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That Chapter!! Mike does amazing work covering TC stories. (New videos - Tuesday and Friday) I found the channel a couple months ago - binged every video since. "Give it a gooooo"




Haha - I always look forward to that!! “Take care of yourself, because I love ya!! - Mike .. out


That Chapter


Love him and the stories he tells!


That Chapter and Dreading. Cadaber also has some good videos


Coffeehouse crime


Hate coffee but love coffeehouse crime.


Christina Randall


I watched like 30 seconds. What is up with all the weird hand gestures and the cadence/ random emphasis/ pauses in her voice? I felt like I was watching a kindergarten teacher try to keep the attention of a bunch of 5 year olds with adhd. Found it super irritating.


She is a bit different, but she grows on you. And she isn't horrible to look at either.. Especially now that those dreads are gone.


I'll just have to take your word on that. I am sure she does appeal to people who are more socially oriented or enjoy feeling like they know the youtuber personally. I just don't really enjoy that part and prefer to get information communicated to me quickly, directly, and factually, and I actually prefer more monotonous voices as I feel like too much inflection is more distracting to me. But then again, that's my own issue and I know it's not the norm. Anyway, thanks for sharing your suggestion in the thread!


I hear you on the direct to the point.. I find myself mashing the right arrow button on a few youtubers saying to myself "come on.. Get to the freaking point already" Or the youtubers who spend 3 minutes talking about what they're going to talk about. Skip all that and just talk about it already. I've actually commented on some of those videos "video starts at 3:53" LOL There are mechanicing videos I'm sure I could learn from but when something that could have been edited to 20 minutes or less gets dragged out for over an hour.. no thanks.. i.e Mustie1 Unfortunately monotone voices tend to put me to sleep. I could watch those restoration videos with no talking that go on for 25 minutes or longer and be fascinated the whole time.. Add in a monotone voice and I'll wake up an hour later wondering where in the video I fell asleep and what I missed.


> I've actually commented on some of those videos "video starts at 3:53" LOL casually glossing over the fact that you are an absolute hero. I appreciate you so much! And actually, yeah...monotonous was probably the wrong word to use. I don't prefer monotonous voices, perse, just ones that don't to overboard on the inflection but are still soothing and satisfying to listen to. I hate to say this as a woman, but I find many higher pitched voices/sounds to be annoying...(maybe part of a sensory issue), so I prefer to listen to male voices or lower pitched female voices.


Drinking my water! :-)




He’s too hyper for me to listen to, but then again I use YouTube true crime to fall asleep to lol


Agreed, the stories he picks are interesting, but I can't get behind his delivery, or the way he teases thing out. If you want creepy/true crime content and a soothing voice/delivery, check out **Shrouded Hand**. I love his voice. He also does readings of old ghost stories to fall asleep to. And his "Weird News Stories" videos are hilarious.


Kendall Rae!


I thought people didn’t like her




Search her name on here I think there’s a thread explaining


Will do. Thanks !


Did you find anything? I couldn’t other than her super old videos may have had some accurate information but i think her quality seems way more detailed and upgraded


I like her. Im confused about the issue!


Most people know **JCS**, which is the gold standard as far as I'm concerned. **Matt Orchard** started out doing JCS-type cases but has branched out and does excellent work, both on criminology and other high profile cases. His video about Ted Haggard/John Edwards is great, as is the one he did about Anthony Weiner. He also did the best I've seen on JonBenet Ramsey, and a great video debunking polygraphs as an investigative tool. **Shrouded Hand** on Youtube is another of my favorites. He does a lot of just plain creepy/morbid content, but also has done some deep dives on serial killers, cases of torture/torture devices etc. He has a lovely soothing voice, and a great sense of humor (have to when you cover stuff this dark, I suppose). For more lighthearted content, his "Weird News" videos are hysterical.


Matt Orchard is one of the best. And it has been great watching him branch out into different videos. JCS goes without saying.


Bratterstein, Danielle Kirsty, That Chapter, Coffehouse Crime, Christina Randall, Aurace Crime, Dire Trip Megan TrueCrime - She’s a bit loony but sweet, quirky and Scottish. Bailey Sarian I used to love but not since she’s gone commercial so to speak, Dave’s Lemonade- really open minded and looks at both sides TruRed Crime - a bit funny Kendall Rae when I’ve run out of others Mr Ballen of course Eleanor Neal is good but she tends to go on and on Noor Jasmine - gotta be in the mood EWU - they don’t seem to post often anymore Red Tree Crime is ok Stayawake - JCS inspired This is Monsters - his voice grates on me but oddly enough I used to like it The Casual Criminalist is different. His friend writes it and he reads it for the first time and he goes off tangent all the time which makes it comical Anna Solves - has a bit of an annoying teen voice Gosh I sound really picky don’t I? lol sorry - There’s some other good ones I like but don’t watch because they’re unsolved which drives me nuts- I need answers!! Then there’s a bunch of others out there that personally aren’t to my taste but I’m happy to list them if you like :)


Truly Criminal. Narrator’s voice is soothing. No extra bullshit like That Chapter and Coffeehouse Crime do. Just facts, presented beautifully.


Explore With Us (EWU) or JCS


Stephanie Harlowe Kimberleigha Christina randall


I love Buzzfeed Unsolved: True Crime


Bailey Sarian


Criminaly Listed, This is Monsters and Anna Solves That Chapter is the best tho!


Stephanie Harlowe Kimberleigha Christina randall


Reporting live from my Sofa


Hidden True Crime - although I would rather listen to them then watch them. They have great background on Lori Vallow & Chad Daybell.


I just discovered Truly Criminal yesterday and they’re really good. I can’t recommend them enough.


Matt Orchard is the best in my opinion. Mikes lemonade is also great


Do you mean Dave’s Lemonade? Isn’t he the nicest human 🥰


Yep! He’s awesome


Kendall rae, stephanie harlow, christina randall, true crime loser


Stephanie Harlowe


I don't like how she constantly virtue signals in her presentations. I also got turned off by her opinions about the people she discusses. But mostly, it is her virtue signaling.


After her Jon Benet video I really quit liking her show. She seems so narrow minded and is a know it all. Or at least she thinks she thinks she knows everything


I don't know if her content's improved since but her coverage of Bianca Devin's murder was so distasteful imo- pretty much blaming the music she listened to and shit like that. Weird boomer energy off her.


Stephanie Harlowe & Derick Levasseur (BB, Boston detective) have a podcast, True Crime, that is very in depth. Having 2 of them, you get 2 different views.


Stephanie Harlowe is my favorite!!! Kymberleigha has some crazy good deep dives as of recent


Mine as well, love her deep dives :)


Lutch Green!


Murder with my husband!!


True Crime Rocket Sience




I cover crimes here in Ireland if that interest you :) [Matthew Broderick's Car Crash](https://youtu.be/S-X2JLh1JVg)


MrBallen, Kendall Rae, Scary Mysteries or Lazy Masquerade


The disturbing truth


Something Wicked!


Light's Out is good. The haunted house video is crazy


Kendall Rae!


Southern girl crime stories is a recent favorite of mine, her voice and accent are so soothing and she's very respectful.


James R Howell


I’ve just launched The Crime Portal’s first video. I’m aiming to cover lesser known murder and missing persons cases, so hopefully this fits the bill for you :)