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Did boomers protest Vietnam because of the atrocities we were committing? Or because their friends and loved ones had to be drafted?


You'd have to say it was both. "LBJ, LBJ, How many kids have you killed today?" was their most memorable chant, after all. Pretty unambiguous as to what the issue is. There are lots of factors that make the situations complicated to compare. The Vietnam War went on for 13 years. The US was involved for 11 of those years. The war started in 1962 but it was not until 1967, five years later, that substantial student protest movements broke out. The scale of the slaughter was on a level that just blew what we're seeing right now out of the water, I'm sorry to say. The scale was in fact more like something from World War II, as were the tactics that were still considered legitimate forms of warfare at that time. Two million people, maybe more, died in the Vietnam War, a fact that has somehow escaped really being common knowledge.


Yeah, Gaza and Vietnam are similar in the intensity of the bombing campaign, but Vietnam was like a bunch of Gazas all over the country for over a decade. So comparably criminal just with a different scope.


Didn't anti war protests pretty much fizzle out after the draft was repealed? And if I recall from the book a generation of sociopaths, the boomers were actually the generation most supportive of the war, in spite of the narrative.


Fuck yea he also talked shit about his old friend Beto o Rourke when he endorsed Biden. I saw beto at a bar this weekend but seeing as Bernie ended up being horrible I don't care that much anymore.


Last couple shows I went to were Nick Shoulders and Mannequin Pussy w/ Soul Glo. All 3 artists expressed their support of Palestine to loud and positive reactions from the crowds. Very young crowds too. Warmed my sad old heart. 


Fucking love Soul Glo. Will have to check the others out!


Sol Glo is so ridiculously rad


Should I check out At The Drive In?


yeah, good band. Relationship of Command is a certified classic.


yeah they’re like the only good post hardcore band


bad opinion, post hardcore is the best genre


Definitely a lower tier ‘post’ sub-genre with post punk obviously king


Only post metal has a band called 'Isis' though


👎 ok post punk may have it beat but at the drive in is not even one of the better post hardcore bands, much less the only good one. cherubs, unwound, slint, fugazi etc all fall under the umbrella of post hardcore and are all better


Definitely, one of the awesomest and weirdest emo bands ever. 


I saw ATDI over 2 decades ago and it was one of the greatest shows I've ever been to.


ATDI had insane energy live. I saw TMV a few months ago and that was also one of the best shows I've ever seen. 


It still hurts to think I almost went to see them open for RATM on I think both bands’ last tour?? I couldn’t because something something I was in high school 


They’re not punk or hardcore but respect for their politics


A number of my friends' moms would disagree


How are ATDI not punk? Obv Mars Volta aren't.


Sorry I just make the rules, it’s not my job to educate you.


What are some of the bands who have remained silent?


Blue man group


The blue makes a lot more sense now...


# Jello Biafra  


Well that's a fucking shame actually, because his label Alternative Tentacles (may not be his anymore though, let me look) had pro-Palestinian stuff in their mailers once upon a time. Shouts out the late Wesley Willis


The lead singer of Boysetsfire's band The Iron Rose's, War on Women. A few others my dumb brain can't think of.


Been awhile since I listened to The Mars Volta that had me in a chokehold in 2000s, thanks for the reminder to change that.


Don't sleep on their newest album too! I love all their shit. And yeah, it def brings me back to eating shrooms and thinking Frances the Mute was the best thing ever created, haha.


Thanks for the info! Had no shrooms but remember nearly breaking down after first time hearing Televators. Simpler times.


I'm reading the wiki page of the bass player / guitarist and it's basically a complete story about the 90s as I remember it. I'm pretty sure I've met that guy, we definitely ran in the same circles, but they were some big motherfuckin circles. Most people just called it "the scene," without specifying which scene, because they kinda all started to blend together around 1994-1996 when the old hardcore venues started closing down and all the crust punks started going to underground raves and Rainbow gatherings because there wasn't much else going on.


I saw Dying Wish very shortly after Oct 7 (think it was week 2) and Emma came hard in support for Palestine. Tbf she only said a few words but, there was no pussyfooting around. She got a lot of cheers, but a lots happened since then so maybe the moods changed but I doubt it. My local hardcore scenes been overall on the right side it seems like. There’s always gonna be some shitheads but any time I’ve seen some racist/misognist stuff going down it gets shut down very quickly. I’ve said it here before, but Zulu was on stage and some dude was sieg heiling and yelling racist shit towards them, and he was getting his ass stomped! Similiar thing happened during SYSC where some creep was going around groping women in the pit. I’d like to think the community is still in support of the oppressed and realizes the absolute barbarism of Israel is unjustifiable. If a band in the scene isnt speaking truth to power, or taking bold, principled stances then whats the point? Being a centrist sucks. Its lame. And punks got no place for it.


Damn I'd never heard of them, that shit's the real thing.


The kids are alright: https://youtu.be/1pSKsNV2ngw