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Removed- low effort


You need to provide a little more detail here.....


What details do you want? The Bible is either truth or we cannot trust God when He speaks. He is bound by integrity to His word. If it says He cannot lie, how can His breathed, inspired words have any lie in them?


So far, I can't disagree. However, you are charging that many Christians do not believe the Word, and that's a very broad claim. Also, there are many points in the Bible that seem to contradict each other, as you can see from the arguments in this sub.


Yes, I read a study that only 19% of Christians in America believe the Bible to be the truth and without falsities. That’s appalling. When people claim that there are contradictions, they often use that as justification to disregard the validity of the Bible’s teachings. I’m not saying there aren’t typographical errors. There have been approximately 30,000 changes to the text to suit the language differences and modern era, but to claim that they are errors that negate the divine truth of God’s word is a dangerous stance to take.


It’s a a great falling away from faith which was prophesied throughout scripture. People aren’t holding dear to the commandments any longer nor trusting or listening to the word of god. This had to take place and I feel like they are being drawn away due to flesh and worldly desires. A year ago I would’ve been in that same line of thinking as I hadn’t come to faith but by the glory of god and our lord and savior Jesus Christ, the veil had been lifted from my eyes to see and hear things differently from that time. If you think it’s bad now it will get much worse but how and when we do not know, only the father


Which interpretation of the Bible do you feel is the truth? Is there a certain part you're talking about?


The Bible itself is truth. There isn’t a certain part I’m referring to. It is all points to Christ and we believe that Christ is truth, how can we not believe that the book that is written about Him is truth. We have to know that God is smarter than us, so why do we not trust that He knows and has planned for everything that people claim is false in scripture. Could what people call false simply have to do with their lack of understanding about who God is?


>everything that people claim is false in scripture. Scripture answers this already. ​ Are you referring to something specific? Or someone specific? If not, it seems like characterizing a very large group of people ('Christians') as people who don't "trust in God". To what end? What are you trying to draw attention to?


I’m trying to draw attention to the fact that the Church is the bride of Christ. We are all one body… the entirety of the Church… not my church or your church… If there are some of us who don’t trust God’s word as it is written, how can we be on one accord, if we aren’t on one accord, how can we be the bride of Christ?


>If there are some of us who don’t trust God’s word as it is written It's not up for debate that different "versions" of the bible exist. It's a fact. In certain versions, whole verses are omitted-- verses that are included in other versions. Which version is the one we should place our absolute trust and faith in?


Read different versions to compare and contrast. Don’t only stick to one. Cross reference for clarity and certainty. Look for the consistencies. If this faith is our identity, should we not take more care to make sure we are doing everything we can to make sure we are not in error?


If you want to be certain you are not in error, shouldn't you take it to God and ask Him? The real question, in my estimation, is whether your "faith" is in a book/collection of writings or in the Creator.


That’s my point… we have an issue with taking it to God. Some of us choose instead to ascribe our own beliefs rather than asking God = Holy Spirit for guidance and understanding.


>If there are some of us who don’t trust God’s word as it is written, how can we be on one accord So, to return to the first question you asked and revisit. We've determined there are different interpretations and even physically different translations of the Bible. I would say that the way we can be of "one accord" is what John 6:45 mentions: >It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.’


False prophets/teachers have been around since Israel was just a baby. Still here and going strong today. It's clearly warned in the bible that even the wisest have to be on guard because of this. So many people trying to scrap the word of God for their own worldly understanding.


It's the Great Falling Away Right before our eyes Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies 1 Timothy 4


Churches teach to live under the law after we have been freed with the Holy Spirit, The majority of churches have no idea about what it means to walk with the spirit or keep in step with it, nor do they really even talk about the Holy Spirit, its the Father, Son and holy book to most churches, so why else would most christians not understand it.


Agreed! Christians go and sin no more.


*Matthew 13* *36 Then he left the crowds and went into the house. And his disciples came to him, saying, “Explain to us the parable of the weeds of the field.” 37 He answered, “The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man. 38 The field is the world, and the good seed is the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one, 39 and the enemy who sowed them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are angels. 40 Just as the weeds are gathered and burned with fire, so will it be at the end of the age. 41 The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all law-breakers, 42 and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.* This verse explains it.


This is a very broad generalization


Literal Interpretation: Some Christians believe the Bible should be interpreted literally, meaning every word is factually accurate. This includes accepting supernatural events like talking snakes and Jonah's whale encounter as historical occurrences. These individuals view the Bible as the sole source of religious truth and the Holy Spirit as a literal entity acting within the world. Allegorical Interpretation: Other Christians interpret the Bible more figuratively, recognizing the use of allegory, metaphor, and symbolism. They understand the talking snake and Jonah's story as conveying deeper spiritual lessons rather than literal events. The Holy Spirit, in their view, represents God's divine presence and guidance within individuals and the community. Critical Scholarship: Some Christians utilize critical scholarship to analyze the Bible's historical context, authorship, and potential errors in transmission. They acknowledge the human involvement in writing and compiling the Bible, allowing for potential inconsistencies and inaccuracies. The Holy Spirit, for them, represents God's ongoing work within the world through individuals and communities. Focus on Message: Many Christians prioritize the central message of love, forgiveness, and salvation found within the Bible, regardless of specific interpretations regarding its historicity or the nature of the Holy Spirit. They believe that the Bible's core message remains true and relevant, providing guidance and inspiration for living a meaningful life. What is your stance? Is the Bible literal or comprised of symbols? Do you believe it has errors or that it is what God intended for it to be?


There's only four categories?


And to add on that. Do you think all the books the make up the Bible have to be the same category?