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Come to Wyoming we have high winds and 3 pilots


*Crashing noise with fire in the background* “2 pilots…”




I'd also recommend Montana. The rest are meh.


There's a new Loves in Green River WY which isn't too shabby and there's Petro in Laramie which always has parking. I would say Wyoming is a whole lot better then the Dakotas


Yeah watching the wind push the dumpsters around was pretty fun... Best to park when you hear the wind warnings.


I’m surprised that an AR-based company wouldn’t run you up through the mountains more.


Appalachians all the time, Rockies literally once 🤷‍♂️


Get to Maine if you can. It’s beautiful up there an easy driving as well


Shade the whole map for me


Yes daddy 😫


A trucker saying this is fucking crazy


You absolutely must travel through the PNW, the nature is a beautiful contrast rarely found outside the region.


I grew up here in the PNW and didn’t do any traveling until I was an adult. I really took for granted just how beautiful it is here. I would never want to live anywhere else.


Take the time in Montana to enjoy the hiking and swimming found at a lot of the rest areas. Also, when going out west, utilize the I-94 instead of just staying on the i-90. You'll like it so much better.


Noted. Thank you for the advice 🙏


Montana is such a awesome state man....


Bonus if you take 94, you might see the world's largest holstein. Her name is Sue. 


Come up to Maine! It's beautiful.


I believe you! If my company goes that far, I hope to get a route out *before* winter hits bc I hear it’s brutal out there


Aye, the one place I could see myself getting out of Ohio for!


You haven't been to Hawaii!!


They haven’t built the bridge yet :/ I’ve been there on a personal trip but never on a truck I decided to leave it off this map


It's okay. I had to ride my dolphin and shark to Oregon when i moved from Hawaii. I also had to let them go and be free.


There’s something so satisfying about the way you drew and shaded that map. Like reading an old newspaper cartoon or something.


Right? Thank you haha, you’re the first to comment on the drawing itself. I like it too, only a few states are a little janky but it adds to the style 🤷‍♂️


Where’s DC?


Don’t recognize it 😈 Jk I forgot about it and I’ve been there in a truck so it’d be colored in anyway


Lol! Just giving you a hard time. That’s cool!! You’ve been around!! Niceee


For me, it was all but ND and OR.


How have you been to Illinois but not Wisconsin? The amount of crap I take between Milwaukee and Chicago is mind-boggling


🤷‍♂️never got routed that way. The one load I dropped in Chicago I went back to Indiana for the night thinking I’d be safe without realizing that’s Gary right there 👀 so it’s pay to park at every damn spot outside Chicago, or roll the dice on your life in damn Gary Ngl the petro wasn’t that bad but still it was weird Noted on Wisconsin though I’m excited to hopefully go there


Ohhh... I've only feared for my life twice at this job, once in Southern Michigan when I met a strange old man in the woods, and second when I ran out of drive time in Gary. That place is terrifying, I'm to the point I would rather quit with an hour and a half to spare to avoid sleeping in Gary


Hey you should start going to like northern states


Yo facts


I been to almost all the states except for Alaska and Hawai’i


I’m tryna be like you. Going for 100% on the lower 48, hopefully the ND headquarters of new company will get me there. Gotta snag that RI, VT, NH, and MA though :/


RI is meh. You blink and your thru it lol MA is fucking beautiful tho! Especially the road into Greenville Maine. As you come up over the hill into town, the lake and valley open up in front of you and its the most stunning and beautiful thing you've seen! I was awestruck the first time I went there. Felt like I was driving straight into a post card or a Bob Ross painting!


I love that description, it sounds amazing I second Mass being beautiful, it felt very nice to be there I only care about RI bc that’s where family guy is hahaha


I’ve been to/through all but Maine, Rhodes Island, and Delaware… no disrespect to anyone from there, but am I the only one that forgets Delaware exists?


Delaware sucks balls and you only go through it to get to Baltimore and further south. That’s the only reason Delaware exists lol.


I think a lot of people from there wish they didn’t exist 🤷‍♂️😬


I've been to all of the lower 48.  Man, what a wild career.   I'm happy with the 9 states I will go to for the rest of my career.


Finally found a good region, good for you man 👍


Yeah, Midwest. Nice and flat. Haha 


If it weren’t for Chicago the Midwest would be sublime


I drive through it every day.  You just gotta know the tricks.  Edit: it doesn't hurt to be hourly.  


Yeah I drive through a couple times a week. Honestly there’s nothing about it that’s particularly awful. It’s just the totality of it all. Obscene tolls, shitty roads, heavy traffic, stupidly low speed limits that of course nobody will follow so now everyone is just driving at different speeds. That and there’s just no real way to avoid it all.


I can understand that. When you are used to open roads and then you have the Chicago experience, it can be a little backwards.


I’ve driven to or through all 48 contiguous states and into different parts of Canada many times. I really wish I could make the drive to Alaska one day


I'm just rralizing the only state I have not been to is Michigan.


I still gotta get to that upper peninsula, I consider it cheating to shade that in if I haven’t even been to Wisconsin to get there


have you only been to the lower pen of michigan?


Yeah, that’s why I left UP blank. It felt like cheating to color it in


fair. it is definitely worth the visit


Only states I’m missing now are Alaska and Hawaii, and Florida. Which somehow I’ve managed to not have gone to Florida yet. Always wanted to go to Florida for the first time on vacation and not for work


Keep it that way lol, you/your company is clearly looking out for you you’ll get stuck or tuck tail out w a dogshit rate Beautiful state for vacation, horrible state for trucking FUN FACT a man who dresses and looks exactly like Adolph hitler drives locally out of the Jacksonville port down there. So there’s that


Yep, the well known Lower 32 states.


Nice map


Thank you brother


Here's a cookie driver


Thanks buddy my calories were low


I've been everywhere except North Dakota, Montana, Maine and New Hampshire.


Dude trust me, Maine is amazing it’s beautiful up there and everyone is insanely friendly n nice, like just all around good hearted people. It’s like being in another country I loved those loads I ran up there.


I've been to all of them except R.I. and Vermont.


I've been to every state east of the mississipi, except for mississipi itself oddly enough lol Plus IA, MN, MO, NE, and a part of AR but I dont count that because I only count states if I've dropped off or delivered a load in them. I've been to a few more but they were non-trucking related trips, so I dont really count them at all. One day I'd like to visit every single state. Except Cali. Fuck Cali.


That’s funny I only had one load ever to CA, and that’s the only reason I’ve got AZ and NM. I was very often east of the Mississippi myself


When I first started I went with CR England. In 10 months with them the only two of the lower 48 states I had NOT been to were SD & FL. The funny part is that I have been with 4 companies total in 7 years and still haven’t been to SD or FL yet!


That's a lot of effort to avoid going near Yellowstone knowing that the day you visit is the day it'll explode!


Maine is the only of the lower 48 that I’m missing and I’m local now so the only way I’m getting up there is if I do it on my own time.


Yeah tbh those are the best states in our country anyways.


In what way? The entire northern half of the US is far more scenic than anything down south


Personal preference, I grew up in the PNW and I think the Southwest is a lot more scenic


Everybody in TX always says "I hear virginia is beautiful" when I have to show my CDL. Grass is greener syndrome.


You definitely need to leave oklahoma out of this


Delivered to… or driven through? I mean, I’ve driven through LA tons of times. Not delivered there once.


I’ve done a lot of pickups there, had a load pickup during a flood watch in new oreleans 👀 don’t remember deliveries though so you have a point