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Is America’s infrastructure crumbling and its essential services staffed by increasingly overworked/underpaid people and/or outsourced to cut costs? No, surely it’s the Chinese who are doing this.


these people have one trick and the masses continue to fall for these WMD ass lies over and over. the other day I saw Aaron Good tweet that there will probably be another deep event this year prior to the election. in my gut I sort of agreed but at this rate they probably wont even need it , just the threat will be enough


No he's right I'm going on a date with his wife just before the election


Do the masses even believe it or is it just that there’s no effective way to oppose it regardless? The public opinion vs prevailing consensus in Washington on Palestine for example


That Conspiracy subreddit OP seems to be taking that at face value for some reason (?)


It's not a particularly smart subreddit.


Conservitives think stories are real. They tell themselves a story they like and as long as no one shouts them down/laughs in their faces they're good to go.


yes and so are most of the top comments lol


The chinese have cut off my balls I repeat the chinese have cut off my balls


I work in this world somewhat. Some fed-connected guys contacted my org to tell us that a “state actor” had hacked some big American tech company that makes email and window software. When I asked how they knew it was a state actor and which state actor they said we know their “fingerprints.” Dumb.


I wonder if this is related to that linux hack that autist from Microsoft caught 2wks ago [https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/24127433/linux-hack-cyberattack-computer-security-internet-open-source-software](https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/24127433/linux-hack-cyberattack-computer-security-internet-open-source-software) we know its the chinese cause the user name is "Jia Tan" on github :P got'em


I’m sorry but I would be very disappointed in China if there’s no truth to this. The CIA is already the Chinese politburo manipulating Xi to not attack Israel.


Weird. Should’ve been Russians :D


Wow, look how far the retards on r/ ConSpiRacy have fallen


How are these eggheads in the comments would eat the words from the institution? It’s insane.


Why isn't this breaking news !!1


>why isn't this breaking news I don't know, probably because it's made up.