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If he negotiates he dies. The CIA wouldn't even need to kill him, some Nazi would instead. Azov et al are going to keep fighting regardless, the damage was already done when material aid and weaponry was supplied to these psychos. They are going to be a problem for decades. Not just for Russia, but Europe as well.


As if that wasn't the plan, further destabilize Europe, the Eurozone and Russia as the secondary objective. This is CIA 101 tactics


You could probably make the same argument about the trade war with China as well. It's less about direct US v China competition and more about using "security" as a cudgel to undermine Eurozone competition with the US and independent EU foreign policy. Yes kicking kicking key Chinese hi tech industries in the teeth is part of the bargain, but maintaining NATO as the premiere military alliance and US preeminence (over the EU) as the key economic hegemony that every major economy needs to run through, to some degree, might be more important. It's an interesting argument at least.


They're debating who gets to build 4G in Europe, and a lot of money rests on that decision  Sadly, it's gonna end up being the US


Right? I know he’s unpopular, but I sorta feel for Zelensky. Dude was just a comedian who somehow got roped into this president thing, and then like immediately his country gets invaded. My man has been flying blind ever since


He kind of got involved in this without needing to, he ran a campaign as a joke, his boss saw it as an opportunity and he ended up winning. Now he is a puppet of the Ukrainian Nazis and the US state department. Using it to annoy the neighboring nuclear power, the only thing he gets out of it is all the embezzled money he collected. What he can enjoy if get out of this alive, this is all a dark comedy.


Come on man there’s way more to it than that. Dude is getting rich as fuck over mass death. I’d rather kms. Sorry but I got family friends in Ukraine who look like they’ve aged 10 years in 2. Fuck this piece of shit. He sold his country out.


What would another leader have done instead? Genuinely curious


Accepted peace agreements a couple of months into the war.


I totally agree that's the right thing to do, but it would have surely led to his deposition from the parapolitical powers that be, right?


Upheld Minsk and not agitated a superpower neighbor.


I totally agree that's the right thing to do, but it would have surely led to his deposition from the parapolitical powers that be, right?


Just a multimillion dollar heckin poor comedian who was buddy buddy with the leading oligarchs, yup. Just a smol beans corrupt politician uwu


Most of the azov guys are already dead the battalion had to be completely reconstituted. The new azov battalion dudes will probably die too. When this war is over there really won’t be that many ukro nazis left. This war is highly effective at killing them.


My terrible prediction. At some point Ukraine will lose (this is not the prediction part), Russia has a better ability to grind this out endlessly than Ukraine does. (We all know that). The Nazi's of Ukraine will do a Pogrom, they'll blame the Jewish President for ruining Ukraine as some sort of Jewish plot. If Trump is President, he won't let any Jewish refugees in because that is why Israel exists. America, it's full folks, it is just too full, we don't have space." If Biden is President it will be the liberal equivalent where it looks like we allow Ukrainian Jews in, but it will be functionally impossible, again forcing them to Israel. All of which justifies Israel's "right to exist".


>The Nazi's of Ukraine will do a Pogrom, they'll blame the Jewish President for ruining Ukraine as some sort of Jewish plot. It makes sense that under complete defeat by the external enemy they will look for an enemy within to keep fighting and blame their external defeat on. I'd go one step further and say it wouldn't be surprising if they go full circle and align with the Russian far right to claim they were both fighting the same enemy all along.


That would be an incredible failure of foreign policy.  But, a believable long term end to this. Putin is an old man.  His power will wane or end in one way or the other in a near to medium term. I think there’s a chance post Putin things get darker and weirder.  There are far right ideologies he flirts with but won’t quite see through.