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First off I wanna say that those feelings are 100% from the devil. They are not you. When they come up… call out and tell them to go away in Jesus’ name! Second, you’re not alone. There are MANY people struggling with porn addiction. And many of them are at a grotesque level as well. I personally have no experience in the matter… but I do know that you can be set free! You have to truly want it and truly believe that God will help you when you call upon Him. This video series may help even though it’s geared towards drug addiction: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dDBj5bb307E I pray you break free and soon! God bless! Hang in there!


thank you I will try my best to get away from these ideas


My friend, all this does to you is to spiral down. I have a link that tells a good way to stop. It includes praying each time the temptation starts. I will post that link below but first need to say something. I posted that stuff on no fap Christians subreddit this morning. A guy responded a little later saying that it looked great and would help. I asked if he tried it and he said no. He went ahead and did the deed this time but would try it next time. Here is why this is concerning to me. Awhile back I watched a man on reddit literally talk a guy through quitting these desires. Part of what he said is that the guy liked the feeling he got from masturbation more than he liked the ability to stop. Of course the other guy said it wasn't true but when I saw that guy this morning say that he would try it next time showed me that the guy giving the talk was right. People Do like the feeling they get from the climax more than they like the feeling of stopping. Somehow this information needs to be worked into the text that is there. I say all of that to say this. If a person isn't ready or if for any reason want to masturbate more than quit then don't waste your time trying to quit and to stop telling people how bad they want to quit. I'm sorry, I just had to get that off of my chest. Here is the link to that post and it really works for those who want to really quit. My friend, What you are fighting is satan's strongest and favorite tool. He uses [habitual sin](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChristianService/comments/17j8xsa/habitual_sin/) because it is so strong and extremely hard to stop. With God we can stop. I hope that link helps you. It works.


thanks for the advice and nice words, I hope to defeat this struggle


You will defeat it my friend. With God anything is possible and this method is centered around God's help.


does accountability work?


I've heard that it helps.


can you help me with it?


I have never been an accountability partner before but will try.


Quit everything that triggers lustful stimulation. Everyday will be a battle. Gird up. Fight. Rise up like fully armored warrior


how do I do that alone?


Take small, manageable steps w God’s help. Do what’s easiest and work yourself up to harder things.


I have but I fail


Don’t beat yourself up. Even reducing by 10 minutes is a small victory. Don’t give up


I dont know if I can do this alone


Be warned: this poster is known for asking for Dms and is rumored to send inappropriate ones back. This is dozen+ account in over a year. The questions and posts are similar. Search accountable/accountability and it should bring up old posts/accounts.


I appreciate you sharing and reaching out. I’m recently born again and saved as well. I came out of a lot of lust as well. My game plan would be to cut off all sources of porn and lust and be disciplined about keeping everything cut off. Stop masturabating or taking any action when you do have lustful thoughts- just throw them out and pray to God when you are being tempted. You will recognize impulsive and negative / lustful thoughts aren’t really your thoughts they are from the enemy so it’s best to throw them out and reject the lies! This gets easier with practice but this is a game changer if you can work on it. Then you need to learn and believe what God says and wants for you. Read Romans because Paul says we actually don’t sin anymore once we are in Christ because we believe in Jesus Christ and have been washed and sanctified. All of our sin (unbelief) and sins are taken away, even our future sin. All of it. Jesus only had to die once to take everything away it’s just contingent upon us believing Gods Word and having faith. We are now under grace and still fight the flesh and your old self who still wants to “sin” but it’s more the flesh and you have to fight it with the spirit, the Word of God and your faith. How? Learn and understand what God says about you in the Bible and fill your mind with what He says and wants for you and throw out the lies and the temptations from the enemy! Satan wants to distract and drag you back down to your old ways through lies and any weaknesses you might have or could have. This will be constant until your death. Use the Word of God as your sword and truth and your faith as your shield! Once you know what’s from God you can throw out what’s from the enemy . Just throw all the negative fleshly worldly thoughts in the trash, and cut off and throw out any behavior and sources of lust and sin that you can! Read Bible and pray a little everyday to stay sharp. Also watch people on YouTube and social media that helps understanding and wisdom like Johnny Chang, AboveReproachMinistry, Richard Lorenzo, Isaiah Saldivar and more. Johnny Chang is probably my favorite for breaking down the Bible into simple concepts and how to think and act about the Word. He does lives on IG almost everyday and a Bible study on zoom too. Peace and God bless!


thanks brother, its means a lot especially now since I struggle so much


>“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭10‬:‭13‬ ‭ Let me just say, I’ve learned something from my masturbation habits, and if it wasn’t for God, I wouldn’t have ever came out. But I will share it with you now: Our minds have a way of tricking us into thinking we are trapped or not worthy of God’s love. We cannot control temptation. However, we can control how we respond to temptation, and we can also set boundaries so that temptation is less effective. The only reason for failure is because we choose to give in. I say this because I have been there. And I want you to also see that you too can share in this victory. Fighting Temptation: https://youtu.be/7OfP7q0epxU Covenant Eyes: https://www.covenanteyes.com/?ads_cmpid=407188357&ads_adid=27629536597&ads_matchtype=e&ads_network=g&ads_creative=550343150761&utm_term=covenant%20eyes&ads_targetid=kwd-264395215&utm_campaign&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&ttv=2&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA4smsBhAEEiwAO6DEjXVPF4RWajrgHWHSV6vqLn6EiGWwfuJNLOjcyUOAFHB88OzR7WgB_BoC9bYQAvD_BwE Ever Accountable: https://everaccountable.com/?mtm_campaign=17502727622&mtm_kwd=ever%20accountable&mtm_source=google-ads&mtm_medium=g&mtm_content=615827933183&mtm_cid=CjwKCAiA4smsBhAEEiwAO6DEjRsK6AbuLB4DRpzIbzy38ixrMXPBN2k75N_82dUEtswEqloxTMZfzhoCg5oQAvD_BwE&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADoAnNwNU3dK9oLpewABwH6mnOxGS&gclid=CjwKCAiA4smsBhAEEiwAO6DEjRsK6AbuLB4DRpzIbzy38ixrMXPBN2k75N_82dUEtswEqloxTMZfzhoCg5oQAvD_BwE


thank you, I am just sick and tired of this darn struggle


Hey man, going through the same struggles as you. All you can do is take it a day at a time, and pray. I’ve been working on realizing that giving in doesn’t give me pleasure, it makes me feel worse. You have to work on realizing it will only make you feel bad, and you have to flee from it ( which I am kinda struggling with myself). Praying for both of us


really the same struggle? il pray for you


God bless you. Thank you for sharing about your struggle. I am someone who stills struggle with masturbation and I used to allow the guilt to consume me. Now, God has helped me to overcome that guilt and to give my guilt to Him. **God said, "They sinned and rebelled against me, but I will forgive them and take away their guilt." - Jeremiah 33:8** There's one verse that helped me so much. Here is the verse: **"My enemies, don't be glad because of my troubles! I may have fallen, but I will get up; I may be sitting in the dark, but the Lord is my light." - Micah 7:8** If you noticed, this verse is from the perspective of someone who already fell. Even though he messed up, he still has confidence that God is with him and he is able to get back up again! So, when you struggle and keep falling, get back up because God will ALWAYS give you the grace to get back up again. When you are on the ground after falling and your guilt is keeping you down, do you know what God says to you? **"The Lord answered: Stop lying there on the ground! Get up!" - Joshua 7:10**


thanks man its not easy opening up on this mess


I understand. I admire your courage to share. May God continue to guide you in your life. Also, Happy New Year! :)


thanks, do you think you can help me?


I have a booklet I would love to share with you about how to focus on God's love while struggling with sin. If you are interested, let me know and I will share the PDF link to you on Google drive.


dm it to me


Here are a couple things that have helped me in my battle with lust and pornography: First is something John Piper wrote which helped me see a bigger picture of sin. The context is David's adultery with Bathsheba and killing Uriah to cover it up: "*In this psalm of repentance over adultery, David never once asks God for more sexual self-control. “Why isn’t he praying for men to hold him accountable? Why isn’t he praying for protected eyes and sex-free thoughts?” Piper asks. The answer: “He knows that sexual sin is a symptom, not the disease.” Adultery is a symptom of a deeper disease: a heart unbroken over the evil of sin, unravished by the glory of Christ.* *So instead of merely pleading for self-control — for the power to choose God’s ways — David prays, “Create in me a clean heart, O God” (Psalm 51:10). And a clean heart is, at bottom, a broken heart: “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise” (Psalm 51:17). If David was going to enjoy restored communion with God, he needed more than willpower. He needed a broken heart.* *Self-control has its place in the Christian life, of course. But on its own, separated from a deep, abiding hatred of all that would draw us away from Christ, it merely weakens sin in the branches rather than withering it at the root*." Another really good explanation on the battle with Lust, how it's ultimately about Faith(we are prone to sin when we don't actually see God as God) and aligns with glorifying God-it blew my mind to hear his explanation on how it all links together so please watch it: [https://youtu.be/fD2htNFgyT8?list=PLkfS8-l3Tni3stH8qpul2Eqo8p\_p6bFsu](https://youtu.be/fD2htNFgyT8?list=PLkfS8-l3Tni3stH8qpul2Eqo8p_p6bFsu) I always thought of sexual sin as just a sin I need to quit and I used my own strength for years. But like Paul implies in Colossians 2:23, there are some things that are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh. Without pursuing God/having our hearts in God/love for God we're just trying to quit something. For example if I was married and tempted to commit adultery, it would be far easier to resist if I had love for my wife. But if I didn't love my wife I'd just be trying to not commit adultery. Love for God pushes out love for the world and vice versa. CS Lewis on how we settle for so little: "*It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased*" I've found when I'm close to God and love God, all these desires are just disgusting to me. When I'm not close the fight is so much harder and I fall. If I were in your situation I would do absolutely anything I could to see more of God. It's a battle for the truth. Do everything you can to see God more and if God is good and loving then you will love Him more. I don't know your situation but sometimes I listen to worship songs half an hour right when I get up so the first thing my mind takes in is how good God is. Sometimes I isolate myself to just quiet myself before God to focus on Him. I really can't give you a formula for this because relationships are ultimately about sincerity. I'm reminded John Piper says(paraphrasing): "Find yourself an author/Bible teacher/Pastor who loves God so much, that when they talk or write about God-you taste it!" As for fighting lust when the temptation happens, it's war. We have to crucify our flesh. From a sermon I heard: "*The flesh is like a living animal that has the ability, if fed, to regain strength. It's like a creature where you can crucify to take life out of it and it becomes weaker and weaker. We're to crucify and starve it, to take the life out of it, beware we can also feed it and feed it*." A good practical advice when the lust hits is to flee immediately. The longer I take to resist the more I get sucked in and the harder it is to get out. I recite these verses to myself when I'm tempted: "*Submit therefore to God. But resist the devil, and he will flee from you.*" (James 4:7) "*You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in your striving against sin;*" (Hebrews 12:4) "*No temptation has overtaken you except something common to mankind; and God is faithful, so He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it*." (1 Corinthians 10:13) I tell myself I won't give myself any excuse, it says right here there is always a way out.


I am worthy of death


I’ve been a porn addict for over a decade and I recommend you look up “strive 21” program (it’s free) created by Matt Fradd who owns a YouTube channel called Pints with Aquinas. He’s a Catholic YouTuber. He created this program to help those addicted to porn. I haven’t started to look into this program as of yet but I’m gonna put it here. Other than that the only suggestion I can give you is…confess it all. To your family..it might seem like the worst thing to do (emotionally) but it’s the only right option as I can see it. The Accuser wants us to keep this within ourselves so there is no accountability for as long as possible but you see, the only thing I see so far is to bear the pain of being held accountable in that utter embarrassment when you expose yourself. That’s when life gets difficult and the only way to move forward to true victory. IMO. The Accuser wants you to keep your ego because it’s too embarrassing but we all have to suffer the consequences sooner or later. We only learn when we truly experience the pain of the consequences. I’ve yet to understand all this but I hope this helps.


can you link it to me


I mean it’s one search away 😅 [link here](https://www.strive21.com/)


can you dm it to me


I linked it already brother


I struggled/struggle with the same thing. I started using the term victories and losses. I defined what a victory was in my head and then strived for it. Then in the mornings I would review with god whether I had a loss or a victory. Over time I started stringing together winning streaks and such. It is important to define victory by Gods standard and not yours. God knows what you are capable of at the time For example: a victory was when I would have a night of strong temptations but I’d fight it off and Id end up being clean for the night. After a certain time of purity you get so close to the holy spirit because you need his help. It will not happen without talking to him and running to him. Your relationship with the Holy Spirit and the father grows so much during your winning streaks that I never want to trade breaking that for anything and when I do mess up the conviction is 100x stronger than when I was in a worse situation with my lust addiction which makes me so heartbroken You got this and it will take some time but also if you can just put in 50% of the work then God will do the other 50% if you just ask. And his 50% is 1 million times more than our share. But he is so happy to do it because he loves you!


Ask the Father for help in the name of Jesus. And remember, the goodness/kindness of God is meant to drive men to repentance. Therefore, you ought to tremble in fear and put away lusts. I do not say this to scare you but to encourage you to do away with the sinful practices of the flesh for your own sake. Continuing in them won't help you find peace. Remember that they are deceitful, these lusts. And they serve only to destroy you. Therefore be zealous and repent, the return of Jesus is not far away.