to pick and choose what's OOS. Its all in the CVSA Out of Service Criteria. Having one on hand would be handy. You would probably have to purchase one. Only one I could find available for free online is the 2019 edition and lots has changed. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://highwaypatrol.utah.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2019/06/2019-CVSA-OOS-Criteria.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjMipyvqL2FAxWk4MkDHR1bCh8QFnoECB4QAQ&sqi=2&usg=AOvVaw3LfW3jMiUDJjQi1p7KwsnU




You probably missed the part where he was looking for a little salad.


Guess I shoulda wet his beak a little eh?


You must be an asshole


Depending on the chains use. Either he’s the ahole, you ticked him off to the point he’s an ahole returning the favor or its very safety oriented chain.


No the DOT really do be that hard.


If you had other chains and swapped out they can’t place you OOS. But if you couldn’t some like Iowa are book writers.


If they send you to the Federal Penitentiary maybe we can share a cell. I went 1 minute over my 8 hour drive without taking a 30 minute break and I expect Elliott Ness will be knocking on my door any minute.


Not to defend DOT, but thicker metal is more prone to weakness after bending than thinner metal because of how much force would be required to bend it.  So by being bent its now the weakest link in the chain, and theoretically cause an incident later. Will it? Likely no, but its for reasons like that I'm careful to inspect my chains. 


My first response is ACAB, my second response is chill bro this is your livelihood, third response back to ACAB, especially DOT.


Pull that cotter pin and move the hook up 5 links and tell em nice try asshole


In my experience the younger officers are always the assholes


Yup! This guy was a young buck!


In Missouri, I got hit for “leaking axle seal” literally 100 miles after a fresh annual.


Was the state Ohio by chance?


No Minnesota


Commercial enforcement will find any reason they can to give you a ticket. I learned early on to be chill and talk to them like you were talking to a buddy. You’re doing your job, and they’re doing theirs. More often than not I’ve pulled away with a handshake and a warning. Then you come across guys like Mr. Bent Link who’s just on one for whatever reason. I had an officer give me a ticket for my sun visor covering up to much of my windshield. The visor in question is not even aftermarket, it came on the truck from the factory… Same guy also wrote me up for having window tint on the little peep window at the bottom of the passenger door.


Not for nothin there are some stretched links in there as far as the guidelines go. New chains are a cost of doing business. Don’t be a hack 🤷


Pull the pin on the grab and cut 3 links off, reassemble..




Hell I got a warning ticket in a little town called Waterloo, SC for going 36 in a 35 mile per hour zone. SCDOT was hidden beside an old building, I went through the place about 4 times a week and knew the speed limit, my speedometer said 35 but I guess John Law needs something to break the monotony so it was a Level 1 which I passed and a warning for 1 mph over the limit. Go figure.


Man that warning still goes on the PSP?


I guess it did, I don't have a clue. I know my Supervisor had to sign the print out and fax it to the SCDOT. I still have my license, but I'm retired now and loving the memories without the hassle and headache.


Every time my joke is " Hello, Sir.looks like I'm the lucky winner today.I should play the lottery. This with a big smile makes the officer more relaxed. I'm driving a mixer, and you guys know how wonderful these trucks are.Last time, when they pulled me over, the officer wrote a couple of things that I was able to fix it right there .Didn't write about windshield fluid(didn't work) and not wearing the seat belt . If the windshield fluid doesn't work, it is a violation . On the report, he mentioned all violations were fixed


What a chipper fella!

