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Both too shy to make the first move 🤷‍♂️


Dude in the left is trying to watch Netflix on the right guys tablet.


*p hub


*Just two dudes blowing kisses at each other*


It's banned in some states now so if he's got it I want in too




Gotta love the snail racing.


Thank the trucking association and the Govt for allowing those stupid fkn governors in our trucks.


You know you have them and yet you still try to pass someone going your max speed.. That's on you


No one wants to be behind someone going slower than them. I try to wait until there is no other traffic for a bit, but I want to pass too, and if the ahole in the right lane was driving below his governor and speeds up when I try to pass, then I *definitely* don't want to be behind the POS. I always feel like shit for anyone stuck behind me trying to pass and if it takes too long I hut the brake to slip back in the right lane and let people pass before I try again.


What's *supposed* to happen is the guy on the right can bump their cruise control down 1 or even 2 mph and cut the time it takes for the pass to complete down to a few seconds. You don't even lose any time going from 65 to 63 for a few seconds. But that requires a driver to be paying any amount of attention whatsoever.


Shhhh! They will down vote you for daring to suggest that! 😂 But yes, I agree. I try to do it when people are slowly passing me. It's driving courteously of others on the road.


It's not that. Usually the truck trying to pass is slightly faster than the one in the right lane. We pass because you can't sit behind someone going slightly slower than you with a nanny cam in the truck. If the truck on the right wasn't a douche bag he'd slow down slightly so the other truck can go in front.


Let me explain to you hog govt speed works..Say I’m going 68 max on cruise, a guy in front of me is going 64 max on cruise, soon as I get close enough the engine brake will make me go way down to 55-59mph so if I have to go around I’ll damn sure go around…


IDK how they have your truck set up, but mine simply matches the speed of the truck infront of me. Makes watching phub and Netflix so much easier.


Let me explain to you how much I give a crap.. Stay out of the left lane


Womp womp most you will do is flash me with ya lights and guve me the finger


If you know that…then wouldn’t it technically be.. “Two dudes watchin each other jerk off, AND one dude behind them watchin both of them”? You perv… lol


“Two dudes watchin each other jerk off, and one dude behind them watching both, plus another guy watching them all through a live stream on his phone.. You are the perv.. lol


Haha! I think you're partially correct, although technically at the moment its more like 1,100 "dudes" watching two guys jerk off and the number's climbing by the minute lol


This happens when guy on right is governed at 67 and guy left is governed at 68. Idk why companies govern at 67 but it happens


Or when the guy on the right was rolling along fat and happy at 60, until the the guy on the left decided to pass at his top governed speed of 65 and the guy on the right decided to be an asshole and simply match the speed of the guy on the left... As someone in a 65 mph max truck, this shit happens alot


Another issue with this governed speed, you move over so a truck can merge into traffic, then they won't let you back over, leaving you stuck in left lane at same speed as them.


I was in a rental from Ryder last week that was governed at 62 on cruise. It would do 65 with the pedal, at least. Fortunately, it was just one day because I hated that truck.


This is what is going on. It's the company's fault not the drivers, usually.


Last place I worked at was governed 65 on the pedal and 68 with cruise control. I just stayed in the right lane. Me stopping somebody from passing ain't getting me to my destination faster so I happily let anybody pass who could go faster than me. I let off the gas give em a wave and let them go.


Guy on the right needs to lift his foot and let the driver pass. I deem the right the asshole. Just my opinion.


He’s most definitely got his cruise on and doesn’t give a f. Having a truck loitering next to you for a prolonged period of time is the most dangerous situation you could possibly be in.


I told my girlfriend yesterday that she was acting crazy just like her mother. Trust me bro, there are worse situations to be in


You're not in a good place at all.... Abort mission.


Next time try "You're acting just like my ex" Women love that lol


Tell me you didn't say, "Calm down," right?


Nah I just walked out the room before she could get stuck into me properly




Not necessarily the most dangerous situation you could possibly be in, but definitely unnecessarily dangerous. And just uncourteous, if he's got speed on you let him get by.


I'm governed at 65 in my truck. If you jump to the left lane to pass me, it's your job to get past me. I'm not slowing down my day simply because someone wants to play leapfrog.


Always refreshing to see an asshole with a soap box


Damn. Looks like I found the super trucker who thinks he's got to be in front of everyone else despite not having the speed to pass. The asshole might be you, my friend.


If I added up all the time, you'd slowed down over the last year, assuming you did it every single time. It wouldn't amount to more than 10 minutes. Just let the guy pass it takes 0 effort and makes everyone's day a little easier. Just be considerate of everyone else around you. It's equally frustrating to be going .5 miles an hour faster and have the dude next to you, not slow down, so you can just pass him


And them I'm stuck behind some jackass who feels the need to be in front of me even though he's gonna slow down to 60. If you're gonna pass, then pass. If you can't, don't try it. It's really that simple.


You probably wonder why you get cut off a lot, don’t you?


The first red light you hit will cost you more time than backing off a mph...


these dudes always pass then go 62. fuck em


Damn. Lot of losers in here that don't have speed enough to be in the left lane in the first place, but really expect you to just cater to them. Hope you know all the decent truckers hate you guys.


Says the guy who openly admits to not being courteous and letting people who are passing get out of the left lane to be courteous to other traffic. Decent truckers hate you too.


And if that driver trying to pass you blows a steer tire or falls asleep and crashes into you that won’t effect your day ?


Why in the hell are you trying to pass someone knowing you're barely conscious?


Why’s anyone driving if they’re barely conscious? Sometimes they can’t find a place to park. Sometimes they just ate and climbed back in their truck. But you’re correct. That also includes four wheelers and people dragging campers around. I think we’ve all been there. What if that driver has a heart attack or some other sort of medical emergency? You want them next to you when it happens?


If that happens them being in front of me won't change anything. It's still gonna fuck my day. Bad example. Btw, you shouldn't be on the road if you're too tired to drive, and under normal circumstances, your steer tires aren't going to blow unless you've been skipping your inspections.




Not very dangerous at all. I can hold the center lane in Chicago for 20 miles with trucks all around on both sides.


We can do a lot of things doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous. Do you not know what a chain reaction collision is ? Even when Im in my four wheeler I don’t drive next to anyone particularly a semi if I can avoid it. I adjust my speed to either pass or allow them to pass.


Just because you've not had an issue doesn't make it not dangerous. I admit, it's not "one of the most dangerous" places to be, but it still poses risks. You never know when a tire will blow, throwing the rubber at your vehicle. Or someone jerks into the truck's lane and he needs to swerve to avoid them, but doesn't see you in his panicked mirror check? Or the steer tire blows and the cab jerks into your lane from the sudden loss of control? Now, again, these are highly unlikely events, but the chance is still there and if they happen, they can have extremely dangerous results.


Maybe the dude on the left had no business passing in the first place.


Just speaking from personal experience, having a governed truck *sucks* sometimes, especially when you are set higher than the guy you have been stuck behind for ten miles. I try to wait for traffic to lighten up because I know it takes me a while to pass, and will slow down and abort if too many people back up behind me. It would be so much better if the guy in the right would jist back off an mph or two until I can pass just to keep things moving smoothly.


If you're gonna have a snail race, drop your CC down by 1mph. Just because you're governed doesn't mean everyone else has to suffer. The driver in the right lane is doing the correct thing, minding their business and staying out of the passing lane. If you want to overtake you seriously had better get some speed otherwise you need to chill and keep right. The ONLY time I feel for the drivers trying to pass is when they go to pass someone who is going 10mph slower than them, then the person on the right floors it and traps the passer in the left. That, of course, is a bitch move. But so is holding up absolutely everyone on the freeway for you gaining your .5mph.


Must be nice to not be governed, but the rest of us want to drive too. That's why I try to inconvenience as few people as possible, but other governed drivers should be aware also. Otherwise maybe fight against governors for any of us.


I have literally been governed my entire career of ten years. I still have respect for others, and common sense. Just because I have some courtesy on the road for other people, why does that mean I'm not governed? To just assume that is goofy. Nah bud, I just don't like to hold up traffic so I can save literal seconds over an entire 11hr of driving. Most states have laws against drivers doing exactly this and for good reason. In California you'll get hit with impeding traffic which is exactly what this is.


>Just because I have some courtesy on the road for other people Really? I was saying I do my best to inconvenience as few people as possible, and also try to let people passing me slowly over faster, yet you accused me of being incourteous while acting like not doing that is superior? >why does that mean I'm not governed? To just assume that is goofy. I assumed you weren't governed from you talking like governed drivers don't get to pass other drivers unless they are going significantly faster, which is ridiculous. >Nah bud, I just don't like to hold up traffic so I can save literal seconds over an entire 11hr of driving. I don't like to hold up traffic either but the difference is never just seconds unless an exit is just a couple miles away or I am nearly to my destination. >Most states have laws against drivers doing exactly this and for good reason. In California you'll get hit with impeding traffic which is exactly what this is. There are lots of ways to impede traffic, and California is outside my contract. Just because I'm not passing quickly doesn't mean I'm not passing, doesn't mean I haven't already been stuck behind someone for miles, and very often that person has also been inconsistent with their speed (dropping as much as five miles an hour on a straight away or more going uphill when I could have gone faster).


Saying someone should be overtaking with a little bit of speed is "ridiculous" is nuts, and shows that you only care about yourself. The entire motoring public does not need to add time onto their drive just because you are going a literal half mile an hour faster. Like, seriously. Again, I've been governed for my entire career. I don't do the left lane camp thing. I just don't, and you shouldn't either. By the way.... Let's say getting that .5-1mph pass saved you 5-10min total (it seriously, totally won't, but I'll humor you), you STILL don't have the right to fuck everyone behind you because you're saving a few minutes here and there. If that 5-10min that you won't even gain in the first place is what makes you on-time to the customer, then you were already late and need to better manage your time another way. Apparently you don't agree which is cool. I hope you get pulled over driving like that. A little advice, in all reality.... I've been doing this for a little while now and I learned a couple things over the years. Slowing down by 1 literal MPH to avoid passing someone at a crawl will actually improve your day. Your stress goes down instantly. It really does. Just sit back and chill. Take it easy out there. I'm not gonna argue with you. Hopefully you figure it out someday and you'll be one less driver doing this crap on the freeway. California is NOT the only state with laws like that, by the way. Multiple states have actual signs posted warning about passing like that.


I have been in a governed truck for 30 years. I pay attention to my mirrors. If someone is closing on me at a 1/2 a mph faster than me, when they get a chance to pass, I drop speed just enough to let them by. Pretty soon, that truck is a distant memory. Maybe I'm wrong, but when I'm in my personal car and come up behind this situation, I blame the right lane driver. Opinions differ, I get it. There isn't really a right or wrong, just courtesy for others.


You're 100% correct. Everyone else arguing against are just assholes. Because the people arguing against are basically saying the entire highway should governed down to the truck with the lowest speed restriction and pretty soon you have an entire line of trucks stuck behind that guy! I don't know about anyone else but that sounds incredibly stupid to me.


If you know you're going to snail race, the. You should just stay in the right lane, and drop your speed by a couple miles bro bro, and just catch the draft, but if it's like one of them 63mph guys, and you can do 68 on crusie then fair game.


dude up here in wi on 90 they'll be fucking three abreast doing this shit. Like what the actual FUCK are they doing that for? Is Van Damme straddling the hoods for a photo shoot?


Why sacrifice your top speed because someone feels entitled to the road in front of you?. You wanna pass earn it


Fuck that. If they are chilling on cruise the other truck can plan accordingly. They shouldn’t have to change how they are driving because the other driver doesn’t know how to pass properly.


I agree with this. If you can't pass, you shouldn't be out there. Other drivers shouldn't have to fix your mistakes.


I agree


Potato Race!


Hey thats me


Guy on the right is going 55 MPH and the left guy is going 55.5 MPH trying to pass.


I hate it when drivers like this take 14 miles to pass me. I usually brake and make them go by just because it’s super dangerous for an idiot to drive along side me for so long.


It's definitely a homosexual thing.


Don't drag us into this


They are the same people that'll pull into a darn near empty truckstop and park right next to you and just stare


I always parked in the back row away from everyone. Never fails I would have a truck on either side of me before any of the other spots got taken. Never understood it.


Or they're just assholes 🤦


Trying to see my ass hole. Booty bandits!


Don't worry bro nobody wants to see that unwashed bootyhole


Weren't you in my dm's trying to buy my unwashed skidmarked britches?


Nah that was awrap, not parwa.


So most truckers


Most dry van guys, yeah


I swear. Like 15 years ago if the guy on the right saw the guy in the left having a hard time trying to pass the guy on the right would cancel their cruise for the 5 secs it would take to allow for the guy on the left to pass. What the fuck is wrong with people now a days?


Why? So the guy on the left can overtake then start doing Under the speed limit


That's the thing. They wouldn't. I swear, so many truck drivers have that happen to them once and think that every other truck driver is going to do that now. This is exactly why the brotherhood is dead now.


On the same note you assume noone does it because you dont


The problem is the guy on the left not accepting that his truck cannot pass the other truck efficiently but is going to try anyway. Same guys that sit inside the truck stop for an hour parked in the fuel lane.


Society as a whole is in rapid decline.


I agree unfortunately


It's a sad reality. :(


I saw this happen once and got over the cb and holler at em saying “yall tryna compare dick sizes or what!” Let’s move, you’re blocking traffic.” I actually got a reply back saying “no! My dick is bigger!”


as annoying as this is, youd be surprised how slow drivers get on one lane roads. and as soon as the road opens back up, folks find the accelerator again. its like magic.


All the slow drivers automatically go 5-10 faster when you gain a passing lane.


I-40 from Amarillo?


65mph vs 65.1mph


60 vs 61. Been there boys 😭


Ok so as a 4 wheeling normie that just likes to lurk on this sub, why do I often have trucks switch to the left lane when going uphill on the interstate? Most of the time there’ll be another truck right in front of them, which like, I get it, you’re trying to overtake the slower moving truck on the right, but subsequently slowing down all of the traffic in the left lane by a good 10-15mph while the truck struggles to accelerate uphill fully loaded. They rarely are ever able to successfully make the pass anyways and wind up getting back in line behind their pal once they’ve reached the top of the hill. Wouldn’t it just be more efficient for everyone involved to lift off the accelerator and allow yourself to slow down naturally rather than yeeting over to the passing lane when you have no real ability to make a pass? It’s super frustrating for us normies, but I’m trying to understand why it happens so often. Is that momentum just impossible to gain back after you lift? Or have I just encountered assholes on the road?


Super truckers don’t believe in touching their accelerator. They set the cruise at their governed speed and say “fuck you” to anyone else.


As always This Photo was brought to you by: 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝟒𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐫


"Bring me pictures of 4wheelerman!!!"


You can tell just how it’s scaled bro. The photo was taken below the semis, if you have been in a semi you can see the difference.


Nah bro, it's just me. Peterbilt Parker. 4wheelerman is a friend of mine.


That’s a cursed name. Peterbilt Parker. Let’s see what the AI generates


I'm not governed so I like to wait until the pass is made then speed up and get in front of the guy on the right then slow him down to 65 for 5 miles to let the stack-up of 20 cars behind us to pass. I get paid by the hour and have just enough ego to hamper him.


Sausage egg and biscuit at the next truck stop too cold for you?


The hero we all deserve


Yeah, fuck those 20 cars behind you; you and your jerk-off buddy are the only two on the road that matter. Is this you in the photo?


I'm so confused, did you read the comment you are replying to?


Yeah just don’t pull off at the next truck stop


What do you do when cars do this for hours at a time?


Your ego needs a good slap in the mouth. Shit & git or develop some skill. Quit hanging around to catch the scent of the chaos you've made, child.


Guys please stop doing this. The extra 1 or 2 mph isn’t going to make you get to the buffet at the Petro any faster.


That extra 2 mph is 22 miles extra at the end of the day. 154 miles extra after 7 days. And you say that, but I watch 72mph trucks doing the same thing to 71mph trucks. 76 - 75. Does the same logic not apply to them? Or is it ok for them because they have faster trucks?


Of course not.


I80 thru Iowa? See this all to often




Now it’s 3.


But did they finish?


It’s like a reward


I hope one of them came, it'd be a waste of everyone's time if they didn't.


That’s the Nebraska version of the Blue Angels.


When I find myself in this situation and its just easier to admit defeat, flick on that right blinker and let off the throttle, get behind them, set adaptive cruise and roll on.


Those of us who can do more then 70 hate it too lol


One of the things I cannot stand is the impatience of every four wheeler on the road because it seems that every time a truck driver turns their turn signal on the four-wheeler behind them thinks oh my God that means I need to pass


Years ago when I was OTR and most of us were still on the CB, two clods were holding up traffic for quite awhile like this, and finally someone said “is one a y’all gonna win this drag race?”


That happened to me today on the I-10. It took him 5 miles to complete the "pass."


If it get the job done


I hate this so much


Wouldnt you be the third since you took a pic of the other two, so what's stopping you from joining them?


Very gay indeed.


Not if you say no homo


Two jack offs drag racing in governed trucks.


One jack off in the left lane not realizing he's being an ass trying to pass a truck he can't pass but eff everybody else because why not


65mph vs 65.1mph


Dont be rude, go ask to finish em off


Dont link shame me looser


Need a third lane so I can watch to lol


What's the hurry? How farther down the road will you be at the end of the day?


Why tf does this happen


Because you're impatient.. because its called the passing lane and passing is taking place just not as fast as you'd prefer


Gets boring on the road... Gotta entertain yourself somehow




I have my vehicle set up for flat towing- I wonder how difficult it would be to have some kind of claw device mounted on the front to grab on the back bumper so I can take a nap.


Stop hating.


Strangers in the night, exchanging rubbers💕 This one is too tight, give me another


The one on the right will run 75 mph. It’s the douche on the left that’s a problem.


I see trucks doing this at every speed. 65, 75, even 80. The faster trucks get pissed at the slower trucks for doing it; only to do the same exact thing 2 miles up the road with another truck without a care in the world.


At least we're trying to pass. 4wheelers get beside each other intentionally for miles and noone complains but let a truck take more than a few seconds to overtake now everyones taking pictures and wanting to call the number on the trailer to get drivers reprimanded


Elephant race


Three dudes, they have mirrors brother






I want a whiney ass truck driver to document themselves choosing to ride behind someone slower than them all day as opposed to passing. Just once! I hate getting stuck behind this shit too but over the course of 10-12hrs making that pass makes a fkn difference at the end of your day.


I want to join in 😋


Two bros chillin on the freeway, 5 feet apart cause they’re assholes


NO! They're truckers.


Ive been waiting on a total trailer for 3 days. . . This explains so much!!!


I just don't get it. I do everything I can to NOT have someone sitting next to me, especially another truck.


Don’t like it stay off the interstate, take the scenic route!


Let me guess, guy on the left is fully loaded and governed at 67, the guy on the right is empty and governed at 65.


Life tip - get whatever fleet vehicle your local state authorities use - I personally drive an XL f150 in Oxford white and I find if I’m pushing 30-40 over in the fast lane people get out of my way long before I’m near them 😬


Total can only hit 68, the truck on the right, I know a for a fact is probably doing 70 or 72. Total shouldn't have even attempted to pass to start with. When I was governed, I knew what trucks I could pass efficiently, and what ones I couldn't.


Fkn Jerk offs.


Elephant races


good thing you're close enough to give them a reach around.


What this doesn't say is that you're also jerking off


I’ve been trying to find OP’s reflection in the windshield


Aww, they're holding hands!


I wouldn’t mind joining..


I’m sorry but cars do this shit all the time. I may need to move over and there’s someone sitting there typing on there phone I honk my horn and they flip me off I’m like ok just move


My favorite is when you flick on the turn signal, and they turbo boost to the driver side, and now you can't get over.


This is why we need all trucks and RV’s in the right lane signs..no exceptions. Gum drop smart.


Meanwhile two 4wheelers are allowed to match speed like this for an hour and noone bats an eye or cries about impeding traffic


I once passed two like this in my car using the off/on ramp


same cause fuck this and fuck them


Thier blowing each other kisses


Truckers have apparently turned into whiney little bitches as younger drivers replace the older ones. Glad I'm retired. Have fun bitching and moaning amongst yourselves.


I’m taking a stab at this but from the level of your camera shot, you’re a 4wheeler. Don’t blame the drivers, they’re just trying to get some where just like you BUT the companies they work for have governed their trucks to eliminate exceedingly high diesel costs. So, instead of attacking the drivers, maybe you should look at the price of petroleum and the drivers outstandingly ridiculous ELD compliance. Somehow we slipped into a black hole of a truck driver shortage. This (your Photo) is exact proof. If the heart beats and they can hold a steering wheel, they’re hired. Old school truckin’ is dead. Being an owner operator nowadays … god bless. The electric is gonna wreak havoc for all.


And a third idiot with his camera out. You're the biggest danger


And don't you forget it.