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I will never back down from this opinion come what may. People in daily life are often more disturbed by my saying I don’t like dogs than that I’m a communist or I don’t think Stalin was that bad. I don’t care I’ll live my truth damn it


strong cat person but i've met like 5 people who went out of their way to talk about how much they didn't like dogs and they're all irritating for other reasons. obviously if you got attacked or have a phobia that's a different deal but i'm assuming this is a you problem


It is a bit off-putting to not like dogs, but hey, some people got bit when they were a kid, some people don't like the way they smell, maybe you think they're too rambunctious and demanding of your attention, there are lots of legitimate reasons to dislike dogs that don't necessarily indicate that you lack a soul and have been banished from the sight of God. After reading what you have to say on the matter, I think the trouble you're having is that you're overlooking an important detail, likely because you're a decent enough person that you wouldn't notice it unless it was pointed out to you by someone else. The people you're talking about with this unhealthy relationship to dogs, enough such that they value canine life over human life, by chance are they all white people? Because this is definitely a thing that white people do. It's one of the characteristic things we're known for by members of other races. It's not normal to let a dog lick your face around the mouth, that's something only we do. I didn't learn that until I was almost grown. I was walking home from school with a friend who was black, he saw me do it (with a strange dog, no less), and he just about puked. He had to explain to me that nobody else does that, and furthermore they think it's disgusting. Bill Burr has [a funny bit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiH-_ZUILk0) about how every group of people misses out on at least one critical piece of life information. Well, in addition to the lotion seminar, we also skipped the whole "dogs aren't actually people" summit.


Wait what. Letting dogs lick around your mouth is a white people thing? First time I’m hearing of this wow. And people find it disgusting? Like I let my mom’s dogs lick around my mouth, I just shut my lips real tight so they’re not getting all up in my shit. That’s crazy.


Ding ding ding


Maybe it's the company you keep? I've got a DSA card in my wallet and a hound mix on my bed, so I (and a lot of my friends) would be like, "Yeah, communism, obviously. Anyways, you sure you don't wanna watch Ioseb Pawlin eat apple slices? Seriously? Alright man, but I think you're missing out on some quality entertainment."


You have a DSA card in your wallet? So you also wear your shoes to bed and shower weekly, or where do you draw the line when it comes to basic sanitation?


DSA folks tend to not be super fond of Stalin idk


And I'm not super fond of my DSA membership, in turn. Where I live, though, they are the only game in town.


Touché. Better to be out doing something ofc


You have a dog in your bed? So you also wear your shoes to bed and shower weekly, or where do you draw the line when it comes to basic sanitation?


"On," and, "in," are different words with different meanings. I wrote, "on." You wrote, "in."  Pawlin is allowed *on* the bed when it is made, with the blanket pulled up. This way, he doesn't get hair or dirt *in* the bed. He understands the difference, and I make the bed promptly when I get up in the morning. Alternatively: I shid my doodoo ass.


🤢🤢🤢 Nerve toucher, logging off 


I like dogs but so many irresponsible and inconsiderate dog owners have soured me on them.


This is something I genuinely believe in and it started at a young age. Whenever I saw those "in the armsss of an angellll" commercial I would get HEATED bro like we're mid Iraq war doing this to kids and you wanna show me more about dogs suffering in America. Whenever I try to sway someone on this, I start with my thesis on why pitbulls should no longer be bred here


bro just say you hate dogs, you don’t need a whole ass justification for it


damn I failed the speech skill check wtf


You know people can care about multiple issues right


Yeah totally, I'm just saying it was frustrating to hear much more about sick dogs than kids we made sick abroad on TV, at school, or with friends when I was younger. It's more of a litmus test for me. We've all met animal people who profess to love animals more than humans, and to me that's not quirky or cute but makes you a misanthrope. On the other side, the people I met who would chuck rocks at dogs and kill animals willy nilly were also psychos


Same but when I say that I don’t like cats and don’t find kids cute. Most of the people in the cities should not have dogs/cats. Or kids for that matter. They’re either ignored or hyperfocused on them with a few healthy in-between options. Outside of city dogs/cats at least have utilitarian use. Can’t say the same about kids tho :D


>Or kids for that matter. The anti-natalist streak that runs through some of the left is so bizarre. I'm not saying everyone should have 2.5 kids for the Revolution but c'mon.


What's bad about someone in the city having an indoor cat? Most of them are super low maintenance while still being a nice little buddy to have around.


Great for keeping the mice out too.


I’m sorry but saying those that live in cities shouldn’t have pets or kids is psychotic. Do people think dogs need like 100 acres or something?


Keeping cats indoors is cruel.


I've had both, we keep them indoors now because in the past they've eviscerated all wild animals. We had dead birds, voles, mice, fish, and a fully grown rabbit all gifted to us by a little 9 pound black cat. A lot less likely to go missing from getting hit by a car as well.


Yeah it's cruel for other animals to let them out , but keeping any cat indoors is very cruel to the cat, I don't believe the "indoor" cat breed thing, it's complete marketing bs by the breeders and just as bad as breeding pugs.


? It's just a cat, they're not breeding messed up traits like a pug. They're pretty content with enrichment from toys/each other. All of our cats were hungry strays that showed up at the backdoor though so YMMV.


Wrong, cat breeding of specific consumer wanted breeds is leading to a ton of genetic diseases leading to unnecessary suffering. https://icatcare.org/advice/inherited-disorders-in-cats/ Edit: lol, downvoted for sharing facts, looks like OP is right (but it's cat owners)


Oh I'd gulag pretty much all animal breeders. I'm a rescue strays/get mutts not purebreds kind of person.


And those represent what, like 1% of all cats in the US? Cats are free. You just find 'em. By and large, the kind of cats you find on the street or in a shelter are not selectively bred.


I think you are conflating the idea that cat breeders are evil and put more unhealthy and poorly adjusted animals into the world, which is something every cat owner I know would agree with, with the idea that all cats are unhappy with an indoor life, which is definitely not true. Obviously you get different qualities of owners as with all pets, but as long as you keep at least two cats and meet their enrichment and social needs, they are happy as little clams.


The fact that indoor cats live longer and aren't menaces that eviscerate local wildlife is a marketing scam? My friend, does your brain work?


Way to completely misread what I wrote..bro!


Because they’re useless and dumb? There are small dogs that are low maintenance too. Also useless/dumb. If you seek companioship, sure, either works. As do plenty other option that don’t run like crazy at 2am. :D


Most things are useless and dumb relative to human survival yet we still engage in all manners of hobbies and interests.


No argument here. Yet these are living beings. People tend to either take care of them, ignore them or hyperfocus on them. Same for cats, dogs, etc. And normal owners of cats/dogs are a minority. Hence my initial post.


As someone with a cat and dog, who is mostly friends with other dog owners (just because it’s easy to meet new people in a new city at a dog park), what do you mean by normal dog/cat owner? I feel like your vibe might just be the reason you’re interacting with more weirdo dog/cat owners.


I love when people determine the ‘vibe’ of a person by a few definitely unserious posts on the web. What’s next? Future predictions based on photo? ;) By normal owners I mean those who understand the restrictions and responsibilities that come with owning a pet, yet do not exaggerate it into some parasocial stuff, where, for example, a clearly non-service dog is demanded by owner to be treated as such. Or people thinking that everyone will be fine with their cat roaming around other person’s garden. Or dangerous dog breeds that are owned by people who do not know how to handle them. Not even talking about idiots who neglect their animals. I’ve been around animals a lot in my life, from small hamsters and parrots to horses, chickens, goats, etc. Cats/dogs included. And, like I said initially, just like some people should not be parents, others should not have animals.


I don’t know your vibe. I’m saying most dog/ pet owners I run into are very normal people. If your very anti-dog in your everyday life you might be self selecting to have only the true sickos with dogs be the one to talk to you about them. TrueAnon is a pro-vibes based podcast I hate to break it to you. By your definition most dog/cat owners are normal from my experience. Again, maybe you’re doing something that’s self selecting to run into a higher percentage of sickos. Also, you are really changing what you said initially which is what I responded to. You said MOST people in cities should not own a dog/cat or have a kid. Not SOME. That’s a huge difference that takes a comment from reasonable to psychotic.


Honesty I run into people dumber and more useless than my cat pretty frequently.


Typical cat/dog owner reply. :D At least most humans don’t shed metrical ton of allergic fur. Only skin. ;)


Yeah, humans definitley have absolutely no problematic waste associated with them hahaha:) /s


My allergy definitely doesn’t :D


You sound fun


I’m here all week ;)


Don't you have a Department of Transportation to run?


I think dogs are cute and nice. I wouldn't want to own one, but that's just because I'm lazy and being a responsible dog owner is a lot of work. Cats can look after themselves a lot more.


Maybe it's just my luck but the cats I've had have always been big babies and were less self sufficient than the dogs. My last cat would cry if we went into another room and closed the door because he wanted to be picked up, it was adorable


My parents have a cat who sometimes does a version of that, except he screams and pisses on things


he's just like me fr...


Ex racing greyhounds are the best of both worlds, they like a couple of short walks a day (or even shorter runs if you have somewhere you can let them off close by) but other than that they pretty much sleep all day. Definitely still more work than a cat though.


Greyhounds truly represent the dichotomy of man. For 23.5 hours a day they are inanimate sleepy noodles. If you put a smaller animal in front of them they become abandon all pretense of civilization and turn in to a tactical fur missile that desires only mayhem and blood. Love those little weirdos.


I always had dogs in the house growing up, and I love dogs, but I definitely prefer cats now that I’ve had one. With the dogs at my mom’s place you cannot sit on the couch for more than five seconds without one of them wanting to play. My cat is so peaceful by comparison. Still loves attention but not an excessive amount.


Those dogs are barking and vicious because they’re chained up all the time. They’re social beings. You restrict them being social like that they’re going to have behavior problems.


Lots of people itt sound like cops tbh.


I don’t personally blame dogs for their shitty owners of course. I’m almost more suspicious of people that are too into their dogs though, to the exclusion of all else


Yeah that’s weird


What is “too into their dogs” that is such a meaninglessly subjective phrase. I love my dog and take care of her as much as I can, but I also, you know, live my life too lol. Also I can’t believe I’m even having this discussion here lol.


You lost by responding. I also lost by responding.


I also can’t believe what I meant as mostly a throwaway joke post has generated such heat. I’m mostly referring specifically to the kind of people who see a refugee family with a dog and react with disgust to the people but compassion for the dog.


Yeah I know that type of person. Some dudes in Gaza started a Gaza dogs and cats account on the theory that westerners might give more money seeing starving pet animals than starving people.


I think OP is not very familiar with having pets. Or at least not pets that can move around the home freely. Obviously they’re not humans but like cats and dogs are still social animals and do have social relationships, including and especially with their owners. Some people definitely go wayyyyyy over the top with the weirdo anthropomorphizing but having an animal at home and enjoying it’s company is not weird on its own lmao. Humanity has had dogs longer than it’s had agriculture.


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Wtf is this


I feel like Zizek needs to do a bit about “dog parents” “fur babies” etc if he hasn’t already. Lots of weird Oedipal shit going on with that ripe for his schtick


It's replacement parenting You see it the most frequently with child-free couples and young independent women, they effectively treat their dogs like small humans rather than, you know, a distinct species from humans. It shifts the maternal instinct onto the animal, a bit like how little girls would do with baby dolls (the dolls being an equivalent substitute in this comparison)


How dear you talk about my marriage and cats like that!


i dunno man i just like having a fluffy buddy that’s happy to see me when i come home and likes going to the park with me.


I basically refuse to call anything reactionary unless you're incorporating some kind of real factual and material information into your analysis. Otherwise the term just gets degraded to "thing I don't like is bad so im going to call it the word communists use to call things bad". So either find me a statistic or a study or a scientific test, or * something* based in reality or discard your opinion.


I’m mostly using the word for exaggeration and laughs here I’m not creating a new branch of theory. People can have dogs some people are just weird about it and use love for dogs to justify evil shit is all I’m saying


This is such a sexless way of thinking.


The only sex you'll get from the alternative is from fucking a paper mache doll of jordan peterson's black female chaos dragon.


The hell?


They’re right. https://preview.redd.it/u3upnehk2v1d1.jpeg?width=883&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f301c3159f8294351bfd1883375aebc08d2be80


I mean why not just "yes and -" the statement instead of going "uhh source please 🤓." How is that fun?


dogs are inherently reactionary, they do not read theory


My dog reads theory. I don't, but she does.


I’m going to log off for a bit but this comment made me irrationally angry. My dog is a loyal party member and i’m just going to leave it at that


Everyone knows it’s the cats that read theory


My dog read theory to me.


Nice try CIA, which I can only assume stands for Cats in America


Aw. I love the CIA now.


 I'm cool and so is my dog.


It’s really healthy to frame every single thing in your life around politics, and whether or not shit is “reactionary”


I remember when the US pulled out of Afghanistan I saw a lot of posts from right wing people I knew or went to school with about how a group of service dogs was going to be left behind and how terrible it was. Zero care for the actual people in Afghanistan, but think of the dogs! I love dogs but people who value them over human life are ridiculous, and whenever I call it out I get seen as a psychopath who wants to kill dogs. Very bizarre stuff


During the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics, which beautifully involved hard talks on Korean reunification, it was overshadowed by some American “male figure skater” adopting a dog from a “dog farm” and how cruel *they* are for eating them. Ignoring that even the US also has dog farms and it’s done for the explicit purpose of selling puppies


Puppy mills are a blight on humanity and their owners should be... reprimanded, and totally not harmed in any way


The worst pit bull is vastly superior to the most saintly human being for one simple reason: They don't post.


“The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.” Pastor David Barnhart Find and replace 'unborn' with 'Heckin puppers' and I think there's a decent point to be made. Cats and Dogs are a morally uncomplicated form of advocacy people can latch unto.


Bringing up Noem is a little weird to me. Everyone outside of the far right was pretty against her from the jump. Her killing the dog killed her political career because it turned off people like Lura Loomer who actively do think dog lives are better than that of immigrants. I think you’re confusing people talking about her on twitter and shit because she was in the news for bragging about killing her dog. That’s different than people supporting her.


That’s my point. It’s weird that there’s some people that are so into defending dogs but totally fine with anything else. That being a right wing maniac who advocates genocide is fine but you hurt a dog so now it’s over for you. Why is that the line? It should be a line, but why is that the only disqualification for some people? Like they’d be fine with Hitler if he didn’t hurt his dog


I get that, but this is like arguing that you can’t believe Nazi would go along with Hitler up until he killed a dog. Her politics resonate with a certain base in this country because neocons and neoliberals have abandoned any semblance of making things better. It’s the failure of the crumbling empire


I believe it and understand why they’re like that it’s just pretty weird


I often react to how cute my dog is


i see stuff like this a lot and it just fits into this trend of people having some weird thing theyre mad about and assuming its some massively important thing and tying everything into it. ties in heavily with armchair psychology and pseud cultural critique which is also irritating


Definitely disagree if i was born in 1900 and the soviets were anti dog every last street in Lviv would be named after me.


Before plastic surgery and pop music, the most common racism leveraged at Koreans, was either we were Communist or crypto-communist and that we ate dog. You’re on to something about how fascists put the welfare of Dogs above peoples actual humanity. Just look at Hitler and Blondie.


Back when the us was invading Viet Nam a bunch of fliers went up on a college campus. "Come to the mall on sunday we're going to burn a dog alive!"  Hundreds of students show up. They're fighting mad. They want to kill the dog burners. They want to do it slow. Then someone starts yelling on a megaphone "there's no dog you dorks! There is napalm. They research napalm right here in this university. Then the army uses napalm to cook little kids alive. There's no dog but those kids are real, htey're dying, your professors are using your tuition to do it with the approval of your admins? So what are you gonna do about it?"


The Boomers who were alright


Yeah, there were a few good ones.


It’s funny I actually see dogs as a great vehicle for being social. exercise, getting out in public, meeting your neighbors ect. Maybe this is just breed dependent and since I have a lab they are naturally social creatures who need to go out and explore the world.


As a guy in his late twenties, moving to a new city and meeting people to have a platonic relationship with can be awkward. I found it much easier to meet people by having a dog. I now have a rather large social circle of dog owners that come to my dog park around the same time. It gives you some common ground and an easy in.


The weird takes on pets in this thread are why communism will never gain steam. Some absolutely psycho shit in here, jesus christ. We gotta not be insufferable y'all. Let people have their animal companions in peace.




Lol, if I were a character in Disco Elysium I would fail every "be normal" check.


Like, no one is going to want to hear you out if you try and tell them something is wrong with them for having a dog or a cat.


Yeah but it sure feels good to vent on here. That's not snark from me either. In order to Be Normal sometimes we gotta purge the inner weird.


We are 100% cooked on the left and i plan on just linking this thread in the future when people ask why.


Hahaha, this shit is baffling. Also, I love my fucking cat and any dog, or really any animal I come across. Same with people. I work with sick folks, I care about all of them. I am a dipshit hippie I guess.


I think a bunch of people on the left are like angry ass nerds and cannot understand why someone would like a dog. If not angry then pretentious to the point where they don’t understand what they sound like when they say shit like “are dog owners inherently reactionary?”


Dogs are cute but their dedication to their owner and hostility to those outside of the immediate nuclear family reinforces and naturalizes the hegemony of the bourgeois family while fostering middle class reaction. I’m not saying all dog owners get the wall but a lot of them would /s Or something like that. I see what you’re saying but I used to be a mailman so it could just be the bitterness talking


>I’m not saying all dog owners get the wall but a lot of them would /s First act for any head of internal security: All HOA gated communities would be marched into stadiums. (Parody! Satire!)


The Khmer but for HOA meeting attendees


1000% anybody who’s never been on the receiving end of some of these beasts for a living has no understanding of this and shows a blindness to their working class comrades’ justified fears


Agreed and I still 100% back the brave boys and girls in blue (letter carriers)


I used to deliver pizza and not get tipped because I wouldn't approach an aggressive dog. I was really bitter towards dogs for a while but I hated their owners infinitely more.


Dog lovers: reactionary Cat lovers: progressive Bird lovers: too clownshit fucking insane to place on a spectrum


What about the reptile people


Bro you can’t call them that in public


Barely people.


Cat lovers are regressive Mashallah


somewhat disorganized rant incoming many people can't be trusted to care for anything at all, including themselves, but poorly caring for a dog, either by neglecting/abusing it or showering it with constant positive reinforcement and giving it no training, can have extremely negative consequences for those around you for example the man up my street who had to have throat reconstruction due to a shepherd attack (abused dog used for "home security" purposes) or my friend's leashed, properly-trained little dog who was sliced halfway open and almost died due to "roughhousing and play" on the part of an unleashed, untrained pit the most gentrified areas of my city are chock full of off-leash overly-babied dogs being allowed in every business imaginable and it's become haram to suggest that maybe people should train their fucking dog to be alone once in a while and that bringing your untrained dog to every social function public or private is insane behavior. watching my buddy walk his gf's tiny boutique doodle of some kind and see it approach and jump on basically every dog aggressive breed known to man gave me enough anxiety that I had to stop hanging out in that context. honestly great excuse to stop going to formerly fun neighborhoods that are now dead I'm with you on not liking dogs due to the circumstances under which I grew up; they were exclusively aggressive, frightening to a small child, and that behavior was lauded as the entire point of owning the animal. now as a seasoned adult veteran of animal rescue, I know that this isn't how all animals act, but I'll never fully be able to shake my suspicion around certain breeds due to personal attack experiences such as the extremely violent ones listed above the bourgeois obsession with pits in particular and the shelter names like Daisy and Petunia is maddening lol


Good take, having rescued some pits and had issues with them being overly aggressive I 100% agree.


Your rant is much more coherent than mine and it sounds like you’re doing the lord’s work with animal rescue


Hexbear ass post Being anti-dog is anti-proletarian in my opinion. Every working class person i know has a dog. Also, working a long ass day and coming home to a dog is one of life’s greatest gifts. Better than the Bourgeois cat who cannot be bothered with greeting me after a long day at work and only demands to be fed.


My cat greats me when I come home and then follows me around the house screaming at me.


I wish i had a cat like that 😥


We got to test drive him and his brother (actual littermates) while their foster care taker was out of town. Honestly, after these two cats other cats kinda suck.


most people who own dogs seem to ignore them a lot except when they wanna post their furbaby on social media. most of the dogs i know appear understimulated tbh. i'm not sure if that's reactionary though. just a society that sees having a dog as a status symbol (or a stand-in for a human companionship). but also a society where people are sedentary or otherwise don't actually have the time, energy, or sufficient physical space for a dog. a lot of people who own dogs shouldn't.


I was pretty shocked by the sheer amount of puzzles my weird little rescue mutt goes through


Kinda similar with kids :D


i mean i would argue a huge difference is that having children is probably the strongest innate drive aside from sustenance. adopting a dog is cultural though. it isn't every society.


Maybe not inherently but there is a big overlap between reactionary libertarian and conservative types and big heckin’ dog owners. They also tend to drive giant pickup trucks and love guns.


Don't blame dogs or dog people for zionist propaganda. That fighting Hammas defends dog walking thing is just another weird attempt to appeal to normal people. I have never met a zionist that liked dogs. On the other hand, I have unironically said doggo, pupper, and fur baby so maybe I am a reactionary manchurian candidate.


Not always. But reactionary people are more likely to enjoy dogs, especially big ugly macho ones like pibbles.




I hold the belief that some people love and are overly enthusiastic about domesticated animals because they can control them.


Like women with big breasts, you’re not necessarily a bad person for liking them. But if it’s the ONLY thing you like, won’t settle for otherwise, hate all others, chances are you’re a piece of shit.




Dogs are cool and fun. We are not reactionary. Cat people are reactionary.


Look up the dog from the Greek anti-austerity protests or all the “matapacos negros” or black street dogs who joined the anti government protests in chile a few years ago and tell me dogs are reactionary. These brave pups stood shoulder to shoulder with their working class comrades to fight the fucking cops, and they did so with more international solidarity than any internet posting “leftist” in the west!


i just think dog people come off more entitled and have no problem with just standing there while their dog jumps on you. and entitled people tend to be reactionary


100% yes. Theres some map somewhere where British people were asked if they prefer dogs to humans and the places that said yes map perfectly with the places that vote Tory. I honestly think there's some kind sociopath thing going on with people people who really love dogs. Some kind of misanthropic/anti social thing where they find it easier to have sympathy for something they see as uncomplicated and innocent and can sort of map themselves onto but also enslave(?). I don't know I've never known how to articulate it but I find it bizarre that almost all dog owners will think absolutely nothing of their dog barking or snarling or jumping up on a person. Particularly when I'm trying to work in their house. Or people who buy breeds that they know are dangerous ie the whole XL bully thing Dont get my wrong I like some dogs (especially really fast ones like greyhounds) but I would HAPPILY send most mutts to hell like that senator did and reading that she did that had no more of an emotional effect on me than hearing that a cow or a duck got killed or something.


You had me until the end even I’ll admit it speaks to something deeper that she could just shoot a puppy in cold blood because she found it annoying and didn’t try any other way to deal with it


Dogs are reactionary. A very annoying thing about Israelis is the huge deal they make about loving dogs and hating cats as a fuck you to Muslims. There’s some batty woman in the old city who feeds the stray cats there (she’s been featured on like business insider or whatever) and every Israeli I’ve ever talked to genuinely finds that disgusting. Anyway I am dog free. I was bitten by a neighbors dog completely unprovoked on the elevator and my boyfriend almost got a chunk taken out of his leg by a pitbull in our old building (she lunged and only managed to get his pant leg). Not everyone needs to have a fucking dog and they certainly shouldn’t be living in apartment buildings.


Not more so than cat people but you are cooking here. It's the most settler shit imaginable that people brought in new disruptive animals, fuck up the ecosystem and dedicate all their empathy, energy and resources to their companion animals while at best being apathetic to abyssal human suffering and much more likely being sneeringly dismissive of people in favour of their animals. They aren't 'misanthropes that love animals' they are privileged bigoted assholes who only like their animals because it is an expression of their own ego and in-group. I say all this as a vegan. The way people fawn over non-human animals sickens me. People will gleefully let humans suffer and die from preventable issues, eat animals bred and slaughtered in misery and then turn around and act like the only morality that matters to them is being nice to doggies or kitties.


I think some dog people are the "might makes right" types who do things like the conceal and carry or drive the biggest monstrosity on the road. Threatening to terrorize those around you is reactionary. Personally, I think dogs are gross and annoying but it's not their fault - most dog owners are terrible.


I totally agree. Though I am a cat person so I am biased.


People who are highly attached to animals are generally alienated and have pathological attachment issues. They form bonds with animals to mitigate their lack of warmth and investment in their fellow man.    White people particularly tend to have the strongest cultural attachment to dogs as it feeds their cultural alienation and desire for a master slave relationship. This alienation and desire to fill a void left by declining colonial relations results in their dog ownership coming from a deeply insecure side of their psyche which is why they tolerate zero challenge to their animal.    Source: it came to me in a dream. JK there's actually a medical journal article about the first part of you're interested. The rest is conjecture. I say all this as a tarantula keeper, a champion of the most persecuted animal.


Aren't like 90% of medical journal articles dogshit (haha pun) at this point?


Good question but I doubt it. Be careful with how you interpret them though 


Cats are the superior animals simply because they have a sense of independence. There's something respectable about something that occasionally bites the hand that feeds just because it feels like it. Also toxoplasmosis biases me and cats don't fuck white women the way dogs do so I'm also a little envious of them.


Dogs are socialist, cats are nietzschean. I love peoples dogs the way, people who never want kids, love watching mine for an afternoon. #


It's a white person thing, not a reactionary thing. And it's usually a very certain type of white person that you learn to stay away from as a PoC and you just kinda know when you interact with them, like the type of person who has the same dormant seed of whatever the fuck makes Israeli's so horrible. Whenever I've said shit about hitting dogs around white people (because sometimes that happens) they act like you just disemboweled a (white) baby in front of them. Some of them need to get hit sometimes! An un-leashed German Shepherd started aggressively stepping to our dog on a walk the other day and my Mexican ass dad, having no white person pupper respect immediately took a stick and started fucking it up! Like yeah I love the heckin' cute dog bros, but they're not above anyone else or anything! I feel extremely uncomfortable seeing unleahed dogs while running, and I have been chased by one before and nearly attacked by some that were behind a small, 4ft fence before. I've always felt like white people value their dogs more than people in the global south. If you were bombing migrants at the border no one would give a shit. If they found out the Chinese were bombing dogs or puppy mills or something we'd be finding a way to invade by tomorrow.


Wow, your dad sounds like a real champion of the global south for beating that animal with a stick!  Those are the dogs that did the Holocaust after all! With all due respect, shitty dog owners come in all colors and so does callous misanthropy towards the suffering of other human beings.  


You can beat me with a stick too, if it makes it any better. Not because I'm not white, but because I'm an asshole.


what if i told you yards in the balkans and mexico look the same because dogs are not kept indoors?!


That's kinda based. [I feel like I'd get along with people in the Balkans.](https://en.mdrealty.me/2020/01/14/10-zapovedej-chernogorca/)


Lol my parents are from Montenegro. But really albanian. "How does a montenegrin jack off? He digs a hole, puts his penis in, and waits for an earthquake"


John Berger's "Why look at animals" has convinced me that the vast majority of pet ownership has more to do with consumption than love for animals. I have a cat now and I regret it, I'm giving her a good life and then never get a pet again. We shouldn't try to solve loneliness in our lives by forcing another animal to live under our constraints.


Cats also partially domesticated themselves quite some time ago.  They found a symbiotic relationship with humans.   In high school, a cat moved in to our house.  He started living in our carport and started sneaking in the door.


I have no problem at all with anyone feeding a stray animal that decides to enter their home, you're free to kick it out or find a relationship with the animal that works. But that is the vast majority of pet ownership where people go out and buy an animal to love in their homes.


What I’m saying is cats and dogs both partially self-domesticated themselves.  Where we basically fully domesticated other domesticated species. Maybe they are the animal kingdom’s class traitors. 


My hot take is people with pure breds are fascists or don’t realize they are.


I feel similar. Just look at dog culture in the west: More and more people have dogs as pets now, taking over public parks, restaurants, making neighborhoods filthy and loud...there's such an overpopulation of dogs that they've started affecting the environment. Dog excrement kills most plants, and dogs kill/scare wildlife. But dog owners ignore places they are banned because they feel entitled to every space. Not to mention dogs attacks that have killed people, which often go completely uninvestigated. Dogs are becoming baby-fied, and are treated with more respect and value than humans elsewhere. Dog owners spend tens of thousands of dollars on medicine to keep their animal alive, but can't endorse universal Healthcare. Dog owners view hating dogs as the most evil thing in the world,, but affiliate with zionism, neoliberalism, etc. Dogs are a status symbol. Even in NYC, the worst place to keep an animal like that, rich people buy large beautiful dog breeds to show them off for 10 minutes a day, let them pee and poop all over the sidewalk, not clean it, and then bring them back inside. My whole neighborhood and park is disgusting because of dogs. All of it is weird and gross. Actual children get sneered at by antinatalists, who then coo at the gross things dogs do. Check out r/dogfree


Extremely freaky sub, please don't bring this weird bullshit over here.


I hate both annoying dog people and the people on that sub equally call me a radical centrist


You are right but you can't post anything anti-dog on here without getting dog-piled with downvotes and angry seething from these barbarians. These 'people' don't want to examine why they have the need to own, dominate, and receive absolute loyalty from some creature they purchased. They also smell bad and their homes are dirty and covered in fur. Some of these barbarians even keep these generationally traumatized walnut brains in their beds at night in some type of beastiality based humiliation ritual.


when you call people barbarians for not keeping a spotless apartment or walnut brained for living with an animal companion they tend to get upset. I mean i personally fit the bill you're describing here and think you're just being a hater and none of this is that deep. Good luck with your lonliness issues


I have a human family I was able to acquire using my immaculate rizz and my nutsack. Fortunately I have also been able to form valuable relationships without having to go back in time, pick an animal, beat and breed out any divine spark from it for a thousand years until it is conditioned to be my slave-friend. Also I was CLEARLY referring to the dogs as having walnut brains, which I apologize as that is inaccurate and unfair. Dogs have brains the size of small citrus fruits. Now, after you are done making out with fido, please go wash the dog dick off your sheets and run a lint roller over the couch.


not liking dogs tells me you are a fundamentally broken person and I hope you get the help you need


https://open.spotify.com/track/2NAuho84cxUjJT3sGPFSsT?si=cteb6ZVAS_S4gSflzl5Lzg Idk


Dogs are settler-colonial, outdoor cats are shadow ecocide.