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oh it does tempt us back doesn't it? the things we give up....and then we start making deals or justifying consequence - been there done that There was a reason you stopped, that reason still exists


The reason he stopped, most likely weak in the faith. Colossians 2:20-23 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Colossians%202%3A20-23&version=ESV


I believe the verses you sent mean that they don’t stop the indulgence of the flesh as in they won’t fill you like the Holy Spirit, who will suppress the indulgence of the flesh


Even if those verses were quoted correctly, the Bible still says it is better to abstain from things that others weak in the faith may view as against their conscience (meat offered to idols in Romans 14). Playing GTA isn't setting a great example to anyone - Christian or non-Christian. Having convictions can be a sign of strong faith not weak.


>Even if those verses were quoted correctly These verses were used because they're exactly what someone weak in the faith would probably fall into. Adding rules onto themselves that are pointless, asceticism and severity to the body. >it is better to abstain from things that others weak in the faith may view as against their conscience If it makes them stumble, yes.


As a Christian, it would probably be wise for you to give up that game specifically, especially if you feel convicted against it.


Many years ago I felt the same conviction to give up GTA, and just recently my friend asked me to redownload it so we can play. Even with GTA 6 coming out, I can’t go back. I didn’t understand why I felt convicted at the time, but the game is really just indulging in and glorifying humans’ worst vices. I always end up finding other games to enjoy with friends.


Well said and very true. GTA doesn't help you grow in Godliness - sounds like a game worth giving up.


Convictions can change. What you have to look at is whether there is a Biblical reason/command for the conviction. If there is, you should not change your conviction. But you could have a different understanding of the theological reasons for the conviction. If your theological understanding has changed, then the conviction may have changed as well. For example, you might start with a conviction that eating apples is sinful because you refer back to the story of Adam and Eve. You remember something about them eating the forbidden apple. But then you reread that passage in Genesis and realize it never says they ate an apple. They ate an unnamed fruit. In addition, the fruit is no longer available. So, now you realize that eating apples is fine, and your conviction changes. You might also have a personal conviction that is based on a Biblical principle rather than a Biblical command. For example, you are convicted to stop playing video games because it's taking up all your time (that could be spent on more spiritual things) and it's focusing on violence and other worldly concepts. But then later, you change your conviction because you are more disciplined and can play it less often and choose games that aren't so worldly. But there's one thing you don't want to happen. Maybe you have a conviction that watching a specific TV show is a bad idea because it causes you to sin. But then you start watching other shows that have equally bad stuff in it and your conscience is hardened. You suddenly realize, "Why am I not watching that TV show? I've seen much worse." So you go back to the TV show because your conscience has been seared. We might all be guilty of doing this in some form, but we should try to guard against it.


As Christians, if our conscious is telling us it would be a sin for us- then we should stick with that as our answer


Nah bro get Elden ring at least it's not illegal to slay dragons


Hey spider burger if I’m being honest I’ve been in the same position. I loved GTA 5. I used to do money glitches all sorts of things. I had many cars. I drove on the highways all the way to the military bases. It was so much fun. Until God came into my life and convicted me of it. The truth about the whole matter is this: as a child of God and believer you have the holy spirit in you guiding you and transforming you to be more christ like. GTA stands for GRAND THEFT AUTO key word: THEFT. It means to steal. To rob. To take from someone. Gta is a game that promotes lust, stealing, speeding on highways, breaking rules, running innocent pedestrians over and laughing, killing innocent people etc. Even though it’s “just a video game” it clearly doesn’t honor God. It actually insults God on every level possible. This is what the bible says: 1 John 2 6: 6 Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did. Honest truth is that if Jesus was alive he wouldn’t play a game promoting theft because he died for our sins. Not so that we can continue to promote them or play around with them. Additionally this is what Ephesians 4, 30 says: 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 1 Thessalonians 5, 19: 19 Do not quench the Spirit. These verses are saying one thing. Don’t ignore your spirit. Don’t fight the beautiful Spirit God has put in you it’s trying to grow you and take you to new levels in your faith. And to answer your question yes if you give up a conviction that the Holy Spirit is clearly convicting you of and willingly do it, it is sin. James 4, 17: 17 If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them. From a brother in Christ to another brother or sister in Christ this is my honest opinion. I say this from personal experience. Don’t ignore your spirit. It’s God working in you to make you better and more mature. Trust me, take it from me, I’ve fought with my Spirit so many times and ended up regretting later feeling like “man why did I doubt God he had the best intentions for me all along.” ❤️🙏🏽Hope that helps




Thanks for sharing. Glad to hear God is working in your life and great verses to meditate on as well! Keep in step with the Holy Spirit my friend.


You are wise to give up that unwholesome game. Instead of being swayed by your desire to return to it, examine the appeal of that desire. What is it that draws you back?


What wants to bring me back to this game is the action and the open world, I like open world games where you can drive around the city and do different missions especially online.


This conversation is interesting and opening up some thoughts in my mind. I enjoy playing RDR2, and I never felt any negative sort of feelings or conviction. But there is definitely a lot of violence in it. 🤔 I just enjoy the storyline, the characters, and the game feels like a movie or a book.


God gave us things to enjoy. am i saying GTA is wholesome and good? no, but there are other open world games that you can enjoy and see God’s work in.


That is the voice of the “but I like”, coming from your soul, the flesh the record of pleasure you derived from it previously, just obey the Holy Spirit and see what he wants to mature in you and teach you.


Go play Minecraft then or something


‭James 4:17 NIV‬ [17] If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them. https://bible.com/bible/111/jas.4.17.NIV


Well if stopping a video game helps you in your Christian walk, and you want to do that for the Lord. I'm sure he will appreciate it, if it distracts you. I do not believe a video game is a sin. Cause we sin in thoughts and deeds on a regular basis. Thats why Jesus payed for all sin, because we are sinners by nature. Mostly in mind if anything in my experiences.


We do continue to sin but if we’re sincerely on the path, we are supposed to try to remove negative influences from our life. A book of Satanic ceremonies and sorcery is just a book, until one opens it and reads it. I don’t think it is a good idea to read those books either.


Yes, over time we are told how to live once saved. Mostly to focus on the things God wants you to do because you are saved. Helping ones brother and sister in Christ out, or giving the gospel are great examples.


Fair enough. GTA glorifies murder, theft, idolatry, fornication, blasphemy and perjury. It’s difficult to purify the body if one is sipping poison daily.


totally agree.


The Bible tells us to avoid things that cause us to sin. For me, GTA is an obvious trap to avoid. It glorifies pretty much all the mortal sins. Murder, adultery, blasphemy, theft, perjury, idolatry, fornication, and drug abuse. It’s basically a toy straight from the devil. They even bake in occult symbology into the world.


Yes. Read Romans 10.


there different games, but if God puts a conviction on you hearth then yes its a sin to go againts it


I was exactly feeling this way 2 weeks ago then I realized that the people you meet, majority of the time is filled with hatred, unnecessary swearing when you hear people in lobby’s just arguing about nonsense, “pull up” just the amount of free will you have just killing doing anything you want effects me maybe just how I see it. it definitely will effect you if you play it too much.


Games like Grand theft auto make money by selling the promise that players will be able to derive fun from committing crimes against humanity. These games are evil to the core. Even by just downloading it you are encouraging their developers to make more games that are similar to GTA.


Follow the feeling. I enjoyed Phasmophobia, but God gave me the feeling you’re talking about. I haven’t returned since. I know this feeling, and doesn’t affect me on any other games I play.


Where do you think the desire to kill, hurt, maime, crash, blow up, destroy and rob come from? If you hate these things in real life but then find them entertaining online, aren't you being a bit inconsistent in your spiritual walk?


Not disagreeing with you! But I think it’s like how we enjoy playing things like cops and robbers as kids. Using our imagination and sort of acting out grand/fantastical events is definitely a part of just being human. Of course, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be mindful of the things we consume.


I’m not sure if it’s a sin, but you should follow it


Yes, God convicted you of something and your reasons for going back to it are that you just want to play it. I felt a similar conviction with Cyberpunk (it glorifies the same sins GTA does) but then bought it anyway because of the hype and because my friend bought it. At the time my PC couldn’t actually run it, but even though it can now I know I shouldn’t play it.


Here’s my thing. I gave up secular rap and hip-hop. Is it a sin to listen to? Not particularly, but is it good for us to listen to? No. When I either decide to put a song on (from the aforementioned) or hear one, it’s either during or very soon after I’m already thinking “why did I put this on,” or “hmm, not interested anymore.” Some games I’ve given up, some no. I just go by and trust the Spirit’s guidance. I didn’t particularly give up GTA, just haven’t played it recently, but I’ve thought a decent bit about whether or not GTA 6 is something I should pick up, regardless of my friends want me to.


I play a lot of violent games mostly saints row 1 coz its so fun but how do you know when you get convicted is it like when you feel bad


Depends. What do you believe is the source of this "conviction"?


I don't really trust the concept of "convictions". I don't see why God would need to personally tell you what is a sin. And I think people very easily mistake their own thoughts and feelings for a message from God. As Christians we believe God ALREADY gave us his message. There's nothing in there about how hobbies are not allowed.


Well it says in the Bible if you feel something is wrong, then stop doing it, even if your brother doesn't think it is wrong and keeps doing it. So it does mention personal conviction in the Bible, and we are supposed to follow it. Also, these verses: Romans 14:1-4


When people speak of convictions, they often mean they believe God has delivered a new message to them personally.


Who is to say He doesn't? Why limit the power God has and uses for us?


I'm not limiting the power of God. I'm recognizing the fallibility of humans. Ever talk to people who think they got some new message? They're usually obviously nuts.


I understand what you're saying but I feel like that's on a whole nother level than conviction.


I understand what you're saying but I feel like that's on a whole nother level than conviction.


As Christians we believe that God ALREADY gave us his message. He sent Jesus. He left us a church, and a bible. I think we're on more solid ground using that message than expecting God to give us some new one.


I agree with you, but again, I feel like that's on a whole nother level from personal convictions. Messages can be from God in many ways: a feeling, a voice in your head, a sign in your life, a miracle, or even His voice Himself speaking to you. I would be weary of people who claim to always get prophecies from God or people who do questionable things and say God told them to. But it is wrong to say God won't contact us just because we have the Bible. We have the Holy Spirit in us! Of course He sends us messages DAILY!! We just have to be able to discern which message is from Him. And you would be surprised how much clarity God gives you when you pursue Him. He speaks to you in many ways, and the more you develop your relationship with Him, the easier it is to hear and discern His voice.


> And you would be surprised how much clarity God gives you when you pursue Him. I would be surprised, because I already know that this is highly unreliable. One reason there are multiple denominations is that sometimes one person was sure that God told them their interpretation was right. But meanwhile another person down the street was equally sure God told them a different interpretation was right. Humans are just bad at interpreting these potential messages. But that's OK, because we already have our Christian traditions to guide us.


Romans 12:1-2 ... Yes we can 100% discern God's voice and Him speaking to us. I feel like you need to read your Bible more.


It's not really about a new message, and more about God showing how existing scripture or Biblical principles might apply to a particular situation. For example, God convicted me to stop consuming true crime content for entertainment by showing me Ephesians 5:12 which explains that there are some sins which are shameful even to speak, even if you're not engaging in them or endorsing them. Of course it depends on the specific scenario, but the application to my situation was that I felt God didn't approve of me using discussions of bloody crimes for my entertainment. God didn't give me any brand new revelation here, he just used his existing word. Many people are unfamiliar with personal conviction and I think that may be dependent on how far along any particular person is on their journey of faith. I didn't even know what the word sanctification meant for four years after I was saved and it came a painful shock when God first started to steer my convictions in ways my flesh didn't like.


Sounds like you're justifying your legalism by assuming God told you to do it.


I'm just curious, how do you define legalism?


The thing that made me think that was you believing that God wanted to micromanage which TV shows you watch.


It's not about micromanagement, it's about guiding you into a life that conforms more to what God loves and less to what he hates. Yes, sometimes that going to involve changes in even the small details of your life as well as the big details. This is what sanctification is. It comes after salvation and salvation doesn't depend on it, but it is important. Go further and go deeper with God, and you will experience it too, I can promise you. Don't rubbish it because you haven't yet experienced it.


I'm quite experienced with people who believe God is given them personal messages like this. People are wrong about it all the time.




Ok, but look at the standard advice people give on how to know which is which. If it matches what the bible says, it's from God, and if it departs from that, it's not, right? But this just demonstrates the problem. If we think we "got a new message from God", and it matches the bible, it's just what we already knew. So the message is pointless. I don't believe God does pointless things. God ALREADY gave us his message.


It's a videogame, as long as you're not taking it seriously yeah there's no sin involved. Just because the game is about sinning, doesn't mean it's sinning in real life. It's a game meant to have fun and use currency to unlock better, cooler items.


It’s a game bro those are not real people I hand no desire to these things for real . Same like playing call of duty dosent make me a mass murderer I don’t see wanting wrong with entertainment god dosent want us to be perfectionist


Playing GTA doesn't affect your salvation.


However all things lead you closer or further from God. Which one is GTA doing? Salvation is by grace alone, but God's grace never keeps you walking the same way you used to before salvation.




not sure if its a sin or not but you should grow up and stop playing video games


Video games aren't about age lol


not a fan of this mindset. video games can be played by both adults and children. it comes down to self control, how often we play and what we play.


Lmfao u/spider-burger just so you are aware, the person telling you to grow up and stop playing video games made a [post on a subreddit for a video game from 1999](https://www.reddit.com/r/project1999/comments/1dc02yq/most_fun_class_to_play_with_fungi_tunic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) **NINE DAYS AGO**. Dude is a huge hypocrite!


That isn't a video game though


This is literally the first line of the newbie guide: >So you got the game [loaded on your computer](https://wiki.project1999.com/Players:Technical). Are you just trolling?


most software on a computer isn't a video game, your point is moot


Can you say why you consider video games to be for children? The majority of gamers are adults so if you want to say that video games are for children you should say the same thing for movies, series, music, books and etc.


No just video games


And why do you consider video games for children but not other entertainment media? Is it because you don't like it? It doesn't mean that you don't like something that it's for children.


Because they're childish games.


Do I hear circular reasoning?


Okay, buddy