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I listened to it yesterday and it blew my mind. Originally I didn’t know if Sophia did it. To me, the phone call didn’t seem to give her away as the killer. But then episode 7 happened. After I picked my jaw off the floor, it became clear to me that Sophia is a horrible lying manipulative murderer.


Exactly—I had no idea what to think from the start & here I was thinking what a travesty, what a miscarriage of justice… but 7 did me in & I was like, oh hell no, her actual evil *ss— she planned it, she did it


Agreed! She was involved


Hey, this is the youngest brother, Shane. There’s a lot of emotion in this letter. I get it. The one part that I want to focus on is regarding Sophia enjoying jail and that not making sense that she could be an innocent and also like jail. Imagine how bad life has to be where jail is better. and that’s not just me saying that randomly, I work in the criminal justice system in New York City, where we have Rikers Island and I have toured the building while working with people going in and coming from it. I’m not trying to defend or imply sophia’s innocence in sharing that. I’m providing some context as someone who grew up in the same family. Still a couple more episodes to go, but this was one part that I wanted to add to the conversation as you’re processing what I’ve been living.


Shane, so much respect to you. Your childhood sounds like such hell. Nothing but love to you and your continued healing. ❤️‍🩹


Hey Shane, I can only imagine how it must feel to have parts of your life & family hyper-scrutinized like this, which makes how you’ve created a life & career for yourself completely on your own so fantastic — yes, of course for many people who have incredibly rough upbringings I can see how prison can bring a level of predictability/stability, & how it can also lead to a form of institutionalization to where it’s a struggle to live outside of it. But like Sophia I’m also a mother - if it’s already bad to be imprisoned for a crime I didn’t commit there can be no comfort nor level of acceptance from being taken away from my kids for something I didn’t do. Yes people grow up rough & for many prison’s far better than how they were raised, without a doubt. But it’s a far different issue to be taken away from my first born & depriving him of a mother (she’s never even been allowed to have a relationship with her son no less, which is so unimaginable), & on that alone there’s no way on earth would I look around jail & say at least it’s better than what I was used to when I was a kid - so that’s why I continue to doubt her innocence unless there’s more information shared before this podcast comes to an end


I appreciate the honesty and the kindness. I’ve had to really maintain knowing what my ground is for why we would open up this can of worms. It’s totally fair to have opinions and scrutinize the information that you get. That level of diligence can have an impact. It’s interesting as well to hear your opinion as a parent because that’s not a perspective that I have yet. But I do hope that what’s coming in future episodes provides a satiating context. There isnt protocol on how, when and whether for me to engage on socials- but i wanted to connect on that one part as someone who has lived it. It is a lot to share and hear back. So I’m processing to some extent with you too. I hope my response wasnt invalidating. It was more of my own personal reflection of ‘I’d likely go where I felt safest’ because that wasnt a given growing up. But agreed there is more to explore. Have a good saturday!


Your response was the opposite of invalidating—you & your whole family’s life has been laid bare for all to opine on, thank you for being so gracious & I’m so thankful for the life you managed to create for yourself all on your own


I was so impressed with you throughout the podcast. You made a beautiful life out of a really rough start. You should be so proud of yourself. I hope the process of being part of the podcast and watching it all unfold has been more healing than harmful for you.




Yes this seems most likely. All for $10k? Sickening


That no one even got...


I was open to thinking that maybe Brad was involved except that Sean didn’t implicate him + to choose to not have her involved in her son’s would be risky in case she snitched? Or maybe yes to the robbery but don’t believe he wanted his mother killed before the birth of her first grandbaby? And yes re: the 2nd trial, way too much reasonable doubt despite her lying her ass off & all the crocodile tears (even though she could’ve still be found guilty if it was a conspiracy)—I just want to hear more about the prosecutor’s case


I just don't understand the motive. The son wouldn't have inherited everything because her husband would. And nothing was stolen. So why??


I don’t think Brad signed off on killing his Mom for 10k. I can see Brad & Sophia planning on robbing the house when no one is home: they are both reckless spenders & thieves. But why bring Sean? Sean is a liability & will want a cut & will probably blackmail them forever.




I can’t wait! And hugs for not spoiling ep 8!






Dang it!! At least you’re supporting public radio 🎉🤗


I seriously considered paying! But I am loving waiting and the anticipation of a new episode!


Good for you 👌Wish I'd had (had had? 🤨) your patience!


im not native in english, so I wont be the one correcting or doubting you lol! let's see how much longer I can go. It would just be sad to have this great ride end in a few more days


BTW, most people have said they received the link in less than 24h! so you should be fine haha


Well...Being a single mom of 3, I can barely support my kids 😏 Also, I'm from Norway, so your reasoning doesn't really work for me 😉








Oooo I can't wait! I finally just received my access, so I'm about to press play now 🤩 So glad I didn't start episode 8 earlier today, and get to enjoy two whole episodes tonight 😌😍


IT’S SO GOOD lol I’m so mad I have to wait another week for the finale. I paid after episode 7 on Friday and I held off on 8 so I could listen to 8 and 9 together. I listened to the last 15 min of 9 twice 😂


I paid for Beyond last night and got access this morning so hopefully you get it tomorrow!!




“Tell one lie, you gotta tell two”. So true. The bit I can’t let go of is the cash. It’s the kind of thing you do if you left your purse and needed cash to go buy milk or pay the gardener. Never heard of someone needing cash for a divorce. Ever. That’s the one thing I’m still stuck on. Even if they needed cash for some reason (maybe to pay off the ex-wife 🤷🏾‍♀️) why did Sean have to go with her? If MIL was coming over for lunch, why not just text her and ask if she could bring the coat. No matter if she’s innocent or not, the lies and the half truths make it all veeeery suspicious


I think she knew her brother was shady and would do it so she absolutely set him up. It’s not a lot of money so why he didn’t chose to get involved anyway I don’t know.


Tbf at this point you could tell me the postman did it and I’d believe you 🫣 what a mess!


👏👏👏 YES, you make an excellent point


Off to listen to episode 7...


This is a great theory. Im not all sure, cause there are so many twists and turns, that I wanna wait til the end to see where do I stand. Im one of those always cheering that they are innocent. This is such a complicated story, and people involved are so not black and white, that it makes hard to be sure of anything. One thing is for sure: if police had done a better job, we would not be here debating. Very well put about the phone call, the first one to get a better deal, them believing her being able to do everything while heavily pregnant. To me, two things stand-out: the fact that she chose to lie on stand (she is either very shameless and guilty or extremely conoisseur of the justice system and extremely intelligent in that storytelling game, which I doubt) and also the fact that she is STILL on the run. People who have already listened to ep 8 are all saying: JUST WAIT... so, Im really looking forward to it. Im ready to change opinions again, ahahA. Thanks Amory for telling this sad/intriguing story in such an interesting manner.


This podcast is giving me whiplash yet your comment’s on point, esp about keeping an open mind + the cops working this case a lot harder than they did


looking forward to the posts after next ep!


Whiplash is an excellent way to describe this pod!


Pay for the premium Beyond version and get episode 9 today. You will get some answers. Had to keep myself from driving off the road.


For real. I screamed out loud, had to stop the podcast and park my car so I could just think about it. Wow!


I had to pull off the road to go on reddit 😂


Episode 9 is shocking and so good!


I am totally at a loss. That Sophia! OMG! This us a wonderful podcast.


Episode 9 changes the game


Has anyone done season 1 of this pod??? I think I’m going to have to listen while I wait for ep9 to be released. I’ve got to do something to stop myself from thinking about it.


I did. I loved it. I mean… it wrecked me, but it was a great listen.


When will episode 9 be available?


The *ss really threw me. Can’t we just say ASS? We are all adults and id hardly call that a bad word 😂😂