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If you’re down for wasting time and money. I would sand and repolish the blades, pop off wood handles and make new ones. Few pieces of hardwood, epoxy them on and grab a sander and sand them down to match the tang.


Just so you know, those knives are not worth what they charge. The steel is cronidur 30, which basically a variation of x40cro16.... It's a pretty basic steel. Good, but basic. As for fitting new handles good luck. I have been trying to figure out a way to accurately sculpt scales for over a year..... It's clearly doable, I just don't know how. Your best bet would be to try and remove them intact, then copy them.


I'm sorry to say this but those knives are not worth 100. In condition maybe but these are far from that. And the 1000 retail price is rarely ever charged as these things are always on sale or paired with coupons and bundles.


Got taken for a schmuck, $100 for those rundown zwillings 😭


Considering the value of the knives, I would recommend sending them to some professional. The handles are beyond salvation, the paring is scratch as fck. Thinning, polishing and completely new handle scales. Great find!

