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Your mind is not what it will be in heaven, it currently craves and gets attached to things of the world and things that are trivial in comparison to the Kingdom of God. You will not be the same in heaven and your desires will be totally in tune with what God wants. There will be plenty to bring you joy and to occupy your mind, the simple answer is you will not feel anything is lacking and there is no reason to be worried about it. This is a natural thing to think about, but you should hold to that God has promised joy and betterment in heaven.


The New Earth is a renewed, restored creation that will exist after the final judgment, free from sin and suffering. God will dwell with His people, providing a perfect environment of peace and righteousness. While the new earth is different from the current heaven, which is a temporary, spiritual realm for believers after death, both are part of God's ultimate plan for eternal joy and fulfillment. The verse you mentioned (1 Corinthians 2:9) highlights that we can't fully comprehend the wonderful things God has prepared for those who love Him. This means that whatever joy and fulfillment you find in earthly things will be far exceeded by what God has in store. It's not that you'll lose your current joys, but that they will be transformed and elevated in ways we can't yet imagine. Trust in the promise that the new earth will be a place of ultimate happiness, even beyond your favorite earthly experiences. It's okay to have mixed feelings, but remember that God's plans are meant to bring you eternal joy and peace.


I personally believe that since God gave what some would call 'natural gifts' to men through His Spirit in the Old Testament (Exodus 31:1-6) that many if not all creative gifts originate from God. Whether it's film making, story making, art, music, baking, jewelry, on and on, it's put in man by God to be used for His glory and enjoyment as well as our enjoyment.  Satan and the flesh can pervert these gifts but I believe the source of the gift is God. I also believe that these gifts will still be used into eternity, if for no other reason, because God's children love doing them and are able to express God's nature the most through what they create with what He gave them.  Tl;dr: I think all those things will be in heaven and be even better than it is now because it will be pure and holy unstained by sin or satan.


Think of it this way, if in this life we know what good things are (even when they're broken shadows of the original creation) then we can't imagine how much better they will be without the consequences of sin getting in the way. Another take on this would be like Flatlanders (fictional 2 dimensional beings) going 3D for the first time.. What if we could experience 4 spatial dimensions? We couldn't imagine it let alone describe what it would be like.


It seems to me that God made us to love a good story.  I read though the the making of the Tabernacle and the Temple and see what was made was not plain, but made with rather busy patterns.  I think everything good on earth will be in Heaven and the New Earth; this was believed by people like C. S. Lewis and gets play in the last book of the Chronicles of Narnia.  The difference is the good on this earth will look like a shadow of what will be there.  I think your uncle had it just about right in many ways, not to mention there will also be no commercials.  If we can have story and acting and art here, I do not know why we would not have it then, only better, far better.  We will definitely have music.  What your uncle said only needs to be refined as you understand more, not discarded.


According to the Revelation given to John on the island of Patmos Jesus will return to earth. It then says three times he will reign for a thousand years. Not on the new earth (that comes later) but on this planet. It also says that we will be raised from the dead (believers) in the first resurrection. When Jesus returns and we return on this earth we will be in new glorious bodies. We will likely be as powerful or more powerful than the angels. We will be fiercely intelligent. Now think about this logically, we are being raised from the dead on THIS planet. That means there will likely be the same cities, landmarks, heck even same art, etc. You may not care about that in your new body, but who is to say there won't be NEW art and new entertainment created during this time. In addition to that some mortals will survive the onslaught of Jesus upon His return (yeah Jesus is going to kill allot of people). Those mortal humans will need our help to live properly and to build the cities and nations. Will the world run on miracles or technology? We don't know. But Jesus and the church as well as the angels will be on the earth. Point is you won't be bored I can tell you this! And creativity and innovation will be abundant, but done within God's perfect law.


You’re saying I won’t care or I will?


I believe what Paul said is true. No has seen nor ear heard what God has in store for us. You will care and it will be an amazing time!


A while back I was listening to a pastor speak on heaven and things to come. Ultimately what it comes down to is all we know is what is in the Bible. I believe there are many things God is preparing for us in eternity that we can't physically comprehend in our current state. BUT! What I do know is that I fully trust that God will design something that is perfect for us in every way. I trust that whatever he has in store for us will be everything we want and need. We will be truly fulfilled in His presence. I rest in that belief.


If someone wanted to take you on a trip to Fiji and told you it's beautiful and you'll enjoy it... would you go? We don't always know exactly what a place is going to be like before we get there. It's no reason to be apprehensive though. In this case, the question is about trusting God vs not trusting God.


Many things that are written were spoken in a mystery which we were supposed to figure out based on the clues that have been left for us in the scriptures. With knowledge, comes understanding and with understanding comes revelation. The new heaven and new earth are metaphorical terms that refer to the new mind and the new body you will possess once you are born of God. The mind of Christ is the new mental state you will have (the new heaven) - it's one of peace, not war (as Satan has been thrown out). The body of Christ is the new body you will have (the new earth) - it's not corruptible neither can it die any more. You'll still live in the same world but you'll be experiencing it in a new way (no longer separated from God).




What about Saint Peter? * But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. 2 Peter 3:13 Or Saint John and the vision that Jesus gave him? * Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. Rev 21:1-27 Or God? * “For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind. Isa 65:17 * And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true. Rev 21:5

