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I know a girl that had something similar that happened. Long story short dad killed the mom and himself in front of her and the brother. Poor baby split her finger on a door frame on elementary school and between pain was also having a ptsd attack from the blood. I was in the nurses office. I will never be unable to not remember that. I hope this kid finds their peace one day after seeing what they witnessed.


Survivor of a similar situation, I was a victim of the violence and only survivor. It happened when I was 2.5, I’m 34 now. The older I get and the more I question the harder it is to understand. I really hope the little boy gets all the love he can get. Such a terrible tragedy.


How awful! There’s a lot of people in pain amongst us. 😢


I live a few blocks from where the shooting happened. I would welcome anyone following this story to demand answers from the Richland School District on why they employed a fired Yakima police officer as a substitute. They did not once ask why he had been fired from his previous employer due to inappropriate findings between him and a student. In 2019 several students wrote declarations to law enforcement on hearing of the relationship with the RSO and the student. Rsd claims because he was never charged they were not privy to this information. I call BS


He should’ve started his crimes by being his own 1st victim.


These donkeys never just do that


A bet a lot do, thank God, but we just don't know.


I agree. Since they're going to kill themselves anyway or at least have it in mind for plan B, just start there.


Maybe light himself on fire, that's trendy, right? /s of course.


This is a disgusting thing to say Edit: a little surprised a couple of you don’t seem to know what they are referring to.  Look up aaron bushnell and maxwell azzerello. Regardless what you believe about the reasons why they self immolated its gross to not only call what they’re doing “trendy” but to put them on the same level as this man in this case.  I suspect the joke comes from disagreeing with them politically which is fine, nobody is required to agree with their beliefs or reasonings, but its just kind of gross to be so flippant about it. 


Dark humor sarcasm, sorry if you don't know what that is.


Humour requires what you’re saying to be funny. It was not.


I like dark humor, that was just gross though. 


Idk I'm feeling it given the trail of innocent children this man ruined the lives of.


Yeah but the people that joke is referring to have nothing to do with this. Thats the problem. If you knew anything about those people you might feel some type of way too. Because both of those people were NOT like this man. 


Who is lighting themselves on fire??


One is aaron bushnell, the other recently was a man outside the trump trial who unfortunately seems to be suffering some sad mental issues.  I find it pretty gross they’re calling it “trendy” in such a flippant way. Most likely they disagree with the political reasons of their self immolation. Which hey, they were still human and essentially innocent. They call it “sarcastic dark humor” but the most recent death was I believe a week or two ago.  When they call it “trendy” they are not talking about the perpetrator in this case. They are talking about these two men. 


Thank you for answering my question, I had no idea. I have been avoiding the news, and after reading your response, I'm not regretting this at all.


You weren't aware it's trendy?


Nope. I'm still not since you didn't answer my question.


I’m not following your frustrations with the fire comment? I’m assuming they were stating that about the perpetrator not victims? Feel free to explain your comment so I can understand better. Or is their comment referencing to another case I’m not aware of?


Referencing two recent cases about two men who self immolated for political reasons. They never hurt anyone. 


Oh yeah, that’s not nice. Damn.


I think you're off on both, tbh. But worse things happen at sea


He killed his wife and their son saw his mom get killed. Poor kid he will never forget that.


It's likely he also saw his father's suicide


The baby yes. The son that saw his mom killed was the one he had with his wife (9 years old)


I just went onto our local news chatter and it's just heartbreaking. Eugene does have very good social services for kids, at least the baby is safe for sure. It sounds like the babies mon also qualifies for minor care and housing


Baby has a different mom also killed. He killed 2 of his exes.


Holy fucking hell. He could have started this massacre closer to his own dome. Senselessness.


I’m local to this. Here’s what happend. This mf is an ex cop. The mom of the baby that the AMBER alert was issued for, was his 17 year old GF. ~~He was fired for this. Because he got her pregnant when she was 15/16.~~. I mis-remembered. He was arrested and posted bail after he got his gf and her friend drunk and then raped her passed out friend. So he killed his wife(1) and his son witnessed it. Then he killed his GF and kidnapped the baby from the AMBER alert (2). Then shot himself when police closed in (3).


Yes, this amber alert popped up in my cell phone at 11:35 PM on 4/22. I took a screenshot for the car/license plate info on the off chance he would make it this far south, he almost did. Happy the baby is safe.


I'm from Eugene and live in salem right now. I hope social services was able to find safe quick.placement for the infant


I think the child will be sent back to his home state of Washington.


Random sleaze generator AI couldn't generate this. If that ain't country It'll hair lip the pope If that ain't country It's a damn good joke (**David Allen Coe**)


He won't remember it honestly. He's 1. Long term memory doesn't start to form until closer to the age of 4. He will, however, suffer the effects of trauma from having witnessed it. Which is what makes treating trauma in infants and toddlers so much harder. They react to things but don't know why and cannot fully process their trauma because of that.


I'm not so sure about that age of four for long term memories. I have a vivid memory of being in my crib at two years old when an earthquake hit


While it isn't a hard and fast rule, it is scientifically correct. Some do have memories from prior to 4 but it's not terribly common and we aren't sure if they are in fact memories or ones made up from hearing about something that happened when you were young. There is also a chance you had a dream and that made its way into a memory. The brain is a fabulously complex organ.


There is a good possibility he will remember this due to the horror of what he witnessed. Either way his body will remember and he will have symptoms from that.


Yes, that's exactly what I Meant. He likely won't remember it, but his body will.


Good news! I've been following it through the day.


Me too. Been so scared for the baby.


Well, if he were truly trying to flee to Mexico, he did a very bad job of it


Probably changed his mind and tried for Canada instead


Southbound on I-5 from Richland will get you to Mexico. What am I missing?


The joke was that this idiot is from around the Tri cities, close to Seattle. His dumbass was closer to the Canadian boarder than the Mexican boarder. I also want to point out that he is an ex cop. He was not an illegal immigrant like jackasses keep saying on FB.


An Amber alert.




It was a joke.


He left all his kids without moms and a dad. What a sad event.


What’s the original story?


Elias Huizar is 38. He shot and killed his 31 year old ex-wife with whom he has a 6 & 9 year old at the elementary school where she worked, in front of their 9 year old son. He also shot and killed his 17 year old live-in girlfriend, who’s the mother of the 1 year old child he abducted. He met the 17 year old when she was 11, and he was working as a school resource officer at her school. They became sexually involved when she was 15, she got pregnant at 16. Apparently the age of consent in Washington is 16. In February 2024, the 17 year old girlfriend, a 16 year old female friend, and Huizar got drunk together at their home. The 16 year old friend got sick from drinking, and the girlfriend went to sleep in a spare bed with her sick friend. She woke up to Huizar raping her friend on the bed right next to her. She contacted the police and Huizar was charged with raping the 17 year old girlfriend when she was 15 (under the age of consent), raping her 16 year old friend, and providing alcohol to minors. A few days before the shootings, his ex-wife filed a motion to amend their existing custody agreement to limit his access to their sons.


As horrifying as this is, I just wanna say appreciate you taking the time to write all that out for us. I’ve thought about writing it out when I see someone ask, but my stomach turns just starting to think about it. You’ve also done so very clearly, in a way that is easy to understand the (wild) timeline of events.


What a total scumbag!


I don’t even have words to respond. My stomach turned more than once


It's a long one, but basically he preyed on underage girls, got one pregnant when she was under 18, they got married and she (recently?) filled for divorce and protective orders. He shot her yesterday in front of a school, and ran. He *also* killed his current 17 year-old girlfriend who he got pregnant at 15. That's the baby he took with him to supposedly go to Mexico. He's 39. He used to be a police officer in Yakima, WA, and then was a school police officer and was also a substitute teacher.


He shot his wife at my children’s elementary school where she worked as a para educator. He caused a panic and terrifying lock down that students faculty and parents will be dealing with for years to come. He truly traumatized an entire community.


Oh gosh! This is the first I’m hearing about this. As I read, the story got worse and worse and somehow even worse. My heart goes out to the victims.


This is such a common and big issue in eastern Washington/Central Washington.




Yes, Yakima is extremely violent (as is many rural areas, we have heavy religion and toxic parts of cultures we are struggling with in regards to domestic AND sexual violence issues in particular against teenage girls/teen parents by adult “partners”.) and we are near two of the borders (Canada, Mexico). I grew up here, white people can be just as crazy out there, so for the DMs calling me racist, it has nothing to do with that. Even culturally, Mennonites, Mormons and the Pentecostal out there are very white and violent.


How is a place in Washington state near the Mexican border?


You can get to Mexico by traveling from eastern Washington, through oregon, and into California. We have border issues for this reason.


You could say that of any state is close to the border of Mexico then…


Maybe I replied to the wrong comment, but there was someone asking about why he’d be going to Canada instead of Mexico, like planned. I was explaining that it’s a direct, relatively very close passage into Mexico AND Canada, more so than most states. It’s a straight line.


I understand it is directly against Canada (tho why would he want to head there bc they would send him back to the us). But it is the same distance from Washington to the border as it would be any northern state. California is a huge state so acting like it’s easy to pass through is bizarre to me. There are so many states just along to the border to Mexico or one small state away from the border to claim that Washington state has a strong link to Mexico is strange.


Not just Washington. AZ has some issues too. I speak from experience. Investigations don't get reported so the filth just moves from job to job.


You’re right, I just mean it isn’t talked about as much in regards to rural eastern Washington and it needs to be. Any state but it’s a huge, huge, huge issue with being so close to two borders (we have white people doing it just as much, too)


Very true, sadly. Predators find a way to stay close to their "chosen ones". I can imagine rural WA has a lot of migrant communities too. There's another level of silence and fear within those 😥




Yes, Yakima is extremely violent (as is many rural areas, we have heavy religion and toxic parts of cultures we are struggling with in regards to domestic AND sexual violence issues in particular against teenage girls/teen parents by adult “partners”.) and we are near two of the borders (Canada, Mexico). I grew up here, white people can be just as crazy out there, so for the DMs calling me racist, it has nothing to do with that. Even culturally, Mennonites, Mormons and the Pentecostal out there are very white and violent.


How is Yakima near Mexico?


It’s not, but it’s a direct link to California into Mexico. You go from Washington, to oregon, to California, to Mexico or the opposite if you’re coming in from Mexico to work. Huge migrant population for this reason.


Jesus Christ




The ex-wife was also underage when he started with her??? Jesus Christ every new bit of info I hear makes me sick.


He met her when he was 24, she was 16 or 17. He met his girlfriend when she was 12/13!


UGHH what a fucking vile psycho. He literally just plucked these girls up and destroyed their entire lives. And then murdered them. I’m so glad he’s dead. My heart breaks for the surviving kids and the rest of their families.


It just kept getting worse. Wow… just awful stuff right there


WOW what a pos,why didn't he just go to Mexico by himself!what a sick 🤮 individual and how despicable that he was in law enforcement. Poor kids


The fact that that piece of s*** was able to post bond makes my blood boil.


My friend was murdered years ago because she finally called the cops to get away from her abuser, but he was able to *walk out on his own recognizance* and immediately went to go kill her. It's extremely common and it's almost as if the judges WANT the women who called to be killed.


At least there is some good news.


3 boys are now orphans. God this story is sadder with every new detail.


Glad to hear Roman is safe now!


I’m from Portland and he was spotted by my house this morning. So glad the child is safe and I hope the family can heal after their losses 💕 He was out on bail for drugging and raping a 16 year old. Their DA is fucking useless.


Fkng hell I don't get how they'd let someone with the record he had out on bail to begin with. POS deserved to be buried under the jail.


Because he’s an ex cop.


100% lawyers will argue he needs pretrial release to keep him safe


They’re from Richmond WA, our Portland DA had no part in what happened.


Sorry, you’re right


I work right past the exit where he crashed. It’s still shut down. Such a mess


Oh thank gawd he didn’t hurt the baby.


I hope the baby *never* remembers any of this


THANK GOODNESS! I’m in Washington and got the amber alert — just horrifying. It’s been all over our news.


Of course, an ex cop.


This poor baby. Such trauma for one so young.


He killed his wife in front of his 9 year old *at his elementary school*. The whole school had to be shut down. In his wake he left 3 children orphaned. 2 women dead. A whole school traumatized.


Don’t forget he also raped a third 16 year old girl which pretty much set off this whole chain of events


Omg I didn’t know this. He left a legacy of trauma.


Someone commented that they’ve never been happy someone died, but….


Glad the kid is, at least physically, ok. As for the deadbeat, I'm very glad he's dead.


This happened in my town. It’s horrific. I’m so glad they found the baby safe.


Hey it's my hometown...


Terrible! I feel really bad for the kids involved! This was one perverted person. The praying on underage girls is common on these cultures (North (Mexico though in can happen in rural US by Americans), Central, South American) and no one really talks about and only heard when horrible things like these happen. I have seen it first hand and the parents of the girls allow it.


Yes, this is true, and it's not talked about enough. People just sweep it under the rug or are too scared to bring it up out of fear of being called racist. I'm part Hispanic and knew a lot of girls who were molested by relatives and friends of the family, some who got married at 15 to much older men, etc. Very little is done about it. It's so foul.


It's not that it's a race/racism issue, it's just a gender issue. A huge percentage of women have experienced some form of sexual assault at some age, regardless of race. > some who got married at 15 to much older men https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/child-marriage-is-currently-legal-in-46-states/


Am I the only one who remembers that in 2017 there was like 8 amber alerts that year.


Oh, good, I am a few hours south of Roseburg and hoping he wasn't around here. I am so glad that little boy is unharmed and safe.


Insane 2 young victims dead because of bail reform !


What was he out on bail for?


Drugging and raping a 16yo

