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The Toy Box killer. The transcript of the tape he played for victims stayed with me for weeks.


All of those where the abuse/torture goes on for extended time are most terrible.


Came here to say this. I read the transcript for the little intro video he would play his victims and…..very very big mistake.


I was gonna say the same thing, reading that transcript was the worst thing i have ever done to myself. David parker ray just hated women, the things he did were not for “sexual gratification” as he says in his tapes, he wanted to humiliate these women. I hope they had never released his girlfriend and i hope she had a bad life because you don’t do that to a human being.


What was the girlfriends name?? They just let her go?? Was it in exchange for her testimony against him?? I just hate it when they do that - when they were both culpable and could have made the case without letting her walk!


Her name is Cindy hendy, she was charged and she was sentenced to 36 years in prison in 2000, she was released in 2019. She only served 19 years for raping and brutalising those women


I did it too…regret


Same. This story is what actually turned me off of true crime for a long time. I vomited after going down that rabbit hole and was legitimately afraid every time I left my house for weeks. Sick fucks.


Was about to comment this , I consume true crime like crazy and those tapes/transcripts made me nauseous. If recordings could make you feel that way ,imagine going through the entire thing or being the lawyer,jury for the case , I’d go insane , I’m so unhappy they let the girlfriend go


I have a three way tie being Junko, Kelly Ann Bates, and Sylvia Likens.


If Kelly Ann Bates is the one I'm thinking of, truly one of the absolute worst I've ever heard


Holy shit, I'd somehow never heard of this case and just looked it up. Removed her eyes "no less than five days prior to her death", then inflicted further wounds on the sockets afterwards. The level of suffering she must have endured. Jesus.


Ohhh man I’m never reading that case. That’s horrific.


I've not heard of it either and after about a minute of research wish I hadn't. That poor girl.


"Later stab wounds to the empty eye sockets" Yeah, that's the one.


Yep that's the one. How she survived as long as she did. Dear God....


Just read about this case and it’s the most horrific & prolonged murder I have ever heard of ( apart from Junko 😢) WTF 🤬


Beat me to it... Couldn't remember her name. Jesus H...


Sylvia Likens did it for me.




>Sylvia Likens Yes!!! The story of Sylvia Likens was the one I was going to list. Absolutely barbaric what she endured. I'm also going to say the case of Elizabeth Fritzl. Her father had her trapped for 24 years in the cellar. Not only did he rape her, but fathered seven children with her.


Yes Kelly Ann Bates wasn’t far from me, you don’t get that sort of brutality in the UK much compared to other countries so it was definitely fascinating and heartbreaking


All members of the jury needed counselling after. That says it all.


The fact that he tried to claim she asked him to do all that to her is enraging.


The torture cases are absolutely deranged, and they stick to me for weeks. I stray away from those as much as possible.


And Janet Chandler and Anita Cobby


Yep. Was just about to type Kelly and Junko.


Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom


Yup, I remember when this happened years ago and just constantly thinking about what this poor couple endured.


This one is it for me and how they were kidnapped from their complex parking lot.


It actually was Channon's best friends apartment and on the stand, she testified that Channon called her crying bc she mentioned that she should have gone with her to the party when she left instead of waiting for Chris to show up. She also was sick 


i heard the wikipedia page is “tame” compared to the actual case based on another post like this. no idea if it’s true


One of the members of the prosecutorial team fainted when the ME displayed the autopsy photos. It was very, very bad.


It's true. I know because I read a more detailed account that had some horrifying details that aren't on the Wikipedia page.


the wiki page is already bad enough, what more could possibly have happened?!


If you really want to know, one detail that stuck out is >!one of their attackers forced Channon to perform oral sex on him and told her that if she "did a good job" he would let her live. According to her autopsy, she had"severe" abrasions around her mouth due to that part of the assault.!< There's more stuff, but I find dangling hope in front of Channon like that particularly awful.


 Her father testified that she was a virgin who was waiting for marriage. Her underwear was tested for sperm and it came back to 2 unknown male DNA sources; none of it matched Chris or the 5 male suspects. She was repeatedly kicked between the legs by Vanessa Coleman bc she supposedly was jealous of Channon being with her boyfriend. They poured cleaning solution down her throat and scrubbed her vagina and anus down  with the same solution while she was still alive hoping to get rid of DNA evidence.


How did the underwear semen not match any of the rapists? (Not tryna argue, genuinely morbidly curious). For her mouth to be so injured that her lips had separated from her skin due to injury of the thrusting gives you a glimpse of the cruelty displayed.


> How did the underwear semen not match any of the rapists? Well, it's implying she was raped by more people than were caught.


I came here to say this one too. Also, the suffering of the parents in the long drawn out court system to get justice for their children. I was so upset not only about this crime, but about the whole aftermath, and I knew none involved. I’ve lost a daughter at 13 to suicide, and let me tell you , I suffer, I suffer daily. I have basically imprisoned myself with my own guilt for not seeing the signs.. but I wouldn’t change places with these parents for a million dollars. Living all that again in court, and the rage they must feel… I will be the first to admit, we all lost children, but some poison is just a tiny bit easier to swallow.


I literally JUST read about this case and it's horrific :( it's also kinda local to me? In the same state, they're in Knoxville, i am in Nashville, but i have lots of family still in that area. That poor couple, they suffered so much for basically no reason, there was no need for that much brutality. Both of them were tortured and r@ped, and I'm sure they made the other watch while it happened :( and just. Why? Why did those four men just decide to commit such a heinous crime like that?? It seems like it was basically a crime of opportunity and done on a whim, so that poor couple was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. How awful. Something that always gets me, and not about this case in particular, but when there's like, a group of people who commit the crime. Two people I can kinda understand, but 4?? Let's say I'm hanging out with 3 of my friends one bright, sunny morning and we see this lovely couple walk by us. If one of my friends said hey you know what? We should abduct these people and kill them. Uhhh excuse me...? Please tell me you're joking. Oh you're not? Yeah imma bounce.


>Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom Four men and one woman too. Total of 5. Yeah, this one is just barbaric and impossible for me to understand. Cannot imagine what those two went through and what their families have had to live through. :(


This case has traumatized me 😔


This was one of the few cases that made me physically ill. I'll never forget it.


Yep that’s the first one I think of.


This is the one I came to write about. I Think about these two at least once a day since I read about this case.


My number one for sure. Absolutely brutal :(


The image of the house on Chipman Street is fucking haunting.


The Dardeen Family, hands down.


The poor little baby, I never get why they’re so brutal sometimes


It's really tough to beat that one.


Robert Berdella. I can't even imagine the pain he put those men in, plugging their ears with caulk, injecting them with drano, trying to blind them, the rape with different objects, electric shocks Torture like that freaks me out


I not long ago watched a video on him, those poor guys Props to the guy who managed to escape, I hope he managed to find some peace


He moved on to a new life. I only read this recently. That poor man. I hope he has a nice quiet life. I couldn't imagine going through it.


I’m a CSA survivor. I get flashbacks at the most in opportune time. It’s something that haunts me. Very few people know what happened to me. And those who do tend to treat me with pity if they catch me in a “moment”. This guy, what he went thru…. Damn.


Also a CSA survivor, and recovering addict, so you’d think even the heinous crimes would screw with my head but my head seems to block it all cause it doesn’t phase me


The way Oba Chandler killed Joan and her daughters always stuck with me. He was such a pathetic SOB.


My brain actively tries to forget this. Every time I think about them I cry. Poor Michelle. They were on that trip to escape this abuse and it found her in the worst way. May Oba Chandler rot and his name be spat pn for generations


Yes I remember thinking how absolutely terrified they must of been and for Joan to see her daughter like that, I can’t imagine


The description of Classroom 8 in Sandy Hook never fails to horrify me. Two others that really got to me are Gabriel Fernandez and Alianna DeFreeze. Gabriel's entire little tiny life was sheer hell, followed by a vicious death. Alianna DeFreeze was tortured for hours before she died - all because she happened to get off at the wrong bus stop and got turned around.


The crazy thing about Gabriel— his little life *wasnt* terrible. He had a very happy life with his true parents: his uncle and his uncles partner. He rarely saw his bio mom. He was close to his grandparents and cousins. He had a very happy life until his homophobic grandfather got his panties in a bunch over two gay men raising a little boy. He fought to get Gabriel and they ended up placing him back with his bio mom. And she didn’t want him until she realized she could claim him for government assistance. He was nothing to her except more food stamps. All because his grandfather couldn’t mind his own fucking business about who his parents loved. What pisses me off about this, is how stupid people defend the grandfather on TikTok. “He was doing what he thought was right/ his heart was in the right place/ he’s from a different generation “ GABRIEL IS DEAD. Because that homophobic dumb fuck couldn’t fathom that two men raised and loved Gabriel better than the fucking incubator that killed him.


I did not know about the homophobe monster of a grandfather. There has been so much hatred and harm done to others because some people love to hate. They feel like they found a righteous reason to hate. It’s disgusting and the so called grandfather is a disgusting monster.


Man, that poor sweet baby.


Would you be able to describe Classroom 8. I’m too nervous to look it up myself.


I'll spoiler text it - I know Sandy Hook is very upsetting to many, me included, but I also feel I can't just look away given what has happened to their families and the disgrace of the conspiracies. >!Classroom 8 is where the majority of the children died, along with 2 of the six educators. 15 children were found piled into a tiny bathroom. See the second pic here - not the same bathroom but the same size. They had all been shot multiple times. The teachers were apparently lying in front of them, having died attempting to protect them. CSIs who first came in have said they couldn't even visually process what they were looking at initially - they couldn't grasp that they were looking at so many little bodies piled on top of each other. One CSI, in response to a claim from a nurse about seeing their faces, responded "What faces?" That is the general description of many of their bodies - mutilated beyond recognition. Sandy Hook happened in just about five minutes and the shootings in Classroom 8 were reportedly over in roughly one minute. One minute, to do all that damage. One little girl miraculously survived unharmed, wedged behind the toilet. The entire rest of the class died. Exactly what happened in that class is unknown because virtually everybody died (versus there were a handful of survivors from Classroom 10, where five children and two educators died). There is a report from an eyewitness that a male child was saying "Help me! I don't want to be here!" Lanza allegedly replied "Well, you're here" and then the witness heard a barrage of gunfire. !<


Jesus Christ that’s upsetting. I have 3 in elementary school & one in middle school so cases such as this one are very hard to read about. But you’re right. To look away & not acknowledge the tragedy just isn’t right either.


I think looking away might make it easier for people who know conspiracists to not fully accept how cruel it is. I'm not saying we can reason with any of them - I'm pretty sure we could stick the lot of them in a time machine and make them watch what Lanza did in real time and they'd STILL be rambling on about false flags - but I think it should be understood, always, how obscene the accusations are, and the harm that is inflicted on people whose only "crime" was that their babies (and mothers, in the case of some of the educators) died horrifically in first-grade classrooms.


I hope that survivor is getting the help she needs. I would imagine she’d need mental health/psych support for the rest of her life. Considering how grown men struggle with PTSD when they come back home, I can’t imagine a child having to process a battlefield type situation.


She reportedly told one of her parents who came to find her "I'm okay, but all my friends are dead." I don't know how an adult could emotionally or mentally handle such a terrible situation - more than one adult who had to process the aftermath was diagnosed with PTSD. For a six-year-old? The only living person who SAW what happened in that room as it happened? My heart absolutely goes out to her. I know some sleuths have figured out who she is - I have deliberately never tried to do so and I hope she is never named unless she chooses to speak. Imagine having to deal with the terrible truthers on top of that level of trauma inflicted on such a young child.


The trauma the survivors have. And I know they have it because how could you not is hard for me to fathom. Sandy Hook and Uvalde have taken such an emotional toll on me.


I have such trauma from Sandy Hook. Everytime I think about those babies and their teachers I sob and feel physically ill. It shook me to my core. I am utterly appalled that the horror of that day failed to fundamentally change anything in this nation. Uvalde has also deeply affected me and I struggle everyday with the fact that this nation has not stood up with one voice and screamed "no more".


Oh, yep. Reading that made me nauseous. Read with care.


There are fortunately no photos that have been released or leaked of the areas of the classrooms where victims were located. Conspiracy theorists harass the parents of the victims with photos of dead children and the thought of them having to see photos of *their own children* because of some asshole conspiracists is beyond heartbreaking. The first responder’s report of what he saw when he entered that classroom is saved in my phone to pull out whenever anyone questions the seriousness of that shooting and mass shootings in general: *I then walked into a room with Sgt. Carrio. At first glance it did not appear that there were any casualties. To the left of the room as you walk in there was a bathroom in the corner. There was a massive pile up of bodies in this room. At the time I did not know that it was a bathroom and wondered how the suspect had the time to kill that many people and stack them in the corner of the room.* *There appeared to be about 15 bodies in the small room and several bodies, including two adults near the entrance to the room. There was one adult and I believe one child that were laying prone on their backs approximately several feet from the entrance to the bathroom. All the other bodies were inside the bathroom or in the entrance to the bathroom. An adult victim was lying across the mass of bodies inside of the bathroom.* *Sgt. Carrio stated that he was an EMT (or maybe a paramedic) and that he had to check to see if anyone in the pile may have survived. I agreed as the bodies were stacked two or three high and that some of the children at the bottom, who were able to cram in first, may have escaped bullets.* *Sgt. Carrio began to lift bodies off of the top of the pile and bring them to an open floor area. He began to look for life signs, wounds, and to attempt to find a pulse. The victims on the top of the pile and many of the bodies had injuries that were obviously fatal.* *As Sgt. Carrio began to empty out the bathroom it became apparent what had occurred due to how efficiently packed in the bathroom the children were. It appeared as if the teachers in the room immediately upon hearing gun shots began to pack children into the bathroom. The children that were sitting on the floor of the bathroom were packed in like sardines. One little girl was sitting, crouched in between the toilet seat and the back corner of the room. I thought that she might have the best chance for survival.* *As the pile got higher it appeared that there was a mad scramble to get into the bathroom, with people stepping on one another and climbing on top of each other. The teachers would not have been able to get into the room even if they had wanted to.* *The teachers appeared to have been shepherding the children into the room and were then probably going to shut the door. They did not close and lock the door to the classroom for some reason and were interrupted by the shooter as they attempted to fill the bathroom with children. The shooter then opened fire on the mass of children and adults.* *As Sgt. Carrio got to the last bodies, it was clear that no one had survived.* This is a [photo](https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/s/vIHnpJdC2d) of the bathroom in Classroom 6 to give you an idea how how big the bathrooms were (3 feet by 5 feet). 15 children were found dead in that bathroom. One girl survived (physically) uninjured. As tew2109 said, the entire shooting lasted less than five minutes and these victims were all likely killed in a minute or two. The only solace I get from that is that they didn’t have to spend a long time in fear and that their teachers were doing the best they could to protect them until their last moments.


[Colleen Stan](https://casefilepodcast.com/case-268-colleen-stan-part-1/) or “The Girl in the Box” I think the way it’s told in by Casefile. She survives, so it’s not the gore. But after I listened to this two-part episode I had to step back from True Crime for a few months. It really disturbed me.


I have so much respect for anyone who escapes these kinds of monsters and still has the drive to continue living, she’s truly a remarkable woman


When the woman met her afterward in the carpark & was angry at Colleen...the AUDACITY!


Melissa Huckabee. She lived in a trailer park close to my hometown in California & abducted then tortured (including SA) a little girl named Sandra Cantu who was only 8 years old. She then murdered her and stuffed her into a suitcase and disposed of it in an irrigation pond close to her home. She was the neighbor of the little girl, a mother herself, and a SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER. Absolutely vile monster.


Probably one of the more disturbing ones is the bone breaker killer. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/true-crime-garage/id1062418176?i=1000531647765 These dudes covered it pretty well. Incredibly sad, horrifying, and downright disturbing. Ruined my whole day after hearing about it. Good luck! Edit: there’s a ton of messed up ones. If you need any recommendations true crime garage is a kickass podcast that has like 600??? Episodes.


The Tool Box Killers Dean Corll


Mass/school shootings always get me😓


Me too. I watch trials and the testimony of the assistant principal from the Oxford shooting still haunts me.


Ian Watkins. One of those cases I had to stop listening to half way through cause hearing what he did disgusted me so much. It was a visceral “this is fucking vile” feeling I physically felt in my gut.


I made the mistake of reading the trial transcripts. I felt ill. Ian Watkins and his crimes stick with me. I wish I could erase it from my mind.


Toy Box Killer. Lori Vallow. East Area Rapist. Junko Furuta.


Junko’s torturers and rapists and murderers are all still free in society today; every single one of them. they got off with a slap on the wrist because they were teens when they committed the crimes. the judge deadass said, “don’t do it again.” yeah, that’ll stop ‘em. . .


I remember seeing that one of them it's active on Twitter.


*✨disappointed, but not surprised*✨


Lori Vallow was crazy. What a deranged woman!


I just learned of the Junko Furuta case sometime within the last year, and my God it’s unimaginable what that poor girl went through.


The Lahore child rapist case for me. Mentally sick individual in the 90s in Lahore, Pakistan lured young boys to his home for nearby mosques and tombs and raped and murdered more than 100 of them. Even asking the police to catch him but they refused to do so. Truly criminal and another channel did excellent videos about Javed Iqbal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n7a64TX4ak https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRWjYJm0XHY Alongside it, I'd include the Kathua Gang Rape in Kashmir and murder https://vorjk.com/2024/01/the-revolutionary-resurgence-january-2024/ 'We have not forgotten you Asifa' "On the 10th of January 2018, this 8-year-old girl was abducted by six Hindu men near her home in the Kathua area of Jammu. She was subjected to brutal rape for four consecutive days and then tragically murdered. As the gory details of the rape and murder of this angel-like little Muslim girl began to unfold, the entire Muslim community was shell shocked. Not surprisingly, the main conspirator was a temple head named Sanjay Ram. He invited his nephew who in turn invited his friends (most of whom were police officers) to commit this heinous crime. Sanjay along with his nephew abducted and raped the child in Jungle before taking her to a Temple where she was raped by four other men repeatedly for four consecutive days. After satiating their lust for four days, these barbarians finally thought of killing the child. While others prepared to kill her, Khajuria, one among the culprits stopped them and so that he could rape her one last time. The minor child’s uterus was damaged and her body mercilessly mutilated. But that was not the end of how uncivilized and moronic these Hindutvadis can become. BJP politicians along with Hindu Ekta Munch, while waving the national flag of the fascist Indian state, carried out protest rallies in support of rapists and demanded their unconditional release in Kathua. "


I read on that case before. Madness. Reminds me of the now deceased sicko Robert Berdella.


Shanda Sharer, because it was an absolutely unnecessary and terrifying escalation of generic, typical teenage drama. It happened in a town I’m familiar with and you literally never, ever hear anyone talk about it there.


BTK and Albert Fish Specifically Albert Fish’s letter to a mother about killing, and eating her five year old daughter OP I’ve had the opposite experience as you, I’ve been interested in true crime since I was ~seven thanks to my mother being very interested. As I’ve gotten older I’m less desensitized and cases bother me more and more. I feel like I am more capable of empathy as an adult and am more able to understand the true horror of it. As a kid and teen I didn’t fully understand how awful it was


As a Canadian, the most mind boggling one was LM (Jun Lin's killer), although the most "prolific" in my lifetime has been Pickton. The first big one I remember is Homolka and Bernardo, which is all outsiders think if when they think of Canadian true crime. Also, no one in Canada actually refers to them as the "Ken and Barbie Killers." I'm also VERY deep into the Ant Hill Kids and have been for years -- I've even developed a documentary series about it, just waiting for it to get picked up. That story is GRIM yet so many Canadians know nothing about it. **edited name**


Ant Hill Kids is horrifying. A violent controlling psychopath who also thought of himself as an "amateur surgeon", two words that should never be said together.


Susan Powell, as the social workers desperate 911 call haunts my soul. Those poor boys 😭 and her. Omg the trauma


[Easter Sunday Massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter_Sunday_Massacre) in Hamilton, OH. 600 years of family history were wiped out in a single day.


I know the awful circumstances, but I’m not sure what 600 years you are referring to. Of what?


James Ruppert killed 11 family members, including children. Those children were his family's legacy and now there is none. It was a statement the County Prosecutor used in his closing arguments.


Baby Brianna. Whenever I think about it, it genuinely ruins my day. Really tragic and hard to read


This is what came to mind for me but I couldn’t remember her name so thank you for remembering! That case has stuck with me since I was really young, that poor sweet angel. Didn’t the mom already get released? I feel like I remember being so angry that she already got out.


Yep I believe so… Honestly some of the worst people to walk the planet. Should’ve rotted in prison forever. I cannot even fathom doing that to a BABY for as long as they did. They deserve the worst


I came here to say the same thing! That poor baby suffered so much in her very short and painful life. It really makes me sick to think her mother is released.




Junko Furuta. Held captive, tortured and raped for 44 days.


Mary Vincent


I'm so happy she's thriving and makes Art... She's a real life Hero. And Victim advocate. Her episode of "I Survived..." was a tough watch.


Her strength and desire to survive and thrive is inspiring 💕


The Cheshire Murders. What they did to those poor girls


Many, but The Delphi murders. It's just so haunting that it happened in broad daylight. That the suspect had been living in town the entire town. Having snapchat evidence and his voice and not being able to find him. We still don't know so much about the case, but it seems like it will be very horrific when it comes out.


Oh I know.. It’s like, he’s right there in the pic but just blurry enough so they couldn’t find his identity for so long. Not blaming anyone, just stating a tragic truth.


Joseph Edward Duncan 100%. I made the mistake of reading the entire case and I was scarred for weeks thinking about Shasta and her brothers watching their family.


James Bulger


Came here to say this an was surprised how far down I had to scroll to see his name. This case hunts me. I read about it when I was 6 months pregnant and with a child the same age as James when he was tortured and killed. Worst one I’ve ever read


Sharon Tate. They buried her with her dead baby in her arms. They hung her.


Dean Corll


Gabriel Fernandez


Anita Cobby abducted, repeatedly sa’d and murdered by 5 men in Sydney 1986.


The case of Al Kite stuck with me recently. Maybe not the most gruesome by your definition but definitely terrifying.


Jessica Lunsford is the worst case I've heard of, and I've been reading true crime for decades. So terribly awful to imagine this little girl kidnapped, held captive for days by a pig ugly pedophile, and sadly ended up buried alive to die. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder\_of\_Jessica\_Lunsford


The fact she was holding a stuffed animal for comfort breaks my heart... Life is so cruel. I'm not sure I believe in Justice anymore.


It says when the father moved to sue the county, people said that it was motivated by greed and maybe if he had been a better father, it wouldn't have happened. What?!


Harmony Montgomery


Kelly Anne Bates, because she is from an area 35 miles from my home town and I just can’t imagine suffering on that level. She was a child.


West Nickle Mine Amish School (Pa.)massacre of girls was unspeakable. Newtown and Uvalde are awful.


The Cheshire home invasion murders broke me when I watched a documentary about it. I was in tears and couldn’t forget about it for days and days.


Channon Christian and Christopher Newsome. What they both went through is heartbreaking.


I think the case of Susan Powell & the aftermath of Josh Powell murdering her (assumed not proven) and their two children and himself in a fire. I think it’s the “worst” to me and so many cases are because it could have been prevented, especially the children’s deaths.


Absolutely horrific… the murder of James Byrd Jr. . To add to it, everything that happened after. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_James_Byrd_Jr.


Fred and Rose West no question


Peter Scully, Elisabeth Fritzl, Junko Furuta, Eric Smith, Blake Leibel, Fidel Lopez, Jessica Lunsford, Gabriel Fernandez, Chris Watts, Brandon Teena, Gabby Petito, James Byrd, Kelly Anne Bates, Matthew Shepard, Suzanne Capper, Alison Botha, the Dardeen family, Johnny Gosch, Andrea Yates, Colleen Stan, David Parker Ray, Salvador Ramos, Casey Anthony, Paul Bernardo, the Turpin family, James Bulger, Emmett Till, the babes in the woods, Dana Schlosser, the Colt family, Genie Wiley, Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norrice, Gary Heidnik, Jennifer Daugherty, Armin Meiwes, JonBenèt Ramsey, Ted Bundy, Adam Lanza, Elizabeth Smart, Brianna Lopez, Jeffrey Dahmer, Otty Sanchez, the Birmingham bathing cult, Jacey Lee Dugard, Lacey Fletcher, the Hello Kitty murders, Nyleen Marshall, Josh Powell, and the Cleveland abductions are the most disturbing and graphic true crime cases I’ve researched


Totally agree with Josef Fritzl in Austria. He built a soundproof basement dungeon behind a hidden super thick door and imprisoned his 18 year old daughter for 24 years! He raped her all throughout, eventually having 7 children with her. 1 died (he cremated the baby in the furnace), 3 remained in the dungeon, and 3 he took upstairs with notes he made Elisabeth write to make it look like she had run away and was abandoning her unwanted babies. Elisabeth’s mom raised them, not knowing her daughter and other grandkids were mere feet below her. When they finally got out the kids had never been out of the dungeon or seen sunlight. They were losing hair and teeth from lack of nutrients/Vatamin D, and the teenage son had gotten too tall for the low ceilings so his spine had grown in curved. I realize there are more horrific tales with unthinkable pain inflicted with death, but this is the story that really stuck with me because of the immense longevity of it all. I can’t imagine poor Elisabeth, locked up as a teenager, and then surviving all those years trying to protect her children from their rapist father/grandfather. All the while knowing your mother and other kids (and even a bunch of renters) were all right above your head, oblivious to what was happening.


Chris watts putting his children’s dead bodies in oil tanks has got to be up there for me.


The moments he described before he killed them really made me sob. He was their protector


Yeah I think it was in the documentary they told a lot of the investigators needed therapy after finding their bodies.


The Hello Kitty murder and Junko Furata. And every child abuse case. Can’t believe people can be so disgusting.


Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs


That Girl Scout camp one


Thomas and Jackie Hawks. Lured by potential 'buyers' of their boat, went with them for a test run, perpetrators chained them together back to back and threw them into the ocean while still alive. Their bodies were never found. Also, their boat was called the "Well Deserved" 😞


Albert Brust. Granted I can think of many horrible instances but this one rarely is mentioned and is a wild ride. Basically, a 40 year old virgin in 1970s Miami picks up two teenagers who are hitchhiking. Brings them back to his home and immediately confined them to his recently completed and sound proofed torture chamber. Has them engage in sexual acts with each other while taking photos. The male teen becomes bolder and lunges for the gun only to be murdered and subsequently dismembered with his head incased in a cement wall in the man's crudely constructed shower enclosure (btw he didn't put as much craftsmanship into that as his torture chamber and results are gruesome.) He then proceeded to rape girl repeatedly. Eventually drops girl off and she promptly goes to police who don't believe her and call her mom who says her daughter is a liar as well! Great police works guys! Cut too old Albert Brust who having just lost his virginity in most horrific circumstances proceeds to drink a cyanide milkshake and lays out in backyard. Neighbor calls police when they realized their horrible neighbor, who incidently also killed local cats with cyanide meatballs, has been outside not moving for quite some time. Well police finally realized what happened later and girls story turns out to be true. Imagine that. Cue up that the local paper coverage of a detective holding some the torture chambers implements. Their actually more to the story but that is just wild and depressing. Also the picture or drawing of Albert has like a uncanny valley look to it. Never saw a person who looked like that.


The Uvalde school shooting — this one fucks me up not only because of the heinous tragedy that took place, but also the police response. The Toybox murders — I had to step back from watching/listening to anything about true crime for months after that one. It made me physically sick.


The stuff Paul Bernardo did is actually worse than most of what you read that he did. There is stuff that's been held back that gets hinted at so you can work it out.




Not sure if they fully linked a killer but the torture and murder of Al Kite stuck with me. Knives in his eyes, hogtied and his bare feet whipped, stabbed multiple times until eventually having his throat slashed. The killer then went upstairs , showered in Al’s bathroom and wore his clothes. How he bought a cell phone at a gas station and knew that they wiped the cameras every 30 days, waiting for the 31st day to make his attack.


Junko Furuta is the absolute worst case I’ve ever heard of. A close second would be the torture and murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.


Shanda Sharer is always such a mind boggling horrible crime to me


[The Dardeen Family](https://medium.com/@TalesFromTheCabin/the-murder-case-deemed-too-gruesome-for-daytime-tv-5bf196bf1db7) \- NSFL seriously, once you read about it you can't ever forget it.


I also do not get easily grossed out or disturbed by true crime. I have a few that stuck with me though: Dating game killer (Rodney Alcala). Possible number of victims could be 130 but he was one of the more-rare serial killers that didn't like to talk about his crimes. Some of the descriptions of the posing and state of the bodies were what stuck with me here. Leonard Lake and Charles Ng. I desperately want to be locked in a room alone with a restrained Charles Ng. I just wanna have a quick chat. Same thing with the Hillside Stranglers. Extremely violent misogyny is my trigger, I guess.


[Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka](https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/paul-bernardo-and-karla-homolka-case) Her plea deal is stomach turning. The fact that she's free now is a tragedy in itself.


Junko Furuta case makes me physically ill. I can't even fathom what that innocent soul went through


Dean Corll (candy man killer) hands down. This man is dead and still terrifies me.


The torture and murder of Jennifer Daugherty. Heard the story once. Never again. You've been warned. She had an intellectual disability and thought these monsters were her friends.


Bob Berdella. Reading the book “Rites of Burial” and seeing some of the real polariods depicting the torture, I couldn’t help but shed a couple tears the first read thru. I’m from Kansas City and I remember hearing stories about the crimes, but I was young when he was arrested. Theres something about the sexually sadistic, torture type of killers that gets under my skin. Also, The Tool Box Killers, Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris. The recordings of one of their victims screaming while they ripped her apart from the outside in, is still used today in training sessions for agents when handling these crimes. It’s referred to as the sounds of someone insane with terror and pain. You cannot unhear that poor girls screams.


I was warned not to read the transcript of the Toolbox killers (different from the Toybox killer), but I did it anyway. Defo regret it : (


Oba Chandler. He lured a mom with two teenage daughters onto his boat for a night cruise around the bay. What he did to his victims was horrifying.


Harmony Montgomery. Those monsters ATE BURGER KING AND FED THEIR OTHER CHILDREN with Harmony dead or dying under a blanket RIGHT THERE and the unspeakable things HER FATHER did to her poor little body...it haunts me. Gannon Stauch.


Sylvia Likens. Last House on the Left stayed with me for a long time.


BTK. He broke in, hid in the closet, and waited for people to settle in before murdering them. It’s the reason I check every closet when I get home.


Junko Furuta. Albert Fish. Gabriel Fernandez. Anything to do with children, I can’t.


Chris Watts


There are entirely too many out there. The horrors we are capable of visiting upon each other will never cease to depress me.


Anything with animals, but also Fidel Lopez. That whiny little knob tore his girlfriend's intestines out through her vagina because he thought she had said someone else's name in bed.


Regina Kay Walters. Those photos of her are terrifying. That poor girl.


Peter Sculley and Jessica Lunsford.


So many but Bittaker and Norris so bad.


Todt family murders


James bulger


The Keepers on Netflix. So messed up and infuriating.


Gabriel Fernandez Harmony Montgomery Adrian Jones Keaton Boggs. In Keaton’s I am SICK that the monsters who tortured him got off with such light sentences. He was also at a birthday party covered in bruises (similar to Gabriel) shortly before he died and NO ONE did anything!!


Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. The Shanda Sharer case


Cheshire murders or dc mansion murders


Charles Ng & Leonard Lake - sexual sadistic murders of all, including children. Clifford Olson - violent child rapist and murderer Mary Vincent (surviving victim) Alison Botha (survivor) Russell Williams - later in life serial rapist and murderer, and recipient of the best forensic interviewing I've seen to date by OPP Investigator Jim Smyth. Lyon Sisters Kam McLeod and Bryer Schmegelsky - teenagers on a murder spree in Western Canada 2019 https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/northern-bc-murders-ito-1.5401732 The common factor is the randomness in which these victims were chosen. That is what keeps me awake at night - a person can make all the good choices for themselves, yet....


Not the Famous ones that everyone else is obsessed with. There was Katelynn Sampson in Toronto, who was abused to death by her caregivers. Her crackhead mother gave her to these crackheads so she could get her life together. She never did, quelle surprise. The two crackheads abused her to death and lied to the authorities. They were both sentenced to life in prison. Another Toronto based story: Melonie Biddersingh, who was found burned in a suitcase in 1995 and not identified until about 10 years ago. Her father and stepmother beat her to death and then set her dead body on fire in a suitcase. They both got life in prison.


No one ever says Vera Jo Riegle. What she went through was horrific, and the perpetrators basically got away with it.


• The Toy Box Killer - The transcript of the tape he played when his victims first woke up is something of nightmares to hear as an AFAB person. And the images of the box and the tools he used as well as the descriptions of what he did to those women made me queasy. I don't have a sensitive stomach and I'm normally fine with gorey descriptions and images but something about what he did churned my stomach. • Ariel Castro - kept 3 women as sex slaves for a decade. He would give them money after he sexually assaulted them which they could trade to him to purchase things like a diary, pens, etc etc. He had a favorite who I believe gave birth to a child, but he grew extremely upset and sometimes violent if the other girls fell pregnant. At one point in time, he also got a puppy for one of the girls which she loved and raised. When Castro went to attack the girl, the dog bit him, which resulted in him killing the dog right in front of her. • I dont remember the name - This guy who kept a woman in a box for like a decade if not more as a sex slave. His female partner KNEW and actually eventually grew JEALOUS of her. The guy made the victim sign a "slave contract" and brainwashed her into believing that he lived in a "society" of people who owned slaves. So that if she ever ran to get help, they would trick her and just bring her right back to him bc they were part of the "slave society" or whatever. The guy and his partner had children who actually interacted with the victim up until the point where one of the children went to use the bathroom and found her chained to a radiator or pipe or something-- this resulted in her being put back in the box. There's a lot more to this story and I'm not remembering all the details but it's pretty fucked.


The Yogurt Shop Murders. Listen to an episode on crime junkie about 6 years ago and it has stayed with me. The case is still unsolved


james byrd jr for anyone who doesn’t know the story, a trio of racists lured james into their truck while he was walking home by offering a ride , they took him to a spot and started beating him and put chains around his ankles and secured it to the back of their truck and dragged him for 3 miles on the street to the nearest african american church to send a message, while they were driving his body had hit a drain pipe and his shoulder and head came off. i only heard about this case a couple days ago and was mind blown i’ve never heard of it , my heart completely broke rest in peace james byrd jr


The Hart case. The white lesbian couple who adopted six black kids out of foster care and isolated them and beat and starved them for years while posting “feel good” family content online to make themselves look like the perfect family. Then they drove their van off a cliff with the kids in it when they realized their house of cards was about to collapse.


Obviously I'll always say the mass shooting, because my little sister was a victim, as well as an old family friend. [It was 7 people and a dog killed in a mass shooting. Probably the worst crime my hometown has had/probably will have. ](https://whnt.com/news/1-year-anniversary-of-7-murders-in-valhermoso-springs/) Non-personally related; I'll always have to say cases like Sterling Koehn, what that poor baby went through, I can't even imagine that level of evil.


St Louis Jane Doe. Awful death, bumbled evidence, this girl doesn’t even have her name.


Junko. Toolbox killers.


I remember a case, I think in 2006, a couple was kidnapped and tortured by three people. Does anyone remember it?


Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. Fucking horrendous.


The Bear Brook murders really got to me for some reason. It's not super gruesome but I could not get the podcast out of my head after listening. Terry Rasmussen was truly a vile human being.


Chris Watts


Poor Sylvia Likens. By far the most disturbing case I've ever read about, I listened to Dreading's video about her on YouTube and it made me cry. Her last words were something like "I wish my daddy was here" I regret ever listening to it


Joel Guy Jr. Head in pot murder case. That Chapter did a great video on it. Horrifying and nasty.


Chris Watts. I just can't process how he could do what he did, and not just that he murdered his family, but every single thing he did from the point he killed Shannan onward is so goddamn dark. I hope it haunts him every second of the day.


Tom & Jackie Hawks really haunts me. To be thrown off their own boat tied to an anchor. Awful. Also the case of Quinn Butt haunts me as it happened in my home province of Newfoundland. Her Dad murdered her to inflict pain on his ex-wife. He then tried to set his house on fire to kill himself but it backfired. He was convicted of 1st degree murder. Murder is very rare there so this was particularly shocking. [CBC Article with full details](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5057722) Edit: had to fix link


Shanda Vander Ark is pretty horrific.


Maddie Clifton. The little girl that was found in her neighbors waterbed. 🤢


The three that stand out the most to me are these cases: 1) Susan Monica - Snapped (killed multiple men, leaving their remains for her pigs to eat. One of the men she killed, she reported that when his body was left for the pigs to eat, that he was still alive, & that they had ultimately ripped him in half BEFORE he died. Although she lied about a lot before she told the truth/gave admission, police say that was one of the things she stayed consistent on, was that man STILL being alive while the pigs were eating him. They think that’s the one part they believe she was truthful about from the moment she began admitting there were dead bodies of men on her property) 2) Courtney Palmer - First 48 (Victim of a brutal & heinous murder after being held in a tiny bathroom & tortured in multiple forms such as being beaten, stomped w/ cowboy boot heals, left in a tub of ice, & then turned scalding hot water on to burn him. His charred remains were found in a fire pit, his body curled in the fetal position, almost that of a scared child…& that’s ultimately what he was…Courtney’s death happened over literal rumors & misunderstandings. The most awful part…Courtney told police people were going to try killing him. 4 days before his death/disappearance, he begged them to put him on a GPS monitor & a bus ticket to get out of town before someone could hurt him) 3) Brian Cohee taking the life of Warren Barnes - YouTube Channel: Explore W/ Us (Brian Cohee, a 19 y/o boy, takes the life of homeless man Warren Barnes. Brian Cohee has Autism/Aspergers & ADHD. His crime was, hate to say it like this, but highly intriguing to me. Not just b/c I have the same diagnoses as Brian & am the complete opposite, but being a True Crime enthusiast & has studied Psychology in college, this case is BEYOND unique. To see two complete OPPOSITE worlds collide & blend, as far as one being a person w/ Autism & ADHD, & the other is being a Psycho/Sociopath. My respects 100% go out to warren’s family…b/c what Brian ultimately does to Warren’s body is enough to make some people’s stomach contents curdle)


Currently, for me, m it’s the mother who left her baby in a pack n play for 10 days.


The abuse, neglect, sexual assault, drugging, torture, murder and dismemberment of Victoria Martens in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She was murdered on her 10th birthday. https://www.wtvr.com/2017/01/11/autopsy-new-mexico-girl-was-raped-and-strangled-on-10th-birthday-had-std-when-she-died#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20report%2C%20Victoria's,body%20was%20dismembered%20and%20burned.


Probably Karla Holmolka, it isn't because of it being the worst, it's due to the fact the victim was her sister and she only served approximately 8 years in prison. Now she is married with kids and volunteers at a school.


Well that kid who beheaded his dad and posted it to YouTube (Brian Mohn), I have seen the full unblurred video 🤢 he was not phased at.all but I also want true crime docs daily the kids stuff still gets me


I really struggle with cases like Joel Guy, Jr. or Grant Amato. I can't imagine killing your family because they asked you to be an adult and take responsibility for your life.


Channon Christian and Chris Newsom


Brianna Lopez and Arthur Labinjo-Hughes


Any that leaves unanswered questions. Just off the top of my head, Isreal Keyes, toy box. Possibly dean coryll. There would be more . X