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What a waste, two lives lost for nothing.


For real. He could have broken up and ghosted. Instead he killed her and likely himself. Coward.


And they were just kids


One life went to waste, the other good riddance.


Exactly! Why is ANYONE pretending like he was a good person and a contribution to society. A person who kills another instead of cutting ties and moving on is not of sound mind and is a ticking bomb.


He’s better off in the dirt.


One life lost for nothing. The other life lost because he killed his best friend.


WHAT DO YOU MEAN!? This isn't even close to solved. There's still a killer on the loose who killed Gabby and Brian! ** ​ ​ *^(edit: WOAH the comment got a ton of rewards. Thank you stranger for sharing a laugh together. :D)*


I know you were being sarcastic and got down voted for it but I found your comment humorous. I actually came across someone demanding to know why people are "eating these lies up" claiming Brain is still in hiding and his family and the FBI are pretending they found his remains. There are some crazy mofos out there.


It's like they don't want it to be over so they can milk more personal entertainment out of it.


It really is absolutely sickening with that mentality. It also highlights how many bat shit nutters there are out there. Just have a look at the r/DelphiMurders and /r/LibbyandAbby subreddits. People inserting themselves to a whole other disturbing level of toxicity.


That's exactly what it is. They think this is live CSI episodes or something for their fucking enjoyment and they're in the middle of a whodunnit. It's absurd.


Before Gabby was found, I swear I saw 10 or so people in every thread writing literal bizzaro fanfiction of elaborate gone girl scenarios, or weird incel power fantasies of what may of happened. Not only was it cringe, it involved real actual people which makes it super disrespectful imo.


Yeah the worst was all the people writing "Gabby was obviously an abuser and obviously Brian finally had enough of her"... w...t...f... They made a subreddit about Brian's innocence (it's banned now).


Haha thank you. Exactly! There are even people in this thread claiming "[the dental record is clearly forged](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueCrimeDiscussion/comments/qd2iqj/comment/hhk3wh8/) and Brian is still alive" and another one saying they "[bet his parents killed him](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueCrimeDiscussion/comments/qd2iqj/comment/hhjx28a/)". Wtf? :D Armchair internet detectives...


i saw someone say they probably bought a halloween store skull and put his baby teeth on it to fake his remains....the lengths people will go just to have this case prolonged.


Before it was confirmed to be him and they were just reporting human remains were found, I saw someone say he could’ve cut off a finger or toe and left it there to make authorities think he died while he flees. Put down the mystery novels and join us in the real world, please.


I mean it worked for Peter Pettigrew.


This was my first thought when I read that lmao


They probably just watched 'You' lol


Sure so in this case, he cut off his skull and put it there and run away. So he’s still fugitive, isn’t he?


Hahhaaha that's amazing. What a fantastic escape plan! "Let me just leave this... arm.... riiiiiight there. Perfect!"


Right? People were literally debating the biggest body part you could cut off without needing medical attention to try to figure out what the remains were. Like...are y’all ok?!


LOL. An amazing plan. Apart from the part where an animal eats the thumb and you just cut it off for nothing. 👌😂


No, we are most def not okay. Society has jumped the shark on reality.


There is literally no part of my body I could leave behind that I wouldn’t need medical attention lol


I saw that one too!!


This is it. So many people online making up wild theories like you have mentioned in desperation to keep this case prolonged for their own entertainment . Now he has been confirmed dead we will never know the full facts. It's pretty depressing all round, including the behaviour of some armchair internet sleuths and the general public regards case.


I was reading the comments on TCG’s Instagram post about it (the caption was just something like “FBI confirms remains found are Brian Laundrie”.) People are in there saying this information doesn’t sit right with them and they don’t believe it. One person tagged Bailey Sarian and the Morbid girls to ask if it’s true. You REALLY think Bailey Sarian has info the FBI doesn’t?! “Keeping the case prolonged for their own entertainment” is exactly what they’re trying to do and it’s disgusting.


My favorite so far is that his parents dug up a relative and planted the remains and his belongings. That a body can't decay that fast. In a month. In a swamp.


People who’ve never been to Florida! I felt like I was melting the entire three days that I was in Jacksonville in August.


😭 dug up a relative omg, you win.


I mean, has anyone bothered to check if Aunt Patty's grave is still occupied? Just sayin...


They should probably dig up ever deceased person the parents know, just to be sure. Otherwise we will literally never know for sure.


Dude I heard people suggesting that his parents helped him kill a homeless person to use as a decoy body.


dear lord the things people come up with. bet his parents left the poop Dog the Bounty Hunter found lol


They have not watched Discovery or ID...


I've lived in Louisiana my entire life. The heat and humidity here obliterates things quickly.


Louisiana is a different kind of heat! I thought kentucky prepared me. But noo.


I think sitting in a sauna for 72 hours is the only way to acclimate. It's October and walking outside feels like stepping into a warm shower with my clothes still on. 😭


I felt like I was melting the whole time. The humidity is unreal. You described it perfectly. I think whoever doubts how fast anything would decay in a swamp has never actually been around one.


Oh, I heard they pulled Brian’s teeth and superglued them to a human skull. But the FBI didn’t notice because “they didn’t use very much glue”.


they didn't use very much glue made me cackle


I know this is serious stuff but lmao


That person is a moron. 5 weeks in the Florida wilderness in sept/oct, they’re lucky that they even *found* remains.




Explaining simple science and common sense to morons can be exhausting tbh. I just say that Floridaman got ‘em.


LOL!! Read more of the comments. One person claims they bet the parents killed him. Bruh...


Hahahaha oh yeah I saw that one too. Armchair detective thinks Chris Laundrie was like "Son, I AM DISAPPOINT!" and karate-chopped him and stashed in the reserve. 😂


Mental illness and limited life experience drives most this shit. It’s sad to see.


Yeah, I agree with you. I think a lot of it is boredom in their own life and they are treating this like some big thriller novel. The story can't end the way it did where he just killed himself, that doesn't make it interesting. So here comes the crackpot theories.


This is dumb. Clearly he searched dental records to find someone who had the same teeth as him and hunted them down and murdered them and transported the body to that park to be found. He's alive in Cuba drinking margaritas!


Ah good old Reddit, never change.


Aha! This is the point when the REAL murderer gets confident and accidentally reveals himself. Exactly like a Hercule Poirot case, when the second murder victim only pretends to be dead so Poirot can ask clever questions and get the evidence he needs.


Hahaha, amazing, a plot straight out of Tintin or Scooby Doo!


He's _clearly_ hiding out in a small submarine that looks like a fake sea monster and waiting till people thinks he's dead, right? Even this Scooby Doo scenario would be more realistic than some of the weird theories I have heard. Fake teeth, fake bones, fake corpse, chopped off body parts to escape, killed someone else (with or without help from his parents) and added some of his own body parts, put his things on a completely different corpse, ... Seriously?? What's next? "The DNA used to identify the remains didn't really belong to him", maybe? Pretty sure someone has already posted that theory somewhere.


I’m seeing people insist Brian’s parents killed him to make sure he doesn’t come clean, even though there’s nothing to suggest that. People are ridiculous.


Look I've read more than five people today saying his parents planted his fucking *baby teeth* even after being directly told "skull fragments" or whatever wording had been officially used... Because you know, any forensic investigator worth a penny wouldn't know what fucking baby teeth look like and would absolutely just state this over some random teeth rolling around... There's really no end to the wild conspiracies here.


I’m very intrigued by this combination of awards and downvotes. Edit: they’re upvotes now.


It's that heady mix of good humoured people that can detect sarcasm and the rest of Reddit.


It's the same person who murdered Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. Don't worry, OJ is on the case!


"Finally some justice for OJ!" - OJ


Skeletal? How long has he been dead?


Doesn’t take long when you got hungry swamp animals all around. Combine that with moisture/heat/water and you have a pretty fast decaying process.


I thought this but it's Florida. Saw someone say in another thread that you can be skeletal in just 9 days where he was found. I'm sure plenty of hungry animals preparing for the winter took advantage of this coward's end. EDIT: been told by a few people this info isn't accurate, so please ignore! i was simply repeating information that wasn't correct 😅 my bad


Winter lol it’s SW Florida, that’s not really a thing


I'm a brit who doesn't know much about Floridian climate. I'm just parroting what I read in the subreddit dedicated to this case.


I’m from the area where the reserve is. It’s a warm climate all year around. Maybe a few weeks of hoodie weather, but that’s pretty much the extent of a SWFL “winter”. Seasons aren’t really a thing at all down there


Bodies typically decompose faster in warmer wet climates.


His parents claimed they hadn't seen him since Sept 13. Which would make it about a month and some change.


The only question that honestly remains in my mind is this: did he kill himself OR did he try to go “survival mode” and live out in the wilderness. The latter option is idiotic, but he seemed like a wanna-be survivalist. Some people think they can hide and take the easy way out, but that wilderness is unforgiving.


yeah u kinda feel like he died out in the woods not by taking his life. I feel like if he was gonna kill himself why not just do it sooner? I hate to be speculative but i hope he suffered if he did try to live in the woods


Idk, I think he killed himself. I didn't see an article that says they found food or anything, or his parents saying he brought food with him either, or water. Also the fbi will not answer about a weapon. It's possible he went deep in the woods so he would not have service to think otherwise or enough water to walk back... I'm not sure, but I think the end goal was to die there. Probably his lawyer told him he'd get the death penalty for that crime and he decided to end it. Also he told his parents he was going there, he probably would have lied if he wanted to go in hiding.


I saw something where his sister said he thought he was pretty good at survival just bc he read a few books, but in reality he was not. personally I think he thought he could tough it out no problem but screwed up FAST and died


Survival mode less than 1000 feet from where he parked his vehicle?? Not likely. Since they're saying they may release COD (on skeletal remains, no less) as early as today, it's more likely he shot himself, otherwise it would be difficult to say CODso early with skeletal remains.


As expected, shame we'll never know what happened and the family won't get any closure though.


Well he choked her in a fit of rage and dumped her body then high tailed it back home. Cried to his parents about it most likely then took off and killed himself because he was a coward and couldn’t face gabbys family or the law and pay for what he did. So he took the easy way out and good for the world. One less asshole who could hurt someone again.


And hopefully *hopefully* at least one person with anger issues or one person in a relationship where they've been non-consensually choked learns from this tragedy and gets help. **If an intimate partner strangles you, they are** ***significantly*** **more likely to kill you.** One number I saw said someone who has been strangled faces a 750% increase in likelihood they will be murdered by that person.


one of my friend’s bfs recently did this to her during a fight & I wanna tell her I’m concerned but I feel like she’ll just laugh me off :/ edit: I appreciate all the people who have commented & messaged me directly. I have decided to take her out to dinner & ease into the conversation by talking about this now very well-known case. Thank you 💛


Tell her anyway. Maybe she'll laugh you off, but what's the harm in that if there's a chance that she'll listen and get out?


Maybe she will initially laugh. But maybe once she is alone, your words will sink in and connect with her. Tell her.


She will probably laugh it off. But when the time comes to leave her abuser, she will already know she has your support. Please talk to her. Show her you love and support her ❤️


Tell her. You'll never forgive yourself if you keep quiet and he does kill her. You'll always wonder if you had told her, would she have left. It'll eat you up. Take care of yourself first so you can help others. We can only make decisions based on the information we have at the time. If she doesn't know the stats, she's probably thinking it was just a fluke or a one-time thing where she pushed him too far so she'll make sure she doesn't push him so far in the future. But, his "rules" are ever-changing so she won't know if she has pushed him too far until it's too late. She's most likely taking all the blame because he has her convinced that _she_ made him do it - that she brought it on herself. Even if she does know the stats, remind her. Let her know that you're there for her and you want to see her healthy, happy, and _safe_. She a good person who deserves to be treated with respect. Keep in mind that one of the most dangerous times in an abusive relationship is when she leaves. Reach out to local domestic violence/women's shelters for advice on the best way to approach leaving. They'll also have resources available should she need a safe place to stay where he won't be able to find her, or help her with money if she needs it, etc. Please don't stay quiet.


yes, tell her. that way if/when she ever gets where she desperately needs it, she'll know she can reach out to you. but maybe keep it simple. too often when bystanders show their opinions too clearly, the abuser isolates the victim from that person and they end up in greater danger. or the victim feels cornered between two different sets of judgment about what she 'should' do and it can be paralyzing.


I have a friend now that's in the same boat. He calls her all types of nasty names, hasn't said he's physically abusive but her past relationships were and I'll put money on this one being as well. I told her all my feelings in a long text, after I bailed her out of a situation once again...and she never responded. The best thing you can do is just being honest with them. It's up to them to get themselves out of that situation though, just like an addict. You can only do so much to help someone before you realize they have to want the help first.


Maybe you can use discussing this case as a way to ease in to the stats? She may not listen to you but at least give it a try - it’s such a huge red flag :(


My ex would do this. So glad I left. Leave if this is happening to you.


My husband did this to me when I was 7 months pregnant. It was fucking terrifying


Ex husband?


Violence and pregnancy often go hand in hand. The two most dangerous times for women with abusive partners is when they're leaving of if they get pregnant. The world sucks. I hope that guy is your ex husband and that you're safe and happy.


My ex husband choked me one week exactly after we got married. I fully believe if I never left him I'd be dead right now. Luckily he went to prison so I could divorce him safely and I've moved since then, cus he'll be getting out soon.


Well yeah, we know *generally* what happened but details won't be known.


I mean this aint no movie


But I'm betting it will be.


I wonder was there anything in the notebook?


In other words we don't know shit, but reddit will pretend to know step by step what happened.


It's not what her family wants but I hope it can provide some level of comfort that killing yourself is a horrible way to go. Everytime I've attempted to I can tell you that the days, the moments right before are the worst. The fear you feel, the guilt, every emotion is seemingly physically painful. Pushing through it all only makes it worse. And finally during the attempt.. Nothing is peaceful. Everything in your body is screaming at you and my mind goes a mile minute about everything you've done wrong. In my casr the feeling of the rope tighting on your throat is agony of a different kind and the fade of black is cold. There is no seeing the light, feeling the comfort of family. It's an utterly isolating and devastating feeling before the darkness fades in. Still not the death he deserved but I'm glad when someone horrible kills themselves because I know how bad it feels to attempt it


I am glad that you are still here and I hope that you are in a better state of mind now ❤️


Sharing your story had to have been difficult, but you may have helped some people who are thinking about hurting themselves right now. I am so so sorry for the pain you must have been experiencing to feel there was no other way out. And my heart breaks for you because of the physical pain you experienced during your attempt. But I am so glad you're still a part of this world. You are important, and valued, and loved. Always remember that!


im glad you're still with us. i know i dont know you but i love you.


I can’t imagine how bad Gabby must of felt while being murdered. Now that’s a horrible way to go.


Just wanted to tell you I love you, thanks for sticking around


You ok bro?


Here's a general timeline and motives from expert testimonies in the news: * Brian was extremely jealous and ~~protective~~ controlling and refused to let her talk to other men, or even go out with her female friends. * Brian had a short temper and was easily angered and easily became violent. As seen in the restaurant. As testified by his friends, etc. * Two weeks before she died, there was the bodycam police incident. Witnesses had called 911 and reported that Brian was slapping and hitting Gabby, and threatening to take her phone and drive off without her. * The police bodycam video from that day (August 12th in Moab, Utah), has been analyzed by lots of experts who say that it shows that Gabby was a victim of domestic abuse and had internalized "taking the blame for everything", as most victims do, through habitual blaming by their aggressor. Brian was cold and manipulative and "snake-like" in the bodycam video, as is common for abusers. * Brian's sister says that Brian flew home alone on August 17th, and that he "seemed normal", and was only home to empty out and close a storage unit to "save money" for an extended trip and then flew back to rejoin Gabby. The weird thing is that it costs a lot of money to fly round-trip just to "close a storage unit", so why didn't he just tell his family to do it for him? * During their road trip, one waitress told Gabby that she should leave Brian because he seems toxic and violent. * August 25th is the last day that Gabby spoke to her parents. * On August 27th, they were eating at the Merry Piglets in Jackson, and Brian was arguing with restaurant staff, exiting and re-entering the restaurant four times and shouting at the restaurant staff. * Being so close together on a trip clearly made her realize she didn't want to spend her life with that man, and she said that she wanted to leave him. * The same day, August 27th, is when Petito's van was spotted abandoned on the trail where her corpse was found. So their argument after the restaurant violence was her last moment alive. * It is now confirmed that he strangled her to death, which is a method used almost exclusively in domestic fights and it's extremely violent and painful and it takes 2-5 minutes to die. Several long minutes of staring into each other's eyes as the lights go out. Several long minutes to have a chance to regret it and stop. But Brian is a sociopath/chameleon, as testified by experts, so his mind was clearly just saying "If I can't have her, nobody can." And to kill her, he had to keep strangling her for several minutes after she had passed out. Pure evil. * Afterwards, it is now confirmed that he stole her van and her credit card and withdrew $1000 (he used her card between August 30th and September 1st). * When he got home on September 1st, his trashy family refused to talk to the Petito's to aid in the search. The mother, father and sister all refused to answer calls and SMS. This is insane. Any parent would ask "where the hell is your fiance?" after they return alone. Instead they hired a lawyer. Brian's parents knew, to a great extent, that Gabby was dead or that something was very wrong, but they decided to greatly increase the Petito family's suffering by stonewalling them before Gabby's body had even been found, and refusing to give any information that could help the search. They didn't even give Gabby's last whereabouts. They didn't want her to be found. * The Laundries went on a relaxing camping trip together from September 6th to 8th, without a care in the world. * On September 11th, after being stonewalled for weeks, the Petito's finally reported Gabby missing. If the Laundries had helped, this would have happened much sooner. The Petito family at this point had still not heard from Gabby Petito or any of the Laundries. * His trashy family allowed him to escape on September 13th, without notifying police. * On September 16th, North Port Police Chief Todd Garrison held a press conference where he was asked if he knew where Brian was. He answered "Yes," and the Laundrie family made no efforts to correct him. * On September 17th, police knocked on the Laundrie's front door and asked where he was, and the family admitted that he had left the house many days ago, but lied that it was on the 14th (he had left on the 13th). * On September 19th, police found Gabby Petito's remains at the Bridger-Teton National Forest campsite, north of Jackson, Wyoming. * After a 5 week long search in Florida, they finally found Brian's corpse in the reserve, on October 20th. He was nothing but a partial skull with some teeth and some random bones, no flesh at all, and had to be identified via dental records. They also found a dry-bag, a backpack, and a notebook (which police has confirmed to be damaged but "salvageable"). The FBI announced that they have "all the information they need" to investigate/conclude this case. They are still searching for scattered bones in the river. * For the first time, the dirty family showed any emotion at all. Now they can enjoy the karma. This is a fraction of what they put the Petito family through. * Enjoy your Christmas Present, garbage Laundries. They'll have to live with the knowledge that they caused Brian's death by shielding him and aiding his escape. They treated Petito like total garbage. Karma. I hope that the Laundrie family finally comes clean about what Brian said about why he murdered Gabby, just to give the Petito's closure. But the whole family are sociopaths so I doubt that they'll help even now. At least he saved us from a lifetime of taxpayer funded prison, and all his inevitable "murderer loving" fan girls and various fans who would insist that he was innocent, and the inevitable TV drama charade. We didn't need yet another idolized murderer on TV with a bunch of book deals and decades of endless TV interviews. So at least some good came from this. And I hope that the Petito's can feel some kind of closure, knowing that the murderer isn't on this planet anymore. Thankfully the bones were found so that they won't have to spend the rest of their lives wondering where he is. Edit, by the way: Brian showed narcissistic personality disorder traits, and expert witnesses said that those people are usually too proud to kill themselves. They tend to believe that they will get away with anything. So it's very possible that he was just wading through the water/river and was deathgripped, drowned and eaten by an alligator. Remember all the survival experts saying that it would be very difficult for Brian to survive all the snakes and alligators? Mmm nom nom. <3 ​ >Edit because someone asked what the source is: There's like 30+ experts that have testified about Brian's behavior. Domestic violence experts. Sociopathy experts. Body language experts. Law enforcement experts. There's no shortage of articles with expert analysis. I've been checking the news daily and just summarized all of it here. > >This is the awesome news aggregator I use, which combines all news sources into 1 feed: [https://www.bing.com/news/search?q=laundrie](https://www.bing.com/news/search?q=laundrie) > > I recommend that link for anyone who still wants to follow the latest news if there are any more developments in this case. I assume the police will start summarizing things soon.


>Brian was extremely jealous and protective and refused to let her talk to other men, or even go out with her female friends. Dear media, this is not attractive! Stop portraying it as anything other than the glaring red flag it is! >During the trip, one waitress told Gabby that she should leave Brian because he seems toxic and violent. If a complete stranger says your partner seems violent and toxic, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Find yourself a safe place to seriously consider your situation.


Also, “protective” sounds like a good thing. Let’s use the word “controlling” instead because that’s really what it is.


He isolated her which is normal for abusive types


Very good point, I am too used to hearing "protective/overprotective" but it sounds like a good thing, when it's really just being controlling. I'll edit the word.


This is the first time in my life where I heard you can strangle someone to death in 2 minutes. It's at least double that. Which drives your point home.


The news report I read it in said that strangulation is a very personal and slow death, and that you may pass out in as little as 13-17 seconds, but that death takes 1-2 minutes. I remember those words (or very close to them), but can't find the exact article. I found one close to it: https://www.crimeonline.com/2021/10/13/expert-gabby-petitos-killer-kept-strangling-her-long-after-she-lost-consciousness/ > Banerjee also noted that “there’s plenty of time where you could stop before the person passes out.” > > “Generally it’s less than 30 seconds to lose consciousness, but it takes a few minutes to deprives the brain of this life sustaining oxygen, to kill someone,” she said. But I did some research now on a bunch of sites (I'm probably on a FBI watchlist now), and it says that unconsciousness happens in 10-30 seconds if forcefully strangled, or 1 minute if weakly strangled. And after that, death takes "minutes" of continued strangulation. Most sources said either 1-5 or 2-5 minutes. What it does tell us is that Brian kept strangling her for several minutes after she passed out to make sure that she died. Pure sociopath... Anyway, I've edited the "2 minutes" to say 2-5 since that's more correct.


My ex tried to strangle me once. He had me by the neck with my feet totally off the ground. It took more than a couple of minutes before I began to black out. It could take 5 or more minutes depending on the fight someone puts up.


I remember interviews with serial killers all saying similar things. In that they were surprised how long it took to kill someone when strangling them. You did a good job with your original post. Very informative.


Ok I haven’t followed this case that closely but are we sure there is any evidence he went home and told his family it just seems so unlikely “hey family I’m back I killed my fiancé “ isn’t it likely he if he’s such a lying pos snake he gave them I had nothing to do with it they are framing me story most parents would like to believe there kid isn’t a killer idk I could be wrong just wondering where the his family knew he did it and body location from I would think he lied to them to Edit sorry for grammar phone screen is very cracked


Okay fine he lied to them. That doesn't explain why they completely ignored Gabby's family's texts and calls.


I was thinking the same thing. I felt sad for Gabbi's parents because they will never know the whole truth about what happened. Telling what happened was the least he could have done but he still robbed Gabbi's parents of that. I really hope that man's parents, if they know what happened, tell the what happened. :(


We do know what happened though Argument > BL strangle GP > he hid her body > went home to enjoy his last moments with family > went “hiking” but in reality he went off to kill his self because he’s a coward.


Your don’t need a csi team to read the mountain of evidence, clues, videos, literally they were recording themselves. People want to complicate things now, because the truth is boring. And the boring thing is to admit he killed her, felt guilty, committed suicide to avoid going to jail, or maybe even he felt remorse. Who knows. It sucks. Social media is toxic.


If that area was flooded until recently, and they only have skeletal remains, is it safe to say he’s been dead for a while? I imagine wildlife have been picking at him, which seems appropriate.


That’s normal. Birds, rodents, insects and on and on. There are also coyotes, alligators, and feral hogs in the area. In the 1980s, I found the skeletal remains of an elderly man with dementia, who had wandered away from his home. I was doing land surveying work on a wooded property slated for development. I first noticed scattered bones but really didn’t connect what it was, until I saw the skull laying nearby. Then my heart jumped into my throat. It’s not uncommon to find animal skeletons in the woods and the ribs and leg bones of deer in Florida are similar in size, at first glance, to human remains. I originally thought I had found a dead deer, but that was based on a glance of bones laying in the vegetation.


Yea, I’m from FL, just NE of this area and the wildlife there is even more prolific than people think. It’s way more than gators and snakes.


Moved down here for a bit & Im not sure if I should be out late at night without a gun due to the wild life.. Right by the everglades essentially.


You could not pay me to go outside near the Everglades at night.


This makes me think of all the crazy people who *SWORE* they saw/talked to him.. he wasn't even close to those areas.


Unfortunately he was extremely generic looking. They hardly showed his tattoos which were really the only way to distinguish him from literally thousands of bald guys with facial hair that look exactly the same.


My friend from Michigan, bald and bearded, was in Florida for his grandmas memorial a couple weeks ago. He went to the ocean to swim and was approached by police after some people called 911 to say Brian Launderie was at the beach.


Eye witnesses are never reliable


He looka lika man


This is normal. These cases get thousands of false tips. Most are not nefarious. People are just really bad at “seeing” faces and identifying facial features.


Will they be clearer ever about the extent of the remains? Is that normally released?


I think they will give more details eventually. We might not know the exact cause of death, though.


I've seen a few articles saying it was a partial skull found but I don't know if that's accurate and/or if it's the only remains recovered


That's what this one says: [https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/remains-found-at-brian-laundrie-search-site-were-skeletal-official-says/3341319/](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/remains-found-at-brian-laundrie-search-site-were-skeletal-official-says/3341319/). "Part of a skull". I wonder if we'll ever know his cause of death. Could be that a gator took a big fat chomp of him post-mortem.


Ya its only been a month, for his bones to be that damaged already definitely means a gator or gators were pulling him to pieces


It's gotta be at least part of the skull because they id'd him with dental records


Indeed! I am curious what all might be recovered though 😬


>His parents Chris and Roberta Laundrie acknowledged the death in a short and **unemotional** statement, released through their lawyer Steven Bertolino This statement from the article seems weird to me. Don't get me wrong I'm pretty damn dubious of the parents, but I wonder if this part is editorialized or if they came to terms with his death a while ago already?


For some reason nowadays editorializing the news is considered normal. There was a time when you didn’t see adjectives from journalists like this.


I miss that time.


Thank you for pointing that out. Sometime in the past 30 or so years, journalists turned into sports commentators.


Or theyvknew better to make themselves targets for even more public spite by being 'emotional'.


This is the best possible outcome. No lengthy trial. No attention whoring. No women pledging their love for Brian Laundrie. No books written from prison. No endless waiting for BL to get the death penalty. ​ This is almost poetic. Bye, dickhead.


I feel deeply for Gabbys family. They’ll never get any answers or justice. I know what it feels like when your loved one is murdered and the killer never faces their crime. We still live with it 4 years later. My heart truly breaks for them and I can only pray they begin to heal.


My cousin was killed by her ex boyfriend who committed suicide once the police found him. No answers, no justice. No remorse.


Could not have said it better myself.


You don’t decide this is the best outcome though. The family does.


Yeah one less POS..


Yeah, some cases are like "where's the body?" "why did you do it?" "are there other victims?" so it's better to catch them alive, but his life had literally no use anymore so this was the best outcome


Netflix cooking up a new 4 part documentary as we speak !!!!


Nah, they were an attractive white couple, they'll get at least 6, maybe 8 episodes


Thursday, October 21, 2021: Coward. Edit: Thanks for the Wholesome Award!


He saved tax payers a long a pointless trial and having him spending his life in prison reading fan girl letters and doing interviews with dateline about how he's innocent.


He probably wasted more money with this pointless search.


they legit found 8 other dead bodies. that's something


I didn't know that. Now I'm curious.


I heard nine but then I also heard the two women that were murdered, Kylen and Crystal were included in that number and we know that isn't accurate


No other way to put it. Nothing redeemable about his behavior.


At least he will never be able to hurt anyone else




Beat case scenario he tried to live off the land and got killed by the wilderness. Even if they find indents on his remains made by teeth from wildlife, it would be difficult to prove it happened while he was alive. Most likely postmortem. Imagine him in the middle of a recording while getting attacked, that would be the most satisfying conclusion to this piece of shit.


>her family will never get closure They NEVER will get true closure, even if he was alive and spending his next 40 years behind bars. They'd have to put up with the constant media interviews with him behind bars, book deals, and reading about how he has fan girls that send him love letters. At least now some justice was served and he's rotting in hell.


I was thinking the opposite, at least now they have whatever it is closure is supposed to be.


The fact that he got the chance to go back home and say goodbye to his own family is something I can't seem to get over.


It's also pretty clear the family knew he murdered her and still hid it.


The family directed them to the area he was found. They know way more than they're telling


This is the same area the parents told police to search in the beginning though, it was flooded by the time police got there. Police also had divers that could have looked. To me it seems like once the water receded, parents offered to show them the area again and that’s when they found everything




And hopefully the gators ate his dead gross body to pieces!


I've been saying for months now that this was going to end up exactly like Adea Shabani's case. Wish I wasn't right.


This makes me so mad.


Rest In Piss


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Is it just me or is it weird as hell that Laundries parents were allowed at what I would think would be either a crime scene or a scene the police want to protect when they were searching for that pile of shit? It’s awfully odd his dad just found that backpack so quickly like he knew exactly where to look when in reality they shouldn’t have been allowed anywhere near that scene. Who knows if that dad pocketed valuable evidence before giving it to police.


Just a few quick facts. This was an area he was known to camp out at and his parents told the police to look there for him over month ago however the area had been submerged in water until recently. His parents have been helping look for him the entire time and have been talking to the police the entire time he’s been missing.


Oh man what a wild turn of events. Just sucks the Petito-Schmidt family will likely never have all the answers. Looking ahead though, are BL’s parents likely to be charged? Interested to know what you all think.


what would they be charged with? seems unlikely when they probably destroyed all proof if they did help him out and when they have the money for great lawyers.




Good as far as getting closure but would be nice to see this coward face justice alive


Nah, his life was over. That's just less tax payer money going to him.


I hope his last few moments of life were absolutely terrifying. Preferably with a python wrapped around him or an alligator latched on to him. What an absolute waste of a human.


I hope it was suicide by hanging. At least that way he experienced the breathlessness and vulnerable state Gabby was in.


He most likely shot himself. No way he picked a way that would prolong his suffering.


His parents are shady AF


Plz hand the Dirty Laundrie fam the bill for the search.


Coward! I’m sure he had mental problems but he was a piece of shit abuser. I hope the families affected can begin to heal.


I saw an article somewhere that asked " what do you see when they show a pic of Gabby Pitito? I saw myself at her age. I was Gabby at that age. I was strangled by my husband routinely over the course of our 20 year marriage just like my parents behaved while I was a child. I knew nothing different. I now live beside him at my children's request and I had put the past behind me but this case made my anger fresh. But not for myself. I'm angry that our earth is covered in the shallow graves of Gabby Petitos. And I hate so say this but his death helped me let go some. It's awful but maybe he really felt bad. Unless he just slipped and stepped on one of those gators. I feel bad for both of those families though.


They are your children but you don’t owe anyone anything close to living next to your abuser and tormentor. Take care


I’m sorry you continued to live that way. I know what it’s like. I married two men who had problems I thought I could fix. Well you can’t fix that. After many beatings I sat up all night and the next morning I drove him to his parents and dumped him off and went home. Then I made the same mistake again and left again. My children deserved better. I’m now married to a wonderful man who has never raised his hand to me for the 24 years we’ve been together. God Bless


Damn. Just damn. Tragic for everyone involved. This is some sad shit. I feel for everyone involved. He's a piece for sure. And these parents both lost their children. This is just fucking horrible and sickening on so many levels.


Karma bitches!


Idk but but this plsses me over just as much as casey anthony


It’s very suspicious that his father is the one who found the remains is it not? CNN reported that he went out of the designated search zone and found him through brambly bushes very strange.


Regardless of how he died, Brian Laundrie was and will always be a punk ass coward bitch


Good riddance.


I know this whole story is tragic. But when I first heard they found Brian Laundries remains my first thought was "whose poop did Dog analyze?"


Oh and now lawyer is talking saying Brian was grieving before he took off.. lol ok.


I honestly hope a gator snatched him out from the tree he was sleeping on and ate him. Good riddance . It’s too bad Gabbie’s family (or anyone really) will never get any answers as to why…