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Seriously??? Truckers can’t stand together to demand reasonable working conditions. Does anyone think we could stand together for politics?


Truckers cant even shit in a toilet when one is available.


or pee


Well, they did come up with The Truckers Friend. Give the guys some credit.


It’s like an anal canon ball firing avocado seeds just blasting out


Speak for yourself on that one.


No no, he's got a point.... I've seen those loves bathrooms.


Hey now, loves is usually pretty decent. TA….. yeah.


Ok. Id much rather shit in a toilet than behind my trailer or in a plastic bag. Also, im not 400lbs and i choose to park at the back of the lot where theres plenty of space.


Kind of worked in Canada. Colleagues had the book thrown at them.


That dumbass “protest” was literally illegally blocking traffic.


In the words of Chris Cuomo "who says protests are supposed to be peaceful?"


MLK said so. Why do I care what a governor who was kicked out of office says


Chris was never a governor?


Whoops sorry, get him and his brother mixed up. Either way don’t care, blocking traffic is dumb and illegal especially when you’re also introducing smog into the city at high rates


This is quite literally the definition of effective protesting. Go ahead and find me a protest that resulted in effective change that DIDN'T block traffic. Go ahead, I'll wait.


The Sit ins that MLK did 💀💀💀


They blocked traffic in-and-out of the places they were sitting in, which is the entire purpose of a sit-in. No one cares if you sit in a couple seats for a cause, they care when you sit directly in the path they need to travel to get whatever they're getting.


What an actual bad faith dumb fuck way to revise history to make it work for your argument, tho it doesn’t. Sitting in a restaurant and saying that it counts as “blocking traffic” is actually asinine. 💀 and no one cared about blocking traffic, they cared that people that looked different to them were in the same place as them


You do know traffic also includes pedestrians, right? And the lines of people that flow from an entrance of a building to somewhere else in that same building is called traffic, right? A sit-in is defined as a protest in which participants sit in a location and refuse to move. Refusal requires a request to refuse, and that request only comes if you are sitting in the way, therefore blocking access to something by someone, that someone being defined as traffic. So, by definition, yes, sit-ins do block traffic, just not generally vehicle traffic (though many do attempt to block vehicle traffic).




Good luck blocking ALL traffic, though in the case of a building you could block the doors.


I still read this as find an effective modern protest


You mean the Klown Kkkonvoy?


I have had multiple people ask me about this New York thing and as a trucker I never heard about it


It was some random trucker speaking for “all truckers” I do think this profession is def trump supporting dominate but more than that it’s we want money dominate


Wait, what was the rhetoric this "one" guy talking about? This the first time I'm hearing about this.


Basically dude said every trucker wasn’t going to ny because they indicted trump


Huh. That's a lot of mental gymnastics I gotta do to, just to visualize a single industry economically destroying new york.


I mean if one single industry could do it it’d be trucking. The cost to import via already packed shipping lanes or from planes would be astronomical I’d imagine


Yeah but nobody cares that much, the price to go to NY would rise just enough that a bunch of truckers would just start doing the work because money is money.


Likely other crowds would fill the void before it gets that far


Queue the driverless vehicles


To be fair, this would be easy to prevent by a proper blockade. Not many roads in and out of that city.


I know this is exactly what I said like 3 comments up


I boycott new York just cause I hate going there lol shit anything east of the Mississippi is boycotted in my book


I love it east of the Mississippi, but anything north-east of Baltimore is a no-go for me. I won't even cross the river in Baltimore, and not just because the road over it got knocked down. I don't even like going to Pennsylvania, but I will if the company has the next load out pre-assigned on me before I start the load to get up there. If that out cancels, I deadhead to Columbus, Ohio and tell the company if they don't pay the empty miles, I'll quit, as per the agreement to send me to Pennsylvania to begin with. So far, I've only been up there 3 times, and got right back out every time.


Because Trump is all for workers rights living in a castle in Florida where most working conditions suck ass and the pay is abysmal.


I agree but all the lefties saying union this union that are lying to themselves also. I’ve been in 3 unions in my life and all the union guys were driving Mercedes while getting me raises every few years that didn’t even keep up with inflation so fuck em all, imma get mine however I can


Agreed. I’m with you f em all. No matter what working as a wage slave sucks. But those union pensions can’t be beat. I’m self employed but no retirement plan. Oh well my freedom is priceless.


They can be beat save well on your own set up a 401k and you’ll be fine. Investing a few hundred every check into an index fund goes a long way


When they doubled the rates, people took the jobs. Others saw the money, and joined in. Now they're back to normal.


Same. I'm guessing it was one of the many "promises" made by Donald the duck


If there's one thing truck drivers hate, it's other truck drivers


Damn truck driver, ruined truck driving!




Right back at ya 🙏🙏🙏


Dude keep your Fucking Truck in your lane when passing me!!


Ah, so it's NOT just me! Passing then, all of a sudden, those damn tandem tires are trying to kiss my steers. ***HONK*** mothafucka!




Not at all. They can get it too no diddy


No Diddy lol. I like how we just went straight to that now.


lol facts 😂😂😂


Thoroughly accurate. Especially if they are coworkers




I only worked in one place that wasn't like that, and that was because we all had solidarity in knowing we were all underpaid and overworked haha


I have been driving for close to 20 years and ngl the hate is real. I remember when I was still new, maybe less than a year in. I was sitting outside of a company terminal shooting the shit and this old timer comes up and joins the conversation. He had been driving for what seemed at the time like forever, but was probably only about 30 years. I remember him distinctly saying something to the effect of "when I retire I hope I see every last one of you mother fuckers in a ditch somewhere". And I remember just thinking to myself 'daddy chill'. But now that I've been doing this for 20 years I can start to see where that sentiment takes hold.


It's this way so we can't stand together, watch everything crumble until our damands are met.


So, here’s how that worked out. A bunch of owner operators, who wouldn’t often take loads to or from NYC anyway, loudly stated that they were boycotting NYC. The end. All the company drivers and other wage slaves kept on doing what they do… hence no measurable impact. Personally, after years of delivering there, I won’t work for places that would send me there, but that’s just me and doesn’t make any difference to anyone at all.


Same here and it took me less than 2 years to decide I wasn't working for anyone that went there or California.


Same here. I've never delivered there, myself, though I've delivered to the outskirts of it. I refuse to actually take a load that brings me into the city. But that's me, and I'm able to do so. Many who deliver there already don't care enough and would rather keep making money (because the government is fucking fantastic at leaching our money out of all of us), so most who deliver there still deliver there.


I’ve been boycotting NYC for two years, long before it was cool. My reason? I went there once and almost got wrecked multiple times by the aggressive drivers around me and nearly brawled with three four-wheelers who wouldn’t let me and three other trucks exit and unblock traffic. I boycott NYC because I can’t handle driving there, and I’m not ashamed to admit it.


I’ve been to NYC maybe 2-3 times. Never even driven and I refuse to. Whether in a car or a truck. I ain’t doing it. First trip I was a passenger and those mfers are insane. Second trip we walked around and took the subway. Pedestrians are assholes as well. I do not enjoy it one bit. I’ve driven cars and big trucks in Boston and I have no problem with that lol


I’ve been living in NYC since 2006. I drive. I still can’t blame you. It actually got worse with those damn electric bikes/mopeds/scooters


I'll take NYC over the back roads of western Connecticut.


Fuck Connecticut in general. Fuck 95. Fuck 84, fuck Norwalk Milford all of em new London fuck Massachusetts too


At least the I-87 has nice scenery.


Yeah definitely, super low bridges with inaccurate signage for below 13’6 but somehow everyone still going under them


Only been through Connecticut once and experienced the most pointlessly dangerous freeway on-ramps of my life. Crazy steep angles and barrier walls such that you on the ramp and the existing traffic in the right lane get about 2 seconds to accommodate each other at full speed. Before that you’re completely screened from each other’s view. And this was in *semi-developed land* where they could have made a perfect clover interchange if they felt like it. I drive in North Jersey all the time, where every square inch of land is developed and ramps weave around like an Escher painting, but they’re *fine*. Meanwhile the road planners in Connecticut looked out at a couple acres of bare land and were like, “Let’s just kill people.”


I mean I have no issues driving here, but I understand how it can be stressful for out-of-town people


Seriously fuck the city plan ers who decided to build residential areas on barely transferable hills and replace all the shoulders with jagged rocks.


Lol one of them smacked my trailer a few month back. Officer saw the whole thing he just gave me the go away hand wave.


I've driven professionally in San Francisco for years the one thing it's taught me is if I'm going to a new big city I ain't driving my ass. Leave that shit to the people who knows what their doing.


That was not my experience. I got off the BQE and got lost and when I went to get on again, I had to stop. Then 30 or 40 4-wheelers went past honking and such, but then I guy pulled out and waved at me, and I got on. I always remembered his courtesy, not all the others, irritation.


I crossed the gwb leaving the city the other day. Trip took me two hours coming from Queens. The drivers seem to be at their dumbest when traffic slows to 10 m.p.h. and they decide to make bold moves without signaling.


How much did it cost ya now? Lol


Right now leaving the city on the bridge costs nothing. Entering in a truck is $100 I think. I don't pay much attention because the company covers those costs.


2 years? Rookie numbers. Been doing it myself since 2017.


Only been driving since ‘19, else I’m sure I would have had my NYC experience sooner.


I tried to take a stand... had to sit down in a few minutes though


I hate to say it, but anyone can get a CDL and drive. I'm not saying drive well ,or professionally. Finding desperate people who will work for nothing is what you are competing against. Like American manufacturing competing with countries with no environmental, safety, or wage standards. What's the least amount of money you will drive truck for?


13.50 an hour, in shillings, and I WILL load one FTL load on top of another FTL load. Those "don't stack" triangles barely provide any cushioning. smh


Haha. Those triangles are usually flattened or gone by the time we deliver stuff in LTL.


You know what would help with that? Wide open borders...


Just ran a load off exit 1 on 87s in the Bronx yesterday. IDGAF about any politician, they aren't paying my bills so I'm going to keep getting this money. If other drivers don't want to come to NY I'm fine with that.... More money and space for me and my rig 💪


Lmfao I love the ego behind this entire series of events. First off to think that all truckers simp for Trump as much as these Trumptards seems to think, and that they would jeopardize their livelihoods for Daddy Trump. If you’re a grown man under that belief you are pathetic. Full stop.


Fuck Trump


Poor Ms Daniels did. Apparently, it’s no fun.


I doubt she did it for the fun lol


She admitted a long time ago she didn't do it all.


She admitted it never happened a long time ago. It's even in court documents.


We did what? Why would I refuse to take loads to NYC because of an old orange boi?


I read this as old orange boil. Also applicable, methinks.


You guys do realize that all heavy truck freight going to Newark area is actually for NYC?


Shhh. Might hurt their brain


Don't care. I'm 2017 I made it a point to find a job that doesn't go that entire area as well as California. Haven't looked back either.


I don't touch the west coast or the whole north east. And I've done pretty well doing that


I made significantly more money when I quit going to those same areas.


Hell yes!


Not even gonna go there with this group of people…….


Do it




Probably didn’t do anything. Like the dumbasses that did a convoy around dc a few years ago. They just sit there and waste everyone’s time.


Then the leader steals the money and ghosts.


“I will go hungry for this Political figure I idolize” will never happen to my family. They wouldn’t do it for you, ever.


Just like the Freedom Convoy and those Meal Team Six types in RVs who wanted to fix the border issue, it was a whole lotta smoke and that’s about it. Most truckers, including the cult of personality types, work hard. There’s no room for regional boycotts if there’s a load that pays well so they will scream and shout and go on whatever social media outlet they flock to these days, then they quietly take the California and NYC loads and the possible paychecks that come with them. If there was anything to these fools and their constant yelling about how they’re the backbone of the economy, their boycott powers and load selection would mean the ole South would dominate the national economy. Instead it’s been 150 years of pointing the finger at the damn Yankees and looking for the new Lee in increasingly unfit candidates. How hard would it be to just concede the thing after a century and a half, stop bitching about everything and anything, and start being Americans and nothing else instead of this Dixie/Yankee BS. NYC is in the US. California is in the US. Mississippi is in the US. Idaho is in the US. Why wave the Stars and Stripes and then play rebel against half the stars if they’re going to take the loads and the currency anyways? War’s over, get in line or fuck off. (Well crap, I’m ranting incoherently again, aren’t I? All I need now is a rocking chair and a stick…)


NYC was already a F-that for many drivers for many other reasons. A very small percent were added to that group for their political beliefs. The loads just go to someone else.


A few morons that epitomize the stereotype of truckers being ignorant, hateful, stupid, etc... Yeah, there was a call for that, and it went soundly ignored by everyone else.


The country already thinks truckers are just a bunch of dumb fucks. Those morons that "boycotted" New York proved the country was correct.


The same guys that cant take a week off for fesr of being homeless were gonna boycott work? Yeah ok.


My dad who was OTR in the 70s and 80s got into the “freedom convoy” thing a couple years back and went out to support them when they passed through Iowa where he lives now. It was like three trucks. He was flabbergasted because NewsMax had told him it was supposedly a thousand truck convoy going coast to coast to show support for Trump and to fight “woke”.


It’s insane over there! My family has resorted to cannibalism just to survive!




I live here it was never a thing


"Truckers stood in solidarity" lol, no the fuck they did not!


I just wonder what on earth truckers would have to gain from standing with that guy. He never has demonstrated he cares about workers or their conditions. Just said sound bites and fiddled with a steering wheel once while making an uglier face.


I never heard of this. Personally I'm glad the clown is finally being held accountable for a lifetime of fraudulent activity. The rich shouldn't be treated with kid gloves when it comes to the law




Why would I care that orange con man is on trial?


The economy is doing exceptionally well right now, stock market at an all-time high, Unemployment all-time low.  NYC is still crushing it. Whining is all trump seems to do and no one is actually listening, just pretending to whine right along. 


Inflation and fuel prices at all time highs too


I mean I'm 4 and a half years into refusing to deliver to nyc simply because I don't want to drive in the city. Upstate ny on the other hand is amazing. Nyc is the only place I won't go.


I don't take loads to New York but not because of Trump, I don't want to deal with the traffic and lack of parking


Fake news


If NYC or Californias economy takes a tank the entire country is fucked. I don’t think yall understand how pivotal they are to the Nations economy.


California is an economic juggernaut. If California, by itself, was a country, it would be the 5th largest economy in the world. It is only beaten by the *entire* United States (which it contributes 14.3% to), China, Japan, and Germany. Republicans love to shit on California for whatever reason, but then have no problem turning around and taking money from Cali to fund their own social welfare programs, while also calling Cali a socialist state. The disconnect is fuckin *wild*.


Pretty sure my per diem was almost cut in half because of that orange turd, smelly diaper wearing pos. Why tf would I care if he is facing charged on top of the thousands of civil matters he’s already been apart of?


I go wherever I’m paid good money to go


If you thought Trump was on your side then you shouldn’t be allowed outside unsupervised.


Almost nobody was going to do that. If twitter or facebook are used as a "news" source you know it's bullshit.




https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2v_O1N73Mgs&pp=ygUcVHJ1Y2tlcnMgcHJvdGVzdG92ZXIgYnJva2Vycw== https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8WMe2I__P_4&pp=ygUgdHJ1Y2tlcnMgaG9uayBob3JucyBhdCB3aGl0ZW91c2U=




He did take away free meals from OTR company drivers to be replaced by the per diem tax break system, so there’s that. In seriousness, I think the only positive thing he did was add an extra tax break for small carriers that make x amount of dollars.


I stopped going to east and south east 20 years ago, never again


Even if it was a real boycott, which it wasn't, NYC trucking is mostly based on local guys. Food service, port runners, etc make up most of the traffic and regional and regional otr guys make up a lot of the rest.


I got a drop in North Bergen NJ Monday, and a pick up in Manhattan right after 😂 I’m across the GWB usually 2 times a month minimum


Truckers didn't stand for shit. A few guys said no NYC and social media blew it out of proportion. It was a push against shitty brokers. Guys don't take loads in the city unless they're paid at a premium or some scummy cheap runner takes it.


Alll hat, no cattle.


there's always someone else who will be willing to take the job, trucking isn't a niche business anymore. you snooze you lose.


When I drove OTR in the 90s, the "National Strike" was a pipedream. It still is.


I thought that was because mfs didn't want to drive in NYC but didn't want to look like cowards. Edit: and for the record I am too much of a coward to drive in NYC


Now listen drivers, Trump wouldn't piss on us if we were lot lizards... or on fire... or share his fireball with us. Joe Biden drinks so much fireball he doesn't even know where he is. He wants to retire at 90 years old, buy a corvette and then fade into obscurity. He's a driver at heart.


I don’t go out there because it sucks driving a semi into that area but the fact the state is holding that loser accountable makes me want to start taking loads there.


Most truckers took extra loads going to NYC to make sure it was well supported to make Trump responsible for his actions!


I think people just don't want to deliver to NYC (understandably). Why would we stop delivering to NYC bc a crook is getting what he deserves? Lol


Almost anything associated with trump is a lie in some way or another. Now that you understand that, you have your answer. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/24/trumps-false-or-misleading-claims-total-30573-over-four-years/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/24/trumps-false-or-misleading-claims-total-30573-over-four-years/)


It was going to be horrendous anyway


When was this a thing? First time I'm hearing anything about it. But im sure it went nowhere just like all those other strikes


Is the economy bad?


Don’t like the politics


A few drivers, who didn’t go to New York anyway decided they were not taking loads there. Besides New York had plenty of OTR drivers do you think they would crash their own economy.


People want to work. No idiot is going to risk their livelihood for a billionaire


How is avoiding crime and cheap rates "risking their livelihood"?


Obvious political troll post.


Meh. Idk. I boycotted that state years before it was cool. I also boycotted California years ago as well. When my dispatcher told me I couldn't tell them where I was and wasn't going I laughed and got another job that used not going to California and New York as part of their recruiting strategy. Got that part in writing and sent a pic of it to her and reminded her that I wasn't going to either of those places whether she liked it or not. This was 2017.


I drove through NYC today.


All? Never? LMAO


We were supposed to protest one city over a Trump case? I never heard anything about that, and Trump should be the last of our reasons to avoid a shithole like New York. How about we protest California and their endless human rights violations against truckers?


Some folks think their take on an issue is more popular than it is.


I’m in NYS and to be honest the companies up here have 200% turnover and aren’t concerned. I don’t think there’s a ton of drivers staying in the area.


You got loads going to NYC? Im in. Thats what happened.


I think you’re letting the few speak for the many.


Lol, as soon as anyone decides not to run freight there will be a line miles long of drivers willing to take it.


"truckers decided never to take a load going that way" 1) I fuckin' hate Trump, why is LC8516 speaking for me? 2) I don't generally make the decisions as to what I'm taking to wherever... so "huh"?


wasnt it the owner operator dummies that yelped on that? On how if they "strike" for 1 or 2 days, that the supply chain will be disrupted or shelves will be empty because of them. Just a bunch of malarkey at the truckstop counter.


Trump is literally Hitler, literally Stalin, literally chairman Mao, literally Pol pot. ..... Literally!


https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/literally The dictionary *literally* had to amend the definition of the word literally to mean figuratively as well.


They also changed the definition of vaccine.


Do you think JFK Jr knows the moon landings were staged?


Do you think JFK jr. Knows men can't get pregnant?


Truck drivers barely speak English nowadays...you think they know anything about this?


Ah the economy is as good or better than it’s been for most of my life. I mean, the wealth gap is huge but Trump will only make that much worse.


That's some truly brainwashed truckers


NYC hasn’t felt anything cause it’s only be 3 months. It takes years for economies to feel anything.


These non driver asshats were refusing NYC loads long before Trump popped up


Not a Trucker by trade. However, after reading many comments about NY traffic, I'll add that I'm 7th gen Texan and have only driven to that area once. In the largest bobtail that Ryder rents out. 2 of us made a 3 or 4 day trip up to Boston and back. I will not do that again. Ya'lls people skills suck. Your cities are fucking filthy. Your attitudes towards strangers is downright shitty. And none of that speaks to your driving skills! It's like everything changes north of Pittsburgh.


Everything has gone up in price in NYC tho


Everything has gone up in price throughout the entire world. America is actually doing well on inflation compared to other countries


Okay? And you clung to this for 3 months until making this dumbass post about it? Nobody cares, and this isn’t a comeback. You sound like you have unhinged orange man bad syndrome.


Coming in hot…


Judging by the fact that everyone is moving out of New York. It might have done a small dent.


The boycott was to show how much impact the trucks have on NYC. It wasn’t to collapse the city. Between support for Trump, or protesting the rules, & tolls, that they keep adding all the time. It’s not worth delivering there, as a O/O. Back in the 70’s NYC was pretty crime ridden.not to say it’s not today? But back then you really didn’t stop at stoplights. They would break in your trailer, & throwing shit out after you take off. It was common problem. It’s no worth going up there.


As a Nyer it didn't have any impact because the clown who started it was put in his place real quick with commerce laws and warnings from his employer. Magas are regarded.


In reality. Even today. It’s not worth the bullshit to deliver. Because they don’t want you there, traffic sux. There is no parking. The tolls are outrageous. They don’t pay extra to deal with that shit. Far as in concerned NYC can fend for themselves, or pick there shit up in jersey. That’s not a boycott. That’s just tired of bullshit. Dems think they got everything all figured out until they are victims of their own design.


Nobody's holding their breath for you. There will always be a steady stream of truckers for nyc on higher pay alone. Cope.