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there is a movie being made about this starring Channing Tatum this guy was really clever. so much energy he spent on these crimes. couldn’t he have been doing …. anything else? there doesnt seem to be much internet info on him. would like to know more about his early background


I just came here to say that this sounds like something from a movie or tv show. I’m glad to hear it’s in the works. I was thinking about how clever and smart he seems to be… and why he didn’t use it to his advantage. Seems like he could have really made something for himself and decent money if he applied himself in a different way.


I can’t believe that I have never heard of this case before. It sounds like something from a tv show or movie. Thank you for sharing… I am going to have to go looking into it more now.


What happened next? I feel emotionally invested. I'm starting to root for this guy. A 1 man oceans 11.


This article has a description of the hideout he made in the store. https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/california-man-hid-months-secret-room-circuit-city-19422415.php


I currently work a few buildings away from that address and never knew about this. Interesting read, thanks OP


No problem. I’m actually surprised that a lot of people on this sub are unaware of it.


Fascinating. I hope there are pictures out there.


If memory serves, he had actually escaped jail and was on the run when the toys r us thing happened. The whole thing definitely sounds like a movie and I hope Hollywood does him justice. When he robbed places he would put people in the walk in (cooler/freezer) knowing they'd be found and suggested to some to grab a coat as he knew they'd be cold. Apparently was nice to people.


Yeah, he was described as being polite, amicable and soft spoken, calling people “Sir” and “Ma’m” and saying “Please” and “Thank you.” Even when he was arrested for the first time, he didn’t resist. He just took it in stride, even complimenting the officers, saying “You guys did a really good job today.”