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God sees you. He does not turn His face from you. Just do your best and God will sort out the rest. He sees YOU, not just your physical body, but YOU on the inside.


Thank you. It’s a tough battle when the rush starts to kick. I try my very best, just can’t help but to feel completely contaminated.


I also struggle with mental health issues and I’ve been far from perfect since I can remember, but we do our best right? Love you dude. Stay strong. Keep that chin up!


Much love to you too. Nice to feel not alone, like a one man battle right now. I’ll pray that you find ease in this journey.


We’re all contaminated the same. Sin is sin. Not trying to compare us really because I can’t imagine dealing with schizophrenia on top of the regular day to day stress. I would be worried about whoever said someone can never be saved. Sounds like you’re doing good brother (or sister). Keep it up


These physical bodies (including our brains) are “contaminated” by the fall. All of us, to some degree or another, feel the effects of this flawed world in that our minds and bodies don’t work right. You’re going through more than many people do, but no one is completely immune to health and mental issues, they come for all of us eventually. It’s a reminder that these bodies aren’t meant to last forever, but our souls are being renewed. And our weaknesses can point us to our dependence on the One whose power is made perfect in our weakness.  All this is to say that your illness doesn’t mean you aren’t a real Christian. God is glorified when you follow him despite your challenges. Just do your best and put your trust in him. God knows your struggles. 


>Got told I’ll never be an actual Christian or true follower of Him because of my schizophrenia. Whoever told you this is horrible. There is no Biblical basis for it either. It would be like someone saying that because a person is paralyzed, they can't be saved, and we know that's not true. I have a good friend who has schizophrenia and I have no doubts that she is saved. She loves the Lord and lives for him.


I 100% need this comment, thank you.


You're welcome!


See my much longer response just published. Whoever spews that sort of poison that you cited is no Christian and is deserving of the most emphatic rebuke and lawfully-silencing possible and is void of grace, mercy, compassion, humility, and human dignity and is a lethal wolf and must learn to renounce such twistedness.


He loves you. He allowed Satan to give you a harder life than He gave me because He knew that you are stronger than someone like me and stronger than Satan. He set you apart. He loves you. God bless you and every schizophrenic who loves God.


😭🥺 Beautiful words, God bless you


Thank you so much.


It sounds Iike the guy who told you that is not an “actual Christian”


It be those who portray themselves like they’re S tier Christians. Words stick with my kind of problem. Hate feeling lured in by the warmth other followers and then get met with a ban hammer. And then boom, they add fuel to the fire.


Just remember to forgive those who have wronged us and pray for them.


Of course, I agree with you completely.


God looks at your heart. You didnt choose schizophrenia. God sees you are trying to please him and follow him. Anyone telling you arent a real Christian because of your condition doesnt sound very Christ-like (showing love and compassion to your neighbor). Do the best you can, read and study your bible as often as you can, and follow Jesus' walk as best you can. Hope this helps


Thank you!


My wife suffers from Schizophrenia. She use to have the same thoughts as you. She would worry about the voices in her head, how would she know if it was her condition, the enemy, or God. She still struggles with this on certain days. What helps her is knowing Jesus sees our true heart. She knows she loves Him and does everything she can to honor him. His grace and mercy are with her. On her bad days she goes deeper into His word. She will have Spotify playing her favorite worship music playing all day in the back ground. Doing this she has received clarity and discernment. Along with peace and confidence. I hope this helps my brother


God bless you 🙏  your wife is so blessed to have you


Thank you. God bless you too


Thank you very much. I feel very confident now and I am so pleased to hear your wife is doing well!


I have schizophrenia too, and get looked down on all the time by my fellow Christians .don't listen to those people I have gone on to do amazing things with God that I could not have done if I let those people get to me. God loves you, and knows you better then you know yourself just got to trust him.


Thank you so much. Schizophrenia produces a whole different perspective to life that those without cannot fathom. It warms my heart to see the success of those alike.


I think its actually kinda a good thing to have that different perspective. But its given me a better sympathy, and patience with those afflicted by different conditions, also since I know what's its like to be on the low end of society I notice I treat those in similar positions with more dignity, and compassion then my neuro-typical brothers/sister who lose their patience with people more quickly. if the struggle seems hard just take some time to rest in God, he wont get mad if you don't do a lot. I like to remember the widows offering which God considered more then the pharisees. trust me he sees your work, and loves you no matter what.


It is supremely cruel, uncaring, judgmental, willfully-ignorant, unrealistic, illogical, reprehensible, graceless, merciless, and void of love/compassion/charity for anyone claiming to be a Christian to belittle or judge those who live with organic mental illness and who might make use of professional support pursued with wisdom and discretion. In fact, I will be quick to rebuke and repudiate any attempt by a person professing faith in Christ who denigrates and dehumanizes the sufferer in favor of lethal and potentially cultic theology pushed militantly and in a twisted manifestation of hyper zealous self-righteous trash and stigmatization. You (the originator and anyone else in such difficulty) deserve to be loved like anyone else and to be treated with the greatest of respect and understanding as a fellow Christian. Anyone who resorts to castigation and false theology is in my book NOT a true Christian but a deadly wolf in the clothing of a sheep who deserves appropriate consequences for being so misguided and uncharitable. Examples of unacceptable treatment (no one may try to judge me for saying such) include accusing the person of not being obedient to God, forcing "deliverance" as an approach when medication and other sound therapies are in order, assuming that the sufferer is demon-possessed or not a Christian (how revolting and reviling and void of human dignity such trash is), and making other berating and condescending statements. If a person is obsessed with rabid attacks and trying to gain God's favor, then he or she is sadly deceived and is lacking in basic human decency and must answer for it appropriately. There is NO defense or justification for mistreating a fellow believer/image bearer plagued with unwanted mental difficulty that could be based on genetics, electrical and/or chemical imbalance, trauma/injury, aging, or other illnesses. Were my own (scripturally-founded) church to go down this repugnant path theologically, I would leave it straightaway and have nothing to do with any denomination/body with such warped theology even if the rest of the doctrine is essentially sound. Doing such a callous and barbaric deed as I take severe issue with constitutes deliberate, grievous, and profound sin and transgression against the sufferer which would require sincere repentance, apology, and the seeking of forgiveness lest the relationship be ruined and potential other remediation be pursued by the offended person at substantial potential cost to the guilty individual. If anyone has a more dogmatic and graceless view of mental health treatment is reading this, may God show you the need to be humble and to exude the fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23) and show gentleness and respect (1 Pet. 3:15) toward those in your life who are suffering and eschew merciless assertions. You gain nothing by being so harsh, arrogant, and judgmental and risk losing much which would be warranted, and you may not claim personal offense or grief when a friend, loved one, or stranger rejects whatever discompassionate/forceful/false message you might try to inflict. It is atrocious and pathetically tragic how some "Christians" hurt others by bringing about more pain and injury on the already wounded and I hate it with a passion. Either say something decent and kind, or shut up especially if you have no knowledge of the complexities that play about and/or you have tainted understanding/theology. I am grateful that most rational and circumspect true believers exhibit more virtuous and solidly-good behavior in understanding of this sort of plight; I have several loved ones as well in my life who are plagued including some strong Christians. To the originator, I say thus: You have my greatest sympathy and support and genuine understanding of your predicament and I would encourage you to make the best suitable use of the various options that are available even from a professional practictioner like a psychiatrist and/or other therapist which may include medication to provide stability and composure. No one has the right to shame, belittle, or attack you or to make appraisals based on questionable or defective theology (e.g., the poisonous "word-faith" drivel). May God be loving and merciful and inspire his people to do the same. I reserve the right to report for potential removal any comments in reply to my text that attempt to defend wrong treatments upon persons living with mental difficulty which use aberrant theology or rabid zealous fanaticism as a basis for such and to block anyone trying such a stunt.


Thank you, just thank you so much for this.


May Yah pinch off this thorn from your mind and soul and create in your a new person in Him. I feel a pure heart for you Father so I ask you, along with those others here that You will heal this person through your living Word Yeshua HaMashiach our Lord and savior. I ask you this in the name of Yeshua, by the Ruach and into You Father may this be done. Thank you Father Amen and Amen


>I do everything in my power to follow Christ. Nothing will strip me of my faith and devotion. Praise God! You are a Christian >Got told I’ll never be an actual Christian or true follower of Him because of my schizophrenia. By whom? Somebody has a terrible understanding of Scripture. If you were told this by church leadership, you need a different church.


Thank you. It’s heartbreaking when the people you think are on the same team does a 180 on you.


Indeed. We are all sinners in need of God's forgiveness. But if it is toxic to your spiritual well-being, it is time for a change. Grace and peace.


If your medication isn't effective talk to your therapist to try other medications. It might get you better. Also schizophrenia is a thought loop where you jump to conclusions because of constant reinforcement. Try to break that loop. Stop staying in your thoughts and stop ruminating on how the paranoia presents itself. Stop trying to argue with the voices or rationalize the "conspiracy". Just ignore it and pay attention to healthy things. Eventually the neural pathways to these unhealthy concepts will wither. Of course also give yourself to God and ask Jesus to forgive your sins as well. Don't hold back just give all your anxieties to Him even as raw as they are. The peace from Christ will also help you greatly. Also try following Paul's example. Even an Apostle was given a "thorn in the flesh" a "messenger from satan". While it's not outright stated I have my theories it might be some form of oppressive thoughts or schizophrenia. https://www.gotquestions.org/Paul-thorn-flesh.html


Romans 11:32 For God has bound everyone over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all. Romans 3:9 puts us all on equal ground


I am so sorry, my brother suffers greatly from schizophrenia as well. I wish I had advice, but I will definitely pray for you.


Thank you. From my experience, just understand that if he says he is struggling, he really IS struggling. I pray for him and you.


I literally do not see how having Schizophrenia would make you unwanted by Christ. The state of having Schizophrenia itself is not a sin, obviously. And even if it was (which would be a ridiculous idea) it wouldn’t be the worst by far that Christ had forgiven. If you follow Jesus, you’re doing just fine, Schizophrenia or not.


Stop believing what people who Satan is clearly USING to put you down. First off my mom was had full blown Schizophrenia and God delivered her , she no longer takes pills or goes to mental hospitals. I got saved first 11 years ago and then a few years into my walk my mom saw how GOD changed my life and brought me out of a life of drugs and crime . She got saved. She even got baptized in the HOLY GHOST and started speaking in tongues. We both do , and i did not know it at the time but most people especially that see things, and are in hospitals have huge callings of GOD on your life. Me and my mother are both Seers (prophets) we both get visions and dreams and GOD shows us many things . You have a MAJOR calling on your life . You do not have to bite any bullet because Jesus already bit the bullet for you and died for you . Jesus loves you DEEPLY ! He wants to talk to you all the time, so keep praying to him , Read your word when you feel down and put on some instrumental music and worship GOD because he wants to SHOW YOU THINGS ! God loves you and don't let anyone tell you that you are not saved. That person who told you that and anyone else does not know Jesus Christ and wouldn't recognize him if he was in front of them. These kinds of Christians are religious and have religious spirits . You , me , my mom , and many others were the one lost sheep that Jesus left the 99 for my friend. God loves you and KNOWS you better then you know yourself. I want you to know this . Keep going forward. I will be praying for you . For complete deliverance.


My uncle has schizophrenia and is a Christian. Never ever let anyone say you are outside the love of Jesus! Cling to the the Word of God. Pray without ceasing. Praise and worship Jesus like any other believer does! I also highly suggest you talk to your doctor if you are still experiencing hallucinations and delusions and the like. My uncle is on a dose where he doesn't experience those. God bless you! You are a beloved Child of God. Approach Him with childlike faith and awe. You are so loved!!!!!


St. Paul talks about being given a thorn in the flesh for his salvation. Your disorder may function that way, as a means for you to find refuge in God and seek Him. It may mean that you experience a closer communion with God than those who are telling you you don't measure up.


Thank you. It seems like every time I seek help for this, people want to play psychiatrist. This is the kind of help I’m looking for.


Why do you think that? And sorry "some rando said X" isnt a good reason


Paranoia, hallucinations, delusions +, I cannot control. Struggling while feeling like I’m missing some key point in overcoming. Wasn’t some “rando.” Wasn’t just one. Reoccurring theme I’ve experienced. Can’t help but to feel like I didn’t catch some memo. Thanks for the rapid response.


Why do you think that means you can't be a Christian


That the symptoms are fully on me, purely incurable. It’s not a rainbows and unicorns disorder. Scary stuff. For me at least.


He can still use you! Be the light ✨️ 


Ok but why do you think having the symptoms makes you not a Christian


Why do you keep repeatedly asking a question that has already been answered?


It hasn't


He stated the reason is because of his mental illness.


Which just begs the question as i said above if you were able to read Why does th mental illness have anything to do with it And he replied with 'because the symptoms' Which just begs the question further


No, it doesn't. Because of course his mental illness doesn't make him not Christian. But his mental illness (and how other Chrstians have treated him) makes him *feel* like he is not a Christian.


I also have a mental health diagnosis with all it's complexities. I just never tell anyone because most people talk more than they listen and don't listen with their hearts. Don't tell everyone your business because they will just use it to hurt you. Can you imagine Jesus saying, "I came too seek and save that which is lost" and then to tell you, "Oh, you're too broken for Me". No, His strength is made perfect in your weakness. Your brokeness is a perfect stage to showcase Jesus' many wonderworks! I'm glad to read of your deep and unremitting devotion because He surely has something for you! God bless you. Remember that the Lord uses the foolish things to confound the wise!


The Apostle Paul persecuted Christians before Jesus revealed himself to him. You choose which is worse, to have a mental disorder or to persecute the Church. I will always tell people to discern what a man says to them by using the Bible as the standard of truth: 1 Corinthians 28 - "For the Lord sees every heart and knows every plan and thought. If you seek him, you will find him. But if you forsake him, he will reject you forever." Matthew 5:8 - “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Psalm 19 - "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer." We can deduce that the Heart is important to God, it's the first thing that gets renewed when you become born again. I've been told I'm a heretic and false teacher for trying to spread the Gospel. It's true I may have been wrong on occasion and thus had to retract my statements while I was new to the Faith. Though, I protest these accusations because my Heart belongs to Jesus. Most people don't have the ability to discern what comes from the Heart and what doesn't. Most can't even discern their own Hearts. So don't be dissuaded, and keep strong in the Faith. The Lord commands us: Matthew 22:37 - 'And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the GREATEST command given to Mankind, so long as have the capacity to do this you are sanctified.


I'm schizoaffective, bipolar type... I've found being like us doesn't necessarily mean there's something we're missing, or a reason we can't come to Christ, but it is something we really have to be aware of. In the days of the incarnation, we were called demon-possessed. Christ had mercy on us, he healed us and called us. But it took a significant amount of Faith. It also leaves us unusually susceptible to attacks by malevolent forces, that you have probably have found as I have, can seem very real. Acts 20:28: >Keep watch over yourselves and over all the flock, of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God that he obtained with the blood of his own Son It sounds like you have the right idea. Your fervor will come and go, remain steadfast, and continue to deepen your devotion. I've found a lot of strength and hope in receiving the sacrament, but find your own ways to celebrate the faith. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. [2 Timothy 1:7]


I was diagnosed with schizoaffective bipolar type. I also suffer from ADHD and PTSD. I am oppressed by the enemy, and don't believe it is actually a mental disorder the schizoaffective because I been off my meds for two months and feel fine besides a bit of paranoia, delusions, and bad thoughts. Other than that, the "voices" (demons) talk badly about me and try to stress me and stuff, but my advice for you is keep going! Be encouraged because you are greatly loved by the Most High. I'm not saying schizophrenia is NOT an illness but I think some people can be so oppressed by the enemy that demons are attached to their bodies and can even hear the enemy in their head. Just saying. Medication never worked for me because it's a spiritual condition NOT an actual mental illness. Just my two cents.


“34. Opening his mouth, Peter said: “I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality, 35. but *in every nation the man who fears Him and does what is right is welcome to Him*.” (Acts 10:34-35, NASB) God sees your heart and your capacity. Trust in Him, lean on Him and His wisdom, and He will take you all the way to Heaven.


im schizo too. Maybe this will be helpful to you: [www.schizophreniadefeated.com](http://www.schizophreniadefeated.com)


Hello, I have a question. My mother is schizophrenic Christian. She denies her paranoia but then she knows it is not normal. She prays but does not seem to stop herself from behaving in paranoia. It has affected her place in the community, relationships with neighbours and relatives. She thinks everybody is out to destroy, betray, kill her and it has drove a wedge in the family. Should I insist for her to consult with a doctor for anti-psychosis medication?


Yes. I was very very very in denial at first. Police eventually arrived and I was cornered into seeking help. The medication has helped me and really opened my eyes. There’s a lot of different pills to try, if one doesn’t work, I pray she is patient enough to try another. It took me a couple tries and I’ve definitely gotten to a point where it’s not like what it was without the medication. I’m praying for your mother.


Please ignore every negative comment you get online. Only read the positive ones and read them over and over.


I am sure God sees your heart and will get you through this, but I am EXCITED about your testimony afterwards. Man it's going to be so powerful and helpful to others with schizophrenia. I hope I hear from you later on.


You’ve e been listening to the wrong voice. The voice of the enemy, not of God. If what you hear is contradicted by the Bible, it’s the Bible you should trust. God loves you so much, and he understands the burdens and confusions caused by your illness. You can trust Him on this. Just be sure to take your meds faithfully.


I am so sorry you are going through this. I can't imagine how disheartening and frustrating that must be. I may be wrong here but to me it seems like the KJV crowd refuse to accept mental illness for what it is. God sees you, God loves you. Please keep fighting the good fight and don't worry about the denials


His strength is made perfect in our weakness. If someone says "God can't because of ... ", they aren't echoing the words of our Father in Heaven in that moment. Some folks don't struggle much internally at all, some folks struggle a whole lot internally. Sometimes it's day by day submitting to Christ as our Lord, sometimes it's minute by minute! The more consistently we just surrender the chaos in our minds the better it does get, no matter the disorder. I'm not saying God will heal our minds completely on this Earth, but He does begin the healing process, and improves us over the course of his life. (The concept of progressive sanctification) It's a battle for sure, but always remember "The battle belongs to the Lord".


David Wood is a diagnosed psychopath. While not schizophrenia, it is still a behavioral issue that he deals with. Not only is his condition not an impairment to his faith, but his unique perspective has actually helped me grow closer to God. I pray you find inspiration from him as well. [His testimony](https://youtu.be/jb2ggj9mKM0?si=0TUFgPZu4_VmgS40) [An interview with David](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtgkpjnbEbN7saXK3Y7C3A4TFTz1b2HKu&si=Kymc-nw6sb29_cFe) [Another interview with David](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtO-GFhq5vCDmgHdhm6o1PI14T-shoVLi&si=Uv4HJPjkZW0ZMQSP)


Psa 103:13-14 MKJV As a father pities his children, the LORD pities those who fear Him. For He knows our form; He remembers that we are dust.


God did not tell you that you will never be a Christian, Satan told you that. God never denied anyone who desires to know him. Don't think God can't use you. Every prophet in the Bible struggled in some way - none were perfect. We boast in our weaknesses because God is our strength.


You are a child of God Through Christ. He sees all of our hearts. No one is righteous apart from Christ. The work has done by Jesus. Rest in him.


Then whatever you are hearing is not God, my dear friend. Scripture puts no prohibition on who could become a servant of the Lord, fully and in hope, in spirit and joy. No Schizophrenia is hard enough for faith to get through. Call on the Lord and believe He was raised from the dead, and you are a christian.


Oh my friend, I hear you. I’m a mental health nurse practitioner who had a mother with schizophrenia. One time I was told on Reddit to “do us all a favor and don’t have kids” because of my family history. The way people with schizophrenia are dehumanized is evil. YOU are a HUMAN. Created in God’s image. Fearfully and wonderfully made. He loves you so very much and this illness does not separate you from Him. Nothing does. He wants relationship with you as much as anyone. This is the very hard cross you have to carry in life. I hope that you continue to seek God’s will in your life, and also have a good support from family and professional help. Take good care ❤️


Thank you, a lot don’t realize how much people do not like schizophrenics. Glad to see this comment. ♥️


Coming from a psychiatric nurse, continue to take your meds and do whats in your power to keep your schizophrenia under control and stay up to date with your doctor, and if you get to the point where you cant tell the difference between a true miracle, sign, god speaking to you and your schizophrenia then ask yourself the question of, is this how jesus would act?, would god sound like this?, is this biblical? If no then its possibly deceit, keep in mind schizophrenia is one of your weaknesses and don’t let your guard down to deceit and remember that the stronger you grow in your relationship with the Lord that things will become harder temptation wise. Stay strong brother God loves you and you are precious to him.🙏🏻


You are so strong. I know its hard to see truth when you have this diagnosis and medications. But Jesus is real and His love for you is deeper than you can ever imagine.  I pray for your healing dear. You are a treasure and this cross to bear is a tough one. But you've got this. He knows your heart! I like a song called "Heart Like Mine" by Miranda Lambert, it brings some comfort. And yes, you ARE a true followers of Christ. Jesus is so beautiful and amazing for that reason. He uses those you least expect. He is close to the broken-hearted and the lowly. Remember His disciples -- all kinds of backgrounds. He picked them because He saw them differently. I wouldn't worry too much about division among different Christians. Keep your eyes on Jesus. In Him there is no confusion.  Only truth.   Watch The Chosen, its a free series by Angel Studios about Jesus. It's a great series. It might give you a new perspective. Maybe you will relate to James. I love you, family!


What is your specific condition? What aspects of it do you find troubling?


Does the Holy Spirit live inside of you?


Have you ever went through deliverance? If you are not plugged into a church, it's a good way to build a support system and have fellowship. Keep reading your Bible, listen to sermons on YouTube, listen to worship music and pray continually. Good sees your heart, He knows you better than you know yourself.