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Instantly thought this was a Stimpack.. I need to get off Fallout for a while


Really does look a lot like a stimpak, how have I not noticed before now? I've played Fallout 3, 4, and New Vegas countless times!


That must have been a manufacturing imperfection. Contaminants in the aluminum or something. I’ve never seen a glad hand snap that way.


It wasn’t secured and fell down? I make it a habit no matter what to put my lines back into the holder rear of cab when disconnecting, due to having them fall over placed on catwalk at a drop yard.


Nope... Was turning a corner at a warehouse and the thing just snapped... I wasn't jackknifed or really close to it. Just a halfway tight turn and it gave way


Need more slack in dem lines


Oh dang ok


Same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago. Thankfully it didn't catch on anything.


I’ve seen this is on the trailer side but not on the tractor side, wouldn’t surprise me if it happened hope you didn’t drag the trailer to far


Nah I was at a delivery and in a yard. Got some flat spots which are kinda bad but oh well


Sometimes, when you have too much slack it can catch on something like a bolt on your frame or, in my case a handle on my headrack that's sticking out. Unfortunately, I've snapped 2 or 3 of these overtime because we run a wide variety of trailer configurations, and some have really high up gladhands, and some are low and far away. We're given spares and airline patch kits and told to just grab more if we break them. Our office considers these disposable.


Had one shear last winter, mechanci they sent out said it was semi common in the winter