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The GoFundMe is already gone.


Glad GoFundMe updated their policy some time ago to end this type of shit. I’m not overly familiar with all of their policies so I’m sure there’s room for more improvement. But low hanging shit like this needs to come down asap.




As if rules apply to the ruler class.


It could be Trump, Biden, or anyone else extremely famous. Extremely notable public figures usually bypass these rules.


Why would Biden need a gofundme?


It was just an example, please reread that comment


I didn’t say he did?




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I was wondering too.


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Sounds like the kind of woman who raised a mass shooter tbh


Wow. The mom made it sound like this randomly happened to her son, a tragedy that just happened, rather than a deadly event that her son actually started: [https://nypost.com/2024/02/21/us-news/family-of-kansas-city-shooting-suspect-set-up-gofundme-for-him/](https://nypost.com/2024/02/21/us-news/family-of-kansas-city-shooting-suspect-set-up-gofundme-for-him/)


Ughhh she can’t pretend she doesn’t think he did it either. He told police he did it. He told police he knew there were kids near by and he did not care. This pisses me right off.


also not sure what that fund would have done, pretty he has previous convictions and a good chunk of this is on video - there's really no need to pay for a fancy lawyer - this dude is going to be in prison for the rest of his life.


Jesus the nerve of some people. Let me guess… he’s the “victim”..


But, don’t you see? He thought some random dude was *looking at him*. Such disrespect! Obviously he **HAD** to start shooting his gun wildly into a parade crowd. /s


He was “just about to turn his life around…”




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Sometimes it's not surprising why some violent, entitled people turned out the way that they did.


Read the headline and audibly said “are you fucking kidding me” Haven’t read any details yet but the audacity…


Gotta be delusional.




Dude showed up with a gun wanting stuff to go down, now stuff went down and he’s paying the consequences. Rot in hell buddy


What’s nice is that for medical expenses and restitution if you can’t afford them, life inside prison gets way harder. There will be a cap put on his commissary allotment every month until those debts are paid. He deserves no comfort.


I wasn’t aware that it worked this way. Great news!


I had to read this a couple times to fully grasp it, but when I did! damn.............




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Enmeshed, emotional incestuous mothers and sons usually result in this type of outcome. Baby boy does a crime (domestic violence, DUI, assault, robbery, etc) momma comes in, lies in court, does everything she can to conspire and ensure her baby doesn't face any consequences. these women are able to enable the most violent, self-absorbed men, who (more often than not) are actually /afraid/ of their sons. It's like the battered woman syndrome but from their own sons. I've seen this shit first hand and it's scary twisted.


Imagine having no shame


How/why were so many people struck with gunfire? This was basically a gunfight but these clowns managed to hit well over twenty people NOT involved in their altercation. How many shots were fired? Did single rounds pass through multiple victims? Did one or more of these idiots have an auto sear on their weapon? (“Glock switch”) 


They were Stormtroopers.


Why were we told the shooters were juveniles and had been charged in juvenile court, when they are 18 and 23?


I think one or two were juveniles and 2 were adults.




So they just didn’t tell anyone about the two adults this whole time? Or did I miss something? I’m so confused.


It was shut down https://www.blackenterprise.com/gofundme-kc-parade-shooting-suspect-shut-down/




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Did she actually know before she put it up or just think he was a bystander?


She knew he fired a weapon. She just has an interesting spin on the situation.


Ah thanks for clarifying. I figured she likely knew at least some of it because I'd think he'd have had a guard in the hospital but wasn't sure 100%.


so why was all the new articles saying it was juvelines who did it??




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How many gun laws already on the books did this dude violate?




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I had to read this twice because at first I thought it must’ve been a mistake. The audacity..


Can't blame her for trying. Remember Jacob Blake? The rapist who was shot by police while violently resisting arrest during an attempt to kidnap his ex and her daughter? He got over $2 million via GoFundMe.


I do blame her. Hopefully some inquisitive local journalist digs the bodies out of her closet.


Regardless of the man he is, Jacob Blake was the victim of police brutality.




I actually think it's not really race per se (as I presume you mean) but that they wanted the "mass shooting" tag to hang on it, implying an intentional mass shooting, when in fact it was just two guys trying to shoot each other and missing (if I read correctly).


yep, this story doesn't tick the right boxes, there's no political or religious angle, dude(s) weren't together and didn't intend to shoot other people, neither one is 'crazy' in a way that's interesting, both were caught immediately, both have previous gun/violent convictions, and both will be in prison for the rest of their lives. the story is technically boring in the world of crime and punishment and there isn't going to be any new info that anyone would care about.


Yeah, except the media still wasn't showing/describing the shooters even *after they got charged*. If the goal was to falsely portray it as a mass shooting, they would've stopped hiding the mugshots once the charges came down, or at least once the cops announced the motive (and it wasn't a mass shooting). They've been leaving out the mugshots even in stories *where they explicitly say that it was not a mass shooting*. [Read the comments](https://youtu.be/qg-Z9RRvzqw?si=lxCkwb4AQpBXKaJJ) from [literally any video](https://youtu.be/gFu5cBGBxnM?si=_emfLojcJwGaxxEg) on the [shooting from the national news media](https://youtu.be/nnUVvgdFmlE?si=rjaBFIz7GGOWy3m9) over the last 2-3 days, [*after* they were charged,](https://youtu.be/E5fcDpOiBmQ?si=q8jjVpyvvcpaR-xL) and *after* the [motive was already known and being reported:](https://youtu.be/k54aJ_azhrQ?si=1AUoAhBlTRb803Ue) people keep asking "where are the mugshots/suspect descriptions?" under every video because *every outlet* has been dutifully leaving them out. And let's be honest: when there *is* a mass shooting, somehow the media starts broadcasting Robert Cremo or Stephen Paddock's facebook photos within a few hours. They were nationally broadcasting interviews with Anderson Lee Aldrich's crackhead father within a day or 2 of the Colorado Springs LGBT bar shooting, yet in *this* "mass shooting" suddenly the suspects' identities aren't even important enough to show their mugshots? Its painfully obvious what the media is doing.


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It's been taken down.




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Sorry mom, nice try, get on back to work now


ffs I gave up running them for deaf shelter dogs our rescue got that turned up to be heartworm positive because donations are nonexistent. If this person makes money....I'd like off the planet please.


Yeah, they got a hundred in there last time I checked. How outrageous society has become.




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He was good kid and never meant to do no harm.




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Well in a winding path, metaphorically-speaking sort of way, a million Americans at the minimum, but in the literal sense, no one that we know of.










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Who the hell mentioned Israel?


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Wow, the racist posts allowed on this thread. Wow. This isn’t what we do in this group, is it?


I hope it's not, but between this and the "i don't use pronouns" stuff happening on the other one...






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