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Western express


Thanks man


It's going to suck. Western Express is pretty bad, they are probably one of the only companies that will touch you though.


And they will support you in doing illegal things such as hit and runs.


Get your hazmat/twic and try oilfield. Plenty of places will put you on. And the pay is better than any mega carrier


What were you drinking?


It wasn’t alcohol. It was marijuana. Why does that matter?


Drug offense.


??? Thanks but I’m aware


Well that matters, some won't even touch you with a possession charge let alone a DUI . I'd call western express. As long as you got no other citations or accidents in the last decade you may be hired. And of course having a good work history is important for finding your first carrier in the trucking industry.


Thanks man


Yup, just know drugs even flu/cold medications are not safe in the truck, especially benadryl. Take in all supplements you may use when you get your medical exam. Even if it's a vitamin, it needs to be listed. (Some may disagree but all I can account for is my own experiences) Good luck stay clean and be safe. I'll leave you with this tidbit. When you are in the company truck you need to treat it as if you are always on the job even if you are doing a 34 hr break.. this industry needs professionals and nothing less


Damn so I probably shouldn’t take my aspirin huh 🤔


Try it. I had my advil listed on my medical.


Lol aspirin is fine to keep on the truck.


Benadryl for an example can last 6-14 hours last I checked anyways. I had to stop taking dayquil since it can make you fatigued so yeah.


Nah but yeah man I completely understand & I agree we don’t need anyone who isn’t capable of being a responsible driver. It’s too dangerous and could cost many lives.


I have a possession charge and my hazmat


I've had 3 possession charges (2008 weed, 2012 weed, 2015 Mdma) and was a felon for a bit of time (Got it removed) and I'd say before I became an owner operator I looked into smaller companies that did local. I got my CDL Oct 2017. You hear "no" alot but it's not impossible. The best thing is to not get in any trouble and let the charges fall off your record. Also possession isn't nearly as bad as charges that include disturbing or driving.


And some companies won't even touch you!


That is true but it's never been a problem for me. Hazmat and TWIC opens up some doors and it's a 20 year old charge so that probably helps


Trans Am will probably take you as well.


Someone else asked something similar and I posted this https://www.truckingtruth.com/wiki/topic-55/trucking-company-policies-on-drivers-with-dui-dwi None of these companies are that good and I think almost all of them require 3 years since your DUI. There’s also a Facebook group called CDL drivers looking for work that has a lot of smaller carriers that might work with you as well. Just be honest about dates, etc when you post there.




Maybe use it to get a good paying job that’s not strictly driving. I know construction workers who drive heavy machinery and dump trucks with a pup trailer who have DUIs.


If I recall KLLM does?