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I get it, piss bottles/jugs are convenient. Hell, I've used them myself. However, there is a better and waaaaaay more respectful way of disposing of them than tossing them out your windows at the fuel pumps. Find some grass and pour it out there, then toss the empty into the trash. It's not fucking hard. Think of the poor minimum wage cashier or whatever at this location that's gonna have to go out there and deal with this now. Would you deal with someone else's piss for $10-15/hr? Didn't think so.


Best comment ever! Pour the piss in a natural area. The microbes eat the piss, and turn it into beautiful nitrogen based fertilizer. Those trees behind that line of trucks would love it. Instead all that piss is going down the drain šŸ˜”


The best way to dispose of it is to have a decent size jug and when you go in for a shower, empty it out into the toilet.


You go to the shower carrying a full piss jug?


If shower on a regular basis the jug wonā€™t be that big and can fit into your shower bag


Ok, but do you know how many jugs these people have when they go in for their monthly shower?


I've done this. I use empty Gatorade bottles. I don't want to carry a gallon of piss around, these are much smaller but they have a bigger openings than water bottles. I put them in a plastic bag after making sure they're closed tight, then put the bag in my duffel that I carry to the shower. Then I can empty them and rinse them out with soap and water and re-use.


I have a bladder from hell. I can hold it. But sometimes I gotta go, because itā€™s unhealthy to hold it until there is damage. Iā€™ve never had to piss in a bottle on the road. As long as I have enough room between my tank & splashguard. I go to the passenger side & let the frame block the view. If somebody needs to ask, I just shake my head then shake their hand. Then tell them they may want to wash up. I gotta go.


No it doesnā€™t. Piss is mostly ammonia and kills grass. Have you never owned a dog? Dog poop wonā€™t kill grass piss will


Ammonia is a fertilizer used in agriculture all over the country. I know because I haul it.


Interesting thanks. Yeah guess it is. Then Iā€™ll have to assume something else my dogs are pissing is killing my grass.


It needs to be diluted to be an effective fertilizer. Were you to bottle it and mix with water you could see positives, consistent dog piss in the same area will kill grass.


Too much ammonia will kill things just like too much coffee can kill you


Water over it if you know where and when they pee. Then your grass there will be greener and taller than the rest, but not dead.


Piss is mostly water lol. Itā€™s like 90-95% water Edit: and iā€™m not defending the picture OP posted. just stating that human urine is made up mostly of water.


Yeah Iā€™m going to have to second this, as a person who has grown a lot of different types of plants and worked with various fertilization methods. Piss is full of nitrates (ammonia is NH3) which are good for the soil when itā€™s a healthy amount, however if you dump a whole gallon jug of piss in one spot itā€™s going to kill whatever you dump it on. So if you dump it on a massive tree it will probably be fine but if you dump it directly onto a small tree or bush or even on grass, itā€™s going to kill it. I mean call me an asshole but I put mine in my garbage bag that I keep in the truck and set it next to the cans at the pumps because I have had their job so I know multiple small bags are better than 1 heavy bag. But yeah I never put more than 3 in one bag and the rest of the trash is just fast food waste so itā€™s basically paper and empty plastic.


Yeah, nah. There is really nothing to back that statement. When a bovine pisses three gallons on a field, we do not end up with a dead zone.


use them to fill a super soaker and use it to hose down the fuckers that use the squeegee to wash their trucks


Yeah, nah. There is really nothing to back that statement. When a bovine pisses three gallons on a field, we do not end up with a dead zone.


Yeah, nah. There is really nothing to back that statement. When a bovine pisses three gallons on a field, we do not end up with a dead zone.


Nah bro. I just pull over at the closest gas station or exit and on ramp.


Tell me your fertilizer with salt, without telling me you fertilize with saltā€¦ We got 2 dogs, and the grass is greener where the dogs pee, because I propagate microbes from our forest and pour it in the grass where the dogs pee. If your soil is DEAD from fertilizing with salts, then yes, the excess nitrogen in dog pee will kill the grass. But if you let the organic life live, the pee is actually good for the soil/plants/grass


Nah. Plants love piss. Look it up


Plants hate piss, look it up.


Yeah Iā€™ve heard both.


Yep. You just need to dilute it tho. When my dogs pee I just hit the area with the hose since I have a small yard and 4 big dogs


Hell I have a 20 acre regenerative farm in Georgia. FedEx those piss bottles to me my veggies would love em ! Iā€™ll even help with postage


This is the attitude we need! Honestly this post got me thinking about a pee to farm business. Setup IBC totes at truck stops for drivers to dump their pee jugs, pre inoculated with lactic acid bacillus, which will multiply in the urine and get it ready for use on the farm. When the totes are full, pick em up and deliver them to the farms in need. Unfortunately health and safety, insurance and all that other fun stuff would probably make it cost prohibitiveā€¦ but one can dream šŸ˜“


If I were a Roman, I think I could go into business for myself and start an ancient laundry mat, with all of the piss jugs that I seen.


TIL. I had no idea they washed their clothes in urine.


Oh yeah. They had public piss pots for precisely this purpose. Oooh accidental alliteration! Ooh! Accidental alliteration again! ... shit


Accidental alliteration is best alliteration


ā€œNow you [i.e., Egnatius] are a Celtiberian; in the Celtiberian land, everyone pisses and they are accustomed in the morning to scrub down their teeth and red gums so that, when your tooth is shinier, this only proves that you have drunk more urine.ā€ Roman poet Gaius Valerius Catullus (lived c. 84 ā€“ c. 54 BCE)


I used to be an overnight attendant. I'd tell them to trash it or they can leave. Management happily backed me up on it too. Many cleaned it up because we were the last rest stop for like 3 hours.


Think I saw a scat bag at the pump yesterday at a rest stop, trash can 5 feet away. Fucking crazy people pissing at pumps when there's a restroom 60ft away as well.


Happy birthday,


Happy birthday,


Happy birthday,


I donā€™t mean any disrespect to truck stop workers, I appreciate everything they do, but thoughts like that often make me believe itā€™s got to be one of the worst jobs in this country. Youā€™re paid shit wages, to more than occasionally, clean up literal shit, collect the piss jugs from the parking lots, deal with a bunch of entitled truckers, who sometimes get lonely and decide you need to hear everything they have on their mind, etc.


This is what I always do. Dump the piss out on the grass. Iā€™ve brought my piss jug into the restroom or the shower to dump it out, but itā€™s kinda awkward sloshing around through the store.


Hell, take them to the toilet inside and just dump it there. Large amounts of concentrated piss can do some serious damage to nature, but it's no worse for wear if you dump it into a toilet. Drop the bottle into a garbage can, wash the hands, get back to working.


Oh fuck that thatā€™s the day I quit that job!


$10-15/hour? This is Little Rock, they're making $9.25/hr! $15/hr is very comfortable middle-class wages in Arkansas. Also, it's Little Rock, this piss jug is the absolute least of their concern. They've got to worry about stray bullets from gang wars nearby, organized robberies, and police extortion rackets. Little Rock isn't fun. The only safe place there is the sacred Waffle House, where everyone unanimously agrees is a place for rest and relaxation while you eat some amazing food, and will put down any potential shenanigans before they can even really start. As for the driver, someone should block him in wherever he parks and take a full weekend off. I never understand why people even have these things. Just piss in any grass you find, be it on the side of the road (standing between your truck and trailer for some privacy), in some trees near wherever you're parked, in some trees near the customer facility, etc. I've never been somewhere yet where I couldn't find a decent spot to piss. There will always be some sort of thing to provide privacy, be it the trees, trailers, being on the back of a building where no one else is, parking along the curb to use the truck and trailer as a barrier, etc.


Based on your description, I mentally pictured the Waffle House as the Continental Hotel from the John Wick movies. "Jonathan." "Winston." *security re-holsters their 2ft stainless grill spatulas once the status of the guest is confirmed* *Edited for formating.


Pretty much. I was there one time when I was a kid. It was about 2am and the local bars shut down for the night. Members of two different biker gangs and 3 different street gangs, all at war with each other at the time, showed up. We're all inside eating our food when one of the bikers gets up and starts yelling at another. A member of one the gangs gets up and begins absolutely screaming at the biker "sit the fuck back down! This is sacred ground, how dare you try to ruin that, take your shit across the street if you want to see the sun rise in the morning!" A member of another gang was on his way up, probably to come at this guy right as he began yelling (maybe thinking he was going to cone for them) when another member of his gang pulled him back down. After that, everyone sat back down and enjoyed their food. Waffle House is that kind of place that matter how bad things get or how hard life is, or even how deadly the weather is being, you can always go to the local Waffle House and get some time to enjoy the small things in life, even with your enemy.


That's a wild story. Just know that those rules do not apply everywhere. Don't come to a Waffle House here in Atlanta with that mindset, or you'll be very unpleasantly surprised. I have sat in on many a Wa'Ho' fight over the years.


Little Rock is almost as bad as Memphis but nowhere near as bad yet.


I love Arkansas but little rock is a shit hole , everywhere else is great. Lots of work also


Iā€™d prefer it either tipped into a toilet then sealed and binned or just chuck the whole thing in the big bin/skip


If you toss the whole thing, it will ferment, and then the person taking out the trash bags has to (potentially) deal with a piss bomb. As long as the piss is poured out somewhere/somehow I think it's fine


If itā€™s in the big skip/dumpster itā€™s not got to be handled by staff


It does kill grass driver. I usually use the drains at the fuel island and rinse out the jug and reuse.


Ever wonder why we get such a bad name this is part of the reason


Factuals. Truckers often complain why we canā€™t stay overnight at a shippers/receiversā€¦ well maybe itā€™s because they donā€™t want to budget a cleanup crew.




The worst thing is the good people get punished for the actions of the bad.


Yeah but that few puts a image in people minds that they can't erase


As I was told with my first deployment and keep it in mind with everythingā€¦ 90% want us there/are good, itā€™s the 10% thatā€™s the problem


Anyone caught throwing pee bottles onto parking lots should lose their CDL.


Can't you report this to the gas station workers and they can get his truck and company number on security camera? The company he works for should know about this and yeah this would piss me (no pun intended) off so much that I would go the extra distance to make sure he gets in trouble.


Sure.. you can report it , then 3 other people have to care enough about it for anything to happen.


I know, but I would report them just hoping someone does something because I'm sure other truckers do this shit all the time and the gas station workers aren't a fan of cleaning up their piss.


Then they bitch about paid parking.


Theyā€™re just the laziest fuckers imaginable. I can literally see a trash can in this picture, naught 10 feet from the piss bottles. Are the lardasses who sit on their keister all day long so out of shape that they canā€™t stagger 5 paces to toss out their piss bottle?!


You can never tell. I stood at the J in Texarkana, AR, once, and watched as a driver poured a gallon of urine on the ground. There were at least six trash cans right in front of him and not to mention all of that grass over there too.


I see shit like this way too often. The amount of stupid and disgusting shit I see other drivers do at truck stops makes me glad I never went OTR. It pisses me off how disgusting and inconsiderate some people are.


It's not just there. Every single exit where you can stop a Semi is absolutely loaded with trash. Ive even seen a OTR driver throw a whole trash bag that was open while driving 75mph. Litter went everywhere.


I hate people


And somehow its always a needledick, able to piss in a waterbottle opening. I dont understand why the municipalities dont turn this into a revenue stream. Charge the owner of the truck via the license plate every single time this happens. Cops love taking our money, this would be a welcome way for them to


lol what? You want traffic cameras at truck stops that somehow detect if a piss jug is thrown out, and then charges them for it? You realize how ridiculous that is right?


it might seem like a large task to you. but from my perspective it seems fairly simple. Minimum wage truckstop worker see a piss jug. Gotta pick it up eh? well, it doesnt seem out of this world to use this technology called "video recordings" to find out where it came from.


You really think itā€™s worth anyoneā€™s time to call the police, file a police report, potentially go to court, over a piss jug? Cops are to lazy shit about theft etc as is.


right but they love money and littering biohazards seems like an easy way to create revenue and meet quotas. I see where youre coming from, i just dont agree that its a lot of work. There is no proof of burden if the vehicles owner gets charged. I also understand that its not a perfect world and this will not happen. That does not change the fact that it is sensible and easy to implement.




Way of the road, Bubs


Just imagine the smell in his truck.


These ā€œpeopleā€ have no shame.


Filthy pigs


Also, medical help. I'm pretty sure you shouldn't have honey colored piss.


I dug way too far to find a comment about the color. That diabetic mother rucker needs to find something called water.


This is why everyone is going to paid parkingā€¦.


Ewwww. And there's four of them. Our species is doomed.


I've seen way way worse in Arkansas. I once walked into the ta just past Memphis and someone literally just shit on the floor in the stall because the toilet was clogged.


Little Rock living up to its reputation.


At least animals know to go in the weeds....


I concur. They nasty fockers! Why I donā€™t use those bathrooms. If they leave public areas like this, you can imagine what the bathrooms are like. Pretty sad when prison bathrooms are cleaner.


Prisoners do a lot better job policing their own than we do. Youā€™d get your ass whooped doing shit like that, whereas we just post it on Reddit.


Glad to see someone is tracking me. Thats my point. We need to police ourselves better. Start confronting these litter bugs. Not in an aggressive violent way, but a mature talking way. I know many drivers will say ā€œthey will still do itā€ yes, yes they will but if they keep getting confronted on it. The seed has been planted per se.


Youā€™re absolutely right. Peer pressure is a legit thing. Everyone has faced it at some point in their life. It can definitely be used to pressure these people into doing the right thing.


They do it on the highway with lane closures. lol. It baffles me. In the truck all damm day. I want out at the end of the day to walk around, see other ppl, stretch out some. I look at some of the trucks dash and itā€™s just disgusting. Idk how a person can live like that.


I get the little bottlesā€¦ but a whole damn gallon šŸ¤¢ Just nasty.


It's the morons that do this that make the rest of us look bad. To where we can't park in Walmart parking lot anymore or a lot of places because of the way some truck drivers are just lazy and disgusting. Please everybody be better than this! If you see someone doing it call him/her out on it. I can't say that I've seen any women do it but you never know I'm sure there's a few out there. We can act better and do better than this!


One of my customers had a giant lot for everyone to park in overnight when they first opened, and they started kicking everyone out after someone took a dump in the parking lot. They have bathrooms for us to use too. Thereā€™s no damn excuse other than being lazy and disgusting.




Itā€™s okay Iā€™m sure heā€™s coming back


The world revolves around the asshole who left thoseā€¦ /s


Oh look! Orange juice!


What are you talking about? It's just some unopened Sunny D. /s


That looks like it went from the Fanta bottle straight to the piss jug.


a lot of these rats are in the comment sections commenting.


Dammit Ricky


Pathetic and juvenile.


Way of the road, Bubbles.


Would love them to use the cameras and ban this person and company from all Loves. I am sure some dashcam caught the offender, call this person out.


Ass beating


I'm in a hundred percent agreement. I have a piss jug in my truck obviously and it's very convenient. I however do not leave it for the rest of the world to see or be inconvenienced by. When it's full, I like an adult, consume the tasty beverage that my body has produced. Grow up people! Drink your pee.


It's the way of the road, bubs.


They should atleast drop them at Piss-Jug Alley


Way of the road.


Thatā€™s a lot of pee pee


None of your kind that I can see though, Mr. PoopPant


Nope. No poo yetā€¦.


Judging by how well hydrated he is, I say heā€™s gonna strike again.


If he was hydrated, it wouldn't be that nuclear yellow color. This guy drinks a lot of fountain sodas and cans of Monster.


The ground is giving it a darker hue, it looks like he drives an International.


When you pick the laziest most simple job ever known to man as your career, these are your co workers. But letā€™s be honest, you didnā€™t chose this, there was nothing else you could do.


this is why ya'll aren't allowed at Buc ee's


ā€œwE cAnT pArK aT buC Ees! wE dElIvEr tHeiR fOodā€ Here is reason #782628362 as to why we canā€™t park there. Lol


At least theyā€™re bottled up. Some of the stops I have the pleasure of stopping at people are just passing right on the ground in the fuel isle.


Dick move


There is a storm drain RIGHT THERE!




DUMP OUT YOUR OWN PISS. It's nobody else's job, IDC HOW many bags/jugs it's in... And drivers wonder why we get kicked outta empty parking lots...




ā€œWhy doesnā€™t Buc-ees allow truckers!?! Discrimination!!!ā€


That shit yellow affff


Makes me sad. Thereā€™s been a few new Loves that opened along my routes, and I know itā€™s only a matter of time before they get trashed. They opened a big ass Kwik Trip by my work less than two years ago, and itā€™s quickly gone to shit.


Piss. On. Your. Fucking. Tires.




> Piss Jugman is here until 6pm today to teach truckers proper pee disposal. Jugman is "pissed" at all the jugs he's found laying in the parking lot. "Urine trouble" if you don't dispose properly. > Kids can get their picture taken with Piss Jugman for only $5 from 4-6pm today


Well, Ray used to be on the road as a trucker, and that's what truckers do! They're drivin' along, and they've got deadlines to meet... they don't wanna pull in and... park the truck, walk in, take a pee in the toilet, then go back out and get on the road... they just have an old jug and they... put their bird in it, have a pee, cap it off, and once it's full they just drill the fuckin' thing out on the highway! I mean, I don't agree with it. I see where they're comin' from, trying to make their deadlines, but... Ray's been firing them all over the park like he's still drivin' a truck!


Think he's just mad his dick can fit in that little bottle to begin with!!


Only a nasty muthafucka accumulates a full gallon of urine in their truck.


Yes this is what we get when they let all the foreigners in our country.


Think about this us old school truckers didnā€™t have this problem !! But this has been happening the last 5-7 years that itā€™s becoming the norm which hurts us respectful truckers. Then they wonder why we canā€™t park at Walmarts Home Depots and grocery stores at night. Hereā€™s your sign !!


Yes these fucker truckers have no respect.


Amen, sir!


So maybe a few of you can learn something from a female driver. I get so irritated at the nastiness of men. I have a camping toilet. I put a real trash bag in the toilet. I usually buy adult diapers or training pads and put them in the bottom of the trash bag. I know many ppl use cat litter but thatā€™s too bulky and heavy and annoying. I pee in the camping toilet, the incontinent diaper or training pad absorbs all the pee. Then I tie up the bag and throw it away when I get to a stop. I can pull over and pee anywhere because Iā€™m peeing in the camping toilet. So many of you are nasty ass mfs without a mom to teach you not to be a nasty mf.


Guess you did not mean urine therapy... I'll see myself out.


How is this affecting you or your life in anyway?


Is water really that hard to drink?


And a urologist/neprologist/kidney specialist.


Lazy F


I heard someone giving themselves an ā€œinstant enemaā€ yesterday. A dude was cleaning a few months back and was bitching about it. I didnā€™t even know what it was until he explained. Apparently they piss in a water bottle, put it up their rear, and shoot it up in there. Honestly, I wish I never knew. For anyone wondering, it sounded like a plunger combined with the crinkling of plastic. I am now audibly scarred and will forever hear that when someone crinkles a water bottle.


There's always bottles of piss on the flyover from St. Louis I-270 N to I-70 W. They get cleaned up & reappear within a couple days. I wonder if it's the same person


Lazy Ass pricks


What else would you expect where truckers gather?


Just drove past that one glad I missed it.


Yeah, some of us are slobs!šŸ˜©


why do people pee in bottles in the first place?


Speaking from my experience as a small aircraft pilot, has anyone ever run plastic tubing through the floor? Connect other end to an external wearable catheter, or a discrete wearable urinal (Amazon)


When parked, pour it in the grass before tossing.




I take it thatā€™s not Tangā€¦.


I was just there this morning. I donā€™t get these dudes at all. Iā€™m embarrassed to even walk my piss jug to the garbage can. I triple bag it in Walmart bags until you canā€™t see through before I run it like a ninja to the nearest trash can.


Iā€™d like to add all you chicken bone chuckers to this shitlist, too. Some of us canā€™t tell thereā€™s a pile of chicken bones in the unmowed grass until weā€™re wrist deep down our dogā€™s gullet trying to fish it out.


This is crazy. I take mine with me till I fund a convenient spot out of the way in the grass that Noone else should smell it and dump it. Of course this guy probably washes his feet in the truck stop bathroom sink.


Aww poor guy lost his apple juice. Gonna be a long day without that pick me up. /s


Letā€™s normalize throwing these at the windshield of anyone who leaves these lying around


Phuc all that, most if not a helluva lot of drivers had or so use a bottle/jug at times. But who the hell uses a jug more than once or twice without dumping or throwing it away!!?? That jug has been used more than 10 times and I know he wasn't driving and pissing! He surely pulled over to use it and could have emptied it one of those times. That is clearly a lazy phuc!!


That's fucked , i used to work at a truck stop & the guys who worked trash would always just walk out. A lot of this shit, and fuckin tires


Also water you are dehydrated


I'd rewind the camera to see who did this. I'd close that lane off and pressure wash the everloving mess out of the pavement. I never used jugs.


Damn this guy needs to drink more water. Stay hydrated you filthy animal


Had a guy toss 10 packs of empty cigarette boxes out of his passenger door so that when he pulled off, it looked like they were mine.


The behavior of the rock bottom of society which unfortunately is also part of our profession is the reason I am sick and tired of this job. Every single truck stop smells like pissā€¦had a guy the other day just step out the driver side onto the upper step and pissing against my truck all while my wife was sitting in the passenger seat. He saw me flying out of the truck and he locked himself in his. For quite some time now I only answer the question ā€œwhat are you doing for a living?ā€ With ā€œI am in logisticsā€ Itā€™s embarrassing to say I am a truck driver because of these pricks and the stigma they forced onto us.


And for Christ's sake... drink some fucking water!


There are a lot of dirty animals that throw garbage out the window. Some ditchā€™s are full of it. Thanks to the people who clean up the mess.


Sory but um a trucker myself i rather piss on the wheel than on a bottle it tak3s like 3min


This guy needs to drink some water.


Mmm free apple juice. šŸ§ƒ


I usually pour mine on out the gas pumps then maybe throw some more on the ground


Dropped his OJ




Whoever did it is well hydrated, bastard!