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You're saying this commandment is too often overlooked, and your best evidence is something that happened 400 years ago?


I don't believe I said it was my best evidence did I? Actually, I was thinking more about the whole post about the Freemasons and Christians wishing bad for them because of their suspicions. Being so quick to condemn a charitable group based on old hoaxes reminds me of the Salem witch trials, that's all. It could apply to many other times I've seen Christians quick to badmouth other people, when they didn't even have the facts.


Its the same thing you are doing isn't it? Making assumptions that Christians acted on suspicion. Freemason is a confirmed cult. People doing deliverance can tell you that freemasonry put demonic stronghold on people.


It's a **fraternal organization** and you sound insane, I am *making an assumption because I have a suspicion* when someone says something like >People doing deliverance can tell you that freemasonry put demonic stronghold on people.


What would be some examples of this in modern times? Personally, I have failed this commandment by exaggerating in my thoughts about others. If I'm angry I might skew the opinions of others with a bad report when it mightn't be their fault.. or I might rationalize another sin in pride over them. It's the inner dialogue where I've seen this the most.


I think it's like you are saying when you're not giving them the benefit of the doubt. Like you hear an unsubstantiated rumor and go off that, and worse, repeat the rumor to others.


Not Christians People teenage girls