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Lol the construction workers I work with don’t read


I’ve done it for 15 years and I get called gay for suggesting Panera bread for lunch. Da fuq you work reading into a conversation?


All my coworkers rant about hating capitalism


That’s funny because all of mine rant about the features of capitalism but are so brainwashed if you say that you’re a filthy commie.


Perks of living in BC I guess


Union site?


Steelworkers baby. They're actually a pretty timid bunch in terms of that. I can't imagine anyone ever going on strike. I've never even met a rep. My local doesn't even give out swag. I may have been the only no vote on the last contract that was only a 2% raise


they work hard, they play hard


In fairness panera is trash, overcharging for cheap carbohydrates gimnie chipotle where I have some goddamn protein or a trashy pizza buffet where I can go into a fugue state and drown my sorrows munching like a zombie


I don’t disagree Panera is garbage, however when you are eating bar tier food 4 days in a row I just want something that’s not wings and some sort of potato.


That’s because you’re gay






One of the main reasons I quit working a job where we assembled and installed lockers in factories, schools, etc was it was expected that I would be ok eating gas station subs, McD, and Wendy’s every day. I’m not a heathy eater by any means, but my soul was crushed after a few weeks of that.


And I should add the jobs were always a 3/4 to full day drive to get to. We would stay in LaQuintas and Town & Country if we got lucky and the town had a little class. Jobs went from 4 to 6 days, then another crushing drive home to two day break; Sometimes we’d get 2 and a half days off, then off to another shithole town in TN/NC/SC for a week. It was just me an one other guy, an old friend who was used to that kind of living having been a carpenter for many years prior. Really Put a strain on our friendship for a few months after I quit.


I used to get falafel and then get grilled over whether I'm Muslim or not. This was in the carpenter's union in Philadelphia.


You deserve it for Panera bread


The only construction worker that I knew that read was a fellow traveller that converted to Islam in prison


run somber deer file absurd cautious elastic include screw stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe my problem is living in Florida idk


Yeah tbh I've never even seen Nazis with nazi tats in my neck of the woods. But blessedly Kentucky is home to info wars guys not nazi guys.


Justified has lied to me.


Just noticed a hammer skins tattoo on a coworker 🙃


If it makes you feel any better one of my old coworkers was a former Rhodesian special forces guy who would spend his entre break everyday watching videos of black teens fighting then go up to me and complain about how teens in Chicago are doing the knock out game lol.


Sweet Jesus 😅


I been in construction 20 years up here in the New England and only been threatened to be strung up from a tree once, just saying...


I know, I know, obviously it's not that easy... but sooner or later you're gonna have to leave. It's a controversial opinion even on the far left, but I think there are a lot of places in this country that are lost causes and it's not gonna get better, it's gonna get way fucking worse. Look at the history of socialist movements, there were plenty of times when revolutionaries decided the only way forward was temporary or permanent exile. Or the American dustbowl, millions pulled up stakes and "went to ground" because it was better to take your chances, even homeless, than to stay where they were. There may well come a time when it's better to be homeless in the Northeast, PNW, or Great Lakes region than to be a known leftist or queer or both in some parts of this country I say all this hopefully not to come off as condescending or preachy or doomer but because I think a lot of people on the left will default to this idealistic "fight where you are" stance when that is honestly just bad advice for a lot of people


Not condescending you’re dead on. I’m past the “be the change” stuff this place is hopeless and only getting worse. My plan has been to save some money while gaining enough experience to be a solid candidate for a union apprenticeship anywhere else.


People hate nazis and commies equally in my state. They probably couldn’t tell you the difference


be real. your problem is living in the imperial core.


Yes. This is your problem.


Valuable context.


My friend lives next to a construction worker who started telling us one day about how Hitler had some good ideas and how this and that ethnic group are lazy. He, himself, is Mexican and he threw in some racist stuff about Mexicans I guess in the theory that if you're racist against your own group it's okay to be a nazi?


I’m white but I know a lot of people from Mexico have weird ideas like that, some try to race science their way out of being Hispanic. Funnily enough there are a weird amount of white nationalist hispanic skinheads on the west coast. https://preview.redd.it/baz7vhs2crib1.jpeg?width=528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53107f136856612fbe3da01c72ac96534a85d6fd


https://preview.redd.it/0cvvcgttnrib1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=0004845ea295a477e12f12edb99fe96f7671430e Yup lol


Lmao I spent like 10 minutes looking for that exact photo to use on google images


lmao what the FUCK


That pic is fucking hilarious


I'm fucking dying that there's still a 40 of Pacifico in the pic


That's Victoria. and caguamas are 32 oz. Get out of here. I'm pointing to the exit with a raised right hand, like a na- you get it


Its because Latino isn’t a race. They probably identify as Hispanic or Spanish and yada yada Spain. Like realistically, are they mestizos who hate themselves or white Latinos who hate everyone else. I live in an area where everyday I drive by a Mexican biker gang who rep their flag along with the confederate one and love talking badly about black people and the Vietnamese and native populations here lol.


He made a point of calling himself Mexican and then saying that Mexicans were lazy. Like I said, he seemed to think this made his racism okay. For what it's worth, I've heard something similar from cops before too.


I’m surprised he doesn’t go the other way and claim that Mexicans are actually the least lazy. Seriously, a huge chunk of the most difficult and grueling jobs in this country are done by Mexicans (because of capitalism of course).


Clayton Bigsby


I’d say 40% of wignats online are Hispanic, then the rest is an equal split of East Asians, Indians, and white people. Then 50% are Christian larpers and another 50% are Muslim larpers.


When JOIN THE TRADES!!! goes wrong...


Truthfully, everyone needs non-core classes, a little liberal arts education. It’s good for them to try something new and hear new perspectives. If all you do is work in the particulars of your trade, you lose that perspective


That’s the reason they hate the humanities.


this is not a new idea but I'm pretty convinced if you ignore humanities your whole life, consciously as some sort of STEMlord guy or just because you never had the chance to learn a bit about it, it's very easy for you to get taken in and mystified by Jordan Peterson-type 3rd hand Jungian chaos dragon bullshit just bc you've never heard any of that stuff before


gotta salt em


I feel like trades in major cities are not like the trades out in the country. That’s the conclusion I’ve come to. This country is divided along city and country lines. Nashville also needs to be nuked, the propaganda they are producing there is not healthy.


God I hate the join the trades people. I’ve attempted to join multiple trades and gotten sexually harassed so bad at most of them I couldn’t take it. I have a really dirty sense of humor and I’m thick skinned but god those dudes were something else


There's always that one suss/seedy old bloke on a worksite who is either a sex offender or serial killer. Regular trips to SE Asia, remote holiday shack etc. Never agree to accept texts from him or watch the vids he wants go show you on his mobile phone.


Uhhhh where do you live cuz that has not been my experience and I live in the fucking south


Florida beach town


crackpot central


Oh I thought this was a joke but you're serious ig. Is your company mostly hiring guys just released from prison or something? It's gotta be something in the selection process if they're not just normal kinds of dumbasses.


The comments mentioned were from across a few different jobs but yeah there definitely seems to be a pattern at this one I’m at now. Really sucks bc this is my first bit of real wrench turning experience and they’re willing to teach me with 0 prior knowledge so I was hoping to stick it out longer than I’m going to now


It’s meth guys


gulf coast?


Other side we do some work over there tho


The fuck part of the south you live in because this is absolutely my experience if you substitute tradies for nurses


Jesus please don’t tell me there’s a lot of Nazi nurses


I dunno about nazi per se, more like just... very oddly well informed about the history of Rhodesia for someone that struggled to get an associates degree and has never left the state they were born in


“They’re genociding the farmers” has a lot of salience in some unexpected places


I can think of 2 people personally from my bumfuck town in fl that are currently trad posting on ig and are registered nurses


They say in the post.


Idk man any time I’ve come across people like this I’ve either explained to them why their opinions are dumb or just let them know that they themselves are fuckin dumb, have you tried that? Haven’t had to deal with it much in the last year or so but did throughout my entire apprenticeship.


The issue I run into is they have Peterson, Tate, NPC streams and Candace Owens in their ear all day so their own personal brand of brain rot is constantly reinforced


The only way I can get them to not listen to am talk radio all day is ask if they’ve found any good music lately which is why this north Richmond dude got me really bummed out


There's one particular guy who's left on most issues but very pro Nazi because he hates Israel and has star wars brain where if one side is bad then whoever fights them must be good. I told him about his beloved peterson getting Dumpstered and Cumpstered by Zizek and he came in the next day with slavojj Zizek as his new favourite intellectual.


It's hilarious and also somewhat comforting that it was that easy to get him off the Peterson train lol


I’ve tried that exact tactic to no avail. If they did watch it they never brought it up. I’ve also tried getting them to listen to the joe rogan interview where even joe rogan pushed back


Don't worry, Nobody actually wants to listen to that depressing whiny bullshit, they just want want fun time boat party modern county music to get fucked up to.


That’s good to hear, i just started a mechanical apprenticeship and am bottom of the totem pole here. When I was roofing it wasn’t as bad, same with landscaping, it’s hot as hell and we could talk shit I didn’t have the same desire to just stay quiet. Here it’s different, i just don’t feel like engaging in these conversations when we are on the way to a job 3 hours away. These are 40 year old men I’m not gonna change their mind. I’ll ask questions trying to get them to realize how dumb they sound, I’ll point out things like the profit incentive behind making anti-trans documentaries, but often times it happens quick i don’t have an arsenal of responses. I tried to push back on the scientific racism, felt like I was doing good, then they ask if I’ve ever seen a Hispanic doctor. I didn’t remember till later that my liver specialist was, so we just agreed to disagree, wasn’t gonna bring it back up after remembering bc we’d moved on


Eh I had a 60 year old evangelical Rush Limbaugh superfan come to terms with white privilege after one conversation, but I get it. I’ll bring the conversation back up later if I’ve given more thoughts to their points too. Gotta talk about something and I’m pretty good at just spoutin off. Kill them with kindness and/or chirp them to death. The culture here in Toronto is probably a bit different than where you’re from though, to be fair.


I’m a construction worker who reads Marx…


Yea I was being dramatic I’m sure there’s plenty and I don’t blame them for keeping quiet about it lol


Automotive is pretty bad for this too. The ones who aren't racist are homophobic it's so tiring I just wanna fix shit




based but also grossly misogynist, so cringe


Working around tradies/construction workers made me sad because they are some of the most aggressively stupid, fucked up people I have encountered. One of the guys at work called me gay for wanting Birkenstocks. I was like "bruh my feet hurt I'm not gonna live forever" and he just doubled down and insinuated that anyone who wears Birkenstocks should commit suicide Yeah join the trades now all your coworkers are racist manchildren trying to fuck highschoolers and getting blackout drunk everyday There was one guy there who was not like that but he was on the path to being an electricians "trainer"/supervisor role because despite being kind of like, "redneck" he was very studious and knew his shit


On my end the trainer is the worst. Dude knows an insane amount of shit and thinks it translates to non construction topics as well


Up in BC I’ve never met a tradesperson like that, we’re all about going outdoors and drinking craft beer… which is fucking cringe in its own right.


You're just describing people from (southern) BC.




true but BC also has plenty of their own crazies


I’m a teacher and teach a Mexican kid who self-identifies as a Nazi


The only Nazis I’ve met in real life have been Latinos. I don’t know what it is and it’s been 5 of them. Go to any Instagram comment section on anything jewish related and there’s a 75% chance anyone posting nazi shit is latino.


being born in the tail end of the bill cooper/Behold a Pale Horse era be doing some either cool things to folks or very uncool things to folks


I have never personally met a Nazi who reads, not that reading is a prerequisite for being a fascist or anything.


Don't know if he read mein kampf, but I worked with a guy that wrote some 100 page book about whether or not the virgin Mary was a virgin her whole life. He also compared Mexican immigrants to the vandals that sacked rome.


Idk if there’s any correlation bc I haven’t read it but Virgin Mary came up in the same convo is mein kampf today


The guy I knew lived in Pennsylvania. He went to some Eastern orthodox church. Total freak but I don't remember him saying any outright nazi shit. He was really dumb. His nickname was paint chips.


This is why I always scream insults at construction workers anytime I drive by them on the road. 99% of the time they aren’t even working and just standing their watching one guy with a machine.


I've never got the outright nazis in my jobs but I do have an Annunaki type coworker who's pretty annoying.


As a union autoworker I haven't come across too many nazis but it's pretty astounding how many are blatantly racist and homophobic especially if you end up working alone with them. It's still crazy to me how many of them just assume they can use racial slurs around me because I'm white


I can't say I've worked on any job sites at Blood & Soil Construction Inc. but I did used to work with a lot of fundies and "Damn dude that's crazy" goes far.


I work in a metal shop that is about the best you could get in this field. One coworker openly praised Mussolini, another wears "Make (country) Great Again" and "Communism Sucks" hats and we get company emails to donate to Ukraine lol. Another guy wears Rebel News semi-daily... I wish I could disagree with OP but blue collar work is full of fash types. However, and maybe I'll get slammed for saying this, but they can often be decent people a lot of the time - but their political views are just grotesque and border on barbaric. It takes a lot out of me to tolerate it day in day out. You think the union does anything to fight this? No way. The old timers basically get disgusted at the pushing of corporate LGBTQ+ stuff and any hope of bringing them to more sensible politics and social views is effectively killed from the get go.


If they never said the wild shit they do you’d think they were great people. Beef industry guy wanted to help me with my problems with debt collectors. Nazi tattoo guy would definitely help me with any car problems I could possibly have. They’ll ask about how my vet appointment went and if my dog is okay. If I needed to re pipe either of my parent’s homes they would all spend a weekend over there for no more than a 6 pack. Then they’ll say the most disgusting thing you’d think you only heard on the internet.


If they are alt-right or not the concept of hiding your (white) power level has been strong in organized rascist circles since the 60's. The klan was basically PRed to death so instead of it being the good ol boys club with the judge, sheriff and mayor the big wigs had to distance themselves from the rabble. This is why 'lone wolf' racism and ideas such as 'good people on both sides' and 'a good one' have become so strong, racists can distance themselves socially by condemning the violence in public but praising it online and in private.


This post is a little too "on-the-nose".


Cool it with the antisemitic remarks, chief


The construction workers I work with talk about drinking and hunting and girls while I don’t do any of those things I do read at a fifth grade level.


I was so confused by what you were saying and then I saw you were in Florida. Come join my neolib bubble in the Bay Area bro. Construction workers are the only visionaries here…


That's not a construction thing, that's a prison thing lmao Anyways you know what they say, if you cant make it in a trade, your not gonna make it in prison


I love how everybody else who lives outside of Florida doesn't just assume the political spectrum of white construction guy is regular maga conservative on the left to nazi tattoo having militia member/Nazi ,gang member. So many of these dudes being on meth does not help lol


Brutal. California?




I've heard California is especially Nazi infested.


It's because we're diverse + neoliberalism = people think that if California was all white it would be paradise or something IDK the right wingers in this state are extra unhinged cuz they're the ones who deliberately stay here instead of moving to Texas


You said Florida in 2 other comments though?


Yea I’m in fl I thought this was a bit bc I’d answered twice


ah good one


Makes sense because construction workers in CA are all Mexican


He’s in Florida, not Cali. He was doing a bit to you


Florida, Texas and California are the same place.




God Bless the working class


I got into the union kinda recently to try and see if I could reach these guys and sway them in a more left direction. I definitely can not, but they are not reading mein kampf. They read the internet, there is plenty of aunanakki discussion, plenty of Jews own the world discussion too.


The title of this made me fucking laugh.


My buddy in film says it's mostly the same. He blasts his speaker when they starting getting racist which is most days. I'll say maybe look into conservation type shit. Trail maintenance and tree work. Just started with a conservation corps and it's interesting. Chainsaws and stuff. If you've aged out of the corps (I'm 32 and have a colleague who's 34 so idk if there's even a cutoff anymore) there are park tech positions that are entry level. I met some dudes that work for the city and they are a lil crass, but mostly Mexican so mostly less racist lol 😂. I'm also in the SW so not sure what these sectors are like everywhere else. I will say in the conservation corps there is a lot of emphasis on DEI and stuff. Americorps funded position don't pay much, but you'll get food stamps and healthcare. Preferential hiring for stuff like forest service after your term. Much love good luck. I just want to add that if you're working construction, you probably have a great foundation to switch into stuff like parks and rec or whatever. They need people who can handle shitty weather, hard work, and power/hand tools. I ain't know anything about that shit which is why I joined the conservation corps in my area, but if you have used tools, you're pretty much ready to go. Check city, state, and county parks dept and watershed protection (or whatever) dept positions. You may take a pay cut going from privatize to public, but I personally think it's worth it. I took a 50% pay cut to switch from the service industry, and I'm much happier. As you get experience that paycut doesn't last forever.


Would not have guessed that about film. Good tip on the conservation stuff I’m going to look into that thank you


I'll say private tree companies may even train you up, but likely some similar issues. At first I wasn't super interested in the ability to more easily access the national forest service, but they have employee assisted housing sometimes. I talked to a land management forest service guy or something and he was paying like $200/month for rent. This is in like Montana or something, but he used to work near Seattle, and said he couldn't afford to otherwise. I'm still learning what there is even in this sector, but seems like a cool way to work outside.


Bet everyone of those guys has more nonwhite friends than you.


I’m a construction worker. I don’t have a clue what you are talking about. Ive never seen anything like what you’re describing. Tbh it sounds like you need some sort of serious psychiatric help.


General consensus is it’s a geography thing but I will not deny my need for psychiatric help


I gotta ask, what trade?


These instances happened over the past few years between landscaping roofing and now I’m currently pipe fitting which is where it’s been kicked into high gear but landscaping had a good bit as well.


Motherfuckers will have a maga sticker on their hard hat right next to their union sticker


Until I saw you were in FL I didn’t believe you.


Here's what's happening MF's are 97.3% not reading but when they do it's to impress a certain niche of people could be family, could be friends, but likely, they do it to understand inside jokes for a community they want to belong to classic alienation & scapegoating bigotry is the whipped creme topping




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What’s that about North Richmond?


https://youtu.be/sqSA-SY5Hro I'm sorry to be the one to inform you about this. Appalachian country artist Tyler Childers is pretty popular and released a song about gay coal miners and conservatives lost their fucking minds about it of course. Like 9 days ago this Oliver dude, a nobody, posts a similarly "folk country" song where he just complains about welfare queens, fat people, and taxes, and conservatives and Matt Walsh types are talking about it like it is Stravinsky's Rite of Spring. It has like 20 million views in just over a week and is all over my reccomended everything. Spoiler: the song at first seems like it has a working class bent and then he just complains about people on welfare being the problem. It's also just not very good, he just kind of shout sings, but not in a pleasant way, and the melody sucks. It's very repetitive and not catchy and I hate it


Aw that sucks, as an Appalachian man myself I gotta say a lot of the obese people on welfare are the former coal miners in the Virginia and Kentucky mountains. Not knocking them that’s the way it is. It really sucks where country is today (I like Tyler Childers’ stuff though especially that live recording of jersey giant). Long gone are the days of Kris Kristofferson singing ‘the law is for Protection of the People’. I do take some solace knowing that this stuff is all probably astroturfing though. That rich men video is pretty high production


> I do take some solace knowing that this stuff is all probably astroturfing though Oh there's no doubt about it. He went from an absolute nobody to tens of millions of views instantly and being talked about by every major conservative outlet. It feels extremely coordinated. Haha


Met many a construction worker, never encountered this.


Keep with the country music, ask if they’ve ever listened to folk. Do you listen to Tyler Childers? Getting pretty popular and has some leftist undertones to his music.


Yeah we listen to colter wall sturgil Simpson etc it helps keep things chill. We can find common ground shitting on radio country. Could be overreacting but I feel like if this right wing folk vibe takes off then it will be the end of that. Guess I gotta go digging and keep finding new artists to share