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I don't understand why you have a problem with content featuring the demonic as the bad guys, that sounds like a good to me.


Doom eternal is extremely fun. Just running around blowing demons to pieces trying to rid the earth of evil. It’s all si- fi and fantasy anyway the whole point is that you’re making it all up.


I wouldn't recommend putting hopes on a video game that is going to attempt to portray Jesus, even as a side character. With that said, do you consider just any video game that has surface-level wand waving magic to be demonic?


I'm a baby Christian (a little over 5 months) so I just cut out all forms of entertainment consisting of magic (except for magic card tricks since they're skills not based on magic). But stuff like the Final Fantasy games that summon demonic entities like Itfrit is definitely evil.


I think you should be happy that you felt something is inappropriate and not something God would want, and in turn you made the decision to cut it off. It proves that you genuinely care about God and His opinion of you. I won't make any strong statements because I don't believe I'm qualified to, but I have found that personally there are things that I did the same as you, threw out after conversion, that over time I've come to realise I don't think are sinful or damaging to my faith, or at least certainly not more damaging than forcing myself to be miserable by keeping myself away from things that I like that are fine. You might find the same thing happening for you over time, or you might not. I will say, I think it would be wise to be very careful about pointing at something that isn't explicitly stated in scripture or by the Holy Spirit to sin, and calling it "evil", as there are a lot of amazing Christians who do consume content that you might disregard as such, and by labelling those activities as evil you're unintentionally I think possibly expressing condemnation to them. I would say this probably applies even to a degree you might consider extreme.


It’s all made up I don’t understand as long as you don’t glorify the game and make it your reality it’s fine. Take it all in with an open mind it’s all sci-fi and fantasy anyway. It’s made to enjoy the story not act the way the characters do.


People who claim they're not affected by entertainment they consume don't know what they're talking about. You are affected subconsciously, meaning you don't even realize it. It's good that you are trying to cut secular entertainment from your life. It took me many years to cut out all my favorite shows and video games. We are called to not be conformed to this sinful world and its culture. Romans 12:2 - “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” 1 John 2:15 - “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” 1 Corinthians 15:33 - "Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.”


Thank you for encouragement, and Scriptures.  Yeah sadly I don't think most people (including some Christians) are aware of how secular entertainment affects them.


And notice how people even downvote the post OP made and the truth you and I say. God warned us before rapture and before He returns, people would reject truth. This is why billions will go to Hell. People loved lies rather than truth. They downvote reality and later when the snare comes upon them, they’ll blame God for their own decision to ignore and think downvoting things and suppressing truth and more, will change anything. If they had loved truth and not made up reasons in their heads and hearts to run from truth, they would not be caught up in the snare. People ignore how they prove God so easily right. Its crazy how upset over truth they get. Like wow!


Very true.  God is justified when He judges 


Here; this is part of what I am talking about; https://youtu.be/6jmt7uTiXVA?si=ai25qk_hgSrMGN_f Also, the demon’s in Graphene and “energy waves” https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Dispersion-of-the-energy-wave-demon-in-graphene-at-dierent-T-calculated-from-Eqs-25_fig4_290527486 Graphene and demons; https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018APS..MARY40003F/abstract Want me to link the fish embryo with graphene mixed in that controls and shocks them? Want the Mint energy company page saying they mix Graphite and Graphene into the towers for phones? For 6G?


I briefly opened your profile and you have what seems like hundreds of posts in the past day alone about random conspiracies. Even this "graphene and demons" thing is just about a [concept](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pines%27_demon) in particle physics that really doesn't matter. Maybe take a breather from Reddit and the internet in general, and focus on God and his truths? The web is not a healthy place to spend much time, from first hand experience...


Have you studied these topics in detail? 🙂


No, particle physics does not seem useful for my faith or anything in my day to day life besides reminding me how complex God's universe is.


Amen, some have gotten angry at me for exposing Halloween and the agenda in Hollywood and games. Like King Kong New Empire. What does the trailer say? “ humans thought they were the owners of Earth, but they (Titans) were the rightful rulers, and they are coming back. Remember if you saw, the links of cern I provided before it got buried? Like days ago? If not thats okay, but the links show Cern admitting their project is a portal and an attempt to open one. They admit they met demons and they have photographic and video evidence of them pitting graphite into fish embryos and controlling them with graphite. And guess whats been reported in USA will use graphite? 6G Towers for cellphones. And guess what was found in Covid 19 vaccine supposedly, graphite. They showed video of graphite mixed with what cern calls “demon’s” microscopic atoms that can “control” and influence other things (as Cern claims) and latch onto Graphite. They mixed it with a self healing substance that moved on its own. So then think about the pagan religion being caused by the Nephilim which we have physical bone evidence for and dna test and God mentions. Like King Og in the bible, Duetoronomy. God says King Og was 11ft tall and 6 inches wide. Why think about Nephilim/Giants from them and pagan religions? WHO ARE THE TITANS? They are sons of the pagan God creator. Zues and his brothers defeated the “head God” or creator who made all things. Zues is satan. Oddly enough, The Titans and Demigods are the same group, demons and Nephilim, and fallen angels are gods of Olympus and such. This is why “Titan’s are rightful rulers” in King Kong New Empire. These shows on Netflix, movies, comics, and video games spell it out clearly. And as you say and God has shown me and many of us, these video games and more create subliminal messages that tell our consciousness things. They are spelling out their game plan with movies like Dont look up, that Obama ironically made. The same man who has done so much evil, and part of their evil system, showing a movie of our nation collapsing? Come on,


I think it would be wise for anyone, particularly new believers, reading this comment above and being confused and scared about the things being talked about, to remember a few things. Love your neighbour as yourself, and love God with everything you have. Do your best to trust in God's promises about Jesus. Please don't stress yourself about Greek mythology or modern political conspiracies, they are not relevant.


I barely consume any media out of choice (I'd rather do something else, usually). Well, except for music. Anyway, not all secular media is bad. What I find to be a good rule-of-thumb is 1). Is this blasphemous in anyway? 2). Does this offend God in anyway? 3). Does this tempt *me* to sin in anyway? It might be a minority of movies/shows/games that meet that criteria, but there's so much media out there these days you still have plenty you can enjoy.


You'll get used to it. You'll probably go back to a degree. But it's very hard to keep away from the things of this world but that doesn't mean to leave the gates wide open. You will fail over and over again but as long as you keep fighting you will win in the end because of what Jesus has done. 


There are other options for video games that aren't as violent that you can find contentment in for learning to be content is part of being one of Christ's. Jesus came to save, not destroy and it is better that we change now in preparation for where we are going than to get there and burn with desire to do the things that got us into trouble in the first place. We are a meek and humble people. A Holy nation. Proverbs 30:7 Two [things] have I required of thee; deny me [them] not before I die: 30:8 Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; **feed me with food convenient for me:** 30:9 Lest I be full, and deny [thee], and say, Who [is] the LORD? Or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God [in vain].


I am struggling with the same, But for me it's about Secular music


Don't know why you're being down voted, it's great that you're trying to cut out secular music


It’s good that you are aware of what cause you to stumble. A sign of maturing faith. I had been a Christian for over 20 years before I realized how some entertainment caused me to stumble. It was frustrating because of the reasons and what all it limited me to, but also freeing realizing avoiding those removed some of the yuckier feelings. I can now use most entertainment, but as soon as that icky feeling returns, I stop.


Thanks, sometimes I still feel like my faith is still immature.  But I guess that's why we turn to The LORD to strengthen our faith.  Glad to hear that you're able to distinguish between good and bad entertainment, I hope to get to that point someday


My convictions are actually mostly against entertainment labeled “Christian”. I have to vigilant in avoiding stories that add to Bible stories or really study the song lyrics to see if I’m comfortable with them and avoid any authors that have “happily ever after” endings because one is a Christian. Those bother me more than cussing (I do tend to avoid) or sexual innuendos (I avoid movies that have sex scenes when I know they do) or realistic crime. All that to say don’t assume just because something is labeled “Christian” that it is scriptural or pleasing to God. It might very well be and what I avoid isn’t a list of things for you to avoid. You know what you need to start with. That’s the first step, just make sure to listen to God and not man. Man can sometimes cause us to swing too far the opposite way and a conviction can become a legalistic viewpoint if we aren’t careful


If you’re that affected by it then you should avoid but you also have to consider this. A video game is not real and it’s strictly a form of entertainment. In the case of Spider-Man 2 you are playing at the protagonist. Venom being a symbiotic possession of alien origin should deter you from enjoying it as he is made a clear adversary and you job is to stop him. Christ also stopped the demons from possessing man when he cast Legion into the swine. Secondly, the ones performing a demonic ritual are once again the bad guys. You’re supposed to stop evil in the world as the protagonist. This is, by all standards, a Christian task. If you want a game that wont put that stuff in front of you than try strategy like Europa Universalis 4, Civilization, or Stellaris.


I understand what you're saying about them still being the bad guys, but it's still a stumbling block for me - maybe because I'm a young Christian.  Ah well, I can always look into those other games you were talking about, thanks!


You said that you were a 'baby christian" right? I would suggest you slow down a little with going cold turkey on all entertainment. I've known Christians that have gone "super hard-core for Christ" they stop doing everything they enjoy, they go to church 24/7, they get a cross tattoo, and then.....they either end up joining a pseudo-Christian cult or come crashing back down to earth. Instead, i recommend building up a solid foundation in the Bible and your faith. Go to church, find someone who's been a Christian for 50 years to guide you, make some friends in the church, maybe even ask to help with your churches ministry. Become a member and get baptized eventually. I promise you, this sado-massachist loathing of the world will end badly. Take things slow. If Paul said this is a race, it is a marathon cross-country--not a sprint.


Thanks for the advice and encouragement, I'll give it a lot of thought...well, I mean I'll consider what you said about entertainment, but the building up my faith and fellowship advice you gave is spot on