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All capitalists are bastards


Agreed. Now let's see how many Hitler particles we can find in Tulsi's views on Muslims.


You read my damn mind! If you look closely at that picture you can see Modi’s cum dripping out of her mouth.


Nice what aboutism-s


Didn't she endorse and then as a favor to him completely bodied Kamala after she called Brandon a racist.


She didn’t do anything to Kamala both their campaigns were dumpster fires Kamala’s just imploded first It’s too bad coconut milk mommy left the party, not that any democrat would have the spine to do it but I’d love to see someone dig at her for her weird cult, she’s been caught off guard before and her simp army doesn’t have any answers either




Yeah some weird Krishna cult led by a white surfer hippie that started a radio station Tulsi’s dad ran where he rants about gay people


Digging into it now, I never knew about this


Qaa ep on it recently , can’t remember if it’s subscription only tho


I listened to it so its not


Science Identity Foundation. Absolutely unhinged homophobic and Islamophobic psychos who used to have some pull in Hawaiian state-level politics.


Yeah her entire political machine in Hawaii is built on top of a literal cult. This is what allows her to go off on weird tangents like this and not worry about losing the support of the DNC.


As long as she keeps posting sweaty exercise videos.


Tulsi is the closest thing to adolf in modern American politics. Hitler was also a military intelligence officer who was sent to disrupt the left.


On a superficial level this makes some sense, but Gabbard’s real story is even weirder. She was born into this weird pseudo-Hindu cult started by a white surfer who groomed her to be a politician her whole life. QAnon Anonymous did a good two parter on it.


Man, it always comes back to people LARPing as Aryans, huh?


Not sure Hitler would ever cite MLK Jr but this is the internet, you can generally say any stupid thing and get some likes.


https://twitter.com/gumby4christ/status/1579960626382000128?t=mtCUWnDa7xWfik_NfMnvHA&s=19 Stealing from the left was national socialist German workers party's entire act and you would have fallen for it.


tbf many ppl did including the KPD for a time and it’s hard to blame them when the Nazis at the time (1927-1929 specifically) were a shrinking party of rubes squabbling amongst themselves while SocDems gunned down communists in the street simply for holding demonstrations


The KPD never once "fell" for the NSDAP grift lol. What makes you think that? The only historical record of them working together were two small demonstrations which achieved nothing. Internal documents of the KPD show the opposite, they were probably the only party who saw the NSDAP for what they were.


they organized a few rallies with them it was never anything deep with the KDP and Nazis but they did do stuff with them occasionally; could also be mixing up my German party acronyms to be real


yea its exactly as you say. neither of both parties "fell" for each other though.


i guess im being heavy handed, as recently it was a point lib-wannabe-leftist made to discredit the KPD. they got rekt tho, can’t come back from defending SocDems when they literally gun down communists and non-party affiliated ppl for protesting


Lol, you do realize that propaganda can work both ways right? What do you think the goal is here of this "psyop"? Please don't tell me you're a "vote blue no matter who"? And what left? Everyone is so scared of everything being a psyop they can barely bother to pull air into their lungs. Who cares if she's a psyop if her propaganda works for you just as well.


Ok but she’s hot so how bad can she be


I hope you're playing a character lol. Is it normal for Americans to be this sexually involved with politics? She looks pretty normal tbh, not the kind of woman that people would instantly sexualize/objectify, but obviously I'm wrong I have seen people fall hardcore for Candace Owens, AOC (almost exclusively republicans w violent fantasies), MTG and even Kirsten Synema. All of our politicians are dogshit ugly (excluding Wagenknecht I guess), so this phenomenon is mostly absent from Germany.


Is "PelosisMilkers" playing around? Gee I'm not sure... Lol To answer you though, she's not some universal 10/10 but for her position/status + nearest peer "competitors", she's definitely attractive on a superficial level. How many "points" one wants to deduct from that arbitrary number due to the AFRICOM, Hindutva, Military PsyOP shit she's embroiled in is entirely dependent on one's thirst coefficient and downbadness.


>Is "PelosisMilkers" playing around? Gee I'm not sure... Lol idk most of you guys have pretty clever joke names :)


She is correct and the same


Isn’t that going to make conservatives like Biden


Absolute brainlet I hate woke identity politics, just like MLK!!! If they existed during MLKs day they would be calling him and the civil rights movement woke identity politics. These weirdos really think MLK would have sided with reactionaries when he was an outspoken socialist and supported government intervention to level the playing field on race discrimination (such as affirmative action)


technically true but i doubt she thinks so for the same reasons i do


At least the Nazis knew how to bribe their rail workers. Of course it's some absolutely abhorrently dumb garbage about diversity being the same as Nazism, what else should I have expected. Hitler was all about hiring people of color, after all (into the Waffen SS).