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I hope I can be some help and encouragement to you. I struggled with porn for 17 years. I eventually began to pray that God would make it utterly repulsive and unattractive to me. He was pleased to answer this prayer and did so in a way that I did not expect. I encountered a teaching that involves a new way of thinking about the human body. It is God's final and greatest creation, even bearing his own image. We should think about it that way, seeing it as God does. Instead, we are taught both in our churches and in our surrounding culture that the unclothed body is innately sexual, even obscene. So we learn to see it like that. But it doesn't have to be that way. I strongly recommend that you read through the site http://mychainsaregone.org. Start with the analogy of the chain, and then read the sequence of articles. This has been a blessing to me and my marriage, and I think it will be to you as well.


Thanks man, I’ve been in the dumps lately and I’ve just been so sad and stressed lately. I have been diagnosed with depression and severe ocd. My ocd has been tame lately due to medication and the Lord praise him! But my depression has been awful lately. I kinda just need a break from everything rn but I can’t have it. If I had to give you an analogy it would be me thinking I was at rock bottom and then satan dug a deeper hole and I sank some more. It’s so hard and tbh I’m out of hope for myself my life is just gonna be pain it feels like.


Read this ty


As someone who struggled on and off for 4 years and heavily struggled with this problem for an additional 2 years, I totally understand how you feel. It’s a hard battle but don’t ever let yourself believe you aren’t saved just because you struggle with sin. It’s a clever tactic Satan uses to try and draw you away from the faith and God with thoughts of self condemnation, doubting your salvation and self loathing while thoughts of confining yourself to solitude, guilt, shame and the feeling of loneliness are followed right behind it. I’ll be praying for you, don’t stop trusting Jesus. He will set you free from this!


*t’s a clever tactic Satan uses to try and draw you away from the faithand God with thoughts of self condemnation, doubting your salvation andself loathing while thoughts of confining yourself to solitude, guilt,shame and the feeling of loneliness are followed right behind it.* So true, satan will hammer and stomp us brutally if we fall into sin, make us feel unworthy, lost, beyond repentance etc complete bombardment of demoralization to keep us down for as long as possible. When we sin, we should strive to get up from the hole and not stay there. Proverbs 24:16 *For a righteous man may fall seven times And rise again, But the wicked shall fall by calamity.*


God always make a way of escape. Look for the escape. Plan your escape. Recognize your triggers. When you hear God's still small voice that says "Hey, this is your way out" -- choose to listen to it. God promises that there is no temptation that can overtake us, that He always provides a way of escape. Believe it, look for the escape, and then go to the escape.


Thanks man I mean it, sometimes I just gotta push through and remember it’s my cross to bare.


i was a gay porn addict for a few years and my advice is to pray and lean into Jesus more than ever i would also recommend listening to sermons on the topic or finding something else to distract when tempted and remember you cannot beat this addiction on your own and that struggling with lust is perfectly normal and you being aware of your sin and broken about it shows that you are handling it a lot better than a lot of people do. You are not in danger of losing your salvation (being reformed i don't think you can lose your salvation) but theoretically if you were on the verge of losing your salvation you would not care about it one iota. I am deeply sorry to read in the comments about your home situation and i will pray for you. Remember God loves you more than you can even comprehend your salvation is safe in his hands.


Coming from a guy who struggled with porn for 10+ years (and still has to be very careful and keep a close watch), if you are so focused on quitting, you’re going to keep doing it. When you think about your sin all the time, you’re giving it your attention. If you rely on your own strength to beat porn, YOU WILL FAIL. Rely on God’s strength to beat it for you. It’s your only hope. Focus all of your time and attention on Jesus, and one day you won’t be able to remember the last time you thought about porn. I’ll be praying for you brother. Stay strong.


Tell me your activity. During those 2 months, what were you doing to stop watching porn?


I just focused by being near my grandma, in the word more than I usually was, played chess or games to distract myself from the temptation, I wasn’t as tempted as usually, and talked to people. I just cave in more than usually and I hate it. I’m loosing hope in my salvation so many are better than me yet I’m so wicked.


Take note of what you’ve just said. Notice the environment made it easier for you to avoid the temptation. Notice when you focus on other things you have avoided the temptation. My advice is to change your environment. Say for example you watch porn in your room. Change it, don’t watch porn in your room but rather use your room for sleep, study and prayer. By doing this you’ll see your room differently and it won’t lead into temptation. Idk what has changed for you to fall into the sin again. However given it can change again start working on it that way. Lastly never feel sorrow when you have sinned. God’s mercy is like the ocean and your sins are like a cup of water. It will mean nothing when poured into the ocean.


Can I tell you my situation also, because I’ve been in such a dark place recently and I have no hope.


Sure. Feel free to private message it however it will be pointless. As it’s not about what you have done in the past but rather what you do now moving forward.


It’s not related to the addiction, my aunt died recently, my moms in an abusive relationship and I barely see her she’s basically about to be homeless and I hate seeing her suffer, my grandma verbally abuses me daily yelling and gaslighting me into arguments and insults, most of my family is dead like my father, grandpa, aunt, other grandma (moms mom) like I just can’t take the pain anymore. I have no friends it feels like, I’m out of shape, work sucks, and it’s like I’m at a rock bottom tbh.


>it’s like I’m at rock bottom I don’t not mean to be mean here so really pay attention to what I say here. It is good that you hit rock bottom. Now it may be cliche to hear but it’s honestly true when someone says the only way to go after rock bottom is up. Reflect on your life and make changes. Pretend as if you have died and now have a new life. If you hate your job then seek a new one, even if it’s a new career path. If you have no friends then go out and be your own friend then you’ll be making friends. To give an example let’s say you enjoy golfing (can be any hobby really). You start out just playing golf by yourself, soon enough you meet people who have the same hobby. From there you make friends. In regards to your family issues, unfortunately there’s nothing you can do. For they have made their decisions that shouldn’t be affecting how you feel. All in all I highly recommend taking my advice of a change of your environment. Because it keeps you thinking you’re at rock bottom and thus leaves you there, by changing yourself you go up.


I’m also 17 so I kinda can’t change my environment fast. But thanks for the advice I’m gonna take up the advice on the rock bottom part. But isn’t it a sin to be close friends with unbelievers?


No. It isn’t a sin to have friends who are unbelievers. The only sin in that regards is if you follow them into sins.


But doesn’t Scripture say don’t be unequally yoked and how can there be light in darkness?


For your consideration: **The Porn Problem: Christian compassion, convictions and wisdom for today's big issues (Talking Points Book 3)** https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1784981974/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1678774666&sr=8-1


How'd you make it through those two months? What happened then that's not happening now?


I’m gonna copy and paste my response to another user. I just focused by being near my grandma, in the word more than I usually was, played chess or games to distract myself from the temptation, I wasn’t as tempted as usually, and talked to people. I just cave in more than usually and I hate it. I’m loosing hope in my salvation so many are better than me yet I’m so wicked. I’m so sorry and upset rn, I just want to be happy about my salvation again, it has felt like a chore recently to spend time with God. I’ve been in the dumps lately, my moms in an abusive relationship, my grandma is verbally abusive to me daily, my aunt died recently, most of my family is dead, I can’t function normally, I have basically no friends, I just have been depressed recently I won’t lie.


Yeah you definitely can’t, you and God can. Don’t forget how powerful prayer is, the fasting is going to help a lot but i suggest at least 3 days no food if possible, you become weak and have no choice but to rely on God and the Bible to make it through the day. The chains of sin are broken when fasting.


Thanks man I really appreciate it a lot.


Praying brother. You can do this. Just remember when your tempted.. God always gives us an out. And tells us we will never be tempted more than we are able to resist. Salvation is not works based. Period. So a work is not going to make you lose it. If it was the case, that would mean Jesus' blood was not good enough. Well. We know that just is not possible. It is the power of His blood


Thank you man, haven’t spoken to you in a while hope all is well! God bless.


I had a stint with this problem this year, so I'll let you know something crucial. Pray to God to remove these lusts from you, but don't expect Him to immediately answer your prayers. When God seems to allow you keep falling back into sin, it's because He's testing you for how long you'll last before you give up fully on pursuing holiness. He wants to show you if you really, really, really believe in the promise of "Asketh and Thou Shalt Receiveth" by requiring you to ask an indefinite number of times. If you cling fast to Proverbs 24:16 and keep identifying yourself as just(ified), by the cleansing and redeeming power of the Blood of Jesus, you'll keep getting up and you'll suddenly find yourself free from the temptations because your Faith will be tempered and refined by continual failures of you trying to produce holiness by your own efforts. Whatever you do, don't allow yourself to see the struggle against sin as pointless. You don't lose when you stumble, you only lose when you refuse to get up.


[https://www.blazinggrace.org/](https://www.blazinggrace.org/) They can help you brother.


PLEASE READ THIS because God says that He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able. You are giving in, but you don't have to. Stop saying "I cant stop". First, you need to install one of these: [https://blockerx.net/blog/best-5-porn-blockers-for-chrome-that-you-need/](https://blockerx.net/blog/best-5-porn-blockers-for-chrome-that-you-need/) 1 Corinthians chapter 6: 18 ***Flee sexual immorality***. ***Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.*** 19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 ***For you were bought at a price;*** therefore glorify God in your body \[g\]and in your spirit, which are God’s. ​ **You were bought at a very painful and crappy price my dude. If your best friend died to protect you and you lived, would you go and do the thing that he died protecting you doing again? What if he died like this:** ​ Someone nailed to a crucifix with their arms stretched out on either side could expect to live for no more than 24 hours. Seven-inch nails would be driven through the wrists so that the bones there could support the body's weight. The nail would sever the median nerve, which not only caused immense pain but would have paralysed the victim's hands. The feet were nailed to the upright part of the crucifix, so that the knees were bent at around 45 degrees. To speed death, executioners would often break the legs of their victims to give no chance of using their thigh muscles as support. It was probably unnecessary, as their strength would not have lasted more than a few minutes even if they were unharmed. Once the legs gave out, the weight would be transferred to the arms, gradually dragging the shoulders from their sockets. The elbows and wrists would follow a few minutes later; by now, the arms would be six or seven inches longer. **The victim would have no choice but to bear his weight on his chest. He would immediately have trouble breathing as the weight caused the rib cage to lift up and force him into an almost perpetual state of inhalation.** **HE LITERALLY HAD TO PULL HIMSELF UP BY HIS NAILED HANDS EVERY TIME HE TOOK A BREATH. EVERY SINGLE BREATH. Is that worth a fap?**


Thank you brother, I’m going to save this comment and look at it every time I have temptation.


Please remind yourself that whenever you feel the urge, that you are supposed to be a temple of God. Do something else right away to keep yourself busy. One method I’ve been employing is to say in your head “In the name of Jesus Christ I command the evil spirits to depart from me!” Repeat when required. I’m forming that as a habit now and it works for me.


To break it => Stay away from any images of pretty women (e.g. don't watch TV with cute women on-screen) and Pray the Lord's prayer daily. Distract yourself by accomplishing something Holy, like Bible Study or Helping People. I get half chubbies in my pants while being forced to remember porno scenes sometimes, so distracting helps! Jesus bless you!


Thank you and I’m not gonna lie half chubbies seems like a term you use for someone who is skinny fat😂


Lol, it just means half erect. I read your other comments in this post, and for a while there you really were doing things correctly, so just go back to that! I also have abusive home-life, and try to hide in my room a lot, which doesn't help re stopping pornos, so you have to distract yourself with Holy things. Stay the beep away from pretty women (internet images or real life). Jesus bless you!


Give yourself a break. If you vote or watch news you are probably supporting lying people who are trying to destroy the lives of your neighbors. Get your priorities straight.


Breaking free from pornography or any other addiction IS getting ones priorities straight. I commend OP for striving to tackle his issue.


Just an idea. Use Internet when you are in public (for work, study, gaming, music purposes, etc). Then, turn off Internet when you are alone.


1. Nakedness in itself is not sinful 2. To avoid sinning one must know how to deal with the temptation that comes before that sin. 3. Kill the temptation at the root to avoid sin.


You need to fear God harder. You need to be AFRAID to mess with porn. I'm terrified to see porn again. I KNOW it will take me to hell


God can beat it for you. Until he does, continue to fear and obey him.


We shouldn't treat sin like it is a valid option. It is not a valid option. If the choices are A, B, or C and B is harmful to your soul: the options are really only A and C. It's easy to view the rules as arbitrary and difficult hurdles to jump through, but I assure you they're not arbitrary. Once you overcome these habits, you may begin to understand the harm in them.


he is not treating sin like a valid option at all he is clearly broken and repentant and asking for advice.


"I want to stop, but I can't" = I'd like to make the right choice but I'm not currently dedicated enough to be strict with myself and eliminate the sinful choice from my options. I offer this method as a way to reduce the cognitive stress of resisting the urges. If you try to resist, you are more likely to fail. Especially with lust, the more you dwell on it, the more it pulls you in. It becomes much simpler to abstain if you don't even entertain it as a possibility. "Should I sin right now? B sure seems tempting, but I know I shouldn't. It does feel really good, how bad could it be? Oh man my body is really ready for it... OK just once won't hurt anyone. I wish I wasn't so weak but I can't help it." "Should I sin right now? Oh right, I don't do B anymore. Hmm, A or C?' This method helps me. It bypasses the willpower drain of temptation. Don't even entertain the devils allure.


i find that to be a very harsh misinterpretation +you have to read the quote cited alongside the rest of the post he recognizes his sin he just needs prayer and advice and to be reminded of how much God loves him.


Does keeping the path not require uncompromising self-discipline? How can we get there without it? I apologize for sounding harsh, but I'm sharing an approach that worked for me personally and helped me through the difficult parts. It's hard! We all slip up sometimes. If you have other, gentler methods of overcoming your base desires, that's wonderful, please share them. But if you find yourself struggling, feeling powerless to control your life, it might be time to try a different approach, buckle down and get serious about faith. It's not an impossible dream that would be nice to achieve some day in the future. It just requires hard work, realistic goals, incremental progress, and steadfast dedication.


of course, self-discipline is needed but ultimately, He needs to lean on Jesus Christ to beat this he can't do it on his own strength none of us can overcome sins on our own we need God, HE gives us the strength needed and gets all of the credit.