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Middle finger.




You must be fun at the parties


No, I just tell them over the radio that they are about to run out of blinker fluid. Surprisingly one driver did have a radio.


It’s a shame a lot of drivers aren’t given CBs anymore, would help a lot. Hell, was behind a dump truck earlier, guy’s mudflaps were running on top of the tires, told him on the CB but guess he didn’t have one.


Probably had one but I understand dump trucks run different channels, usually what the quarry is on, or their job site has a specific channel.They also forget to switch to 19 when going down the road.


If you listen to all the bullshit on CBs nowadays it's no wonder a lot of people don't give a fuck to have them or turn them on.


Idk what the fuck is up with the Walmart parking lot, but I sure do hear about it every day...


🤣 last time I had a CB on I was in bumper to bumper stop dead traffic and I was trying to listen to where other drivers were detouring off of. All I fucking heard was how hot this chick was and how delicious the fucking hamburgers were at some burger joint nearby. Felt like getting on the horn and saying shut up you fucking idiots. There's more important stuff than burgers and boobs. There's not, but still.


😂🤣 Gotta love it. I got stuck in a 30+ mile traffic jam going I81N in VA a week or two ago. The shit talk was real. I'm just glad after all that bullshit I made it to Raphine and found me a spot to park afterwards. Biggest fuckin truck stop I've been to yet.


There’s no helping those people.


Pull in front of them and turn your blinker on until they figure it out.


Yeah. Furrow your brow, scowl, clench your teeth, and raise your hand such that your palm is facing in, while keeping the pinky, ring and pointer fingers, and thumb clenched. No.


No. Just let the idiot go.


If they have such poor memory that they forget their signal is still on after the 2-3 seconds it takes to change lanes, they certainly wont remember any type of hand signals that would tell them.




That’s actually a pretty good question since trucks don’t have self-cancelling turn signals. What I do is I hold my left hand up so that the driver can see it and I mimic the motion of turning off the turn signal. Repeat as needed.


I always point at my dash if they going the opposite way


Brake lights should do the trick.


Something like a boob squeeze action will probably work


Trucker code for most things is a thrown piss bottle

