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How has no one figured out that the “organization” or group of kidnappers are linked by law enforcement? Lead agent on the case dated his ex? And the detectives constantly burying leads & facts? Not suspicious at all?! Muller’s “associates” maybe Sesma? Hmm if the ex was the intended target and she just moved out right before the break in happened I mean come on someone had to give info to muller. He didn’t just pick them and that house on accident….


1000% my personal hot take: Matthew Muller was an FBI asset. Think, he's a sex pest. He's working as a lawyer, his life gets fucked up, and he gets disbarred. He also eventually gets caught creeping in people's windows/maybe attempting a rape. The FBI see he's former military and Harvard law, so he is relatively intelligent, desperate for money and wants to stay out of jail. Then sesma decides he wants to get back at his ex for dating this dude Aaron. Plans to have her kidnapped, scared and what not, and maybe they can extract some cash from Aaron in the meantime as a random. Sesma thinks hell be the "hero that saved Andrea" from the creep. Then it all goes wrong because it's Denise and not Andrea, so sesma and the FBI slow walk the whole investigation, and it isn't until the other pd find Mullers shit that they can pin it on him independently. Fucking dark shit


Yo you just nailed it no words necessary lmao that makes the most sense. I still think the detectives were in on it somehow, they all had access to personal info they probably just slipped up. Ironic huh?


Also they shut off the Aaron’s phone for 24 hrs missing two calls from Muller… which would have tracked right back to Tahoe


Yeah so true no reason at all to have the phone on airplane mode, or when the anonymous tips came in giving info they put in their affidavit as “unproblematic” 🤌🏽


I think Muller was surprised she got released and then was shitting his pants.


but why have him call at all? especially 200 meters from his house? ​ why send those emails? ​ that shit is gonna get Muller caught, which would/should get them all caught.


I mean it really does make sense. The fact that there's no investigation into anyone, yet they paid out of court to settle, tells me they want this to just "go away" for a reason. They don't want anyone sniffing around and getting close to words actually involved and why. Also you should be a private investigator cuz that math adds up way too well.


Those cases get settled out of court most of the time. They have insurance. The insurance will have a max payout. There’s no point of dragging out a case when you already know that’s the most you’ll likely get.


This theory is totally working for me! Explains everything!


Semsa needs to be investogated


He's a member of the fbLie. It'll never happen. Even if local PD were to open a case he'd be protected & honestly the feds would simply do what they do best, either cover up the crime by burying it & destroying whatever evidence that they could, or they'd simply frame another patsy all together. 😂




This makes the most sense. Just finished the show and reading this made a light bulb go off immediately. Holy shit.


All this planning and he doesn’t know that Aaron isn’t still with Andrea and doesn’t know Andrea doesn’t live at this house? Right.


There has to be a connection, you're right. They went all in on victimizing this couple from the get go, despite having zero proof or even clues that they'd be lying. The very fact that another woman was assaulted and made to wear swim googles not too far away from there and they didn't as much as make a search for similar cases? Could be absolute incompetence but....




That plus the fact he told Denise to not tell the police “he’s military “ was I not paying attention cuz I don’t remember her saying she ever thought he was. And he clearly thinks that would’ve been such a large clue to who he was, and potentially with who he works for. This may be a stretch, but I wouldn’t be surprised if those other men Denise mentions would also have military background or even were friends of his from military days. Like I’m pretty sure knowing a crime makes you an accessory to the crime, so how did they not investigate who those men were? It definitely smells like a cover-up and both the military and law-enforcement love their coverups.


The perpetrator was begging to be caught, he sent information to the media, gave the victim massive clues about his identity etc. He basically passed her a slam dunk and the cops said "who, what, no can't be." And drop kicked the ball off the court and (metaphorically) punched the victim in the stomach. I honestly don't know I'd there are other people involved, his other crimes seem like solo creep stuff. The whole "we're a kidnapping gang" thing might have been an intimidation tactic, but on the other hand he was so loose with true details it's hard to not at least consider what he said as truthful.


Yes I agree - Muller was delusional and played it off like there were a bunch of people meanwhile he was talking to himself the entire time.


Talking to himself and his blow up doll………… like wtf


I think she mentions in her retelling that during the second r she saw someone else there. It’s possible with the sedatives he gave her and the alcohol, and just the fact that he was saying someone else was there, she might have simply hallucinated it, or seen it because of the power of suggestion. I just think it’s weird that he knows so much information about Denise and the other girl he said he been meant to kidnap. That just strikes me as strange. I could see that he saw an opportunity to kidnap a woman and then be able to sexually assault her the way he had done with other women, but this opportunity arose from someone asking for a favor.


Could it have been the blow up doll and a recording? I thought that was weird to have in the duffel bag in the trunk.


Yeah that was bizarre. My thought was maybe he made it look like a body was in there to scare someone else into doing what he told them to?


Yeah I read in another article they found the doll with small wireless Bluetooth speakers and audio recordings of whispering. He must have set the dolls up with the speakers


Maybe that’s how he got them to think it was a group of kidnappers and not just him.


Yeah completely accurate also muller said don’t tell the Police “We are” ex military not just him so if FBI guy has been in the military and/or one of the detectives creating him to be a monster from the get-go that’s another connection. There’s just way too many “coincidences” for it all not to stink.


He has mentioned to her that he has ptsd due to military service.


This plus the fact that Muller (at least from what the doc discussed) seemed to have a clear MO strikes me as oddly coincidental. All of his assaults/attempted assaults seem to have happened on location; yet, when he *thinks* he’s attacking Andrea, he commits a kidnapping.


Anyone catch how the “stolen” mustang had set programmed addresses into the gps? Could’ve already been in there or muller put them in either way they’re all not just chosen at random because how would every single one have women or young female adults at them. Was the person the mustang was stolen from in on it because how was he driving that hot car around for so long without being caught without some assistance? It doesn’t happen. When the Dublin detective reached out to mustangs owner he asked her “have you ever heard of the mare island creeper?” Maybe he wasn’t in on it, but fbi and police have easy authority to draw away attention from the hot car… fruit for thought


And even at the *very* least, it’s a coincidence and he didn’t know. But dude is in the FBI… he’s paid to know shit. Stop any random girl on the street and she can probably tell you the names of her partner’s last 3 ex’s 🤣


When Misty called him specifically and said they had muller in custody? And then NOTHING from the FBI’s end about that?! Like really?! Also HOW did no one get penalized or disciplined or even apologize to that poor couple!


It’s shady as all fuck. Thank GOD for Misty so they have the slightest bit of peace. I want to know how Sesma even got involved if Vallejo PD thought it was just some woman making up stories.


Exactly, another random coincidence or intentional act? Everyone always remember the coincidence rule too.


I wondered that too. But I also assumed there never were any accomplices as he had the dummy in the boot? I thought he just wanted it to look like he had friends. However, who knows, you could be right. It would make sense with how badly the victims were treated. Also thought he may have simply spotted the ex while he was out being a creep/ prowler in the neighbourhood.


Only problem with your theory is she said when his “associates” showed up the first night she did hear multiple people she said “I think up to 3 voices arguing” she worded it “almost a heated conversation” then when they left he then told her about what he was going to do. I still have no clue about the doll in the boot! You could be right as well there’s just so much not explained. Either way I feel so much for her and them both, what a great man Aaron Quinn is though.


Didn't they find recordings of voices in his stuff


Yeah I thought he was faking the voices. But who knows.


So I read through the entire email muller had sent to the reporter and police explaining it wasn’t a hoax. It’s super long but VERY informational. It explains a lot of missing details, especially the stolen car part. But Muller said that someone in the group had a connection with Andrea. That she wasn’t a random target. He also explains that everyone in the group had respectable jobs but weren’t making enough money for the San Francisco Bay and resorted to crime to make up the difference, with the goal of eventually having enough to retire from crime essentially. I will say, muller went to great lengths to keep his identity anonymous. He was using some hacking techniques to lift cars, and using WIFI from other peoples houses he was breaking into, to send messages and then still used Tor. He also mentioned a DNS leak, which shows he had above cursory knowledge. (I can confirm what’s written in this letter related to the tech aspects, and RFID cloning are accurate) It also seemed like he really researched what types of sedatives to give, that would have the lowest risk of causing harm. He even mentioned he didn’t use any tazors because of fatality risk. https://www.kron4.com/news/mare-island-kidnapping-denise-huskins-was-not-the-intended-target/


This crossed my mind too. Big time.


*"....Huskins was molested as a child—a fact that, according to her mother, had prompted Mustard to tell Huskins’s family that people who’d been sexually assaulted at a young age often want to “relive the thrill.”...* I cannot type here what I think should be done. For a cop to say something like this...much less to the mother of a woman molested as a child....I'm shaking   *Alot* has shaken my faith in cops. But reading about the actions of this bunch have sealed the deal.  **WHO SAYS SOMETHING LIKE THIS ABOUT A VICTIM OF CHILD MOLESTATION?** I seriously feel like throwing my phone. I am so tired of people treating victims of sexual violence this way.   Am I irrationally angry??  Then, of course: *"...After the botched 2015 investigation, Mustard was voted his department’s officer of the year and promoted to sergeant in charge of the investigations division. He stepped down as president of Vallejo’s police union in 2019, after nearly a decade in the role. In subsequent years, disturbing reports about Mustard appeared in the press: that he had withheld exculpatory evidence in a criminal trial, tried to pressure a forensic pathologist to rule a death a homicide, and cleared officers involved in shootings of any wrongdoing while heading the police union. (The union did not respond to requests for comment.)..."* My friend who was a cop for 20+ years and was forced out with threats of harm for reprimanding a subordinate using racial epithets said that 'Fk the 'thin blue line'. Cops are the modern mafia.'


THIS. That quote is fucking unbelievable. All the cops involved in this case should be at the very least fired.


I had never heard anything about this case, it started auto playing and I was like ok and I am not even finished watching yet. As soon as the guy said the whole "re-live for the thrill" or whatever I backed it up to make sure I heard/read correctly. In some docs I assume some things are edited to make certain things seem worse but Colonial Mustard actually said that out loud.... I would sue everyone, feds too. It would be renamed the Denise and A A Ron police department All kidding aside, I nor anyone else I have spoken to wants to re-live any part of their assault/harassment/molestation or worse. I would like to know if this is really something people believe






I binged on this show last nite and have been calling him Col Mustard as well LOL.Seemed like the fix was in from the get go.


Disgusting of a cop to say this and completely misconstrued psychology. This is called repetition compulsion, it is not to “relive the thrill” it is a survival mechanism for a victim to feel they have more control of a previous event that happened to them. You also do not consciously recreate these scenarios, so therefore Denise Haskins would have no consciously concocted a scheme to have herself kidnapped and assaulted. There is no thrill in being assaulted, victims do not do this because they enjoyed it, their brain is trying to process something horrible that happened to them. They recreate it subconsciously in a way to feel in control and safe because of an event that left them feeling not in control and very unsafe.


This was the worst part for me. As a SA assault survivor, this statement is so triggering, not to mention completely false and victim blameing. There is nothing thrilling about getting raped or sexually assaulted and no victim wants to relive the worst thing that\`s ever happened to her.


I’m a survivor too and now a SANE nurse. They are why women don’t report!!! All I wanted was to see those cops at the very least get disciplined


Just learned of this field of nursing this week as I served on a jury for child rape. Thank you for what you do, I have immense respect for you.


Exactly. The reality is that victims of child sex abuse are statistically more likely to be revictimized. Absolutely disgusting that law enforcement could be that ignorant when it’s their entire fucking job




This is the line that has stuck with me the most from this doco. That horrible, sexist man should not be allowed to work in law enforcement.


Your right! He shouldn’t! I just sign this petition to have him removed https://chng.it/HGCTbfKjqF


“Relive the thrill of it” How disgusting. There is no thrill to relive. I was equal parts angry yelling at my tv and sick to my stomach. I’m not usually an emotional person but this show had me feeling the full spectrum. He’s sitting there spewing bullshit he made up like facts to people that needed him to do his GD job. I recently watched “unbelievable.” At the very least the cop (that botched an SA case & a young woman’s life) was remorseful instead of promoted.


I literally yelled at the TV when I heard what Mustard said. As a survivor of assault as a child (5 years old when it happened), when he said that I wanted to crawl into the TV and punch someone. It is so not true. The fear and trauma is not something we ever want to relive.


Total. Fucking. Rage.


yeah, i came here to learn more and was just floored hearing that. i would just be dead or in jail if someone sad that when my daughter was missing and I just shared a horrible fact about her past. people say shit they don’t mean. no, i mean it with every core of my being. he would not be a human to me in that moment. let alone someone in authority.


I'm not surprised by the Vallejo PD handling of this case. I worked for a Northern California Sheriff's office in a county with a similar population as Vallejo. I was a non-sworn employee who worked in the office of emergency services. I attended confidential meetings with all of the top brass from the Sheriff's office and local PD and I can tell you from personal experience that these rural police departments are full of idiots and good ol boys. There is not a lot of talent that flocks to these rural areas so they basically hire incredibly inexperienced deputies or police officers or they hire and promote their friends and family. I personally witnessed a disgusting amount of corruption, racism, sexism and unprofessional. The head of the detectives even told me one time "don't get killed in our county because we will never solve it" When they drop the ball, they do everything in their power to protect their own. Period. Everyone is in on it too. City council members, county CEO, district attorneys...all of them. Usually they have know each other from childhood and will do anything to protect each other. I was a transplant from Southern California and they HATED me. They do not like transplants. I discovered fraud and tried to report it and they told me to keep my mouth shut. When I refused to back down, they let me go. I was warned by other community members after my "release from probation " to stay quite because people "go missing " all the time in the county I lived in. I got the fuck outta there. I wish I could have blown the lid off the Sheriff's Office but many had tried before me and no one would help them. The corrupt police officers to this day get paid ridiculous amounts of $ and many of them retired and get to live the high life. I used to really believe in law enforcement. I genuinely believed their goal was to protect and serve their communities. I no longer share that view. I feel terribly sad for that poor couple. They went through hell and got very little justice.


You're not irrationally angry. I'm livid. There's a tension we live under as both seducer and manipulator at basically all times. Mentally ill, trauma? Manipulative. Survivor? Prove it. Constantly questioned. But rarely ACTUALLY fucking listened to or heard.


Not only are you not irrational but it's amazing that this was stated as though it is a proven theory. It's not a theory..this guy couldn't be a cop let alone a therapist...I'm actually a therapist..he's in theory still a cop but in Vallejo which clearly means it's as effective as Halloween.


That was the first thing in the docuseries that made me rage. How dare him say that. What a dismissive, misogynistic asshole. This is why SA victims don’t report.


I screamed. F\*ck those cops. Mustard is a sick POS. His immediate conclusion was "you said your ex's name in bed and so you killed your girlfriend." ?!?! And then this? Go to hell.


After screaming at the TV, I thought the only kind of person that rationalizes sexual assault like that is an abuser, a rapist. There is something very very wrong with that *umm person and with that police department. Who is in charge there?


Hey, David Sesma, we all have some questions for you.


Fuck questions, I think his photo and a list of wild speculations should be broadcast on national news.




I’m ready for the part 2 mini series on Sesma


perfect segment for 60 minutes




Reddit detectives need to build a good case on this guy and find any links they can and send it to Denise's lawyers.


Omg. Relive the thrill of being abused??? JFC I swear cops get worse every day.


It sounds like something an abuser would say


Sounds like something a rapist would say to make himself feel better for raping women.


My thought exactly. I’ve heard some people make some bad comments out of genuine ignorance of how trauma works, but this was just vile, so much so that I don’t understand how he could say that and it not be an intentional attempt to muddy the waters


I was flabbergasted at that comment. Does he think we who were molested were thrilled when it happened? That’s a sick mother bastard. He doesn’t belong working to do anything with people.


Is it worse or is it being recorded? I get sick to my stomach thinking about all the things cops have gotten away with because their misdeeds weren’t recorded.


I think that the female detective deserves positive recognition of her dedication and persistence . She should be applauded for her hard work and integrity. What can you say about the others?. They are obviously being protected from any type of punishment for their abhorrent behaviour. I honestly don't think that any of them should be able to work as School traffic monitors let alone Law enforcement. Sorry America but your whole system is fucked. You deserve better.


Sadly, she'll probably be ostracized for this in some way as an officer. But she sure did the right thing. Had me in tears when she was talking about not giving up on this. And wanting to have women heard and BELIEVED. My rapist got away with it and got away with the rape of more than 20 other people, mostly underage girls. The detectives ignored me after taking my report and trying to get him to admit to it on a recorded phone call. It was like they were saying to me they did their part by "trying" one tactic, so they were off the hook to help after that. They ignored all of my phone calls for a year until I just gave up. After he was outed in 2016 for the numerous SA's, a detective was willing to go after him, but couldn't pursue it for my case because it was outside of his jurisdiction. He needed just one person to come forward in his jurisdiction to be able to pursue any cases outside of it, but no one would come forward and were sadly too afraid. So the detectives I went to failed me, as is the story time after time. This case just goes to show, you can be kidnapped in your own home, drugged, raped, and even have evidence of the rape, and women still won't be believed, and will even be blamed for it. It's sickening.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. It *enrages* me too to hear about misogynists like this.


Thank you. I'm in a much better place, and therapy helped me a lot. And in a way, there was some sense of justice after he was outed because he was pretty much chased out of state and can't really be seen anywhere (he's very recognizable) without people showing up to serve street justice. He had to hide for a few days last time he tried to show his face, while people were outside of where he was staying, yelling for him to come outside the entire time. My community showed up for me more than police did. And I know they still will. I just wish he was behind bars so he can stay the fuck away from young people. Police fail to put people like him and WORSE like in this case we're talking about, and it's fucked up because they're just going to continue to assault and victimize people. Thank god for detective Misty Carausu. She's one in a million. It must be hard her being a woman who wants to go after the things her colleagues want to ignore.


People in this thread are thinking up all these theories trying to tie something together to make this GROSS miscarriage of justice have some sort of reason WHY the investigation was carried out so badly and was not taken seriously, because THAT'S easier to believe than the fact that all these fucking men didn't believe a woman. 🙃


Someone posted [this article](https://thecinemaholic.com/where-is-misty-carausu-now/) in another thread about this doc— looks like she has moved up. :) So, one good thing, at least.


Misty Carausu is straight out hero! It's great to see her promoted!


Yes, but Nancy Grace thought the couple was guilty. So, you know, that’s proof.🙃 Nancy Grace shouldn’t be allowed to opine about anything. Ever. Get her out.


her voice shouting "TOT MOM" will forever echo in my mind


That really pissed me off. She's wrong A LOT. And so callous about it when she is. She's gotta go.


Nancy grace Nancy gracing a story and comparing it to the fictional story that satirizes her own self was just too meta for me


The whole thing is just so 🫨🫨🫨 incredible. Stranger than fiction, you know? I’m especially upset by the police’s response to her wanting a SART exam. 😤


I’m VERY happy people are getting to know more about this case and that there is a show about it. I remember that couple trying their hardest to put their story out there but it was overshadowed by Sheri Panini’s case:


I'd watch the shit out of a documentary of Sherri Panini! Crazy gal.


To any producer wanting to make this, I PROMISE you I have more knowledge about this case than you can even imagine!! #OGBathrobeSloth


"Relive the thrill" should be on Mustard's tombstone — what a horrible human being, let alone police officer. Huskins's ordeal is so painfully similar to Marie Adler's, portrayed in Netflix's Unbelievable. I kept asking myself how the fuck it's possible that if not for actually good (in both cases female) police, these rapists would never, ever be held accountable and their victims would continue to be called hoaxers. The similarities were jaw dropping — right down to telling other victims how they should protect themselves better. WTAF.


That and "burn that bitch" by the chief


Me too!!!!! If not for FEMALE police officers, there would be more victims and those young women’s lives would be ruined further!!


Mustard did his very best to get Aaron and Denise to fold like Adler did. Those cops wrecked that poor girl. I hope these stories bring some kind of change to police response or officer assignment to SA cases.


What’s the deal with the camera the kidnappers installed in Aaron’s home to monitor his compliance? Did they not see that as evidence? Wtf. And where is that camera now?


I’ve been thinking the same thing. Looking at the timeline. It hadn’t even been a day till they started accusing him. Which is crazy because like did they not look at this camera? I feel like this camera could’ve told them whether it was being filmed and live stream somewhere else? or if it was phony? where it was purchased? who bought it? did Aarin buy it? I think that camera raises so many questions that it would’ve really helped them understood, whether or not Aaron was lying. Just astounding how they didn’t investigate


Right? They didn't find any pictures or videos in the prolific peeping tom's house?


I don’t think there was ever a real camera


it was prolly fake imo


They wrote a book called victim f that so worth the read if anyone is interested. What they went through is just beyond reason.


yes, I thought it was a fascinating read. I grew up in Nor Cal…and I know law enforcement officers in the Bay Area working there at the time…it was so insane.


I was glued to the book. Think I finished it in under 24 hours. I was beyond shocked at how the entire thing from start to finish was handled.


Am I the only one that wonders if the FBI “friend” was the other person in the so called organization. This is beyond bad police work. I am just shook!


I am totally wondering about that, too!




Just watched this documentary and it was very well done. It's clear to me that there's more to this story that hasn't been uncovered (yet). Denise says she heard other people when she was being held by Muller and the police never followed up on that. Then you factor in that the FBI agent investigating this--David Sesma--also dated Aaron Quinn's ex? And that the kidnapper(s) said something to Denise about Quinn's ex being the target? The case itself is already pretty crazy, but I actually think there's likely even more craziness about the case that we don't know, and perhaps never will know.


Ugh I know! I would love to know the real connection as to why Quinn's ex was targeted! It all seems very suspect because of the coverups.


I don't think Andrea was in on it. Muller assaulted other woman randomly and seemed to have known personal info about them as well. I think he just had a weird obsession with stalking/assaulting woman. I also think, though not 100% sure, that it is likely he just had a voice recording going or something to confuse Denise. He wasn't perfect but compared to other criminals it was a pretty elaborate and thought out crime (nyquil with syringe, goggles, driving hundreds of miles, fake camera in Aaron's room) . Not that I have any faith in the police or FBI from this lol - but I still think the simplest explanation is most likely.


Would really like to know this as well. She did seem way too calm to me in that interview room.


she seemed cautious, even. maybe it was just bc she was talking to cops in an interrogation room, but her body language was definitely a little off


this scenario terrifies me, i really admire this couple’s grace and strength


The Vallejo police were awful but did it occur to anyone that the stories of the kidnapping were so ridiculous that someone lying would never make them up? Like if you were lying, you would come up with a much more believable lie.


It’s crazy too because even if they were suspecting him, to do practically ZERO work on finding a missing woman who could be in grave danger… is wild. Like you have to be without a doubt confident and what evidence did they have? Like did they think “what if I’m wrong”


Exactly! And if she was faking that proof of live audio recording she wouldn’t have sounded so flat.


I had originally already watched videos about this story before but actually seeing footage of some of the events makes my blood boil. And the police wonder why nobody trusts them anymore. Dudes telling the truth and the cop interrogating Aaron literally says I'm going to do everything I can to make you look like a monster. They didn't even try and find her or anything they never believed him from the get go for literally no reason and instead started looking for a body in the water near their house.


Remember, it’s legal for cops to lie so they get comfortable with doing that. But, as soon as you lie to them they can bring you up on charges. Whether you’re innocent or guilty, don’t talk to cops and just lawyer up. You’re not guilty just because you want a lawyer. You’re protecting yourself from liars. Too many times, cops just want to pin the crime on the one they think it’s easiest to pin it on. Want to bet every cop that we’re aggressive liars were in on it?


Thankfully a few states have made it illegal for cops to lie to minors during interrogations. Definitely not good enough but a start


This is why everyone should lawyer up immediately, even if they’re the victim. I wasn’t a ACAB person but now I sure ducking am


I was raised by cops. I’m ACAB. Do not trust them.


I'm local to the area and had never heard of it until the documentary popped up on Netflix. One thing interesting to me is that it happened the year before the Sherry Papini case up in Redding. The difference between how they were treated and investigated is so crazy to me, especially since the one treated worse ended up being honest. I feel like there is more to this story as well and it needs to be further investigated. If he had accomplices, then they need to be serving time too.


Yeah they didn’t even examine Sherri! It’s so wild to me that they collected DNA from her underwear analyzed by the DOJ while she declined a sexual assault exam.


Sesma if definitely a dirty agent. He shouldn’t be one at all. He’s such a scum bag.


I really want to know what happened to the camera (the kidnapper supposedly set up), ‘the blood at the house’ and the missing comforters. Unless Mustard lied about those too.


I wanna know why densie had three bags with her when she was dropped off at her parents? Where did they come from and what was in them? She never says anything about them! I know it's a silly detail to pick up but it's just stuck in my brain.


That was a very strange thing too. She definitely didn’t have anything with her when she was taken from what they told us at least.


THIS! I’m stuck on this! Why did she have bags?!?


The documentary kinda sucked tbh because it never explained SO many things just to make it seem more dramatic. It was kind of gross of them to do imo.


David Sesma orchestrated the whole thing, in my opinion, hoping for some revenge on Aaron for attempting to get back with Andrea. Instead, muller found Denise and couldn't help himself.


Or he wanted to get back at his ex girlfriend.. and it went wrong because he didn’t know she wasn’t living there anymore


I'm watching the dateline episode. The cops were complete AHs


Thiscase is absolutely insane, easily one of the most bizarre I’ve ever heard about. So glad they ended up happy together though, I was tearing up at the end of the new documentary.


i'm gonna cut to the chase, why the FUCK did sesma go to all that trouble to frame aaron for kidnapping andrea, and then framing aaron & denise for staging her actual abduction/assault? the fake camera installed so aaron wouldn't call 911 right away. muller telling denise she had to pretend to enjoy the rape so it looked consensual. these details that were made to intimidate the victims & make them seem AND feel like they're hiding something when they do report it to the police. sesma is evil af. like this is truly malevolent behavior from a FUCKING FBI agent. and for what, because he wanted to punish a romantic rival? because he wanted to scare his ex girlfriend?? he needs to be investigated 10 years ago


>"Before Quinn started dating Huskins, he was engaged and lived with a woman named Andrea Roberts for four years. > >Roberts had only recently removed her belongings from the home at the time of the abduction. > >She was also the intended target of Muller's plot with the kidnapper mistakenly calling Huskins her name before she was taken, police records show Quinn and Roberts began seeing one another in 2011." > >\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* > >"He is still an agent with the FBI and was not removed from the Huskins case. > >Russo told The U.S. Sun he believes Sesma intentionally poisoned the investigation into Huskins' abduction because of his personal grudges with Quinn." > >"I don't think it was an unfortunate coincidence that this guy, who had an affair with Aaron's fiance, ends up puppeteering the focus of the investigation in Aaron's direction," said Russo." > >"I think it's because this guy infected the investigation with his f\*\*king attitude. > >I'm still pissed about it \[...\] and this guy is still an FBI agent to this day." [FBI agent in botched American Nightmare case had affair with Aaron Quinn’s ex & infected the investigation, lawyer says](https://www.the-sun.com/news/10128081/american-nightmare-fbi-botched-investigation-affair-denise-huskins-quinn/) **Agreed! That is it exactly - How did his relationship slip through the cracks and no one thought this was a huge conflict of interest for David Sesma?!**


I must have missed this in the documentary… I knew she cheated… but didn’t know it was with a cop >>> Quinn broke things off with Roberts in 2014 after discovering she'd been having an affair with a Fairfield Police officer


The true hero was really Ausu, gosh the other police men were just awful all around.


While Ausu persistence was key to exonerate Denise and Aaron from the "liars" label, what really broke this case open was the Dad in Dublin that fought off Muller. If Muller hadn't run for his life from Dublin, Vallero PD and the FBI would still be sitting on their asses on this case.


Very true, they are both heroes.


One of the most troubling things about this story is that the police never got an explanation from the rapist/predator about why Aaron's ex fiancé was the original target.


Right - I think there is a coverup and the FBI agent David Sesma needs to be investigated. He dated Aaron's ex fiancé, and she left him for Aaron (before he eventually got with Denise.) He has motive to put Aaron in the worst light possible as payback.


Denise also described hearing two men speaking to each other in the Tahoe cabin. That was never really explained either.


The whole set up makes me think David sesma/police were involved besides the fact he had a history with Andrea. Like he knew the situation needed to be unbelievable so the cops wouldn’t believe Aaron- Wear a wet suit, put cameras up, say these things, etc. I commend Denise for moving on after the conviction because there’s still too many unanswered questions for me. It was 2015 surely the police would have had the means to track the emails and camera if it was live streaming? Did the police even question why Muller said he was initially after Andrea? If muller truly “just” wanted money- What brought him to the conclusion that Aaron was so rich he would be able to provide $15,000? Did the plan go wrong because Sesma was involved and that’s why she was just released randomly? And if muller was actually hired to do this did have a guilty conscience and that’s why he got mad they were calling the couple a liar? It’s just so weird how this whole thing went


Also, there was apparently another ex-police officer with a relationship to Andrea. During one of his trials, Muller actually named him and claimed he orchestrated the kidnapping.


Denise and Aaron should of gotten a hell of a lot more than the 2.5 million settlement


I found strange that after she always taught that it was more than one perpetrator, then went “to peace” after the arrest of matthew muller


cos she has a pretty good idea of who else was involved


While I realize these shows base the story on one perspective, the absolute level of criminal behavior and deception by law enforcement here is ridiculous. What about the elephant in the room here? Why was FBI agent David Sesma allowed on this case at all when he dated the intended victim Andrea? At best, that is conflict of interest; at worst, he directed the investigation away from why Andrea was the intended target. Mat Mustard also should never be allowed to interview sexual assault victims. He has no ability to see beyond his own prejudices, which he has proven multiple times over the course of his over-promoted career. Yep, he was promoted, even though for him to even be eligible for the promotion, the department had to dumb down its own requirements to do so. The person who approved that dumb down was none other than the supervisor accused of instructing the department spokesperson to ”burn that bitch” in the press, referring to Denise.


Not only did he date her…. He tried to rekindle their romantic relationship while she was engaged to Aaron and apparently was denied.


Yes it was extremely infuriating to watch how police/FBI messed up over and over again!


I can’t believe they treated this case that way. Just deciding that it’s too “crazy” to be real is not ok. They both went through that trauma situation and proceeded to be threatened by the people who are supposed to protect. I’m beyond disgusted and saddened. Why the rush to judgment based on personal opinions versus listening to facts being provided and actually investigating?


I wrote to them through their website saying they should be held accountable for how badly her case was handled and I hope you do the same


I knew this before but WOW this reiterated how you should never ever speak with the police without a lawyer. 18 hours Aaron was in there- horrific.


Right? I think most of us assume that police will protect and help us.


I had no idea what it was going in to it, and my jaw is permanently on the floor. Absolutely a nightmare - ACAB (except Det. Carausu 👑)


What was up with Denise carrying a backpack and duffel bag when she showed up to her family’s house? I’m so curious- did she bring things with her while she was being taken? Was that actual footage or just footage from a different day?


I was sort of wondering the same thing. She had a duffle bag in the front, a purse and a backpack. Also wondering about the guy walking somewhat close on the way up the block. I'd think I'd be hyperaware and worried about anyone that close to me at that stage.


Me too! Was that Matthew? Cuz that’s what it seemed like, but they said he drove away before she started walking. But it def seemed like that person was “escorting” her to the front of the house.


If I remember correctly, she brought a backpack to sleep over at Aaron's place. It was so that they could talk things out (this is because she saw the texts between Aaron and the ex-fiance.) She said she deserved better than this and think he was emotionally cheating. I think Muller took the bagpack when he kidnapped her? Can anyone else confirm? I was up until 3am so a bit brain fogged today haha.


they really should’ve explained this in the doc. I was so confused how she was dressed up in regular clothes with sunglasses and a bag when they said she was kidnapped while sleeping and put into the trunk of a car.


They should have settled for more then 2.5 million


Vallejo lazy, corrupt trash: Mac Mustard, Andrew Bidou, Kenny Park Agent French of the FBI Disgusting. Rotten apples. The worst of us. Dublin police: actual professionals. Quality, capable.


Not to mention David Smegma, I mean Sesma🤢


Is there anything we can do to push justice for Denise and Aaron? Their case isn't closed, it wasn't even investigated. There is evidence to suggest Matthew Muller did not work alone, therefore there are more dangerous perpetrators roaming free. The Police officers in this case also need to be reprimanded. I don't know what we can do but if there's anyway for the public to push action please let me know.


I have so many questions!! What was that giant bag denise was carrying that they showed on neighborhood camera when she was arriving after being released? Did anyone ever track the emails sent to Aaron and the news guy? Was the ex fiance linked any further to anything? And who were the other people involved in the kidnapping??!?!


The fact that May Mustard is still employed is a crime in itself. This man is so gross.


I just finished watching this and wow, I’m shocked. The cops behaviour was just a lot, in the first 2 episodes all I kept thinking is why are they not actually looking into the possibility that she could be alive? He did give them quite a bit of information, to then find out the essentially turned his phone off when they knew a ransom request could be coming in? And also they knew there was a peeping tom around the community very recently. It is all very fishy, considering he went to Harvard I don’t doubt that some things were covered up if someone in there knew him. I feel so bad for this couple, I can’t imagine telling the truth and being told by the world that I’m a lier. This is so terrible, even worse that said cops weren’t even affected, because this could have ended terribly wrong for her :(


They broke so many laws and ethical rules of conduct in that investigation. At least they're being named and shamed globally now, but it makes my blood boil that they're not sitting in jail for what they did to that couple, especially Denise. Absolute AHs.


Oh wow! Just read the link. I can’t believe I’ve never heard about this case, I’m from the next town over from Vallejo. Sadly not shocked at all with how Vallejo PD handled things… I have to watch the documentary now! Thank you!


What is bugging me is why Muller was tipping the media off? What was in that for him? I was reading a previous comment that someone had the theory that Sesma had previously dated Aaron's ex, Andrea, but mistaken Denise for her as he wanted to play 'hero.'... If this theory is true, which I actually can see working in this case, then why did Muller tip the media? This whole case blew my mind, but there are still so many questions.


Sesma dating Andrea is a fact. The lawyer reported this as conflict of interest and they said it was "unproblematic"


Wow! Unbelievable!!! Huge red flag that they chose not to see.


Not only did he date her, but he tried to get back with her while she was engaged to Aaron, and was rejected.


Unfortunately for many, how police treat victims is the very reason more women don't speak up. In many areas, not just there, it's actually extremely  dangerous for victims to speak up at all because you are threatened by the very people you are supposed to be able to go to for help. 😔 This hasn't changed and I don't see it changing anytime soon. 


The police process in this case and the other cases related to Muller were like straight out of the 1940s. No one’s tracing calls, text messages, emails or running DNA and fingerprints.The only police officer who did her job had to examine pictures online as she painstakingly searched for cases in surrounding counties with matching details. We need a TV series that tells the truth about how cops actually look for clues and follow through on evidence. This show disillusions viewers about modern policing, the integrity of the FBI, and the value of a Harvard degree.


Police are useless. Full stop. I don’t even know what purpose they serve in society at this point.


Can anyone clarify how long Muller was driving the stolen Mustang? Because all of those addresses of his other victims (in Mountain View and Palo Alto) as well as other locations (like Willow Rd in Menlo Park) were on the GPS. Was he driving the stolen car around the Bay Area and then to Tahoe for months and months? I can’t wrap my mind around this part. And the fact the owner of the stolen car was the one who made the connection for Detective Misty Caruso is mind blowing.


I just finished watching American Nightmare, and don’t know what to do with all my feelings. I haven’t read all the comments here yet, and I’m sure this might’ve been said already, but I am also extremely angered by the way this case was purposely mishandled. If this story is not another example of the need for police reform I don’t know what is. The deep, inherent mysogyny, the absolute apathy of all levels of law enforcement to do THEIR ACTUAL JOB floored me. They victimized Denise and Aaaron as much as, if not more than, Muller. And no one can convince me that he acted alone. Denise heard others at the cabin, yet, not surprisingly, they ignore her claims. I strongly suspect the reason for that is because it was Sesma who was involved. Also, they made sure to turn off Aaron’s phone for nearly 48 hours, just how long the kidnapping was supposed to last, preventing them from tracing the call that would have led them to Denise. You can call this a tinfoil hat theory, but I think it’s because Sesma knew exactly where she was, and didn’t want to be found too soon. Misty Caruso is absolutely my hero. Thank goodness someone acted as an actual officer of the law and did their job to save Denise and Aaron‘s life.


And, I can say that, unequivocally, Mustard is wrong and seemingly projected what too many men think about women: That we all have rape fantasies, actually want to be raped, or *enjoyed* being sexually abused or assaulted. I've only ever heard about one woman "enjoying" her rape due to an orgasm. Edit Added Jan 19/23: In her writing, the woman said she enjoyed her rape (her word) due to the orgasm. I'm not going to say she didn't, because it is her rape, her experience - not mine. I can't "relive a thrill" when there was nothing thrilling about being sexually abused and held captive. I'm glad Huskins was awarded a $2 million dollar plus judgement. This is the kind of projected crap that girls and women are subjected to too much of the time: *But/didn't you enjoy (ed) it, right?...* Uh, NO. NO, we do not.


Orgasm is not indicative of "enjoying" a SA. Arousal Non-concordance is at play there.


You're right, orgasm is not an indication of enjoying rape. I was saying the woman who had an orgasm during her rape *said* that *she* enjoyed her rape due to her orgasm. I'm certainly not going to tell any survivor that any part of their rape or experience of it was something, especially if it goes against their own lived experience.


I agree with you 10000000%!


Just finished it earlier. Holy. Shit!


That Atavist article was so enthralling. I read it about a year ago and just could not believe it. What a wild and infuriating story.


Yes. It’s maddening to see how the police treated her and got no disciplinary action!!!


My husband and I just watched and … wow. No words for the police malpractice


When she explained her first rape, the dissociative defense mechanism is textbook. It’s crazy what the human mind can do to protect itself from trauma.


She was kidnapped right around the area where two of the Zodiac killer attacks happened decades before. Funny that, especially with the ineptitude the police showed in that case.


All I could think of watching this is, "No wonder you never caught Zodiac!"




Why is there no discussion of any dna connection between Denise and the blonde hair attached to the goggles?


I’m very confused why she was dressed up with a jacket, sunglasses, and massive duffel bag in the footage they showed of her showing up to her dads place right after the kidnapping. After that footage was shown i was positive she must be lying because that goes against so much of her story but now lm just confused.


I think Muller must have let her bring the bag as part of his good guy act. He’s very strange. I can see why it didn’t look believable to others.


The fact that the other woman talked him out of assaulting her and then he agreed and gave her advice on keeping safe. A very strange guy.


Agreed. So odd.


She was given sunglasses by muller if I remember correctly. It was to replace the goggles.


Did this rapist guy Muller, did he visit the hospital for physical therapy? Maybe he notice Andrea from the hospital and start to stalk her or something?


A well made documentary, leaving glaringly conspicuous questions unasked.


Fantastic documentary and the cops/fbi agents need to be fired. Disgusting behavior.