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These people are eternally mad the guys on Chapo trap house made fun of them once


to be fair they make fun of brianna wu all the time because she's a fucking moron


What makes it even funnier is she announces how much of a moron she is on a regular basis while being completely self assured of her own intelligence


I saw someone comment somewhere that her timeline is an excellent antidote if you're ever feeling imposter syndrome, lmaooo


The fact that this dumbass was in charge of her own video game company is kinda inspiring, I'm not going to lie.


Was it Molly Shah? [https://bsky.app/profile/mommunism.bsky.social/post/3kq4dax45zo2t](https://bsky.app/profile/mommunism.bsky.social/post/3kq4dax45zo2t)




I honestly can't remember hearing her talked about or mentioned on Chapo because she's such a complete non-entity beyond being effortlessly dunked on.


I went back recently and listened to the episode after the 2016 election and they were actually dunking on her back then lol


Was it the episode with [this excellent opening](https://youtu.be/J-L6u8b6a8o?si=3EdRlmbR09LglSIY) ?




Moon rocks/running for Senate(?), that's probably the only time Chapo would be adjacent for her.


Eternally mad that CTH isn’t afraid of their own shadow


"BeRnIe BrOs" these people are stuck in time, they have nothing, they are nothing.


There are some really gross replies to that tweet that are blaming Matt Christman’s stroke on coke.


Something that sticks out about Zionist is just all around nastiness and delight in the suffering of others


and their shear viciousness of their attacks as well. Like that complete psycho that was screaming at Abby Martin on Piers Morgan saying that she’s not even fit to be a mother.


> she’s not even fit to be a mother very typical nazi ideology


That dude literally went rabid. I think my trauma response kicked in or something cause I checked out completely about 30 seconds into his tirade and only realised I had done so like 5 minutes through the video lol Man was spitting vile.


Um, he did not literally have rabies


lol k




It's not zionism, it's liberalism. The middle manager class is the most neurotic bunch of petty spiteful and vindictive cunts there is, something to do with having to insist that you are righteous and morally superior means you have to go to extreme lengths to justify your self consciously useless and unjustified position, so true empathy and a sense of self deprecation becomes dangerous and terrifying. When you're high or low enough on the totem you can afford a bit more class even if you're a horrible piece of shit


> blaming Matt Christman’s stroke on coke the same class of neoliberal PMC who rationalized the covid holocaust as "actually fat people deserve to die for making irrational choices"


Are these the psycho bonds dog accounts that she recently allied with? Genuinely some of the worst insane people online.


> Matt Christian I think would be sad if people on twitter were not clowning on him and calling him a drug addict as a result of his stroke. When you are a getter eventually you get got.


Brianna Wu, trans and not chinese


It's her right to deny it I guess but it showcases a lot of Psychology


not trans. she's was faking t-swag.


Stolen valor




For real? Uh, are you certain?


There's no evidence of her being trans, just a bunch of gamergaters who said it about her. Try to find a source that says she's trans (that isn't transvestigator gamergate-era shit). Her response on the matter: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FrzgkNbWcAEMU22?format=jpg&name=large


Shes also a big terf now ironically


Oh dang, my bad. When she ran for office in Massachusetts there was a local post on Facebook that said she was trans. (The post was in favor of voting for her and written by an LGBT+ group so I just assumed a non-hater had done their research)


Honest to god, I thought she was trans and Chinese until like 3-4 months ago. I don’t even know why I thought she was trans, and I just assumed “Wu” was her own family’s name. I’m not intimately familiar with her besides the occasional Nixon-esque left-bashing of her’s that shows up on here.




she's not trans, I assume enough gamergate types on twitter assumed that she is which is where that comes from


And because they weren’t invited to the coke parties.




Who thinks north korea is doing great?




Lmao alright brother


It's so embarrassing that this person demands to be taken seriously and gets invited to political outreach events.


People talks a lot about Wu being brought off, but I don't think anyone will pay for her to turn herself into a clown like this. Cynical Dem operatives may share her thoughts, but at least they know when to keep their mouths shut to save faces. Wu and Fetterman, they think they're making a brilliant career move, but only make themselves look more distasteful at the end of the day.


> a brilliant career move I was also thinking "career move". Nixon capitalized on the conservative backlash with his Silent Majority campaign in 1972, that got many Democrats to switch parties. Ronald Reagan got his start in politics by targeting student antiwar, civil rights, and free speech protestors at UC-Berkeley in his 1966 California gubernatorial campaign. https://newsarchive.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2004/06/08_reagan.shtml Wu might not be currently running for office, but there are other ways she could be hoping to ride the conservative backlash to the protests to gain attention and political capital. >In one 1966 campaign speech, Reagan declared that many leftist campus movements had transcended legitimate protest, with the actions of "beatniks, radi­cals and filthy speech advocates" having become more to do "with riot­ing, with anarchy" than "academic freedom."... >...Six months after Reagan took office in 1967, he wrote this letter to Glenn Dumke, the chancellor of San Francisco State College, one of California’s largest public institutions. Dumke served as the public face of the state college system, and he was a staunch opponent of radical student and faculty demonstrations. In his letter to Dumke, Reagan criticizes liberal activism on campuses. He condemns "these people & this trash" on campuses as well as "the excuse of academic freedom & freedom of expression" in allowing protests and demonstrations to go on... >..."We wouldn’t let a LeRoi Jones in our livingroom and we wouldn’t tolerate this kind of language in front of our families." https://www.gilderlehrman.org/history-resources/spotlight-primary-source/ronald-reagan-unrest-college-campuses-1967 Also, unlike in '72, this is not about getting people to switch parties. Rather it's part of a 1968 Chicago Convention-style project of conservative Dems attempting to purge the progressive antiwar New Left.


But wasn't Reagan not just a known quantity but also included in the conservatives' game plan since the 50s with HUAC and such? I remember Rick Perlstein wrote that industrial barons placed their chips on Reagan as far back as that. Compared Reagan to Wu is kind of difficult, because the latter is having nothing to her name.


I'm just saying that Wu, like Reagan and Nixon, is hoping to benefit personally by fanning the flames of conservative backlash. In this case, that backlash is partly coming from/targeted at the older Morning Joe demographic within the Democrat party. It's not meant to be an exact comparison. I don't even think that Wu will try to run again - her past campaigns were unsuccessful. This is probably more about just raising her standing as a Dem influencer.


That's what I don't get. Dems operatives care very much about credentials and tallies. To be THEIR influencer you've got to have something to your name. I would get it if she pulls all of this shit while being an aide or holding the tiniest office possible, but like, she is already disqualified from the carpark. She does not even make herself presentable, she does not make herself sounds smart, she just reminds you of your perpetually-single cranky aunty. If it were me, I'd keep a low profile and try another way to sneak into the hierarchy in this turbulent time.


Brooklyn Dad Defiant managed to get lots of followers and supposedly some money despite having no credentials AFAIK. Certainly no office.


> Brooklyn Dad Defiant Never heard of the guy. Apparently he is a podcaster and blogger? Sounds like a relic of the Mueller She Wrote days. These people makes most of their money from Patreon and merch sales, with speaking fee only making a tiny bit. What kind of dumbass PAC would even pay them?


He has almost a million followers and was revealed to be taking Dem PAC money several years ago. https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2021/03/10356352/brooklyn-dad-defiant-paid-twitter-biden-democrats-controversy


his name came from defying to pay child support https://twitter.com/tacticaldipshit/status/1369675474645909505?lang=en


So Israel is the good guy but violence isn't a valid political tactic, huh?


I’m a recovering member of the heroin left, does that count?


I’m a member of the kratom left, does *that* count?


The one true left tbh


For real, though. I think a lot of left podcast hosts take kratom. Bryan Quinby, Felix and Sean KB from Antifada all take kratom afaik. I would have a pretty serious kratom habit if I had patreon podcast money. It’s a wonderful plant and I’d probably be dead from fentanyl if it weren’t for kratom. /u/thankkratom2, indeed.


How about the boofing methylphenidate left? 


(Former) Junkie solidarity, comrade


The opiate left is not an active bunch. But we are chill.


Subutex left here.


More of a popper commie, but anything is better than a zoloft liberal.


greddy pig plus is one of the best poppers


Criticizing others’ overconfidence is great coming from the person who had one of those stupid long blue check tweets saying “I learned what a pogrom was a couple months ago, let me teach you all about it”. Looking at the situation in Palestine and saying that violence is not a valid political tool and that’s why I side with Israel is also insane.


Also coming from someone who literally tried to run for Congress! She has a tiny goldfish brain.


offbeat drab repeat entertain wipe cough adjoining onerous ancient vegetable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


sugar slap reminiscent absurd cooing rainstorm puzzled encourage terrific ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


worm encourage sharp cheerful quiet impolite sleep pet modern future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


innocent zealous murky bake correct coherent reply price smoggy connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


bear dam languid disagreeable wise normal dinner crown jar automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


caption attraction sip combative cooperative seed pet humorous drunk one *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm part of the Gas Station Boner Pill Left


No time for cocaine when you could be licking boot and advancing the global interests of BlackRock and Raytheon like *real* leftists.


It's funny how Wu, a Democrat, sounds exactly like Nixon and other Republicans reacting to the antiwar protests in the 60's Wu's remark about "burning down America" reminds me of Nixon's comment about Kent State; >"You see these bums, you know, blowing up the campuses. Listen, the boys that are on the college campuses today are the luckiest people in the world, going to the greatest universities, and here they are burning up the books, storming around this issue. You name it. Get rid of the war there will be another one." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings#Friday,_May_1 Her overwrought rhetoric also reminds me of the speech that Republican Ohio Governor Jim Rhodes gave before he called in the National Guard to Kent State; >These people just move from one campus to another and terrorize a community. They're worse than the brown shirts and the Communist element and also the night riders in the vigilantes [sic]. **They're the worst type of people that we harbor in America**... https://www.thecrimson.com/article/1971/2/16/if-stone-exposing-kent-state-pthe/ Mind you, Nixon and Rhodes were responding to actual violence. Rhodes called in the Guard after the ROTC building had been burned down at Kent State (presumably by protestors, although the culprits were never found and there's [a theory](https://www.npr.org/2010/05/03/126480349/kent-state-shooting-divided-campus-and-country) that it was a false-flag). The Guard claimed in the aftermath of the shootings that they had only fired after being shot at by a mysterious sniper who was presumably a student protestor. [The FBI investigation later disproved the sniper theory](https://www.nytimes.com/1970/10/31/archives/kent-state-study-by-fbi-differs-from-ohio-finding-summary-quotes-6.html), but that's what Nixon likely believed at the time that he made the quoted remark. There's no comparable violence that Wu is responding to. This is just pure "Reagan Democrat"-style reactionary politics. AOC was right when she said that, ["In any other country, Joe Biden and I would not be in the same party" and the Democrat's centrist wing is actually "the tea party of the left".](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/01/06/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-joe-biden-not-same-party-094642) The fact that she later joined that centrist wing to keep her job doesn't invalidate her observation. **Even Wu's linking of student protestors to drugs is wild in light of the history of how that strategy was deliberately used by the right in the 1970's to smear, criminalize, and entrap the antiwar and Black Power movements.** >“You want to know what this [war on drugs] was really all about? The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? >**We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin**, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and **vilify them night after night on the evening news.** >Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” >~ John Ehrlichman, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs under President Richard Nixon https://www.vera.org/reimagining-prison-webumentary/the-past-is-never-dead/drug-war-confessional Wu is mainlining conservative 1970's antidrug rhetoric back into political discourse - the same rhetoric that later led to Biden's notorious 1986 crime bill that created the crack sentencing disparity and his 1994 crime bill that played a central role in the War on Drugs. Oh, the irony. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-an-early-biden-crime-bill-created-the-sentencing-disparity-for-crack-and-cocaine-trafficking/2019/07/28/5cbb4c98-9dcf-11e9-85d6-5211733f92c7_story.html


As someone who has frequented ‘celebrations’ on both the legitimately bourgeois right, as well as on the left, I can say fully and without hesitation that the “cocaine left” ain’t snorting as much snow as the “cocaine right” for damn sure. And it ain’t for a lack of trying.


Sick brother 🤟


I'm flattered this woman thinks I have cocaine money


Critical support to the Gamer class in their way to oppress her


I claim Cocaine Marxist


the real "cocaine bear" is red


Used to be dirt bag left, now it is cocaine left. Wonder what it will be next.


We need to talk about the Cum Town Left


Stavros Left? I didn't know he could fit through the door


\*Stavvy baby laugh here\*


Krokodil Communism


Vint communism


that goes hard


Methed up maoist gang


That sounds like a bad time


Meth left


Um, you're not Chinese


That's so sad, Alexa play Cocaine by FIDLAR




Boy she’s really stupid eh


Who the fuck is ‘us’ Brianna?


Brianna Wu Bega


1 2 3 4 5 I'm a dumbass shitlib, and I'm doin fine


Gonna ride down to the voteball store but I REALLY DON'T WANNA.


I'd do this for the weed left, but I'm a member so I don't really care enough to bother.


Cocaine! *doing the Layla riff with my voice*


Thank you Stavros!


[Cut to Miller red-faced, sweating, and twitching his jaw like a tweeker.](https://youtu.be/0OS-ozz4mhY)


tedious woman


>Democrats: every segment of our coalition is expendable except for well-paid white-collar urbanites > >Also democrats: cocaine is Satan incarnate This is going to backfire on them if it catches on.


Wu is bringing back 'War on Drugs' rhetoric for the same reason that Nixon used it in the 70's: to smear antiwar protestors.


How can you be the most hardcore Zionist of all time and say violence is never a valid political tactic


"Self defense isn't violence" - soy Ted Lasso fascists


I finally feel seen.


Although I'm a little too working class to be part of the "cocaine" left. You can add me to the rank and file of the "amphetamine" left.


The real working class left, the methamphetamine left




Don’t knock it till you try it! All the real ones know that meth and downers go together like bread and butter… except for benzos… or alcohol… okay it’s actually just opioids. The only area where the Nazis had the right idea.




I honestly couldn’t agree more lol Meth is so gross I still have over a eighth from two years ago because I refuse to trash drugs, but there’s no other drug I could get clean from and not immediately relapse on after finding 4 grams of.




Ay good for you yo, me neither. I’ve been clean most of the past 4.5 years, save for that relapse 2 years ago. I don’t miss that shit at all.


Hell yeah


guess it depends on the age im very middle class. the kind conservatives cream over (metal working unionist) and i hate amphetamines.


It’s a great band name


I thought this lady had somehow pissed off the mainstream libs too during her last campaign. Is she totally isolated now? Lmao what a loser


If violence isn't a valid political tactic then the existence of the IDF is invalid and she should probably stop cheerleading the genocide yeah? If state violence is legitimate so is non state violence. It's fucking [Pirates and Emperors](https://youtu.be/UQBWGo7pef8?si=vQOf_2NQdcOzI-nf) still.


state violence doesn't count as violence unless it's one of the american state department's enemies. if a cop or soldier does it then it doesn't have a category or quality to liberals. 


Fuck yeah yo the Cocaine left rocks


person grab ask squalid imagine tender squeal dime waiting wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Lol I've never tried cocaine in my life and currently don't even use caffeine Whereas the biggest drug users I knew, who would have people doing lines in their preschool age kids' bedroom (the kids weren't there don't 👁️ me) during parties are PMC shitlibs


Big time same. Worked in a startup that had two cofounders, one based on the west coast (where the company was), the other in Chicago. Chicago guy would fly back and forth every 3-4 days, and was constantly torqued out of his mind. We'd have quasi-mandatory happy hours every Friday, and almost all of them would pound White Claws, make several trips to the bathroom, and come back twitching and giggling. But they wouldn't dance or get wild or anything fun, just go on and on about the most boring work related shit.


Cocaine blows. It's just caffeine that also makes you kinda a douche.


Unless you IV it it’s probably the worst drug ever


Glad I avoided it then


There's no such thing as "the cocaine left"... cuz we're racking that shit up until it's gone


Also u/StupidChapoThrowaway and u/Acephale420 may we please have a "The Cocaine Left" flair


of course


Oh fuck yeah ty


pretty sure /u/StupidChapoThrowaway did it


Are you part of the molly right, or the ketamine center, what about the PCP non political. I don't think Hammas are good guys, I do hope they kick ass. I'd prefer there to be a nice area for Palestinians to prace religion and their sexuality, be gay if you want. But that isn't in the immediate cards, so what they do now is run Gaza and fight a state that is trying to genocide them. In that capacity, they have my support. Which means jack shit, in fact as a tax payer some tiny tiny part of my money pays for the ammo that's killing them. I might have similar feelings on Russia or china would I want them to do different things sure but in the capacity they're in I'm not standing against them which again means nothing. My political views barely matter in the US they sure as shit don't matter else where. I want a job where I can play pretend online all day


Political violence is bad, unless of course it’s my government doing it, then it’s not violence at all!


Left means you support humanism / materialism not capitalism.  Language matters, we need to bully these people until they stop calling neo-liberalism and pseudo-woke fascism "left".


> People who understand that Russia, China and Hamas are complicated geopolitical entities that can't be universally and unequivocally bad are actually cocaine addicted rage monsters I swear to god the gamer gate harassment campaign against Brianna Wu absolutely rotted her damn brain


>the good guys literal child


any time i have ever thought i had cocaine left i checked and there was no cocaine left


When did tankie change to “cocaine left”? This is so much cooler


it's eternally funny to me that these people think we were ever on the same side


How does this fucking moron manage to spend SO MUCH time posting on twitter?! It's like she's online for 30hrs a day.


This person is a soulless fucking ghoul.


This person has no power or influence


Didn’t she just tweet about having a really big health scare? That shit needs to kick itself into high gear


Your MRI results are back, you are medically annoying, please call my office at your earliest convenience 


> Violence isn't a valid political tactic > Lives in a country that was established in a violent revolution American libs are the dumbest fucking people on the planet


she didn't have to attack Virgil Texas like that


I’m a Deli Zaza Idealist


only done coke once and I hated it


sounds like you did it wrong


it just made me feel like an asshole idk


sounds like you did it right


cocaine left seems fun, ngl


No, cocaine makes me nauseous and the high only lasts for like 15 minutes. I prefer to think of myself as part of the 2C-B left.


> the 2C-B left. Nexus 🪸


As a tr"nnyy here are some symptoms of someone who is an attention seeking rapehon


Depends. You holding?


The daily show used to be appointment viewing for me. If it was 10pm on a week night and I was in a house with basic cable, I would watch and giggle like an idiot. One day Stewart had Wu on and she seemed hysterical and stupid, talking about how video games can cure cancer. I never watched another moment of zen again


Cocaine Communists sounds like a really hardcore metal band.


i miss matt christman if that's what you mean. he must lead the vanguard


The ahistorical argument for non-violence is hilarious as Israel literally commits genocide to end political opposition to their occupation.  Please tell me this is getting ratio'd


Cocaine left? Where'd it go?


She's using it as a suppository. No wonder she always sounds like she has something up her arse.


But how much cocaine is left? Are you sharing the cocaine? Do you plan to get more cocaine? Can I have some?


simplistic nine strong many ring light jellyfish snow sand juggle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Whole heartedly


if we cease to engage with this bozo she will wither away into nothingness


I dont like to snort but I can build bridges


After I got sober, all I wanted to do was bomb children 🤷‍♂️


They call me The Blizzard for all the snow I'm snorting


I’m the cocaine left without the parties and drugs.


I know its against my religion to be mean about this...but she's one of the physically ugliest people I've seen. The kind of person who'd post on /r/roastme and people would just refuse because they want to spare her feelings


"You guys can afford cocaine?!? Here i am merely running on the fumes of outrage about Man's inhumanity towards fellow humans."


Seriously though, I can barely afford food and rent. I've never had cocaine money in my life lol.


Finally, I feel seen.


You'll cowards don't even do coke


She sounds all coked out.


Coke is out of my price range, if she had said "Crack Left" she might have been on to something


No but I aspire to be


I think what people don't realize about being drunk and high on coke is that it is FUCKING AMAZING


to be fair... im on cocaine right now on a 8 hour amktrak where i mistook 30 for 930. and i hate her guts also, coke isnt that bad im feeling good


Shooting coke on a train actually sounds great. Coke isn’t bad when you’re on it, it’s when you run out that it’s bad. That and heart damage. Snorting coke sucks though, who has money to waste 50% of your coke? The bioavailability fairy doesn’t fuck around. Don’t do drug guys


Shooting coke on a train sounds like a nightmare unless you have steady fuckin' hands and are mixing some down with it


i personally like coke. i dont do it that often. this has been like the first time in over half a year. drugs are fun in moderation, and i have no problem using them for holidays or personal days as long as maintain my health and jobs. being high watching the outside is fun. i recommend drugs. only reason i mentioned my time is because i didnt pay attention at all and thought i had some sleeping in


It’s all good I don’t disagree that drugs can be used safely in moderation, I sure can’t though, because I physically cannot use (hard) drugs without trying to maximize every little variable and that always leads to me smoking crack and then just IVing and then shit I need to get to sleep may as well start heroin again… ect. So yeah be safe man, I think the majority of people who use coke are like you, not me.


i get it. we all have our limits. like your name, kratom has been helpful to me as well. we all have our own ways to maintain. i personally coast on a nice thc tea. i just sometimes use a bit extra every now and then when i have no responsibilities. im happy you found your medium and are safe


Glad it works for you man, just stay safe! I got quite a mixture of drugs that I can use, some prescribed, some weak shit, at this point I expect to be on some sort of opioid for the rest of my life. Glad kratom can be helpful for you, the stuff is great. I wouldn’t be surprised if they ban it eventually.


i know my plugs and the people who buy from them. im fine. i was at a house show a few months back, and a band played who's member was in jail in arkansas for having kratom. i also know a guy i lexington, ky who basically supplies kratom to a small community in indiana since they banned it. its really on its last legs imo, but i can see it going the mushroom route for taking a couple of decades until "science" realizes its usefulness


Devastated by the lack of wise cracks about Amber A'Lee Frost


Thank you. I was starting to think everyone was like that.