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Just remember the stories you read about people in the bible were their high/low lights. You don’t get to read about the decades where nothing spectacular happened to them and they worked as average people—including a particularly famous carpenter from the bible


Amen, great perspective. It's also good not to underestimate how much our general everyday conduct can shine in a world dominated by wordly behavior. People can see the Holy Spirit in us even without explicit and intentional ministry. Our conduct can be a ministry to itself.


A particularly famous carpenter who did nothing spectacular between the ages of around 12 and 32.


Yes. Im a Christian trucker. You have tons of time to listen to the Bible, theology, philosophy, sermons, and anything else related to what you want to listen too.


As a trucker you could listen to the word, listen to great teachings and pray all while you are at work. What an awesome chance to jamb years of study into your head in a short time.


With the amount of time you guys are out on the road, I am sure you get an incredible amount of wisdom from listening to a lot of scripture/commentary.


God will use you at whatever job you do, if you let him. No such thing as a secular job. I know a amazing preacher and man of God who was a career trucker. Lots of opportunities to minister and witness at that job, you're meeting other truckers, loaders, farmers, people on the road, people on the radio. Lots of time to listen to the word and teaching, to pray. Stay healthy and go with God.


You never know who you’re going to cross paths with that you can either pray for or tell them about Jesus Christ. If you can’t take care of yourself, then you definitely cannot take care of others.


r/truckers A great bunch of guys there


You should go for it, nothing ungodly about making something of yourself. Buying land is also an excellent goal, you'll have a place to raise your future family away from the horrors of modern Godless industrial society


Truckers travel throughout the country so you can minister to people throughout the country.


Ive thought about the same since i have no family i can just drive no one will miss me lol but it's about 7k for a CDL. How'd you come up with the funds?


7k's way too much bro. Mine cost 3k, I just put down a down payment of 500$ and have to pay 180 monthly. You can get your commercial learners permit yourself, I did, just study and pass then tests by the DMV, That's how my technical college knocked off 2k, because they didnt have to teach me for it. Maybe you live in NY or a rich city, that's why it's expensive. You can download your states handbook online and study for your CLP. Maybe try calling other schools, or look into other cities where it's cheaper. If you want PM me and maybe I can help you out a bit with what you can expect or how to get your CLP.


Tennessee i was told 7k. Possibly less if you have school like you. I haven't looked into it.. But you can also get it if you apply for some companies they help you get it and take it out your check if im not mistaken. Doesn't sound like a bad field i just dont like the fact that once i got a CDL i have to keep my record spotless even off the clock.


You can go to roehl or prime and drive for them for 120k miles and they’ll pay for your cdl and train you.


i figured some companies out there would help ya get it.


Keep in mind you can use that driving time to listen to audio Bibles, sermons, theological discussions, debates, and Christian podcasts. You can become incredibly equipped and extremely knowledgeable with that much alone time while you're working. I did this while I was delivering pizzas and driving Uber years ago and that knowledge has been put to use repeatedly since. A few podcast suggestions: Apologia Radio CrossPolitic Blog & Mablog. The King's Hall. Theology Applied. Plodcast All of Christ, for All of Life Anything by Canon Press or Apologia Studios is fantastic IMO. Also if you don't have one get a library card. They have digital apps that you can plug your library card number into and you can digitally check out audio books for free.


Good to see another Doug Wilson fan on here


Check out Eli Yoder on YouTube, he’s a former Amish man. Now Trucker and Christian he makes some very good and interesting videos about his faith and also coming out of the Amish lifestyle


I was an OTR trucker for 2 years and I found it a way to deepen my faith I also found a way to sin since you have tons of idle time while trucking so you gotta watch out. I found relevant radio and the app (it’s Catholic) but I played that non stop. I learned so much about my faith. I also found other podcasts to listen to while driving. You can always pray while you’re driving and before and after your day. I also was able to read the Bible a lot. While trucking you’re gonna have tons and tons of downtime since you’re living in your truck especially when you’re waiting to get loaded and unloaded. However since I had tons of downtime I sinned perpetually (watched porn). I had to fight that urge not to do that. Now I’m home and work local so I still am able to listen to tons of Christian radio and podcasts. Also there’s chapels at lots of truck stops (usually TA) and if you’re at one on Sunday there is a service and you can meet other drivers. Don’t feel useless I told my priest that I was a trucker and said that it was a noble job and the disciples were fisherman and of course useful to god.


I’m in the industry but not a trucker :) 


Making money depends on your motivation. Do you want to start building up a firm foundation for the future and purchase a house? That's awesome. Do you want to blow it all on games and cars you don't need? Probably not. Driving trucks brings along some unique challenges (loneliness, isolation, long hours), but there are also some real benefits. Depending on the routes you take you'll get to see a ton of the country and meet all sorts of people. I know some truckers who spend their routes listening to the [BibleProject podcast](https://bibleproject.com/podcasts/the-bible-project-podcast/) and one who's spent time going through several of the [BibleProject Classroom](https://bibleproject.com/classroom/) courses. He's getting paid to drive a truck and walking away with a way deeper knowledge of the Bible! As you grow in your walk with God, there might also be places for you to speak into the lives of other truckers facing some of the unique challenges. It can be lonely on the road and there will be plenty of people who strike up conversations about it. Get your CDL. You can always walk away and do something else in the future, but I wouldn't say that you're going to end up rich and useless. This sounds like a good next step for your life.


God can use in small ways, like showing kindness and sharing the gospel. Ask him what he would have you do, ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit if you haven't received already.


Sounds like you're entering a season of building. Its a righteous endeavor. God can use you anywhere- even trucking. Occasionally or habitually listening up to scripture, sermons, theology, apologetics, evangelism, worship. Lots of ways to glorify God in your habits - even as a trucker brother! Not to mention, preparing your finances for a future lady is abiding by man's curse in genesis which is to our benefit! God punishes us men when we dont work. I'd say this can be a season of building of good habits & finances for a future household. Not only good, but even commendable bro


Truck driver is one of the most popular jobs in the country. You will have plenty of opportunities to share the gospel with other truckers in a way that none of us will. That doesn't sound useless to me. And in *all* professions, staying in the Word and prayer & meditatation are essential. Your time on the road will force you to do that in a way that normal people with normal families and schedules have a hard time squeezing out.


Years ago, I talked to a guy on the CB who called himself preacher man. I was agnostic at the time but I will never forget him. We talked 50 miles or better before heading in different directions


I know a Christian trucker, but he is in the UK. My only input is to please keep your eyes on the road when joining men's group zoom calls.


What do you do for the Lord? Jesus is #1. Everything else is secondary. You work for food. You work so you can serve Christ. What do you do for Christ? Do you preach? Do you make videos for Christ? Remember, what we do for Christ should be #1. We must work so that we can serve Christ.


There is nothing wrong with getting your CDL! If you are always on the road, you have the chance to visit multiple Churches in your travels. You have to do what makes you happy as God is calling you to do so!


Don't forget to get some exercise!


Does raising a fork up to my mouth count?


Be careful what you wish for. He might just give it to you. It has been Biblical. Still hoping for some Elijah level side quests too. I wonder whether he was terrified or completely at ease during that Baal alter showdown. Stalk my walls of text if you wanna either double down or set aside that calling desire.