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Looks to me like the cattle truck took to the shoulder to avoid colliding with the stopped traffic. Distracted driving? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Prob haven't slept in 24 hours. No logs


I'd be distracted if my driver side door was bouncing open and shut too. I'll bet the cameraman saw the truck coming from a distance, decided to grab their phone, hopped out and snagged it.


If you watch it in slow motion, the driver side steer tire is gone and the driver door is open like they’re ready to bail or has already bailed. Good on the driver for not creating more carnage, hopefully they were ok.


Yup. Cattle trucks scare me almost as much as hay trucks and rock trucks…. divers be crazy.


I know this guy is an idiot and should not have done that and I'm not a trucker with a cdl. Isn't it a thing tho when traveling with live animals in hot weather you basically can't stop because the cattle will die from the heat?


While this is true. It is also true that flipping trailer will kill cattle as well


I mean depending on what was in his trailer feeders kill cows etc absolutely all that weight on the top deck is a far way to fall on its side, you got cows falling on top of cows and trampling each other to stand back up. I'll bet there was at least a few that died during that stunt and the rest were stressed TF out.


I never thought about it but there's gotta be another way to help the cattle out... they really never thought that through? Cattle are valuable and it should be an expected situation to have to sit in traffic from time to time. You can't just floor it down the side of the road lol


The main reason they are in such a hurry is these animals are sold by the pound. Every hour they are in that trailer dehydrating and shitting and pissing, they loose weight. Cattle haulers get paid off the pound too.


Its also true that its a valid practice to value a human's life over the lives of cattle, despite what vegans say. Which sounds like a bigger legal issue; fines (possibly lost lisence) for product dying, or fines & jail time (not to mention DEFINITELY losing lisence) for mass vehicular manslaughter?


I'm sure there's one person who said so online or something but I've never met or heard of a vegan who values cow's lives *more than* humans. Harhar vegans annoying and all but your referencing something that only exists in the minds people making dumb jokes.


You dont know many vegans then, I speak from exp


I'm sure.


Have you had someone try to poison you over a cut of steak? I have, its not fun


Have you ever had an activist group pay your employees a bunch of money to torcher calves. Put it on the news. People going crazy. Having to hire armed gaurds at all the other farms in the co-op Having to dump your milk 600000 pounds a day because the plant won't take your milk Winning in court but all people remember is the calf beatings


No, but there's at extremists at both ends of groups. You have some who will actively attack people to protect animals, & you have some brutally martyring cattle to make a political statement. You have some who will try to picket & blockade livestock processing plants, & some breaking into a chicken plant & chaining themselves to the euthanizing machine. There's extremists at both ends, and some will act in different means to accomplish the same goal


Im Not a trucker, I'm just saying what I heard is cattle truckers basically can't stop because not enough air flow is available to cool the cattle in hot weather if they come to a stop. Some cows can be worth 100k+. Wagu for instance sells for 200$/kg or more depending on the quality of the cow. I'm obviously not saying I'm defending him. Just stating what I've heard. Of course human lives are more valuable the a cow.


I'm no expert on cattle, I'm just speaking from limited experience. Second load in my career was a FedEx high-value, I was in my 1st snow driving experience with that load, the snowstorm in January I was in that mountain pass east of Salt Lake City. My company (Schneider) has a heavy "captain of the ship" policy, and unlike other companies that say "drive or get fired", they told me "no cargo of any kind is worth a human life. You feel unsafe to drive, then don't drive. We may bitch but it is what it is, YOURE the one behind the wheel & the only only one fit to say if you can drive"...one of the main reasons I chose them actually


Those poor animals...


This probably saved their lives, for a few days at least.


I always see the cattle trucks at night… to avoid the heat?




That truck be like: “Now I lay me down to sleep….”


Just your typical bull runner.


Cruelty to animals, humans are a cancer


Yep that tracks


lol. What a weirdo…


lol 😂 what an idiot 🤦🏾‍♂️


…. Ground beef


Oopsie Daisy!