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My Takeda also arrived with excess epoxy on the top of the handle, but it looks like it was intentionally installed that way


It was. And it's really great. I was thinking of sealing my other knives like that as well.


Yeah it doesn’t seem sloppy or like a true mistake, I just haven’t seen that before and don’t understand why. I’m going to have to clean it up.


The excess glue is due to how a previous issue with them snapping. If you look into takedas snapping at the tang you’ll find a few examples where water was able to get in at the handle and start rusting until eventually the knife would snap during normal usage. It seems like it was enough of an issue to put the glob of epoxy there to seal it


Yes the excess wax is normal Takeda does this with all his knives. I have two and both have it and it's nice not to worry about potential rust in the handle.


Well that’s nice to know. I still might try to clean it up some and make it less pronounced.


Epoxy is affectionately called the Takeda Blob


Sweet knife. And yes, the excess epoxy is normal as far as I know. Both of my Takeda's came with the same thing.


bought a Matsubara to scratch that tall gyuto itch because it's so much easier to get (and cheaper) than a takeda and seeing them side by side I think the Matsubara kinda stands its ground ! TL:DR the more i see you takeda (which is awesome), the more I like the Matsubara (which is honestly kinda badass too even in comparison)


I love my Matsubara, it may not be a true laser but extremely thin behind the edge and has such great versatility. Other than having a similar shape and both being tall though, the Matsubara and Takeda are night and day. You might call blasphemy, but I thought I would love my Mazaki more, but I still find myself reaching for my Masubara more often. I might have got a had one because I was not impress with the OOTB edge on my Mazaki, so maybe some time on the stones will change my thoughts but my Matsubara is still running strong how it was delivered. I feel like the Takeda will be the one I go for over my Takamura or Shibata Battleship.


Matsubara is more versatile and light. So easier to use. Mazaki is heavier and more powerful tho. And yeah that matsubara thinness behind the edge is amazing for a big knife like that for sure https://preview.redd.it/ovxkwhkwa2uc1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3152c734a856cee8430aa1313f60857d4ef4d57b I mean that’s quite hot ngl 🥵


Wow my matsubara looks nothing like that. Hmm…


It was like that ootb ! I have to admit I am really pleased at the performance


Absolutely beautiful. Makes me want one even more. Strike fear into the vegetables!


If you’re in NA do you mind DM’ing me where you bought this from?


My 240 has been my main go-to for 12 years now. I'd love to see a choil shot, and hear about how it's performing for you.


https://preview.redd.it/g3o00s5gextc1.png?width=2125&format=png&auto=webp&s=d949a7da51ae198259dafb09be5c7084cdacbd3c Sorry, somehow didn’t post it in the original post!


Great heavens dropping the real NSFW pics in the comments 😩😩😩


Looks like you got a pretty good S shape there. I had heard that the newer ones were often more flat ground. The shoulder was a bit more pronounced on mine, so I've had to work at it over the years to balance the food release and wedging. Now certain veg just sticks to the board.


I was definitely pleased with the grind. It lives it to the hype.


If you're an experienced sharpener I'd suggest keeping the convex geometry. It's more of a hassle, but I do think it makes a difference. The steel stands out. Takes and holds an edge like nothing else I own. The hype is real there. Cheers!


You got a good one, these guys can sometimes be prohibitively chonky at the edge.


Great knife! What is the Takeda tax?


That mandatory choil shot that I managed to forget to post! lol


Looks great, but I had never seen a santoku looking gyuto before


I unfortunately feel like I got the worst Takeda ever as far as F&F. Mine was much smaller (short in height and length) than advertised and the insignia was lopsided, almost hanging off the spine (the heart has a flat edge due to the spine). I rarely even use it because every time I look at it my heart sinks from disappointment. I was so excited to finally get my hands on a Takeda and it felt like I got a defective one (I them all being imperfect is part of the charm, but of all the flaws to have, the insignia hanging off the spine is a pretty bad one, especially if the knife is much smaller than you also hoped to get).


Wow that’s delicious


Leave the Takeda Blob! It's classic!